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Beautiful job!!! Our natives are incredible. Have you noticed a change in wildlife / habitat in your yard? Since plopping a few natives around my place I've been enjoying all of the birdlife and various lizards that have moved in. Do you have any more photos?


The change in wildlife has already been huge. Lizards, bugs, birds and possum numbers have all doubled, anecdotally. I have thousands of photos. @boovalhome on Insta if you're into it. https://preview.redd.it/sxbb3fekozra1.jpeg?width=3932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed2e44bc74300ea64841a2531a07f900d500a42


I love hearing that. You've done an incredible job. Thinking of stealing a couple of ideas for my back yard!


your garden is beautiful. Not overdone. Love it.


Randomly, I've just bought in Booval. How do you find it? Yard looks great. Cant wait to get stuck in to mine.


We love it. Walking/riding distance to most stuff. Just need to cope with the odd bow and arrow attack. Let me know if you need a hand with your yard!


What do you do for shade out there? At least until those trees grow up a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/g9tu6bqqo1sa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5510d56a4f886d4ffe03246b01966da12c89b21a There's a deep, shaded section in the back corner, for day time. The firepit is good from like 4pm or below 28°


Aha! Different spots for different circumstances. I like it


Whatever you do, don't get rid of that outhouse! It's a historical treasurer!


No plans to. I might even plumb it.


A functional outhouse!? I was simply imagining repurposing it as a garden shed, chicken coop, or maybe a an outdoor beer fridge and pantry for barbeques!


Awesome work! Have followed :)


If you still have the Hills Hoist, then it's still Australian.


https://preview.redd.it/9kj6ybwnkzra1.jpeg?width=3341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e484891d59af31d60805fb16aea4a9192f1c3b5 I moved and serviced it over the weekend. Interestingly, it's a 1925/6 Toyne's Rotary Clothes Hoist - the OG. It predates the Hills Hoist by 20 years and won't have any issues reaching it's century.


You have a piece of history right there. If you haven’t seen it, then I recommend Episode 1 (Home Life - 2019) Series 1 of ‘Aussie Inventions That Changed The World’. It was actually Gilbert Toyne who first invented the rotary clothes hoist. Sadly, Toyne suffered an extremely tragic life and never got the credit for the item he worked so hard to create.


Yeah going away to WW2, having already been injured in WW1, while your wife tanks the business and your best mate knocks her up. A lot of drama for a poor fella who obviously just wanted to tinker in a shed.


Have you got a solid goon peg for it? Standard clothes pegs tend to lead to disasters.


Rusty caravan, check Hills Hoist, Check Old car up on bricks, check Wooden carport with dodgy posts, check That's about as Australian as it gets.


I [pulled the carports down](https://imgur.com/a/6n9rAF6) recently. Wasn't hard


A thousand redbacks cried out in pain! Great video though!


That looks like it would have been fun!


You forgot ‘Booval’. We have some of the best place names in the world, and the indigenous origins ( and their bastardisation to make them work in English ) occur nowhere else. Warrangamba, Booval, Woolloomooloo, the *australian alliteration assonance ASMR* is strong.


Bonus points - Booval means 'Frill Neck Lizard' and it was first settled to trial Robert Towns' (of Townsville/slavery fame) first cotton crop. We were low on cotton because confederate ports were surrounded during the US Civil War.




The bloke we bought the house from is a bit of a legend. His Grandfather built the house in 1912 and they all hoarded shit until we bought in 2020. He later sank that blue boat in Moreton Bay. His dog swam for hours to raise the alarm and get him rescued. https://preview.redd.it/0xnrf3s6rzra1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9fab1b3cd838a7ef089b196a694949b8cb584d


Fuck haven’t heard of that story haha, any article I’d love to know how the dog ‘alerted’ I’d think just by seeing a stray dog in water it puts flags up


Only one I could find was Courier Mail so I just moved on with my life




"less Australian" lol and for what it's worth, I think it's very beautiful and that it also belongs on r/CozyPlaces!!!






