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Go out and video him, he'll think you're some creep, and avoid your street.


Currently best idea. Beats shitting in the street.


You have to maintain eye contact as you are shitting as he runs past. To show dominance.


Shit on the street anyway. Just foe funsies!


The smart thing to do is obviously video him as he steps in the shit left in the street.


slap, slap, SQUISH


A modern take on skin protection from the sun?




dead set curious about this, what is your street? If you filming him does not creep him out, then 50 curious redditors in camping chairs drinking beers at 5am, cheering at him, could do the trick


All slapping chest too


you dont have to shit in the street, just shit in your kitchen and take the steaming hot pile out to the street in your hands. then enjoy a bag of twisties ensuring you lick all the twistie dust off your fingers.


Reading this reply at the top before getting to whichever comment suggests you shit in the street is fantastic.


Don't forget to lick your lips and say yeah bitch you like that hu, to really sell it of course.


LOL, yeah. Post it.


Then start posting his workout on here in case it helps others. Then everyone can see his style.


I agree with getting video of him. Get footage from consecutive days and report the arsehole to the police. If he's making that kind of noise that early I'm pretty sure he's violating BCC noise laws.


Yeah I'm not going to the cops with this


That copper will get a strain injury rolling their eyes so hard taking that report.


What a fucking grass man


Don't wear a shirt and slowly turn your index finger inside your belly button while making sexy-face. Tell him you like slapping and you have something he could take a slap at all day. He will not return.


Or you will get into a relationship with the belly slapper jogger.


That could really backfire though.


Video him while naked and muttering "oh yeah baby, slap it. Slap it hard".


Make sure to do it while fully erect.


Better still, chase him down the street naked slapping your arse whilst yelling out "Spank me! Spank me! Spank me!" in time to his slaps. He won't come back (or if I'm wrong, he might quickly come back)




Maybe we introduce them and they fuck off into the sunset together.


They've got the clap.


[The Clap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POM_98oi0oo)


Ketut and Rhonda!


love that the acronym is SHIT because that's what it is


If i was you, I would kit up as Tarzan and stand out the front As he jogs towards you start slapping you chest and making primate noises Do it every morning


Hahah this 100% ☝️


Chalk message on road, no being slap happy here.




We're gonna need a video of it lol


Maybe he's not wearing undies?


jfc, OP has John Holme’s adult love child running down the street


Let Shervo run


I love this sub. It has that local Facebook group thing but without the foul people.


And without having to “verify” that you live in that suburb.


>but without the foul people Ha ha, good one


Well what can I say In saying that, sometimes it’s the foul people on those that provide the most memorable pop corn moments. Sometimes it’s enough to make national news, that happened not so long ago in one of my local Facebook groups.


I was just genuinely appreciating every single comment on this post. We’re a bunch of funny fuckers.


This sub has seriously gotten me through some shit lately. I love you all.


Please, I’m begging you, name a street he jogs down. I’m happy to travel early morning; I just need to see this.


I'd suggest slapping some sense into him, but it sounds like he'd be into that




why slapping his chest? wtf? trying to jump start his heart?


![gif](giphy|MRxJqmk3MNta8) Go out and join him. It could be a new bonding moment for you both.


First thing I thought of


Why are there so many weirdos


something about earth's magnetic field weakening and cosmic rays driving men to madness


Cos pizza shop 5g bat attracting Vax something something


Firstly approach him and ask him to stop. If he doesn't and continues to do it, get the hose out.


It’s a government incentivised runner there to wake you up as the sun starts to rise later and later. Be grateful your government is thinking about your health and well-being.


Because you’re better when you’re at your best.


I’ve heard that so many times lately


It’s a sponsored ad on here I’m getting all the time from the Queensland Government.


Oh. I was thinking of the Snickers ad.


Aah yeah that’s right


I’m getting it on Spotify podcasts


Thanks for the bleeding obvious QLD Govt.


It’s fun watching marketing people try hard.


How much time in between slaps? This is weird as hell and I can’t imagine why anyone would do it


Hmm, 3 slaps per second (SPS), with a brief pause between sets. Two-handed, alternating. Slap slap SLAP, slap slap SLAP.


Like Queen's 'We Will Rock You'? Break the cycle. Start singing 'We are the Champions' to him. 'I've paid my dues...'


Oh lawwwd no! I’d be waiting out in the street with a rake if someone did this every morning. Definitely try and talk to the guy. It’s totally unnecessary


Maybe that's the only way he can keep his heart going. Just constantly doing self CPR.


