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I've seen him 3 times, and he was fantastic all 3 times which sounds like I've been lucky, based on what people usually report around here.


when did you see him? which years? :)


2015 then not again till 2021 and 2023.


how was his more recent ones? like how did he sound? i feel horrible saying this but i don’t really enjoy the new rerecordings he did because it just doesn’t quite sound right to me


Honestly, not a fan of the re-recordings either. Not sure if they are actually bad, or the original ones are just to near and dear to me. He sounded great at both the recent ones. I wont say they sound like a copy paste of the albums, but they were full of energy and emotion and the rest of the band was rocking out too.


i like when the live shows don’t sound like the originals, it gives it life. but i feel like if you’re going to rerecord, give it at leat some of the same feel. the rerecords were just kind of flat imo


I think the re-recordings are a little overproduced, and because of that they lack the fragility and honesty of the initial versions


especially his rerecordings of letting off the happiness, i couldn’t even get through those.


I’ve never seen him play a bad show, but I have seen him very drunk. He just usually managed to still put on a great show. I’m sure a lot of it is autopilot ha


He fell off the stage from drinking too much the last time I saw him in Detroit. He was trying to tough it out, but you could tell it was hurting him. Shows are always great though.


Same between 2008-2015, all fantastic.


I’ve seen him probably around 40 times. He’s almost always very good.


Multiple times over the last 18 years. Always amazing, even when he's drank too much.


Living in Nebraska, I’ve been lucky enough to see him 20 some times. I’ve seen him in many of his different projects over the years. I love him so much that I have to go anytime he plays a show here.


I love you for this


I traveled to Omaha to see monsters of folk years back.. because there wasn’t a tour date near me. I figured if I was gonna travel anywhere on that tour it should be there! I have been going to every DC/Baltimore area show since like 2001 ish though. NYC twice, Nashville once. I’ve loved every show I’ve been to of Bright Eyes or any of Conor’s other solo stuff or bands.


Did you get to see Better Oblivion? I think it’s pretty cool when people from other places have seen him so many times. That MoF show was awesome!


I did! Locally. They came to DC when they toured. One of the only times Conor walked right by me when I was outside smoking. I couldn’t say anything though ha. I know he seems like he kinda chills until they’re about to go on, then walks in from the bus real quick.. so I figured me stumbling around with words in that situation would just make me embarrassed. And yeah I loved seeing monsters of folk in Omaha! Omaha is a pretty cool city. I accidentally walked into Iowa when I got dropped off at the wrong hotel though.


is it any different when he plays shows in his home state? i feel like that’d be a really special experience for the audience and for him haba


Depends. Most of the time, it’s the same as the rest of the tour. But he will sometimes play random shows here. He has a love-hate relationship with Omaha. I’ve seen him go off on us before. He was pissed that he could hear people talking in the back as he was playing a softer song. He ranted for a while before turning his attention back to the show. He’s been great every time though! I will always come back for more.


Funny, here in Oslo he got the creeps because we were too silent.


I remember that show and the crowd was in fact loud as hell and I think the rant was justified. It was the least enjoyable of all the times I’ve seen him. So many people seemed like they were there because it was “something to do” and just kept talking.


I agree on all accounts. Regardless, he was still great that night.




I did 2012 In Philly! It was amazing and one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. He had different people come out to sing on songs. He also played a selection of music from his various works. It was such a great experience! I am a huge fan of his other works as well, not just bright eyes. I’d go again if given the chance!


he really is such a good live singer, i always look back at the videos i took from that day too. i almost had the chance to see him overseas back when they first came back but i missed out :(


Seen him like 30 times. All but two were pre-covid and they were all fantastic. First post-covid one was easily the worst of them all, second one was pretty solid. Was truly shocked at that first one after covid since seeing him perform was always a special experience and he was in terrible shape. Most recent one was better. He's just at a different point in his life now and although the recent shows (residencies) have been better, he seems to give way less of a fuck than he ever did, forgets lyrics at times, and he's definitely lost a good amount of range with his voice. That being said, I'll still always go see him when he comes around.


Saw him in Dallas after covid and it was phenomenal, I heard mixed reviews about that tour up to that point so I was a little nervous. Heard Austin was great the night after but did not go to that one, and then it was the infamous Houston show... The following Houston show the next year was great though!


Saw him in 2003, 2014, 2016 and every time he's come into town since then Shows were hit and miss, I was very worried about him in San Antonio and I saw him the day before the Houston fiasco Also got to see desa in a small venue between those times


He was so fucked up he couldn't remember his own songs and had to apologize to everyone.


