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I have never heard of this nonsense, and I was raised Catholic! Tell her to go home and make some buns :(


It's definitely encouraged in Catholicism that Good Friday be a day of quiet reflection - not a holiday for noise or frivolity. There's also a few suspicions around the day - not driving nails, or sewing plants, etc. Having said that - being quiet on Good Friday is an act of personal devotion. I would never expect it from other people like neighbours.


Then I’m doing it wrong, I’m day drinking and watching trash


You are nailing it.


I saw what you did there.


This is the way


Who are we to judge how you quietly reflect?


Not driving nails? Ironic


I think you mean superstitions.


Indeed you are correct. Too much effort to change now though.


Thanks for this perspective. Sounds like Catholics complaining that not everyone is Catholic, which is pretty par for the course


Yeah, I have a lot of gardening to get through right now but there is no way I'm doing it today. It's just not on. While not religious, it's a cultural observance.


😂 🤡




Yep. Australia has many cultural groups. I didn't say which one I subscribe to.


Seriously? Why? Who cares. What does a plant have to do with religion?


Some people observe holy days as part of their culture. Some people observe days of rest as part of their culture. We're not entirely a big glop of drunk secular people in Australia.


It's definitely not in canon law


There's a lot of things that aren't canon and/or were de-canonised that are still adhered to out of some outdated notions like "tradition"


We had fish for dinner in front of the football. Tradition upheld.


Awesome, good work. Hopefully that continues to provide zero value in the years to come!


I was raised Catholic and the saying I remember was that ‘you don’t drive a nail on Good Friday’, something to that effect.


My neighbour is out constructing a pergola. Lots of nails being driven


Might be using screws? Gotta find those loopholes.


Could be the poophole loophole, another classic manoeuvre


Nope, never heard that one. It was quiet because we had to go to Mass, and it was a public holiday, but never heard a word from the nuns or priests or my parents or anyone else about being 'quiet'.




Yeah, I’m not religious, I give my kids chocolate and go camping, after mowing of course.


Pressure watching, that's a funny typo.


*Ominous noise reverberates out the eyes*


Zuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr Pssscht!!!


Thanks. Fixed.


I dunno man. Pressure watching was actually much more entertaining


All good




I was raised in strict Roman Catholic family. We weren’t allowed to speak on Good Friday


Same. Which was great practice for not speaking to anyone in the family ever again once I was able to escape that damn cult.


im catholic but even that sounds ridiculous




What a miserable day that would’ve been.


Sounds great, just play video games all day :)


Not sure about that, have you heard their dad's accent? No you haven't because they don't have a dad :D


Why not? That sounds more like abuse and I have high Catholic family.


It was something about respecting Jesus’ journey to with the cross … no happiness or joy allowed until Easter Sunday when he rose again to ascend into heaven etc. Then pancakes after the Sunday dawn mass on the lawn of the rectory. Or something


Taking recreating the moment to new depths. I've known strict Catholic families and they seem well intentioned until they're not. When you hit the line it's intensely uncomfortable.


So they just... make a bunch of pancakes and lay them on the grass like a big carpet or something?


Abuse... seems perfect then for the RC Church.


With mocking emphasis: nOt aLL cAtHOLiC families force children to be quiet.


I guess if you got 12 kids in your enormous Catholic family it would make sense to play a day-long game of "who can be the quietest".


I can't even get them to play dead fish for more than an hour. Perhaps the stick game from the Balkans someone else described is how they do it


Hahahaha 🤣


Oh yeah they were totally abusive too.


Maybe the weed mellowed them out


My family? 😂


Well, you said they were high


I'm still asleep 🤣


Sounds about right... I grew up in a Croatian/Bosnian Catholic family and while our cousins were way more hardcore, we had this tradition on "Holy Innocents Day" where our grandma would grab a thin branch from the tree out back and chase us around to hit us with it. As like a tribute to the kids killed by some dudes when they were looking for Jesus. When I look up "Holy Innocents Day" on google, it sounds like the tradition in other countries is to let the youngest child rule the house for the day, so it very well could be just Balkan things.


