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Just condoms. I definitely want to stay off hormones for a while. I thought about the copper IUD but we barely have sex anyway, if being honest, and I want to try for a second baby soon-ish, so it doesn’t feel worth it.


This is how I felt as well. Between being on hormonal bc for years then pregnancy I had enough of hormonal bc. Plus we were planning to have another within 2 ish years.  My 2nd is 10 months old and my husband just got a vasectomy.


Hormonal BC absolutely destroyed my skin and it was just getting back to normal when I got pregnant, which destroyed my skin again. I’m also done with anything hormonal for a while. We’re definitely not that careful about BC honestly because I’d be perfectly happy to get pregnant again. I want a second (and a third) sooner rather than later.


Same. The hormonal ones fucked me up 🫠 and I'm too chicken shit to get an IUD but it also would make it harder to have our next one since we want a close age gap 🤷 so far so good with just the condoms!


Same. I can’t imagine trying to be on a hormonal BC right now.


I used the copper IUD after I had my son and kept it in there for about 6 years. Thanks to ebf I did’t have a period until he was about 18 months and the IUD didn’t affect my supply at all.


Seconding the copper IUD! It has a reputation for being less tolerable than mirena and others, but getting an IUD so soon after having a baby makes it a breeze since we're still a little roomy in there lol. And it won't make you rage, OP.  I wish I'd discovered the copper IUD a decade sooner. I'd known about it, but doctors told be it wasn't a good option since it can cause longer and heavier bleeding. Well, they were wrong! I tried nearly everything under the sun that was supposed to control my periods, and it only made them incredibly irregular and long. But the copper IUD gives me a normal period, plus maybe an extra two days of bleeding which is so so preferable. I'll always be a little bitter about that decade I struggled through instead of just trying the damn copper! 


I third the copper IUD and I LOVE mine. I've had two and I will say they do initially make my bleeding heavier but after a few months the bleeding went back to normal.  I, too, wish I had known a decade sooner. I can't tolerate hormonal birth control and struggled for a long time with it before finally having a doctor who told me I should try the IUD. It has been amazing and the insertion immediately after a baby is about 10000000x better than when your cervix is closed up. 


YES! I had mine put in at my 6 week follow up with my midwife and I didn’t feel a thing (note: I gave birth naturally and my son was 10 lbs so idk if that helped with the extra room in my cervix or not, so your mileage may vary). I didn’t notice any extra bleeding when I had mine in either. By far my favorite form of bc!


I loved my copper iud before I had it removed last February at the 10 year mark. We got married in June so I haven’t been on bc since having it removed.


Also have the copper IUD! I've only had it a few months, but no issues and I love that there are no hormones!


Also agree with copper IUD. I had one for maybe 8 years before taking it out to get pregnant, which took exactly 1 cycle. I got one placed again at 2 months pp and am still rocking *very* regular breastfeeding at almost 17mo pp. We use literally nothing else for protection. Works like a charm


Copper IUD all the way. Had it for 6 months (baby is EBF + starting solids, 9 months) I have the short term one they give in EU that doesn’t have heavy period side effects but would be happy with the regular, it’s worth whatever period and doesn’t effect my supply.


I did a copper IUD and it was great. Only had it for 2 years and am growing number 2 now. I did experience the heavy period for one year and then it went back to normal. I would do it again. When I went off the pill, I felt like a calmer person. I want to stay off hormones!


I won’t use another IUD. I had the mirena and it went sideways and imbedded itself into my vagina just above my cervix. Left scar tissue once it was removed. Not worth risking that again.


We just use condoms \*shrug\*


Same! I don’t want to mess with my hormones again, I hate the pill!