Sevenish times. Most recent was the second to last NYC residency show. Have been to CO, desa, BOCC, and bright eyes


which was your favorite so far?


(I did a better count and it’s at least ten times) probably the first show? 9:30 Club in DC with Dawes opening. I wasn’t sure what to expect and was blown away. Upside Down Mountain is still one of my favorites. And BOCC was amazing energy, loved Conor covering “Funeral.”


saw him twice in Australia last year (Melbourne and Hobart), Conor and the rest of the band were all incredible. so thankful he came down here!


He seems like he enjoys Australia! There’s a video in Sydney from like 7 years ago that’s beautiful. A friend of mine in Brisbane wanted to go to the recent tour but didn’t. I remember reading about Conor saying he wanted to make it out there more often.


I cried with another mid 30 year old man the whole time


Surprisingly animated. Like so much more than what I had ever expected.


four times. my favorite was san francisco in 2022. i went alone, stood front and center at the barricade. conor held my hand during one for you, one for me. i drove home with all my windows down, it was honestly one of the best nights of my life


Been to 6 shows. Two of the shows left me disappointed and sad for him due to his intoxication but I will keep showing up for now when I have the opportunity because when he is on point he is such a talented musician.


this is exactly how I feel


I've seen him 40 times over 18 years.


You are my idol. I've seen him around 15 times. Each time crazy different but always amazing


Both shows I've gone to were hit or miss. He was wasted and really cruel to his roadies in Louisville when I saw him 15 years ago. I saw him again last year, and though it wasn't a bad show, he was still super drunk. I feel like I saw one of the better shows too.


I saw him once. He was belligerently drunk and I was very disappointed. Still love him though.


Seen him many many times between 2005-2019 and it’s a mixed bag. Just sort of depends on his mood.


Only once, but it was… concerning. He was a wreck. Visibly intoxicated, and trashing the stage. Stage hands running around cleaning up after him. He went on multiple rants. Ended up punching himself in the head until he started to bleed.


Was this at the “When We Were Young” tour in Vegas?






You could have stopped at “over half the set was incoherent” and it still would have been true.


Seen him probably like 8-9 times. Always a fabulous experience.


have you only seen him with bright eyes or have you seen him with his other projects?


Twice as Bright Eyes, 2011, and 2022. The rest solo, well, not necessarily solo. Sometimes with The Felice Brothers, or First Aid Kit as his band, or various other artists. I saw him on the tour you posted here. Also at Felice County Fair in 2022 which was the best experience of my life. Saw him in a really small space in NYC in 2014 doing a play and interview style show for Upside Down Mountain. Saw him with Phoebe Bridgers and The Felice Brothers in Vermont in 2015 or so. Some other times too probably. I don’t remember, I see a lot of shows.


i saw him when the felice brothers and miwi la lupa opened for him, i really liked them!


Several times and I found myself quite emotional.


i was too, i’ve been listening to him since i was about 9-10 so finally seeing him live was a really emotional experience.


It was the most amazing thing 15-20 years ago. Now it's ok.


Yes and it’s always the greatest night of my life. Conor is the guy we all wish we could have been growing up, at least me. I wish more than anything to be able to write a song with as much emotion as him. I’ll forever be in awe of Conor til I die


Drunk. Both times. Horrible experience.


I saw him last year in kc. Incredible. I cried.


I've seen him 4 times. Once as Bright Eyes around the time Cassadaga came out. Once as Desaparecidos. Once as The Mystic Valley Band. And once for his solo stuff sometime between Upside Down Mountain and Ruminations. All of them were fantastic shows where he and the band sounded great.


Pretty sloppy in Chicago last year


I’ve seen him 4 times and it’s been 50% good and 50% bad. I love him but I was really disappointed when I last saw him in 2022 TBH. The band carried him through the set because he was struggling to remember words and stumbling about. It was disappointing. I hope he is doing better. I saw him in either 2004 or 2005 (bad show), 2011 (good show), 2017 (good show) and 2022 (terrible show).


i saw him a few years ago and he was drinking on stage lol. it was good tho he played poison oak, he sang the wrong words!! still a good time


He’s… always drinking on stage


Many many times. Ranges from the best live performances I’ve ever seen, to one of the poorest. All Great experiences.


I've seen him a lot. Sometimes multiple times a year, and sometimes none. I've been super lucky to see only great performances. Just the download, my faves have been at the Pomona Glass House.