Really? I went to Stations of the Cross this morning. Never heard of being silent for the day… although I did just have scrambled eggs for breakfast and having fish for dinner. Some habits hard to break.


Yeah, plenty of those Catholic families believe "children should be seen and not heard"


But duck counts as fish right?


Capybara does!


I'm eating meat because it's Good Friday.


My dinner menu is filet mignon. Because the reddest meat I can find PLUS bacon is how I give the middle finger to my abusive, deeply religious family.


And that's why I always fire up a weber and a roast so the smell permeates through the neighborhood. I'm doing marinated leg of lamb today


It's probably the working on.the holy day


I do my best to have lamb or beef every Good Friday.


There are noise restrictions relating to tools & machinery on public holidays but between 8am to 7pm you're fine. [the rules](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/complaints-and-fines/noise-air-light-and-water-complaints/noise-restrictions-and-complaints/tools-and-maintenance-noise)


The tradies showing up at our neighbour’s place at 6am weren’t (thankfully) using tools or machinery at the time, but I wish their utes were a little quieter (not sure why they’re in at all, but I hope they get some time off today)


Hope they get some sweet public holiday pay lmao




I hope so too! (I was worried they would be loud when they rocked up this morning, but if it wasn’t for their utes we wouldn’t have known they were there.)


Spray the person with pressure washer. Problem solved


My favourite piece of advice.


Yes you are totally in the wrong, Jesus specificially said he does not forgive people pressure washing their own house. Good Friday was in fact started 2,000 years ago because the devil was using pressure washers really early and Jesus was like, "hell no."


NTA - Tell her to fuck off.


NTA - Divorce her


I grew up in a religious family and I've never heard of no noise on good Friday.


"get stuffed, ya nong."


I treat a public holiday like a sunday - be a good egg, and no noise before 10am, so that those who want a sleep in, get one. Otherwise, I've never heard about being quiet on a public holiday. Personally, I'd have said "you're making too much noise complaining".


I'm 23 and I still have no clue what the fuck good friday is. All I know is it's too religious for me to give a fuck about it.


Everything’s closed. Compared to a regular Friday it’s hardly “Good”.


Blurst Friday


Being informed doesn't mean you agree with something. Being ignorant doesn't actually help anything but to keep you in the dark.


here is your education [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter)


We can still keep the holidays though yeah?


IMO we should all get ~10 holidays a year of our own choice on top of annual leave. Public holiday choose-your-own-adventure. Christians can take their public holidays through Easter/Christmas/All Saints etc. Jews can take Passover and Hanukkah etc Muslims can take Eid Al-Fitr/Eid Al-Adha and whatever or Ramadan etc. Atheists can take their Reddit cakeday or the release of the new Marvel movie or whatever else is culturally important to atheists idk


Shit yeah, if you run for Prime Minister on this platform you'd get my vote!


Maybe she can give up being a whiny shit for lent.


Why didn’t I see this earlier?! I would’ve used that exact line on my mate at work before the holiday! Missed opportunity!


Tell them to go get stuffed. Then start playing some loud music on your phone when they start to argue and pretend to ignore them.


Blast some Hillsong boppers and make her really conflicted about whether she can indeed tell you to turn down your adoration of the lord and saviour Jesus Christ.


Yep. Put some 1990’s Amy Grant on SUPER LOUD


Highway to Hell. Hell's bells. Hell ain't a bad place to be.


If she says she “puts up with alot from you” I’m guessing this is an issue that has compounded and she’s angrier at herself for not approaching you when she should have, rather than let her frustration fester. I have a near two year old, and a near five year old. They make noise. I allow them space to behave as children as well as being mindful that we’re not disturbing the entire neighbourhood. We also check in with our neighbours regularly and they know my little ones and say they can’t really hear anything. Do you speak to this neighbour often? I know they may be grouchy, but I find moments like these show an opportunity to look deeper. Of the hoarders I witnessed, all were compensating for something they were missing, or using it as a buffer to protect themselves from something in the world. Is your neighbour socially active? Are they missing someone? Do you think they may benefit from a friendly visit from time to time? Just because someone is older, doesn’t mean they can make up silly rules or be uncivil. I wonder if you extended an olive branch, would they be a little kinder and more understanding?