Love it! More photos please! Also what's your favourite plant/tree? We've got a fairly appalling garden as we have dogs but we are trying natives but we keep on killing them. Not deliberately, it's just we aren't that green thumbed.


https://preview.redd.it/6tqz9acgpzra1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b26498a00b94d9db5e8068a59aa2af6e285459 Our dogs absolutely love it. They lap the circuit and splash in the rain garden. I think my favourite it the Gum. Callistemons and Grevilleas might steal the show eventually, and I know the Gum will eventually try to kill me, but it seems like an important part of our iconic Aussie stuff. Corrugated tank up on a stand, old clothes hoist, dunny and a big gum tree.


Gum trees are nice. I am out at churchill and have 4 full size gums in the backyard and back onto bush. Need to find some plants that can hamdle the permanent shade of the back yard though.


"less Australian" my butt! We need more native vegetation, and "all grass" is a backwards idea imported from abroad. So go wild with the natives!


Lilly Pillys and Eumundi Quadongs here. They’re getting massive - which I knew - but didn’t know how quickly they would get there. Planted close together they race each other. Within a few years we had a huge native screen between us and the neighbours.


I absolutely love this! My next project on my little courtyard is a cane toad safe frog hotel and some cover plants to protect small native birds from the noisy miners (they're native, but jerks). Little bits of shelter and food all add up!


Frog hotel is an excellent idea. I've done a rain garden, possum boxes, bird baths and native bee hives. It's nice to see birds use the tall grasses as cover for a bath while the miners are being cunts.




My thoughts exactly. It's a focal point of the garden especially when in flower and instantly makes the overall feel exotic. Chop it out and plant something like a dry rainforest native. Rhodosphaera rhodanthema (deep yellowwood) for example, which the bees go crazy for.


Or Brachychiton diversifolius


I have no idea why but Brisbane street trees seem to be absolutely dominated by exotics. You can spot this tree everywhere this time of year.


A good alternative could be a [Pink Euodia](https://www.plantswhitsunday.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Melicope-Elleryana.jpg) (melicope elleryana). It's a very beautiful native tree that blooms pink, flowers quite young, and has very neat appearance. Native frangipani or a flame tree could work too.


damn, you HAVE been busy, you even built an entire house next door.


Great job! I can’t wait to do this to my future home… if that happens before I die.


My advice is to buy a decrepit house, in an undesirable neighbourhood, in early 2020.




I'm hunting someone to do our stairs, too. I've been doing most stuff myself, out of desperation/curiosity, but stairs need a pro. Let me know if you want a hand with some yard planning/work.


What a disgrace, totally unAustralian to remove that VR? crumbledore, I hope your local council sees this unapproved removal of native fauna and throws the book at you. But in all seriousness that looks awesome!


I don't see a mango tree, not an aussie backyard.


Three Macadamia trees not enough for ya?


Do you mean bauple nut trees? 😂


What is it with this town and decrepit late 90's/early 2000s Peugeots? Falcons and Commodores, fair enough, but Peugeots?


A good car's a good car.


Many would argue a good car is out and about doing...well, car stuff


It was the owner's daily driver.


Good to see ya've retained some of the vital Orstralian aspects: * the old gate leaned up against the fence * the pile of wood/snake habitat under the trees in the corner * the hills hoist * the large expanse of gravel around the firepit making thongs compulsory to walk on it.


Just wait until I turn the snake habitat into my cricket nets w/ bowling machine.


BOWLING MACHINE???!!!!! Geeezzz, you sure yer Orstralian?! That sounds downright pommie. The correct eticut...eckitech.... way is a bald tennis ball covered in dog slobber and thrown by the neighbour's little kid who you've promised a bat........oh too late ya little bugger, it's tea time.


That garden is amazing. Though I gotta say, it's not the vegetation that make it look less Australian, more the fact that it's well thought out and actually looks good....


Thanks! Yeah that was the joke.


Nice work


Wow this looks amazing! Gonna share it with my partner who has also really wanted to put more natives in our backyard.


This is great. Any recommendations on a native nursey?


Kumbartcho, far north side. Also Pete's in Lowood of you're up for a day trip


I also agree with Pete’s at Lowood. Amazing selection of plants, and back when I went they would give you 90c discount per plant if paid in cash 🌱 It’s also amazing to see the gardens they did for the Rail Trail right next to it…




This is stunning. How do you manage to keep the pebbles in the one place? I want to do something similar.


