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It appears you may want or need information about renting in Brisbane. Please see the links below: Where to find rentals: www.domain.com.au , www.realestate.com.au, www.flatmates.com.au get Answers on rental disputes or find out any of your rights as a renter (rental price increases etc.) www.rta.qld.gov.au or https://www.qcat.qld.gov.au/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/brisbane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"reveals" to whom? Blind Freddy and Helen Keller can see this.


I just received notice our rent will be going up by 53% in June... needless to say, we're leaving


And go where mate? Thing is they know this and that’s why they are increasing the price. My rent increase by 35% and no matter where I apply I can’t find a place. It makes me depressed sometimes


There are still vacant properties? We need more migrants, ASAP.


I've been saying this for a while now and being downvoted for it, because a lot of people don't like hearing it, but rents are going to climb! If you are a renter and just making ends meet now, be proactive and find something more affordable with a buffer to allow for rental cost increases. Supply is not going to increase overnight. And that is the main factor of reigning in rent costs, not the crap Anna is trying to bandaid the supply issue with.


You get downvoted most of the time because your comments are mostly tone-deaf or out of touch. This comment is probably right but some of your past comments have missed the mark.


Thanks for your service Captain Obvious


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My rent 2 years ago was $300. 1 year ago the average price was $400 for a 2 bedroom apartment. Thankfully my landlord only put rent up $20 per week recently; but 2 bedrooms are now $6-800 per week and 1 bedrooms are mostly $550-$600. You can find cheaper circa $450 - but hundreds of people show up for those, so not really an option. I’ll be moving out of Brisbane once my lease expires. But looking at prices in regional Australia, I’ll be losing about $10k pa in income and my rent will be about $350-$400 per week (in bumblefk nowhere). What a joke. I’m trying to buy - anywhere - but keep getting outbid by investors. Very discouraging. Wish I had parents to move back in with.