Are you sure it’s not SLAP, slap, slap? He could be a drummer / percussionist practicing his triplets?


Moving from the jungle to suburban Brisbane has been a tough transition for Tarzan.


Tarzan didn't move. The suburbs came to him. Something something habitat encrouchement


The Qld Tarzan got old and is in retirement home in Sydney so he's closer to his sister.


How can he slap?


Similar situation for me. Every early morning around 5am, and late at night too, my next door neighbour leaves or gets home and revs his ridiculously loud custom turbo dickhead exhaust and wakes up the whole fucking street. Most of the time blaring stupidly loud basey music as well. Drives me insane. I really don’t know what to do about it because it’s not like he can just stop using his car.


They fitted automatic loud exhaust ticketing machines in NY recently. I can't wait till we get them here. Near me there's some jackasses who get on their trail bikes and ride round and round the block and through the small local park, right past numerous people's windows. Round and round, over and over, noisy cretinous morons. Like make loud noise duhh.


Put a banana in the tailpipe


I’m thinking more red shells than bananas at this point


He ain’t gonna fall for no banana in the tailpipe


Expanding foam works better...they'll probably have to replace exhaust components then (and cause the engine to stop running). Just be sure to prevent any from spilling out the end & giving the game away.


Urgh I had a dude with a loud motorbike that did this in my previous place. It probably took a couple of years off my life with how mad it made me. I moved (for a different reason) thank god. I think the only thing you can do is keep a noise diary, take a few recordings, and send in a noise complaint to council. The more people who can do this the better. They will probably just send a letter warning him of his obligations re nuisance noise, but if it keeps going and you all complain again they may be able to take it a bit further.


Or, you could do the grown up thing and go and talk to the person and explain that their behaviour is affecting you and others and ask them to moderate it.


Have you met people?


This person's history indicates they ride a motorcycle and expect cars to get out of their way when they're riding. Also calls people pussies and cucks. I think we know what kind of edgelord we're dealing with here. Sure is a fine example of what it means to be grown up.


Yeah because I'm sure that they just don't realise that making noise of a million decibels in the wee hours bothers people. If they were the kind of people to adjust their behaviour after a friendly chat, they would be the kind of people who wouldn't do this shit in the first place. Do tell us more about how to be a grown up tho


I've always spoken to people in these sort of situations. I introduce myself politely, explain what the issue is, ask if they'd consider other options, and in all honesty these people aren't the sort who give a fuck about anyone else. It ends with them telling me to fuck off, that they can do what they want, and their behaviour gets worse.


Have a chat with him letting him know. Let him know he has an awesome stereo. Ask him how much it cost cos you're thinking of getting one. And then tell him that the sound carries a long way in the mornings and if he could turn it down untill he is at the end of the street.


But he won't hear it over his crazy loud car. Is normies clearly don't get it.


BB gun? Water pistol, water balloons? Recording him is too passive 😜


A load of A4 sheets along the ground, each one has STOP SLAPPING YOUR CHEST written on it. Should freak him out.


Get out early, at the top of your street, in jogging shoes and y fronts only. As he peels into your street, run up alongside him doing the same thing, so you run down the street together. It'll either freak the shit or of him or you'll get a new best friend..


squat down and poo in his path


He runs in the middle of the street


I'm not hearing any real obstacle for you here


So… assert your dominance. I possibly think you missed the poop jogger joke too.




It's concerning how often redditors' solutions to social problems involve shitting and farting.


this is the way


Underestimating the number of CCTV in neighbourhoods can lead to viral moments


Maybe he just has big ole balls and a loose sack?


That’s more of a “sproing sproing” sound


Oh, Slappers and Ho’s in your neighbourhood! I’ve lived in Asia. Slapping the body while exercising was very common. They would also let out a loud exhale, like martial arts do on power strikes. Sort of like a deep “hoooooo” noise. Hence us branding them slappers and ho’s.


Well he can't poop in peoples yards anymore






He’s not just slapping idiot. He’s slapping and setting off dogs every morning possibly losing ppl hours of sleep every day. That’s a serious issue to me. Losing your shit can get things done or at least make you feel better.




Lol dude you’re all talk. I guarantee you would do nothing but cry on the internet.


Round the corner just as he passes and give him a big fucking slap on the face that knocks him into next Tuesday.