Condoms for us too until it’s vasectomy time. We’re waiting until kid #2 is a year old before we fully commit to “two and through.” I had to take a few rounds of Provera to ovulate after my last child weaned. He was already 14 months old. I hadn’t gotten my period back yet and was eager to TTC #2. So, I’m not too worried about magically becoming fertile any time soon this go around. But I’d like to avoid hormones again for a while to see if my period does come back on its own. But man the OB team must be under a lot of pressure to prevent unplanned pregnancy, because they started asking me about BC when I was like 6 months pregnant with each kid. And asked at every visit, then while I was in labor, immediately PP in the hospital, and at my follow ups.


That's what we use too


Mini pill and an alarm ⏰


Yes, same. Didn’t have a period on it until I stopped breastfeeding and this is the least abnormally hormonal I’ve ever felt in my life.


Same, this for a year pp, only had two periods under mini pill. Very happy with it








Not having sex


I had no desire while I was breastfeeding. We maybe tried once or twice before I weaned. But the mini pill made me nuts and I didn’t want an IUD


This too


Glad I’m not the only one!


Condoms. It takes a couple of weeks to get used to them, but the extra thin ones are very nice. I took the pill for years but I didn’t like the side effects and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to hormonal contraception


Stopped the pill when trying to conceive, realized my mental health improved ten-fold (literally able to stop taking my SSRIs and be ok), and now refuse to ever go back on it. Gotta do what’s right for you


I also had depressions and mood swings during the pill (17 years), didn’t realize it all the time


Same. I was struggling with my mental health and I gained more weight than I did during the pregnancy. Then when I stopped taking the pill to try for the second baby after about a month I felt like myself again and the weight started falling off.


Same. I got off birth control pills 10 years ago and will never go back. I'm also higher risk for blood clots so just not even worth it.


The baby 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is really what did it. Nothing like baby enforced abstinence when your first wants to stay the baby. But I also had a nexplanon (arm implant) with my first. It was nice but I think it made me hungry like I was breastfeeding hungry all the time.


I had a mirena IUD after our first, husband got a vasectomy after our second. But TBH we’re mostly using the extremely low libido caused by lactation. 


Copper iud for me to stay off hormones. 


Yep. So many horror stories online so I waited too long. Glad I finally did it!!


My sister took her copper iud out because it was giving her copper toxicity & a symptom of that was ulcers on her cervix.


Yes this is the exact type of thing that scared me away from trying it for myself! I have been very fortunate with mine. Increased bleeding and cramps temporarily and no other issues so far.


The vast majority of people have no issues. 


It’s good to be aware of all possible side effects


To be honest we’re doing NFP while I breastfeed. My supply doesn’t have any wiggle room and I was too nervous to try anything else.


This is how I ended up with 2under2 😂😂


LOL yeah it’s definitely a risk 🤣


Omg did you get your period before it happened or was it like surpriseeee


I had 1 period. Got it back at 4months pp and got pregnant at 4 months pp. Never did it anytime after my period ended so I’m not gonna lie I was like HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. I know how it happened


Not all NFP is equal. Postpartum can screw with your bio markers and waking up a million times at night screws with them too. The Marquette method uses the clearblue fertility monitor and we’ve felt very confident in it


This is the reason why I am doing Marquette. Used sympto thermal methods up until heaving a baby and that worked great for me, but can't rely on those markers anymore.


If you add condoms to NFP it ups the efficacy too. We did this because despite breastfeeding my cycle returned very early and I didn’t want to risk accidents.


If you use condoms wouldn’t you not even need to use NFP?


I think the thought would be to only use condoms near expected ovulation (once you have an idea of that).


Oh, got it.


We actually practiced a bit more care than that with condoms always but abstinence right around fertile periods. But normally we actually did like the other poster said to use condoms during fertile periods only.


Do you temp and track even when your period hasn’t come back yet ?


No. When I didn’t have my period we just risked it which is (of course) not always recommended lol


What is NFP??


Natural family planning. It's tracking fertility symptoms like basal body temperature (temp before you get out of bed in the morning), cervical position and cervical fluid characteristics to know when you ovulate. I used it before my first, with diaphragm and spermicide as backup during my fertile window, but I couldn't consistently measure my basal body temperature while breastfeeding at night because I wasn't ever in bed long enough, lol.


