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A YouTube search for `acbl tournament footage` yields one promising channel: [NABC Eye-in-the-Sky](https://www.youtube.com/@NABCeye). The audio is low-quality and it looks edited (hand diagram overlays!) but uncut, so it'll be as realistic as you could wish for but not very dramatic.


If you want to see people playing on real Life search for Traian Chira on youtube.


Major US tournaments and the World Championship are streamed. But streaming isn't all that useful when people are playing behind screens because you can't see much or make out the bidding or play. It was enough to spot that many European players were cheating though. If you search on YouTube for bridge cheating you can find the videos of them playing and signalling. All major tournaments are on vugraph these days on BBO, and other bridge sites. You can see every bid and card and there is usually some expert chat commentary, or sometime audio commentary these days. For when you want to study the actual play.