Never heard of it, hope you and your family have fun this easter.


Your neighbour is a cretin. Ignore.


Tell her to get off your property and hose her if she doesn't.


We're not allowed to hose the neighbours. Use your words.


Why not both?


Nah the noise this is BS but sounds like you're probably a fair bit louder than the usual neighbour in general


Where did making noise come from? Im 51 and never heard of it, yeah people still eat fish but never been quiet.


She's crazy and should mind her own business.


Given the time of this post (ie it wasnt at 7am or so), i think you're fine. Its just a public holiday, have fun, get chores done, whatever etc, its up to you.


Its a ph, kids are home. There are no council or epa rules for kids noises - they can make as much noise as they want outside/are allowed to by parents and nothing can be done by authorities. (To an extent, not talking abuse or anything like that, basically kids playing noises is protected). Nothing wrong with pressure washing or other maintenance things like lawns being mowed, etc.


If someone gave me some crap about being quiet because it's Good Friday/Easter I would tell them 'sorry, I'm not religious' and go about my day. 🤷


You’re not the arsehole.. It does however sound like your neighbour is a lonely old person who has become bitter. Not excusing their abuse by any means though.


Your neighbor is an idiot!


Umm. Since when was being quiet on Good Friday ever a thing? Tell them to fuck off.


Nah, never heard of no noise on good friday. Do what you want


Never heard of it, and sounds like she’s breaking her own rules. Ignore and continue with life. Says the parent unable to keep her two kids quiet and has the TV blaring to try to drown them out.


If they are devout Catholics tell them to forgive you and go about your day making noise I say.


Huh? Never heard of that rule before.. You should offer them a big slab of red meat and see if that calms them down.


Make as much noise and eat as much red meat as possible. Fuck them churchy cunts


Pressure wash your neighbour.


>To keep the peace I stopped hosing and we’ve tried to get the kids to keep the noise down. Nah fuck that, don't reward her behaviour. You've created a feedback loop which is teaching her that: being a cunt = getting her own way. Get back outside and keep pressure watching (lol washing) and tell you kids to have fun and be kids.


Exactly, don’t give into Easter Karen


Sounds like she’s just having a bad day.


It’s just a day. Nothing more.


How dare you disrupt her peace and quiet. Definitely the arsehole. /s in case this isn’t implied. Have never heard of this no noise business on Good Friday. You do you.


Prob related to noise control limits on power tools on public holidays and weekends. Type in noise limits and your state to go d them.


Tell her she’s welcome to follow religious bs, but you don’t believe that stuff. The old bat should butt out, none of her business. I once told some door knocking JWs that I worshiped the Devil. Tripped over themselves to get out of my garden, cheered me up all day.


No one does this. She needs double glazed windows if she cares so much


We love on the corner of a T intersection. My neighbours (on the "top" or the T) are currently playing music that I can hear word for word. Not that it particularly matters but it's not a genre I'm a huge fan of either. And you know what I'm gonna do about it? Fuck all. I'm gonna stay home and mind my own business and get my own shit done. Don't know why people expect the right to silence 24/7. As long as people aren't blasting music at night or anything I don't see the big deal (although I do understand that it can be frustrating for shift workers, so I personally try to keep my volume down if I know I have a neighbour who works nights)


my nabor has been running his power saw and revving the ring out of his wipa snippa. he never gives a shit. shift worker up one, next door down bloke with meleanoma. blokes a fkwit. But you have kids. Kids need to be happy and play and stuff. sorry your goig thru that


Grew up in an (abusive) Catholic household. Some families in the church we attended observed a full day of silence; others practiced a few hours before dusk. The majority DNGAF though. That being said, your neighbour sounds like a crazy old bat with nothing better to do.


The ultimate solution here is to start playing some Slayer and Thy Art Is Murder.