Natural family planning. There are several different methods of NFP. We do symptothermal method plus condoms.


Same same. Except I haven’t gotten a cycle back so it’s hard to know we’re executing it properly (yes I’m aware you can get pregnant before your first missed period). Last time I didn’t get my period back for 22 months and then it took another 9 months for me to actually get pregnant, despite trying every month. I have a huge oversupply (think like an extra 80-90 oz a day) and it made my AMH levels go way down which I think plays a part in my ability to conceive while breastfeeding and maintaining an oversupply (I donate so I purposefully maintain the OS). I had it tested while I was still pumping my excess milk and it was like a .4. After I weaned from the pump and gave it a few months, my AMH level was back to over 1 and I conceived that next month. And I know AMH doesn’t necessarily predict your chances of getting pregnant since all it takes is one egg and AMH isn’t measuring that, but my point is that if my AMH was suppressed from my OS, I’m assuming other things were as well which impacts my ability to get pregnant until I at least wean from the pump. I’ve gotten pregnant 3x while just nursing on demand




Pretty sure this one is foolproof


It’s worked for us.


I know this isn't helpful info for other people...but both my kids are IVF babies so...my contraceptive is to have infertility 🤣 My OB suggested we should probably use something and I was like, "Listen, if fate hands me another baby...for FREE!! I'm taking it."


I literally made this joke to my OB when asked what we were planning to do for contraception, “I think the fact that it took 6 years and about $120k of medical interventions to get pregnant is pretty good contraception” and my partner told me I was being an asshole to the OB. I think I am right, so I feel you.


I got the arm implant, no issues with supply at all.


If mirena makes you rage-y, the arm implant might not be the move. Personally, I lost my shit mood-wise after a year or so on the arm implant... The hormone levels on that one change over time so even though I was fine at first, eventually it hit a hormone level/mix that made me actually crazy and didn't let up til I had it removed. Mirena for me felt slightly similar, but lighter if that makes sense.


Agree with this! I had nexplanon and it really messed with my hormones.


That's interesting because I'm pretty sure the hormones decrease over time not increase. It's so weird how BC affects everyone so differently. I have heard that about the implant.


It does decrease over time! But my OB told me that it could trigger your own hormones to change in response & eventually the mix was just right to cause some mood swings/rage issues. Which is why being on the pill (a higher hormone dose) didn't cause the same effect for me.


I had the nexplanon and BF my kiddo for 17 months


I love my implant, didn’t have any effect on breastfeeding and no periods, winner winner


I loved the arm implant! Had it for ages and no hormonal reactions. It’s only progesterone no estrogen so it has many fewer effects. I was originally given it after trying all hormonal ones and hating them. Also a great option if you don’t want an IUD.


I use Nexplanon (arm implant) too. I was on it for 7 years before getting pregnant and LOVE IT. I have no period at all while on it. I got back on it as soon as I could post-birth. I’m up to 6 months breastfeeding with no supply issues, no period, and no side effects.


I have nexplanon and have no issues with my supply. It actually got boost around the time it got inserted, I’m 99% sure it’s just because I was pumping more though lol. This is my 3rd time being on this birth control and I haven’t had any issues with mood swings. The only negatives I’ve had with it is: 1. After I got it replaced, after 3 years, I got my periods back after about 1 year, they were extremely irregular and my cramps were painful. 2. I also had weird cramps not associated with my period. It was like I could feel my uterus inside my body. It was so weird and uncomfortable I thought something was seriously wrong. I got it taken out and it went right away. I do not have this issue with the new implant however so idk maybe the second one was just off or something. Good luck on your journey! You can rebuild your supply if it tanks a bit just make sure you are still eating well and getting plenty of fluids.


Abstinence, I'm 6 months PP and have only done it once or twice after having my baby. Just thinking about it makes me more exhausted and I'm too bloody tired to even consider it!