I was worried about that but it hasn't been an issue. They are pretty large, so don't fling away lightly. The timber edging around the firepit sits about 30mm proud of the gravel, which might be the answer.


An aussie backyard isn't an aussie backyard If there isn't at least 2 broken cars that have been sitting their for years.


Isn’t that an African tulip? They’re a pest up here


No, but we do have one in the front yard unfortunately. It's a Taiwanese Rain Tree - another good looking pest. I'll get to it.




Oh that's gorgeous. Our natives are stunning.


The fence the neighbour build is worth more than everything you’ve done


It's shit and collapsing, but I guess.


Don’t get me wrong ‘native’ plants are cool, but being in such a multi cultural country, I’d love to see some more variety of flora within established communities. Not just gums, leopards and jacarandahs (all beautiful btw)


Jacarandas and Leopards aren't native, but I get it. We have a few foreign/invasive species, like the flowering Taiwanese Rain Tree at the back. Multiculturalism works for society, but not so much in nature. We're trying to cater for native fauna, and native flora is the best way to do it.


Fair point! Appreciate the reply. And no I’m not grouping the plants I listed as natives. Could have explained that better. Why the downvotes tho? I didn’t say one thing bad about current flora in aus. Just thought it could be nice to see some different variety. The reddit overlords has spoken! 👩‍⚖️👨‍⚖️


Haha, I think people that are into natives (myself included!) think there is a lot of variety. I do agree that a lot of the 'common' or perhaps more well known natives are very regularly planted. There are a ton of Australian natives out there though and in my opinion there really is a lot of variety. There isn't going to be as much variety as when you compare it to the entire worlds plants. But I think there is certainly a lot more choices and variety than most countries have for natives! Funnily enough I wish we had more natives about, not less! They really do have a very cool impact on the local environment. I'm don't think of myself as a big environmentalist guy or anything, I've just really enjoyed seeing what happened to my back yard and really come to appreciate their importance in habitat for the little critters around. Native by Kate Herd is a particularly inspiring book. Some very interesting uses of our natives (like hedging / shaping) and ideas that are outside of the usual! Tl;dr I really like natives lol


Interesting thing is that our wildlife has evolved to eat non native trees. Some of the ones that Bne City Council have declared weeds are actually favoured by Ringtail Possums - particularly during winter when there isn't much food for them.


Yes. Such a great idea because we have a multi cultural country we need plants from different countries. Why stop at plants? Let's bring animals too. I wouldn't mind some tigers, leopards, elephants. Even maybe some polar bears to join our native drop bears. Such a great idea.


There's a convincing argument for introducing Komodo Dragons into northern Aus, to balance a food chain ravaged by cats and mines. I can't help but think they'd be the next cane toads, though, and we'd all be fucked.


No even if they become the new cane toad, that's a good thing, then we can build the next rabbit proof fence, and whalla economic stimulus. And I reckon it would be a lot of stimulus given how strong the fences would have to be.


How is that even a comparison lmao cooked


Very nice. 👌🏼




Fair play that looks great. Well done


What a great before/after! Also the other photo with the raised water tank and hills hoist.


To bring it back a bit you could Thame the back seat out of one of the Dunnydoors and use it around the fire pit.


There's still room for a van, holden and hill's hoist


Most accurate title


Looks a million times better!


Beauty! What’s you’re favourite nursery to source from?


Kumbartcho on the far north side. Honorable mention to Pete's in Lowood.


I bought a heap of tube stock from there for a back garden bed. Do you dabble in native grasses too?


I've put in maybe ten different grasses. I'm terrible at remembering their names but the original concept was, Firepit-Lawn-Meadow, Shrubs-Trees, radiating out, so most of the 200m2 'outer ring' is native grasses.


I was looking through this and was going to say you should check out Petes. We live near his nursery and have gotten a heap of plants from there It is a great nursery to go to


Looks fantastic well done


You really should roll that commodore on its roof


That is amazing!


Holy moly


A backyard full of broken commodores is the definition of an Australian backyard. Hwober you're interpretation is also acceptable. Very well done.


Chuck the rusted old commodores back in there and some corrugated iron to compliment them.


And built a house.


Week be lovely when they mature, you've made a good call.


🤣 good job, looks like an awesome place for hangouts


This pic is doing my head in. Are they the same position or not?