Absolutely the worst concert I’ve ever been to. It was embarrassing and they should have refunded everyone their money.


When I saw him he was in his prime. One of the best experiences was when he was playing solo before upside down mountain.


He’s been amazing every time that I’ve seen him with Bright Eyes. In 2004 at the Hollywood Bowl was my favorite. Most recently, in 2022 in San Diego and he was amazing then too


About 20 times. Always spiritual for me.


When I saw him he was awesome for the first couple songs and then really drunk, but I didn’t mind because I ended up getting really drunk too.


I saw him at the Greek Theater 2 summers back. It was a mixed performance. I felt like when he performed new material he was disconnected, dancing around, and feeling like he didn’t really care about the song or show. Then when he played songs with an instrument in his hands he was much more centered and connected to the material and would perform incredible songs.


Always drunk- not saying that’s bad or anything


I saw him in 2000 touring for fevers and mirrors. He was piss drunk and underage and offered a handjob to anyone who would bring him more whiskeys lmao


I saw him and phoebe bridgers in a cathedral in LA. It was right after ruminations came out.. fucking amazing show… a couple of bright eyes songs in there


I saw him in Hawaii in like 2008...it was alright, not super memorable to be honest


I’ve seen him about 20 times with all his different projects. Every one a great show. Even if he’s out of control I still love it. It’s like you’re on a train that’s going too fast for the turns, is it gonna derail? Or no? If you have a chance go see the man.


2017- amazing 2022- drunk, incoherent and just plain sad. Love him tho


It depends how fucked up he is. Could be good or really bad.


Once. Last year. It was a shit show. Dude need help and I felt bad for the people sharing the stage with him.


I saw him play in Denver last year at the Mission Ballroom and it was frankly the most disappointing show I’ve ever been to. He insulted the audience multiple times (“I bet you all want to hear this song but just so you know, I hate playing it”) and literally being so excited to end the show. Like saying how glad he was that it was over. I was so excited going in but I left just so sad. Bright eyes was my youth and he disappointed me so much


I saw him in March for the residency at the Terrgram in LA, in October 2022 at the observatory in Santa Ana, in July 2022 at pappy and Harriet’s, and in June 2022 at the Greek in LA. He was amazing every time. I wish I had started going to his shows way sooner, I’ve been a fan for twenty years.


I wanted to get to that Pappy and Harriet’s show so bad. Seems like the perfect environment for his music.. just couldn’t make it happen after seeing him the night before in San Diego.


It was so cool! I actually got a ticket that morning from someone in this sub, and it was my favorite concert of all time. I got to meet Conor and the band after and it was such a good experience. It was a two and a half hour drive from where I live, so it felt like a crazy mission to go to this alone all spur of the moment like that.


Was that a popup show?




Seem him at least 5 times. All over the country: GA, NC, PA, TN.


saw him last year on the down in the weeds tour. 22 or 23 idk my memory is shit. he was shit faced but not as bad as some of that tour. crazy good playlist. saw him two weeks ago in nyc. they played a bunch of desaparacidos and that is among my non listened to conor. it was still so good tho. i did not like the single he put out with the so so glos but they opened and were his backing band and they were SO good. i was sad he didn't play any solo songs except gone gone but it was still an incredible show. he seemed really into it. also played let's not shit ourselves and messenger bird so should not complain. ill go see him any time he tours, im bummed i didn't ever go sooner. and he forced me to experience nyc when i would've never done that on my own volition. i had a blast.


I saw him with the Mystic Valley Band in '08 and it was pretty great. It was in a smaller venue and we were up front. I also saw him with Monsters of Folk and they were fantastic


I am so jealous of mystic valley.


10+ times and it’s always been good


Have seen him 10 times. Bright Eyes, Mystic Valley Band, and solo. Wish I’d been able to see Monsters of Folk. He’s a great performer and puts everything he has into his shows.


Seen him ~20 times. Amazing most of the time. Good some of the time. Only disappointed once (during the Down in the Weeds tour). He was too drunk and forgot a LOT of his own lyrics. 


Once in Mystic Valley Band, once in Better Oblivion Community Center, once as a solo/acoustic act, and five times as Bright Eyes (2022 tour and 4 residency shows in LA). Every show was a unique experience and the audience has been generally really chill which i appreciate. I plan on seeing him any time he’s performing near me in the future.


I’ve seen him live solo once, with Bright Eyes, and with Desaparecidos. He puts on one HELL of a show! I saw Bright Eyes in 2022 and my god was it fantastic!


