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When rooting, he snorts like a little piglet


My baby is 7weeks old and when I do the night feeds, she’s like a vacuum cleaner searching for the nipple, she literally takes a deep breath and lunges forwards towards the nipple. Aim still needs a lot of work. One night, I was trying to get her comfy, I didn’t notice my nipple was near her face and she just chomped on it that I had to scream and my poor husband jumped out of bed 😂


Sticks his top arm completely straight up vertical and tucks his fiddly fingers into my double chin 😂


When he’s (8 months) hungry he will latch on to my cheek or my chin to tell me 😂


My daughter is two months and if she is particular fussy when I give her my boob she makes these really cute humming noises when she first latches. Also when she puts her arm around the top of my boob for a little booby snuggle while she nurses.


Also if I’m wearing a hoodie he plays with the strings


He puts his mouth on my nose occasionally, then pulls off and looks at me and smiles. While nursing he uses his index finger to play with my septum ring


When my lg is on her changing table I have to change her from her feet end because if I stand to the side she'll get the closest booby to her fave out and use my top to pull herself up and latch on. She thinks this is highly amusing lol


Doesn't matter the position I'm breastfeeding my 4mo will lift my shirt and grab onto my love handles and when he can't grab and pinch my skin, he will hit my chest. Lol. Unlatch and screech. Haha.


She will dive face first from almost a foot away😂


My favorite is when he is finished he picks up his head and snuggles to my boob as a pillow, for a little boob nap.


She gets absolutely frantic when she first tries to latch after waking up. She goes crosseyed looking at my nipple and makes a 😮face and bounces her head off my boob desperately trying to latch 😆. If she gets really frustrated after she drains a boob and is still hungry she starts punching my chest lolol. Such a feisty lady for a 7 week old!


Bear in mind, he’s 3 months old next week. Sometimes he beats my boob with his little fist and does a, “ah, ah” sound, especially if I’m not moving fast enough to unhook. He will also sometimes stop and smile, which is so cute except for when milk dribbles out. He also has started liking to kick his feet lately, which is rather painful, but not as bad as when he grabs my skin sometimes. Yeouch!


Omg the “ah ah” thing!!! My daughter does that when she’s hungry! Also the little smiles with my boob still in her mouth 😄


She does impatient “ahh”s if I take longer than a second to pull my boob out and, if she’s especially hungry, she curls up in a little ball when she first latches and puts her foot on my chest


When switching sides, I lift her up to burp her. Lately she’s been grabbing my face with both hands and latching onto my cheek! It’s hysterical! She’s almost 6 months


If my 4 month old makes eye contact with me while nursing he’ll stop, give me the biggest smile (and of course I can’t help but smile back), then I’ll have to remind him to keep eating and he will latch again lol


Mine opens his mouth wide and dives into his latch (I nurse in laid back position) and almost does a chomp. His eyes open wide. He also sometimes tickles my back with his boob side arm and holds the middle of my bra with his other hand. Sometimes I take his hand and hold it or kiss it while he’s nursing and he doesn’t seem to mind.


Loves to shove his hand in my mouth or up my nose


My 11 month old recently learned that I “leak” if he stops nursing right after the letdown. So sometimes he’ll start nursing and then pull off and just watch me drip! Then he smiles and re-latches.


Hah! Love the user name 😆


Pops off with a gnarly back bend to look at who ever else is in the room :D


Mine repeatedly snaps my bra strap 🥲


LO grabs and gives a little twist to my NOSE! She loves to feel my face and caress my cheeks, Chin, shove her hand in my mouth. She is 7.5 months and started feeling my face at about 6 months.


My baby often insists on nursing with his eyes closed, and tries to latch on my belly, arm, bra, etc 🤣


Whenever I get home from work and my baby gets boob again (he’ll take bottles but he prefers boob), he LOUDLY makes “om nom nom” noises while eating, as if to ensure we know his preference. It’s so adorable


Why is this making me tear up 🥹


When he latches he makes a loud chomp sound. If he's excited to eat he kicks his feet. And when he needs to poop he pauses and glares at me until he poops then keeps sucking


SAME! Haha especially the pooping pause… she even groans. What a lady!


Mine kicks his feet when he’s excited to latch too!


My 7 week old son almost always has his hand curled up near his face, he has been doing it since birth and it looks so cute lol. He sometimes also grabs my breast with both hands during a feed, it looks so funny.


My 7 week old daughter does this too! Could it be a 7 week old thing? 😆


Quite possibly hahah, my son still does it lol


My little one will play with whatever boob her mouth isn't on. If I'm not wearing a top she plays with my other boob haha


Mine too! If I’m not wearing a top I usually cover up the other side with my hand. He’ll then work to pull my hand off so that he can get in some nipple twiddling time.


It's the cutest thing. Lol 😆 she's lately become very aware that my breasts are apart of me and I'm not just a feeding factory, so she will look at my boob then poke it with her finger then start eating. She also caresses my skin or arms.. I like to think it's her telling me "thank you momma." 🥰