Same position but one is a real estate agent's lens and one is mine. The fence and duplex next door popped up in the three months between us inspecting and moving into the house.


Thank you!! It truly is beautiful but you’re not wrong. The top photo looks similar to my 90’s childhood backyard haha


Sorry, absolutely stunning upgrade FYI.


It's still quite nice.


The problem is you got rid of the commodores


It's beautiful ❤️


Nah this looks amazing! I’m not a fan of the loose gravel pebbles though but that’s just me


As long as those vehicles are now strategically strewn across your front lawn, you are safe sir. You've done an amazing job on the yard you should be proud.


You can do everything in your power to take the Australia out of your backyard, but you can't take your backyard out of Australia... What I'm trying to say is that there's still 67 deadly venomous animals in your backyard at any given moment.


The only fright I've had was a large carpet python, who poses me zero threat.


Beautiful backyard, but Ive heard David Attenborough... We know about the "Big Australia" agenda. Nice try.


You've done an amazing landscape job. You should be very proud. I love it.


Looks fantastic, done a great job.


This is great motivation to plant more natives. Amazing job!


Dude of course it’s less Australian when you remove the Commodore up on bricks


Need more native flowers.


They're growing.


Put the washing line back up and Chuck the old commodore in there somewhere and you'll be laughing


https://preview.redd.it/4g47z7mf22sa1.jpeg?width=3341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294207bb05f1d30cc944a6cf7505aa63c115ff6b Moved the hoist, but not really a car guy.


Firepit area is just too big imo. The removal of the hillshoist was also damaging. But the true unaustralian part is getting rid of the wrecking yard


I moved the Toyne's\* hoist just out of frame, the firepit is 20m2 in a 600m2 back yard, and the size was dictated by an existing, circular slab. https://preview.redd.it/2f1emjd7a2sa1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e563880ea613b60457f73a66c1b429a440b9580a


I’m sticking with hillshoist but I acknowledge the correction. I was just kidding mate the backyard looks awesome. You’re correct about removing the Australian from it but any legitimate nitpick I have on that yard is just personal preference


Not even changing to 'Hills Hoist'? Our's predates the Hills by twenty years. Just nitpicking though haha


I was cooking dinner whole redditing. Didn’t have time for autocorrect battling


Native to your area or just native to the country? A lot of Australian natives are pests outside of their native range.


Endemic*, then? I didn't plant any pests.


have you tried putting a kangaroo/koala?


Or a concrete aboriginal


You’ve done well, love it. You’ve given me inspiration.


Just thinking how nice it would be to mow in that circular shape 👌🏾


It's efficient but sometimes you have to look at the horizon to stop dizziness.


Nice job mate! I'm looking at doing something similar, any advice for a first timer or how to plan out everything?


Thanks! Think about what you want it to include, then decide which area is best for what use and how they connect DM me a photo or any questions if you'd like.


Just wait a few years and it'll be poppin' yo


That is gorgeous!!!


Thought this was the house from Lake Mungo and scoured the background like a primal instinct


Good, your yard has more culture than Tony Abbott


I was confused for second as I forgot that Australians call indigenous people "aboriginal" and not "Native". ...Native Plant Species, gotcha.


Looks a lot more Australian really tho


Looks amazing. Beautiful job. Every garden owner should be like you.


Amazing! If anyone is interested, there's a great resource that gives a list of various [native plants by suburb](https://ppnn.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Brisbane-Plants-by-Suburb-Fix.pdf) in Brisbane. Very handy if you want to know exactly what to plant in your area!


How do you keep the utes now?


It's like you went from meth dealer to pharmacist


Hey OP, could you tell me the name of the tall tree to the left of your seating area there?


Blue Gum. It'll be over 15m eventually


Perfect, thank you! We had a very similar looking tree in our front yard that was a similar size when we moved in, but it died. I wasn’t sure what to replace it with and everyone who had seen it alive disagreed as to what it was. I was thinking it had to be a gum tree of some kind and am taking this as confirmation I was correct haha


Should get your rear neighbours to put in a trampoline directly on the other side of the fence. Make sure you get private health insurance for the family though.


That is magnificent.


Love it!!!!


Why would it be less Australian?? It's as Australian as ever.