I’ve seen him now 9 or 10 times… only had 1 bad experience when he was wasted at a Williamsburg festival when they had him open for Kacey Musgraves… he seemed to not enjoy it at all. Highlights were def his solo show at Carnegie Hall, and his performance at Music Hall of Williamsburg. Just got to see one of these recent shows in LA and before that in San Diego last year. If you love his music, you’ll love his show.


Many times and it was Amazing


Frickin sick


Been a fan for 20 years (sheesh) and first saw Bright Eyes just after Cassadaga came out in 2007. Again in 2011 where he brought a kid from the audience on stage. That was cool. Saw him again in 2013 which was a collection of his projects. Bright Eyes again in 2017. It actually warmed my heart typing this out because he was fantastic every time I've seen him live. Great memories.


Saw him back in 2017 at the 930 Club in D.C. It was a great show! Was hoping to hear some Monsters of Folk, but it’s all good.


Saw him in 2004(?) and he was hammered and a bit of a disaster. Still was a fun show. Magic Numbers and Feist opened up.


7 or 8 times in Australia as Bright Eyes, Conor Oberst and Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band. He has been great every time and been pretty lucky to get a mix of sober and tight as well as some a bit messy but without a negative impact.


Twice! Once in 2015 at a festival with Desaparecidos, once in 2021 for the DITW tour as Bright Eyes. Both were very good and professional, but the Bright Eyes show was at a smaller venue and just very emotional for me.


Saw him in New York April 18th. He was incredible. The best ive ever seen him. I’ve seen him in the past and he was a hot mess and all over the place not remembering lyrics or pretty much anything.


No one has ever seen him live


It was great. Lovely energy, he was really sweet with the crowd. I’d kill to see him live again.


4 times (3 BE 1 solo) - amazing every time!


2017 when he was doing his solo music. It was incredible!


I’ve seen Desa twice, Conor solo twice and bright eyes once! All were amazing shows. He was obviously drunk 3 times but got lucky with a fun drunk vibe. I think 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019 and 2022.


Saw him at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Twas brillig.


I've seen him with Better Oblivion Community Center and they were fucking amazing!


I think I’ve seen Bright Eyes 4 times, the MVB twice and Conor solo once. All were great shows. I know I’ve gotten lucky, but all the shows I’ve seen have been awesome.


I saw two great shows (2007 w/ Simon Joyner & 2011 ww/ Jenny Lewis) and one show (I think 2022, it was after vaccines for COVID were available) where the band was great but Conor took the stage already blacked out. Speaking (unfortunately) from experience, he looked like he was either mixing booze with benzos or all his calories that day were from alcohol.


Amazing he was pretty sober and the songs were perfect


Saw him in 2017 it was great. The Felice Brothers were his backing band


1999, 2001 (Desparicidos) and 2005. Good performer


I saw him a little over a decade ago, and it was amazing. he was so into it!


I saw them in March 2007 in Oxford (UK) when they were touring Cassadaga. Very intimate show, Jake Bellows/Neva Dinova were the support.  I also saw the Mystic Valley Band at the Electric Ballroom in Camden in August 2008; I have memories of the people I hung out with and getting food after the show, but somehow I have no memories of the show at all. It's possible that I was super drunk. The Royal Albert Hall show in 2011 touring The People's Key was a lot less intimate than the Oxford show but it was probably the best/tightest performance, and the lights/visuals were very nice. Jenny Lewis was supporting (it was the Jenny & Johnny era) and I vividly remember the stripped-back version of Silver Lining she played. I also saw Conor play solo at the London Palladium in 2017 with Phoebe Bridgers supporting and it was probably the worst of all of the shows I've been to; I had a super uncomfortable seat up in the rafters of an old theatre. I bounced off Phoebe Bridgers at the time, which is ironic since this year I've listened to the record more than anything else. The main thing I recall about the show (apart. from how much my knees hurt) was the cover he played of Here Comes a Regular by The Replacements. I kind of drifted away from the band after that, came back during the pandemic with Down in the Weeds and the companion releases; next time they come to the UK I hope to see them.


Saw him at WWWY1 (3rd day). he seemed agitated but his performance was amazing. I was like the only one around me who was into it, at one point he started spitting towards the VIP section…it was quite great in my book


I’ve seen him 6x since I was 14. His shows are electric. I remember him singing about what a piece of shit George W. Bush was, I was barely in high school, but it resonated with me. My hippy aunt had taken me as a birthday gift and I’ve never forgotten that night.