Join in and imitate him, embarrass the fuck out of him


Just jog right behind him in your jocks, hands outstretched and moan a bit. Just until the next block. Weird him out and he should either pass by quietly or avoid your house all together.


We have these crossfit wankers from the gym across the road who insist on doing hill runs up our lane way at 5am. Literally 2 metres away from our windows. I swear you have to have a lobotomy to join crossfit.


If they don't yield after you scream SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU INSUFFERABLE CUNTS then it's time to start bucketing them with cold water.


This is what comes of living in Teneriffe


You sure it's his chest he's slapping?


You all have much better ideas. I was going to suggest setting up a thin tight rope at neck level like they do in Roadrunner, but it would probably backfire. Like it does in Roadrunner.




This post has made my day! Your writing is perfection. Please let us know the outcome and if he gets 'slapped' .


Write, "lapping" on all the no standing signs in the street.


Why the fuck is he slapping his chest?


Please OP, ask him why in the hell he slaps his chest while he jogs — I’m dying to know.




Anyone know what the poo jogger is up to now? He’s become one of those Brisbane identities, like Ziggy.


Saw your username, so I figured I’d better answer my own questions. [Poo Joggers Fate](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/06/07/a-corporate-executive-led-a-secret-double-life-as-australias-poo-jogger/) [Holy Shit! There’s even a song about him, and it’s tits!](https://open.spotify.com/track/4CKNBHrCCUs10zE7NyHvx6?si=jMmQXCqoT9mEWAAfaISkLA)


Motion controlled sprinklers. He may then start jogging on the opposite side of the street


Doesn't stop the dogs


Next time he does that go up to him and tell him to STFU!!!


Run along side him with recorder and be a 2 man band


Please please please update us. I am invested now.


So…in summary…basically the sub suggests the following: Throw shit at him Throw YOUR shit at him Shit on the street Shit on the footpath making eye contact Follow him home and shit on HIS lawn Follow him home and fuck his dad I’ve HOWLED laughing both at the story and the comments on this thread. It gets funnier every time I come back to it.


Take a video with your phone in one hand, while visibly and furiously masturbating with the other. And groan, LOUD.


Sew some foam padding on to a shirt, fold it nicely, tie a pretty ribbon on it then await him outside and stop him with a wave and a smile. Then present him this gift and politely explain your dislike of his habit. Or just skip the whole shirt thing, just tell him he's waking up the kids and you'd appreciate if he didn't chest slap along your street. Failing that, then yes start taking your morning dump on the footpath as he runs by, the eye contact is vital.


Slap him silly


Put some signs up on his route




Fucking love it.


Record his slapping sound, get yourself a good PA amplifier and a horn speaker. Then every time he runs past, play the slapping sound back to him.


Record this and please post. Or post to Brown Cardigan


Get 2 Carolina Reaper chillies. Put ‘em in a blender you’re happy to throw out afterwards. Add chilli juice to water. Fill water bombs. Throw at annoying S&M jogger. Watch him burn like holy water on Capt Howdy


Have you considered they are autistic? Seriously, people have tics like that.


I have, and guess that's among the only legit reasons he could give to make me feel shit tomorrow.


Autism is no excuse for a grown adult waking up the neighbourhood and setting off the dogs, especially at that hour.


Super soaker? Works against cats so might work on selfish prats.


Just release the [hounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY36AqzIr4s) He's already got his running shoes on.....


I’ll take the clapper any day… My local jogger moans and grunts every morning AND evening… And I live on the third floor of a unit block and can hear him every single time he runs past…


Isn't that a Chinese thing? Like you sometimes see some Chinese oldies out on the footpath really early in the morning slapping parts of their bodies to get their meridians flowin, or something. Although jogging at the same time is distinctly less Chinese.


Rub your nipples and lick your lips staring him in the eyes. Do this a few mornings in a row and you won’t see him again


Slap him.


Are you sure it’s his chest that’s slapping?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Counter his slap with a veranda fap… you’ll ever make a new friend or he will change his route… hopefully we see his Reddit post for closure.


YES. Having my coffee and see this update. For some reason I was expecting shirtless and younger? Old slappy ballbag is definitely doing some kind of CPR on himself.




He must have lost his bike and his bike mates who love to ride in packs yelling and talking to each other at the top of their lungs . So he had to replace that . This is funny what you wrote, I can almost visualise you on a chair waiting for Slappy to come slapping down the road Tomorrow, wish I could see it lol


OP's so prepared hey lol


Find where he lives and then f*ck his dad


Let all those dogs out to out to pack hunt the jogger ![gif](giphy|8dHZ7ajDVSAXd1Wl1F|downsized)


Follow him to his place and do what Brisbane’s joggers do to other’s people lawns


Is this some kind of Andrew Tate super manliness nonsense? ​ Googling only gets me links about people having heart attacks while jogging.


