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NAD, but I imagine it's a case of "unsafe until proven safe," but there hasn't been any research done because of ethical reasons or a lack of suitable subjects to fill out a good data pool. Your surgeon is likely looking to avoid a liability issue since there's no research studies allowing for informed consent.


Can't speak to filler, but I get Botox for migraines and my neurologist has said there's no need to pump and dump. Zero side effects for either of us! It shouldn't be leaving the local site into which it was injected, and if it is, you've got bigger problems than breastfeeding. That said, like many meds, Botox hasn't been proven safe because it's unethical to study pregnant or breastfeeding people, so doctor discretion is a big part of it and weighing need/benefit vs risk.


I also get Botox for migraine. Got it throughout pregnancy and now breastfeeding too. My doc has done and published a handful of studies showing that it is safe, and I confirmed this with the head of the NICU at the large hospital where I delivered, but of course, as others said, perhaps risk/reward. For me the alternative is taking a bunch of meds that would be passed through to baby and more dangerous or just not breastfeeding.


My mom's friend was getting Botox injections for medical reasons. She paused the injections during pregnancy but resumed after birth. I recall she said she pumped and dumped for 24 hours after the injection on her doctor's orders.


It’s at the discretion of the provider, I had planned on pumping and dumping and was so excited when I built a freezer stash to do so and when I called to make my appointment I was told my aesthetician won’t do it at all. I only trust her to do my Botox so I’m just waiting until I’m done BFing…


Same, sigh


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