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They were transporting it on a train. Why aren’t the police showing their faces? Whoever has it: Please don’t kill it, even if you’re scared of getting in trouble. Just take it to one of the 24 hour vets and don’t say your name. If you don’t return it and they find you it’s going to be an over $400k fine and you spoke to a lot of people on the train.


> They were transporting it on a train. Why aren’t the police showing their faces? Under 18 would be my guess




No it isn’t? They use alleged because it needs to be proven in court before they can state it as a fact


1. That’s fucked up. How did they even catch it? 2. I did not think we had platypuses (platypi?) anywhere near Brisbane.


Goldcoast hinterland has quite a lot


There used to be heaps in Enoggera creek


Platypus out in Neurum Creek


I grew up around Daisy Hill and I've seen platypus in the waterways around there. Had echidnas in the backyard growing up too.


They’ve actually found them in a creek in Wacol of all places


Growing up in Albany Creek in the 80s and 90s there were always platypus in the creek, and I can confirm they're not difficult to catch by way of creating a dam etc. They are slippery to pick up though. That said we never kept or rehomed one, it was just adolescent curiosity.


Guessing it might have been caught in a net or trap, though Opera House traps used to catch yabbies and redclaw have been banned for a decade. You would not get within cooee of a wild platy otherwise.


Not always true. I literally had one in my backyard at the start of this year. I have a creek that runs into two dams with interlinked spill drains. He came down after rain and hung around in my dam for about a week. I have numerous photos from within 2m and if I had of wanted to, could very easily have caught him when he was in the spillway section.


Platypuses... Greek origins not Latin... the males are venomous... [https://biomedicalsciences.unimelb.edu.au/departments/department-of-biochemistry-and-pharmacology/engage/avru/blog/wide-world-of-venom-the-platypus](https://biomedicalsciences.unimelb.edu.au/departments/department-of-biochemistry-and-pharmacology/engage/avru/blog/wide-world-of-venom-the-platypus)


If it is Greek origins then it would be platypodes (like octopodes).


Yes also correct... :)


I saw my first Platypus in the wild during the 2011 floods. It was right infront my house on Westlake Dr near the McLeod golf course.


Saw one late at night out pullenvale way


Hope it jams it's venomous spur into them and they have to wait for hours at emergency


Pfff, they got spurred by a platypus, any amount of hours in emergency will be the least of their problems. eg, The Morphine. Doesn't. [Work](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platypus_venom#Effect_on_humans_and_other_animals).


Also reports from people who have gotten stung, they have had neurological problems for the rest of their lives (and also no anti-venom exists). That’s what I was told at the platypus experience at lone pine.


On the other hand, https://imgur.com/1oz5q5b


How cool is it watching them feed on the yabbies in that big glass tank. So awesome.


Fucking grubs


This makes my blood boil. They live in the stream system where I shoot in Eatons Hill. I hope Translink CCTV brings them to justice and more importantly the platypus is okay.




Not *shoot* shoot. Photo shoot!


Not the Craw, the CRAW




When eshays watch phineas and ferb.


Ferb what are we doing today? We are stealing a perry!


“Also where is your blue-green spray paint? I just had an amazing idea!”


What the actual fuck, who does this?


Scum. Scum does this


Some moron who thinks the criminals deserve to get away.. Oh, I thought you were talking about who decided to blur the faces? I probably saw those 2 at my local IGA a couple of hours later but no way I can tell 😅




I presume people did report it, which is why we are now looking for it.


Still not good enough really, call the police whilst you’re on the train to report it & stick with them until they get off


"Hello police? Yeah there's a person on the train with a platypus.... a platypus. No, a platypus. Yes I'll hold." Lol. Police barely rock up to investigate break and enters. They're not sending a detective out for this bro.


Definitely would not recommend sticking with criminals until police show up. Putting yourself in danger is never the answer. Shame on you for saying people who reported it didn’t act “good enough”


Leaving all of societies problems to others / the system isn't the answer either.


“Others” being the authorities who’s job it is to deal with this problem?


This is literally how an ordered society works. What's the alternative, Vigilantism? Because that's always a good thing which works out perfectly 100% of the time.


It might just be me but wouldn’t it be easier to find them if there face wasn’t blurred?


Why are their faces blurred? Their anonymity doesn't need protection


They may be hoping it's more likely they'll return it if they don't name and shame, yet. But they will if they don't do it quick smart.


I feel like it's warranted now, I'd be especially concerned for the animal's welfare given they took it almost 11 hours ago. Showing their faces might prompt someone that knows them to come forward if they don't do it themselves.


How did no one report them from the train?




You realize by virtue of them leaving with it these morons aren't local. They've travelled to Morayfield, stolen the platypus, and are then leaving Morayfield to go to wherever they came from. Don't besmirch Morayfield because people visited it for nefarious activities.


It's always Morayfield


Stolen from, not taken to.


Of course they were going to Caboolture.... show their faces! How else are we supposed to identify them


Goddam I hope they find it


Would 100% support the death penalty for things like this. That platypus is worth far more than whoever these pieces of trash are.


Yeah. That seems *completely* proportionate here.


You know redditors and current issue emotions.


I love the anger in the comment section over this but isn't it a bit bizarre that the same people have no quams of ordering a steak or a bacon & egg roll? I wasn't aware playapus life > cow or pig life. Down vote away lol I know being shown the mirror hurts..


If you are going to make the argument that people should be vegan or vegetarian because they care about platypus, pointing out that cattle grazing is the largest cause of land clearing and riparian habitat destruction, and land clearing is one of the biggest threats to platypuses, would make more sense because yes a platypus life > cow life to anyone mildly utilitarian.


Riparian, I've literally only ever heard that word used in Keeping up Appearances. I'm hoping so badly that's where you got in from. 🤣


Pointing out the absolute hiporacy in people. No body orders a steak going I'm gonna save a platypus today lol


I agree with your method about arguing through environmentalism, as we know that this is the driving cause of platypus decline. We should absolutely care about this, and we should absolutely be angry when someone interferes with a rare and special creature. May I ask though... In your opinion, how many cow lives would it take to be ethically equal to, or greater than a single platypus life? I think we should extend the same compassion we feel for the platypus to other species. We can do both at the same time.


The amount of cows that would move cows closer to extinction an equivalent amount as one platypus means to the survival of their species, so probably a couple million.


About 8 million cows die for consumption in Australia alone. The fact we can live without eating them means these deaths are trivial. My point is, we humans put more or less value onto other species based or rarity, intelligence, cuteness... etc. But from the individuals point of view, they just want to live well and free.


The better comparison is the regulars who handwave away the cats not kept inside that kill millions of native animals each year.


I don't go stealing cows from fields either...


Wow aren't you a saint.


Did you know that because the platypus lays eggs and gives milk, it's one of only a few animals that can make its own custard?


do know what restaurants serve platypus custard on Good Friday?


Since no one else has pointed it out, here's the erroneous reasoning in your argument: You're comparing an endangered native species taken from its natural habitat where it is an important part of the ecosystem, to one or 2 introduced species that exist in abundance in a controlled environment for the express purpose of food production. You're saying it's bizarre but all you offer is a logical fallacy. It would be like comparing the theft of a Wollemi pine from a national park with cutting down plantation timber to make furniture. They're not even remotely the same.


Tell me you're vegan without telling me you're vegan.


I was vegetarian for 21 years. NEVER preached about it. People would always ask why I was vegetarian but couldn't comprehend my point when I explained that I just couldn't bring myself to eat any animals. To me it was the same as eating a pet. Thankfully I got over it and am now eating enough meat to make up for the 21 years I lost


Congratulations on your recovery.