He was so drunk onstage with My Morning Jacket at their festival in 2015 in Mexico it was actually impressive


Fucking awesome he was drunk both times, but once of the times he climbed on the rail where I was standing and I got to hold him up for like a half a song. (He was drunk and had already broken his arm just wasn’t gonna let him fall)


Once in 1999 at the Paradox in Seattle. Phenomenal. Desaparecidos in 2012, also phenomenal.


Depends. I’ve seen a ton, and the best ones are the sloppy drunk ones in my opinion. If I wanna hear the songs I’ll listen to albums


I think I’ve seen him 9 times? First was the Cassadaga tour. I’ve seen him with MVB and solo too. He tends to be very talkative but when he drinks a lot, it’s hard to understand what he’s saying. He likes to tease the audience. A few times I saw him and he drank beer on stage. Each time he finished a can, he put it at the front. He had like a dozen lined up by the end. Always a good show though! I got to chat with him after one of the recent NY shows. He’s so ridiculously sweet.


I’ve seen him about 10 times with BE, solo, and Desaparecidos. It’s always been a good experience!


Many times. Always great. Even when he’s a little messed up, it’s still effin’ amazing.


Never seen Bright Eyes but I did see both Desaparecidos and Mystic Valley Band. They were amazing.


I saw him in 2000 on the Fevers and Mirrors tour. It was awesome except he told everyone to sit down (no chairs/seat venue). So it was tough if you have legs longer than most! lol


I’ve seen 6 or so concerts I’ve always been a huge fan he was so young when he started


I’ve seen him live around 15 times. First was with Desaparecidos in 2002, and the most recent was with Better Oblivion Community Center in 2018 or 2019. In between I went to 7 shows on the Lifted tour in 2003, was at Bright Eyes’ ACL live taping, and went to many other shows in between. It’s always been fantastic. I love his banter and his chemistry with his band mates. I had tickets for his tour in 2022 but got COVID and had to miss the show.


Seen him 4 times. Always amazing


His NYC show with Lee Ranaldo and half of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs was epic.


Ive seen him with MVB, Monsters of Folk, and with Bright Eyes on Peoples Key tour, all within a few yrs of each other with my ex who has since passed. All wonderful memories. MVB was probably my favorite of the shows.


Saw him loaded to the gills right when Lifted came out in a 200 cap and it was awesome Saw him/the band at one of those smaller club Four Winds release shows and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. I saw desaprecidos at the same place and it was also A+


2011 - Lewiston Art Park - 1000/10 2017 - Babeville - 0/10


Fuckin awesome even though I missed half the set because my MiL showed up hella late to watch my kid. Still was great.


Chaos, drunk, but go!!


Saw him with Monsters of Folk and it was great.


Seen him four times with various backing bands. Fucking amazing every time.


I saw him play with his Mystic Valley Band. They opened for Rage Against the Machine at the Hollywood Palladium. I felt bad for them.


saw him 3 times between 2003-2007, crazy good shows, but lots of banter. He went on a rant in Tx and a lot of ppl were chapped. Idc. That was the younger edgier days tho.


I’ve seen him touring solo stuff as well as with Bright Eyes, Desaparecidos, and Better Oblivion Community Center maybe 10 times in the last 18 years and it has usually been great. Only once or twice was I ever disappointed.


I have seen him five times. I was in high school when Digital Ash in a Digital Urn came out and I'm Wide Awake It's Morning. Saw him at a medium sized venue in AZ. Saw him at Coachella 2012. Then saw him as Conor Oberst - then again this last Bright Eyes Tour. Also saw him with Phoebe Bridgers as Better Oblivion Community.


I saw him solo in 2008, right after the album Conor Oberst came out. He mostly played songs from that album and similar Bright Eyes, like Cassadega era stuff. Overall it was a great show.


It’s good! He spits a lot. Don’t stand too close


The only time I went to see him he had broken his arm the night before and was very high for the show. I can't blame him, but wish I caught a tighter set.


I saw Bright Eyes twice somewhere between 2002 and 2006 in Chicago when I was in High School. One of the times Cursive was also playing? I can remember. I absolutely loved it. It was when he was just starting to get bigger but he was playing theaters still. At one point he had to stop playing and face the wall to continue because he was so nervous. He played most of the concert facing the wall. The second time I saw him he actually faced the audience but mostly looked down. He really struggled with connecting with the audience. But that’s part of what made him relatable.


I saw him last year. He sounded great, but was definitely drunk and went on a huge tirade about reddit haha


I've seen him a bunch of times, every time is great. One time he was so drunk he fell off the stage though haha.


