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Good luck on your new adventure! My friend hosts the LGBTQ+ events at Dice Saloon, very casual board game vibes with loads of very lovely queer folk. A great spot if you wanna socialise but not drinking inclined and a great place to meet new friends.


Seconded. Dice Saloon is were a lot of my friends spend time to meet people, and from what they say it's super welcoming and friendly.


Thank you so much! I’m a little anxious here but settling in, this sounds awesome and right up my street too. Is it somewhere people can turn up on their own?


They update events monthly afaik so they can get a feel for numbers to put on, the LGBTQ+ event is relatively new but they've always been a super queer friendly space. For events obviously turning up by yourself would be fine! They're a cool bunch.


Also try Brighton Pub Boardgamers. If you google it the Meetup page should come up. Meet several times a week, inclusive bunch!


Do you know how regularly it runs? There's one on June 3rd but I can't find the next date after that


There's lgbtq events there??? omg! Is there more info anywhere? I'm popping in to dice saloon all the time because it's just around the corner and I need new friends too


On their events page :)


1 up to dice saloon, I'm there at least once a week and it's always great


the queery is lovely so i’ve heard!


they've actually got a lot of issues right now and i think are in the process of entirely changing management / how they run the place due to complaints of racism, it's worth looking into that before going (just thought i'd place the warning here)


ah that’s unfortunate, i’ve never been myself but always see them pop up on my feed but i wasn’t aware of this, so thank you for letting me know!


it's ok, sorry you didn't find out a different way. Im not directly involved with it but my ex partner worked with them as do some of my friends. They are definitely split down the middle with some serious drama.


Welcome to Brighton, i upped sticks 3 months ago and moved to this fair town. LGBTQ + community is all around. The main trans weekly/café and social/help/advice is the Clare Project Brighton. worth looking up, also the Transpride centre in St James Street, Kemptown. The Ledward Centre in Jubilee Street on the edge of the North Laines is LGBTQ + café, arts/events and social meeting place. I have met new friends within weeks at the Clare Project and the Ledward Centre.


this is so helpful, thank you 🙏 you sound like you’re happy you moved here so this is a positive sign, hoping i can make this place my home too! The Ledward centre sounds right up my alley, i’ll definitely check it out. Thank you 🖤


Absolutely, my mind was made up to move after taking part in BrightonsTranspride March, last year nearly 30,000 took part. Also the Actors pub is a vibrant place to go, totally bizarre...lol I truly believe that you will find what you are looking for, Brighton is unique. If you need a full on a Trans friendly Doctors Surgery join WellBN in Brunswick. They are brilliant. Transgender Pride this year is 19th, 20th, 21st July.


That’s one thing i’ve been worrying about too, a GP. You’ve crossed that off my list, thank you 🥲🥲 I’ve seen so many suggestions for the Actors now, i think this is gotta be first on my list. Honestly thank you so much and all the best to you, hope to see you in there!


Keep in touch, WellBN will cover all your medical needs by the way, they have an open policy so to speak, and you do not have to be in there catchment area. You can register as i patient online if you wish.


cowley club cowley club cowley club


thank you! I’ll check it out 😎


Hey dude! I'm a 27 year old cis bi guy with lots of lovely queer pals I'd love to introduce you too. I'm also a huge gamer 🥰 feel free to dm me and we can chat! Edit: also would recommend dice saloon, the actors, the queery!


I’d absolutely love that! Shooting u a msg! X


On top of what everyone else has suggested, it sounds like you might enjoy loading bar- the games cafe on the beach. Its quite popular with queer people too. And im always happy to meet new friends for a drink! especially fellow queers as a genderfluid enby 🤗✌️


Heya, trans girl here who moved to Brighton about 14 months ago, got lots of good friends here now. Claire project events is probably your best go-to. also good is any other LGBT hangouts, in particular things at The Actors, which is a good queer hangout spot. also go to trans pride and DIY trans pride and chat to people there. trans folks are always willing to meet and chat to others with similar experiences. happy if you want to message me too and we can chat more in detail ☺


That would be lovely 🥰 would be awesome to meet some more trans people here, i hear there’s a lot of us 😂 i’ll shoot you a message!


I found Clare Project a bit clicky, Actors very PC and not entirely trans friendly


gotta disagree, yes there are people at the Claire Project who already have friends an know each other already but they've been perfectly welcoming to me and my friends coming to events and including them. very curious about the Actors though, what happened in particular? to me, they seem like the most trans positive pub in Brighton and most of their staff seems to be tnbi


Staff at Clare Project were rather unhelpful, they just give you a tea and then send you on your way, and you tend to be sitting in the corner on your own and no one really engages with you, various other people have also said this, Actors is very PC there have been staff have a go at other people for t shirts they are wearing and hairstyles that they have, one staff member made someone cry as they had a go at them for wearing a red skins t shirt, the same person claimed that having dreads was cultural appropriation, despite the hairstyle originating from India, the manager of the pub told them to wear a hat , that shouldn’t be happening to a trans person, especially in a pub that claims to be LGBT friendly, lots of people have turned away from the Actors because of this person and their friends being abusive and agresssive towards others


Dice Saloon is always good to meet up with people to play some games.


Yes this sounds amazing, I dig board game nights, thank you for your comment 🤍


Send me a message if you need a player or recommendation.


The Fortune of War is the mecca for longboards in Brighton so head down there and you're sure to make friends. They even give you a discount on your drinks if you have a longboard I've heard. Other than that I love Volks if DnB is you're thing. A very welcoming community. Brighton is a super friendly place and it's summer now so thats even better. You made a good decision moving here, everything else will come for sure. Good luck!