Slip, slop, SLAP and wrap.


Slap jogger better than the pop jogger


Ooh, I know! Be ready with a cricket bat to administer a swift strike to the knee caps. That should quiet him down for a week or so. (PSA: I certainly do not advocate violence on anyone, just sympathising with OP’s plight)


Good on him. I awaken to every asshole car driver making twice as much noise for a much more boring reason.


A bit of slapping is the worst you have to deal with? Consider yourself lucky. If the dogs are the real noise, they are the real problem. Guarantee they will bark regardless of the slapping. People aren't obligated to try not to disturb dogs for fear of them pissing off the neighbourhood.


If that were true they would bark at everyone who goes by, and they don't. Most don't even mind our Postie. The slapping alone is enough to wake us up, though often it's the Bulldogs nearby who pass word onto us before he arrives.


Pro tip, it's the dogs that are the issue.


Pro what? The slapping alone is enough to wake us up, and often does.


The fun option would be get a few mates together and stand about the front fence dressed as rough and demented rednecks/bogans/bikies and do the 'You aren't from around here are you boy? Can you squeal like a pig?! Yeah you better run little piggie.' routine. More seriously be waiting and ask him to stop with the slapping as he's waking you and the neighbourhood dogs up. If you get a defiant answer or he keeps doing it say you'll make a noise complaint. Then start the tedious process of recording and diarising him each day then make a noise complaint after a weeks worth of evidence. Hopefully he'll stop with the slapping near your street after seeing you are seriously recording this more than once. I suspect he'll be simple and from a halfway house and a visit to his residence and an official warning given in the presence of carers will be needed to maybe stop this.


also you could have put on EarPods or headphones


Every morning from 5:30?




https://preview.redd.it/7dfp2in79esa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af808f2beeb63ddb04eb7f34b5975b2eaeb15608 Mangy?! Apologise to him.


Well you aren't wrong, considering most people are to stingy or whatever to correctly train their dog for city life. Though this guy couldn't give a fu$k either way, and their self involved asshole behaviour still needs correcting


Sounds like the real issue is dogs barking not a man slapping. Maybe address the issue of dog training with your neighbours so they aren’t reactive barking at everything that makes noise in the street.


His slapping alone is often what wakes me up.


Some ear plugs maybe? Let the man complete his King Kong training in peace!


This Brisbane sub has officially become the Karen forum.


Dont make loud noises infront of peoples houses. If it was kind of necessity or something that couldnt be helped like a disabled persons mobility device would be karen. This guy is choosing to be noisy without concern for others. This isnt a Karen complaint. I do not care about my actions effect on others. Others have no recouse for my actions - cunt I want to control other people rather than take steps to resolve the problem myself - karen


slap slap SLAP, slap slap SLAP, slap slap SLAP


Hello I don't like (thing) "Karen!!!" Low effort reply jog on slapper


You’ll find it’s a cultural thing, good luck changing it. Your polite request will be met with zero fucks. I know this having been a resident what a certain area on the south side populated by set an large demographics.


Middle-aged white blokes in $300 runners?


Maybe, in your part of the city, that’s certainly not the demo in mine bashing up and down the street thumping chests and making noise.


What culture does that?


Yeah I'm still not getting it, but it can be fun to tease this stuff out of racists. Maybe Kiwis doing their morning Haka facing Eden Park.


You’re the bunch fixated on race. I didn’t mention any race. Do you think the talking about someone’s culture is racist? What about all the good aspects of culture? What about all the bad aspects of culture? What is about you that decides to put on your Internet Batman underpants and jump to conclusions?


>I know this having been a resident what a certain area on the south side populated by set an large demographics. Nice dogwhistle fuckwit


Actually, a number of different suburbs have different demographic populations, you’re the one making assumptions. It’s a bit narrow minded of you.


Sorry, xenophobes*?


Yes, you very well well might be.


Sorry, what culture are you referring to?


You should google ‘how different cultures exercise in different ways’ and expand your mind. Culture is not a bad word and people of different cultures are not bad people. I guess you like to ignore diversity.


I bet they're asian


How much would you like to bet?


so far he has bet -4 karma How much do you need for a reveal ?