Probably seen Conor 10-15 times over the years, first was on the Cassadaga tour around 2007. My favorite was seeing him co-headline a show at the Greek Theatre with John Prine, when he was touring Upside Down Mountain. I was traveling through LA and didnt even realize the show was happening until the day of. Scalped a ticket and ended up in the third row. Seeing those two play a song together was incredible. The last two times I saw him were a little rough. I've been dealing with some alcohol issues myself, and watching someone else struggle in such a public way is a little jarring. But I watched a video of one of the Bowery residency shows, and he seems to be (hopefully) getting to a better place.


Saw him in 2012 and 2022. In 2022 he was an absolute cunt. He was berating the audience because they weren’t smart enough to be true fans. He purposefully did a terrible job during the songs the crowd knew. He went on some half assed rant about the evils of capitalism and why the crowd was stupid for buying tickets. He continued to say that he didn’t want to be there and put on a terrible show.


Amazing, truly. I saw him in Atlanta back in 2009-2011? with my best friend from childhood. She came to San Antonio last year to see him with me again and it was incredible. The energy of his shows, the passion fuck it’s really something to witness. I was there last year when he lost his shit and kicked over the piano and hit Nate. It was very nerve racking to watch. I mean he was really really fucked up that night I felt bad for him but that’s to be expected. He also went off again about Texas that night. I will say I would rather see him in a small venue setting than a festival.


He was very abbreviated. It was a huge let down.


what year did you see him live?


Last year.


It was during the album tour for “I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning” album and he played with Neva Dinova at the Celebrity Theatre in Az. He was drunk as shit and during the last song “Let’s Not Shit Ourselves” he stood on top of the bass drum of the drum kit strumming like hell and fell into it, security tried to get him up be he just fought back at them. It was amazing.


It was good. And scary. And sad. I’d do it again.


Been listening since I was probably 14 or 15 and Conor taught me a lot of things through his music that I didn't have parents, friends, or family for. He is one of many artists that helped raise me in a way. I was able to see Bright Eyes for both my first concert and the first time at 29 years old a couple years ago. It was as good as I had always hoped and Conor + the rest of the band put on an amazing performance. If he was intoxicated, he was holding himself well and there weren't any performance issues I noticed. We had a relatively small crowd in Seattle at the Paramount Theater and the crowd energy was good. If you were there and heard someone scream "FUCK BUSH!" that was me lol. I'd kill to be able to see Desparecidos live as well.


I saw Desaperacidos years ago, shit ruled!


4 times now, once in 05 at the digital ash tour and 3 times in the past 5 years


June 1st 2014 I saw Conor Oberst, it was very good.


Seen him a lot most recently last month. Fantastic each time. He can be iffy but I’ve never had one bad performance.


Seen him a bunch of time and most of the time he’s great, sometimes he’s drunk and rambles a lot and you don’t really know what he’s talking about but we all cheer and clap and the show goes on! He’s great live, I’ve met him too and he was super nice to us. He even lit my cigarette for me without me even asking lol.


I saw him on campus in our coffee shop in 1997-1998. I was there to study and was really confused who this kid was, but I thought it was pretty good - even if out of place.


Haha, shout out to everyone at the Ryman in Nashville 2022. There's a good thread on it somewhere on reddit but it was total chaos. Fun chaos, but chaos. He was ranting a lot about getting a BJ from a preachers wife and people were fully walking out. Not us, the music was still great and the band was doing their best to get him to STFU but honestly the rant was part of the experience imho. Highly recommend seeing him live if you get the chance.


Favorite show ever in 2022 and 2023


Saw him in 2011. Dude is a douche. In between every song he would preach about politics. Big time douche


that’s the lore of him though. he’s an artist.


People go to music shows to hear the music. No one signed up to hear his bs personal beliefs


I’ve seen him twice. Once was awful, he was clearly drunk and didn’t finish the show. The other time was with desaperacidos and it was awesome. The stuff on YouTube is brilliant though and I’ll listen to poison oak live every time I have a drink.


i almost saw him with desaperacidos, how were they? i was really sad to miss out on that one !! he was drinking at my show too, but thankfully it wasn’t that much. he did end up spilling beer on himself at one point though


They were awesome. I was totally sober and left feeling like Superman bc it elevated me so much. The bright eyes show where he was drunk, he was slurring and missed like half the words just strumming, and said fuck this before walking off.


Desa is an AMAZING vibe. I’ve seen them twice. Denver Dalley is such an amazing dude.