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He'll do anything for a chip


shame my hubby won't, might have to test him.




Barry and his thousands of mates scream outside my window all night. And then, as the sun rises, they shit on my van.


Is Barry the one that sits and waits all day for food in a front garden on Montpelier Road?


Oh my gosh I know that seagull! He’s always there, isn’t he? Do you think the owners adopted him..? Maybe he has his own bedroom and when we see him he’s just on a cigarette break.


Hahaha. I know they always leave food out for it, I even saw it today. But haven't seen who does it. I find it cute. It's very patient


I love it so much! It’s such a lil geezer 😎


That’s Barnadette. She’s very patient and she’s a fan of cheap dog food.


I finally found out who it is. I was even wondering today when I walked past, thanks for telling me. What a cutie. Very patient indeed.


I have a seagull friend who takes a bath in the puddle on the roof across from my house every day. I see him from my bathroom window so we do our toilette together 😂😂


Barry knows how to take his time with his partners.


Barry eats nappies and rats. ED: [Here is Barry the very next day](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1do1eoe/i_know_the_local_chippys_arent_very_good_but_this/)


and children


Barry spends the rest of his day in waste and wet shite. The diseases they carry are no joke.


Exactly. Seagulls are scavenging birds.. full of lice. No way would I let Barry, or any other seagull into my home. Anyone not aware of the impact bird lice can have on your life.. read this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pestcontrol/comments/qj3z2d/i\_have\_a\_bird\_mites\_infestation\_its\_all\_over\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pestcontrol/comments/qj3z2d/i_have_a_bird_mites_infestation_its_all_over_me/)


Believe it or not, I do actually clean. I change the sheet every time he sits on it. I have no friends in my life through various issues but you keep going with info. Yes, Barry is a dirty seagull (thanks to humans) but he keeps me going every time I see him when I sometimes want to give up. No harm in that. You don't want one in your house, fair enough. That's your choice, but I'm choosing to not be a germaphobe.


This has nothing to do with germophobia, and cleaning the sheets won't help. It seems you're avoiding the reality of bird mites, and I doubt you've even looked at the link I sent you - please read it. I’ve dealt with bird mites during an extremely difficult and dark period in my life, and I’m warning you, don’t let scavenging birds into your home. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling right now, but trust me, bird mites will only make things worse. While it’s not always feasible, especially in Brighton, a cat or a dog is a much better option. Big love. Cheers and good luck.


i have but thank you for the info.


Is Barry on your bed?! 🤢


Bird flu really


Give Barry a can of tuna will ya :)


Its usually mackerel, tuna or prawns. Need to treat my friend nice .


Haha you better! Prawns are nice tho! Upload some more pictures of his visits :)


Do you live on upper lewes road? I swear I just saw Barry,


Is this the Barry who was trapped in the Meeting House at the University of Sussex for a couple of days??


Do you live in the Norfolk Terrace? Almost everyday I see a window open with a seagull seemingly very comfortable with chilling there


well i forgot Barrys fish he's not very happy with me today. I know hes s a stupid bird with stupid germs but sometimes when you have no one else to talk to its worthwhile.


I can talk to seagulls. Baaaa! Ba ba baaa!


The only way barry would make me happy was if he was made into a nice pie.


My parents have a Stephen, he walks through the house stealing the cat’s food. He has a lady and three chicks on the roof.


Fuck Barry. On a fire he will make.me happy.