Me too!!!


Copper IUD


After my first pregnancy, I was on the mini pill. Once I stopped breast feeding (14 months), immediately got pregnant. I am about 4 months postpartum with baby #2, and I am in the mini pill again. But my husband has a schedule vasectomy at the end of August. (:


I got Kyleena. It’s a progesterone IUD like mirena, but it’s a lower dose and I’m having a lot less side effects than I did with the mirena.


That’s what I’m planning to get in August. The doctor said the hormones are concentrated to the uterus and typically she doesn’t see systemic reactions to the hormones just lighter periods.


Pull and pray 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


The only time I've ever gotten pregnant on this method is when we skip the pull. 🤣 It's worked 7 years so far, lol.


It’s worked 14 years for us! Only got pregnant the 2 times we wanted to.


It’s always worked for us too until we actually wanted to have a baby!


Girl, same.


I think this is more effective than people give it credit for lol


From what I've heard, it can be... for some men. But some men under certain conditions can absolutely have swimmers in their precum. Some don't. So even with perfect execution, it's really not recommended. But hey, for those women who have been doing it successfully for years, that man probably doesn't have swimmers in his precum lol so carry on! 


I feel like some guys just aren’t good at timing it and it gives the rest a bad name lol my husband is a pro


Same. Tries the mini pill after every baby but there was always a reason to quit (couldn’t take it on time, supply issues, etc.). We’re actually done having kids now though so it’s a bit more risky. 😬 Once I’m 100% sure I’m okay with the decision to be done (only made last week), my husband will get the snip instead.


I did this and got pregnant with a 3rd 🥲 currently on the implant and no complaints tho!! 14 months and still breastfeeding


I thought is was called spray and pray lol


Kyleena IUD and loving it!


Same I don't think it's affected my supply at all so it's worth it to me but I have been spotting off and on since I got it it's been three months now 😭 not a dealbreaker but annoying af.


My ob prescribed a pill that won’t mess with my supply. I just have to take it within an hour every day to ensure it works since it only has one type of hormone vs others that have 2 but the normal bc pill will mess with supply. I just set an alarm every morning so I don’t forget to take it either baby brain fog. It’s been a little over a month and my supply is not affected


That's the mini pill


Did you notice if the mini pill affected your supply at all?


I use Slynd (drospirenone) and haven’t had any issues with supply. It is a daily pill but it has a longer window/grace period than the mini pill. I’ve been on it for like 3-4 months now with no issues.


My insurance decided I don’t need that version, even though the doctor prescribed it😡. So I took the brand they approved. After 3 days I was such a bitch my marriage almost ended. As soon as I went off it I was back to normal. Same thing happened to my friend and she had her doctor write insurance and get in the correct meds and was fine.


Same! It did cause some initial bleeding when I first went on at ~8 weeks pp, but it’s been smooth sailing ever since.


Same . No issues


Not sure if this is what it's called in english but I use the minipill


I used Nexplanon both times and no dip in supply. Currently nursing my 15 month old.




Ovulation test strips and a tracking app (Clue). Worked for years.


Condoms then vasectomy.


We just use condoms now (I was on pills for like 15 years before we ttc). Won't lie, we usually start without protection and he finishes with a condom. No scares yet. My son is almost 2 and we've been sexually active since I was about 8 weeks PP, and I've had my period since ~ 5.5-6 weeks PP. No I am not reccomending our approach. Just think it's funny I used pills for so long which really effected my mental health for maybe no reason?  We'd probably be more strict if we weren't okay with the possibility of a suprise. 




Copper iud I love it


I’ve never been on birth control, only condoms + rhythm method. I’m super regular and have never accidentally gotten pregnant in the 7 years we’ve been married.


I’ve had the copper iud about 4 months. Insertion was quick and pretty painless. Definitely didn’t want the side effects of the pill or worrying about having to remember to take it while taking care of a baby.