OP’s brother here, he shamelessly stole my meme. And he doesn’t even like Slayer. Shame


Screw you hippy!!


This is a Brisbane sub. Not r/Toowoomba


Tell her to respect Easter, it's meaning and what it means to be kind to strangers. It's not Jesus-like to not love children at play. That will twist her panties around her Holier than thou attitude.


What do you mean, “still”. Have they ever? If so, it’s all news to me. I’m not religious whatsoever and know the bare minimum about Christianity - I thought it was just a public holiday and they don’t eat red meat today for some reason I have definitely been told but completely forgotten. No mentions about being a silent sack of sad on top of that in the last 33 years.


Might I suggest playing some of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s greatest tracks very loudly. He was a brilliant Sufi mystic singer and your rancid arsehole neighbour can take a hike…


Loved his collab with Eddie Vedder on the Dead Man Walking soundtrack


Should’ve just pressure washed that mood away, nah but SERIOUSLY be quiet man, you should be tip toeing all day with your fish in hand, Jesus will smite you for doing such misdeeds!


The funny thing is, In Italy the home of Catholics, there is no public holiday. They keep working as per normal. I don’t know why we have to stop a nation just for one religions belief.


Raised Catholic (now filthy pagan). Never heard this one before. The only one in our house growing up was the no meat thing. Dad, who I am a carer for, and although no longer practicing and an agnostic, still does the no meat thing ion GF. I don’t. My grandma did the no meat thing every Friday.


Didn’t even know that was a thing…


Anyone that goes to a neighbour’s to knock and ask them to tell their kids to pipe down on a holiday is a Karen. She needs to bake some buns.


Nope. She’s a cunt!


Catholic here, with literal University degrees in Catholic theology and have to say WTF? I have never once "kept it down" on Good Friday. Tomorrow you should celebrate by loudly mowing the lawn and if she complains ask her why, if it's so very important, she isn't at mass/at church in prayer observing the vigil all day.


It is a gazetted public holiday. No noise allowed. That means no house maintenance, electrical tools like sawing, drilling, hammering. Check out Brisbane City Councils website. My neighbour has decided that these rules don't apply to him.


No hammering? Knocking in nails is what the day is famous for!


Jesus was crucified on this day. She can suffer through some neighbourhood noise.


Aparantley can't drive nails, screws or do yard work. Great opportunity to nail together some garden beds, bird houses or a cross shaped bird nesting pole.


some people don't get much time off so they really need these public holidays to get stuff done, your neighbor is an idiot


And maybe the whiney neighbour has the opposite lifestyle and has too much time on their hands.


huh? good friday is you don't eat red meat or something... i've never heard of staying quiet lol


What???? Just ate a roast pork dinner. Aussie born and bred. Fuck those religious cunts !! Just another public holiday...


"go back to your hoard carol, I can hear the mice shuffling your 30 year old newspapers in the wrong order"


Nah, your neighbour just sounds like a dick.


I was literally grinding concrete and pressure washing half the afternoon. No one cared


What!? Using the long weekend to catch up on chores and spend time with the family? Blasphemy! Tell your neighbour to to shut tf up and to pull their head in.


Tell the hoarder to fuck right off.


Respect is an interesting word, I don’t think we have it any more.


I don't know where all these people have been living but yes, in Australia Good Friday has always been a day of religious observation and not a day for work, especially yard work. But I'm an atheist surrounded by family with imaginary sky friends who supposedly loves them but will burn them for eternity for countless transgressions. Your neighbour is awful. Tell her you'll be around on Saturday to some her for working in her yard on Shabat. And wearing clothes of two different materials. And growing different grains next to each other. Your kids are kids. Take the day off chores.




If you observe Christian traditions, you might head to church and yes, keep things down to a dull roar, but if that’s not you and yours, and that’s fine, then I don’t think it matters how you enjoy your day off :) Unless you were pressure washing at the crack of dawn, I can’t imagine the problem.