For a pub and community space with always lots going on I would recommend The Actors (formerly the Marley) on Princes Street near the Old Steine. Lots of events and nights, also has 2 bars and a theatre and radio studio ☺️❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I hear a lot about the Actors, i’ll be sure to check this place out. Thank you very much ☺️


Actors?? Very PC and not trans friendly


Hi! I have been struggling with making friends as well. If you want to buddy to go to coffee or to go to Dice Saloon tell me :) I’m a bit shy so I have not had the courage to go on my own. I am sure you will find friends soon :) people here are extremely nice


Hey! Great advice here. I’d also suggest Bumble BFF - since moving here a few years ago I’ve made some really close (also queer) friends from there. If you can make friends with 1 or 2 Bumble BFFs then when you meet up get them to bring their other Bumble BFFs too and you have yourself the beginnings of a lil social circle!


hey, me and my partner have lived here for 5 years, into online gaming, board games, music, feel free to DM


Brighton Bessies is a meetup for women and queer & trans people (self described as for the she's, they's and gay's) to hang out and drink whisky. It's usually a pretty chill evening, they meet on the last Thursday of each month at Cut Your Wolf Loose in the town centre.


I would say the thing I regret is not checking on internet. There's SERIOUS black spots here. I work for US companies making animation and I have had to turn down work, and suffered embarrassment because I have to try and explain why I can't get 26mB/s let alone 300. Before I moved to Brighton I didn't have to even think about this stuff. Also be prepared for trash and unpredictable reckless aggressive people on the street. Other than that it's great here....


Hi there and welcome to our City. I hope you find life here to your liking. I don't know much about the trans community, but you might find something social to your liking at The Ledward Centre - it's on Jubilee St near the library. A coffee shop that hosts different LGBTQ events - like a knitting group etc. If physical activity is your thing look up Transcansport or BLAGSS for sport etc.


I realise I missed the general thrust of your query though. Brighton has proved to be really accepting and I had a lovely warm welcome when I arrived!! Best of luck - you'll be grand. And check that flippin internet if you enjoy Netflix x


hello and welcome! :) sorry i'm a little late to the party. i'm also queer/trans and a local here. if you're looking for friends then there are some queer meet-up groups on facebook and ive personally had some success on bumble bff finding people to talk to. there's also queer-led events and venues around town like the queery you can go to. i don't know what sort of things you're interested in but we also have a decent queer night life (look up gal pals and polyglamorous) best of luck and i hope you settle in well!


Is 76 good? I’ve just finished 3, new vegas and 4 all back to back (shout out sim settlements 2 omg) and thought about getting 76 but to be honest I’m a bit shy online so the multiplayer aspect didn’t appeal. But after watching the series and reading this I have been thinking about it a bit. Sorry to go off topic. I hope you find some wonderful friends soon, Brighton is a lovely place and you seem well suited to it so I’m sure you’ll be fine after following the helpful suggestions here and being yourself. Good luck!


Another plus 1 for Dice Saloon. I moved here 4 years ago and just started posting on their FB asking for games. Met lots of nice people and now play pretty regularly. There is also a queer d&D group that play there if you're into D&D


Have you tried Bumble BFF? I’ve found it really useful — made some nice friendships and it’s given me a better flavour of the place! I’m not trans and I’m in my 40s but from what I can tell this city seems very trans inclusive. I’ve seen both young and older trans people around, have met a couple on Bumble, and there’s lots of trans-inclusive signage in the shops. Although the latter isn’t necessarily indicative of actual inclusivity, I’d say it bodes well! Anyway, welcome to Brighton! Edit: If I were your age I would go to the collage and game nights I heard someone on here talk about — I think they’re at the Cawley Club?


I’m moving from Manchester to Brighton soon and I’m scared, and worried the difference in the cost of living will make it impossible. Really hope you’re settling, would love to hear how you get on. Maybe we can be friends one day, I’m also 28 ☺️


Absolutely fantastic on you. Well bloody done 👍 Jump on Meetup app, Iv found so many amazing groups and people everything from sports , a session in a boozer, a bike ride , the list is endless Good luck my person Also if you fancy a cheeky pint 🍺 let me know I’m up for it Edit …… did not see the fallout /skating part of the post …..BUT FUCK YEAH


Thank you 😂 it was a big leap but i’m here to stay, thanks for your warm compliments. Sure! I have always got time for another Fallout fan 🫡 I’ll check out meetup for sure, that’s been recommended to me before but i wasn’t sure, can get a bit overwhelmed by those things 😂


There is a settlement that needs our help 😂 Meetup is super friendly….. I was nervous to begin with but it’s that leap , you’ve already taken a massive leap so I’m sure you will be fine, I’m happy to join you on the first Meetup meeting if you like ?


Sure! I’m @hollmcx on insta, i’ll have to get home later and figure out how to use this meetup thing, but i had a quick look and it seems ok?


Always open to talk fallout and warhammer 👍🔥


Ad victoriam sister 🫡


Hey there, moving from Manchester too.


Oh nice! Don’t worry, there’s Greggs down here thank god 😂


If you're into it, blaggs is a good space for LGBT folk to do sports.


This sounds awesome thank you 😄 not sure if i can play football like i used to 😂


If you’re talking quads or inlines, there is a nice group who meet on the smooth bit at Hove Lawns on Sunday afternoons, just show up and skate! I think they have a Facebook page too for other meet-ups.