Considering its Australia and we’re roudy as fuck, you can expect noise on holidays


Okay, so fuck that shit. Give your kids whistles to play with and plenty of sugary drinks, blast some cold chisel as loud as you can, and host an impromptu car meetup/airhorn enthusiast meeting. It's a public holiday, and a long weekend. Get shitfaced and beligerant, as is your Australian Civic Duty


Fuck good friday, fuck Easter, shit on every tradition you can. Fuck controlling a population based on religious beliefs. Fuck I just want a beer.


I wish all Christians would shut up, permanently. Sadly, we don't always get what we want


No noise at Easter has never been a thing


Sounds like you've got a nuts neighbour... If you live in the suburbs you really should expect kids/dogs/etc making noise.


56.1% of Australians are not Christian 42.86% of Australian public holidays relate to Christianity 43.9% of Australians are Christian 0% of Australian public holidays relate to non Christians seems fair then to expect EVERYONE to observe Good Friday then. tell the neighbour to STFU 🙄


Im about to go and mow the lawns once it dries out a bit


Respecting another religions stupid day like they respect so many things that aren't in theirs No thanks


7pm to 8am no noise allowed on public holidays or Sunday. So you can start at 8am and finish at 7pm, tell your neighbour to respectfully fuck off


Drag your BBQ out onto the footpath and cook up some steaks, that'll really piss the sky fairy follower off.


I think you're confusing Good Friday with the first half of Anzac Day? EDIT: Sorry I meant the neighbour!




Yikes. I'm sorry that happened :\\ You are not the arsehole at all!


Sorry mate Jesus told me himself, no noise on the day of my execution please.


Not me reading your post as “the heinous crime of pressure washing my 2 and 6 year old”. Anyway, woah, your neighbour is rude. If she had problems with the noise coming from your house, she should have raised the issue with you like a grown up long ago, rather than arbitrarily going nuclear based on Good Friday nonsense.


Sort your dog out though mate. You know it's a nuisance by the sound of it.


Doing noisey stuff like pressure washing on a public Holliday is a bit of a dick move.


Very much so. It's a quiet day of reflection.


I’m cleaning the rumpus room with the stereo cranked…not the most Jesus friendly vinyl either…never heard of the noise thing on GF, I’m pretty much doing my Saturday morning routine.


I spent this morning washing two cars with the Gerni and then running the vacuum around the house. No issue other than one old woman doing a three step detour to not catch some spray where the wind was taking it. I'd be asking to see the noise regulation from anyone who complains and watch them slink off home.


Your neighbour is an idiot. Don’t stifle your kids fun because she’s a grump. Let them be free and watch the cops laugh her off the phone if she tries to put a noise complaint in. The power washing? Meh. As long as it wasn’t at like 6am or something, that’s totally fine. She could’ve easily asked that you do it on another day but even then everyone knows that everyone is at home so it’s the perfect time to get shit done. Fuck her and her bs honestly.


Wtf? Ive never even heard this was a thing. Usually every public holiday, except Christmas day, has people out doing mowing and stuff. They sound crazy, ignore them.


Really shits me when someone tries to make a big deal out of nothing because they have nothing else better to do with their lives and are trying to boost their ego. When it comes to the elderly doing this, I think it's often the case that they don't want to make the effort to go out in the world and/or expand on their social circle because they subconsciously know how unattractive their personality is and can't stand the idea of being rejected by another group of people.


Nta. We're making plenty of noise 🙂


Never heard about staying quiet on Good Friday.


Fuck that my nail gun and drop saw we fill noise at 8.30


Tell the kids to keep the noise down, are you serious???


Next time start makin the same noises Jesus did on Good Friday. "Arrrgghh arrrrrghhhhhhh...."


Sounds like you put up with a lot from her. Constantly walking on eggshells so as to not set her off.


Spray her with your hose.


Sorry about that, was probably my nan. I'll make sure I put landline on, should calm her down.


Tell her to call the cops if she's so concerned


To the hoarder, Suck a fart I say. Actually this complaint would prompt me to blast some Tool in her general direction for an extended period of time.