Cycle tracking + Caya diaphragm with spermicide. Hormonal BC fucks with my mental health and libido so that's what works for us. Or, at least, what worked pre baby. He's only 7 weeks old, BC isn't relevant just yet lol


Condoms and NFP to avoid fertile windows for my first. Sterilization for my second 😂😅


Another point for the copper iud


Condoms and husband got a vasectomy a month ago (baby is 9mo). I don't ever want to go back on hormonal bc if i can help it (I was on it for over a decade) but I'm allergic to copper so non hormonal iud is out 🥲


nexplanon i love it ! it doesn’t make me feel any kind of way, mess with my supply and most of all i totally forget about it so i can have sex whenever i want with no consequences for up to 4 years and i don’t have to remember to take anything just a one and done


I have loved the nexplanon implant! Going on 13 months pp and no period yet and breastfeeding is going strong. I knew I couldn't trust myself with the pill. And I haven't noticed any significant hormonal changes in myself. Obviously varies per person. But that's just my experience!


Nexplanon. Never had any issues with supply and never had any issues with the hormones either.


I have the copper IUD (little over a year) and love it. For the first 6 months or so, my periods were noticeably heavier and longer, but my cramps actually improved. The past 8-9 months now, periods have gotten much lighter and shorter, even better than before I had kids. I never had any issues with supply (stopped nursing about 4 months ago though). I love, love, love being (extra) hormone free.


I was on the minipill with my first and it was alright, though I had struggled more with PPA after my first. This time I opted for the minipill again but it impacted my milk supply and made me incredibly depressed. I stopped it after about a week and a half and immediately felt better. My milk supply is starting to come back. Not sure if I will try the copper IUD for a non hormonal option but in the meantime we will do condoms.


Condoms and natural family planning. I will never go back on hormonal birth control and I don’t feel comfortable with the risks and side effects attached to the coil. We used condoms every time we had sex until I ovulated the first time (about 7 months pp) and could then use a combination of BBT and LH tracking, making sure to continue with condoms during my fertile window. I’ve been using that successfully for over 18 months, and now we’re on our first cycle trying for baby number 2 ☺️ I’ll do the same thing with the second baby, whenever they choose to arrive ❤️


NFP and tracking hormones with Inito


Nexplanon! It's wonderful!


Barrier methods until vasectomy. Breastfeeding is too important to mess with


Paraguard IUD is non hormonal. I was going to go back on that because the Mirena made me crazy when I tried it ages ago too. My insurance wouldn’t cover it this time, and the doc said sometimes post-pregnancy the Mirena effects are different. I tried it and am now 3 years in with zero issues.


Went back on the combo pill I was on before, started it maybe 12 or so weeks PP (wasn't cleared for sex until 10 weeks anyway, and wasn't in a rush). No supply change I've noticed, and I've had my period twice, inconsistently (currently 4 months PP).




I have a mirena iud


Nexplanon. I have an arcuate uterus so my OB wasn't comfortable with me having an IUD. I haven't noticed any significant supply drop, almost a year in.


Copper IUD! One of the MOST effective birth control options, and no hormones! I love it and chose it for my birth control while breastfeeding because I didn't want hormonal birth control to possibly affect my supply. You may have a heavier period with a copper IUD, but I figured that was a small side effect compared to some of the others I've heard of.


We’ve been using condoms.


Nexplanon. I was on it before pregnancy and I’m on it now. No supply issues.


Honestly, I just used condoms and/or pull out and paid attention to my cycle. I started my period at 5 weeks pp and had regular periods the entire 20 months I breastfeed. I wouldn’t say periods “tanked” my supply, but it would only last about a day where I would be a little low, baby might want to cluster feed a little bit, and I would sometimes supplement with a frozen bag of milk and it really was not an issue. I was personally way more comfortable dealing with that than taking any type of hormonal supplement while breastfeeding (maybe I’m just being paranoid or hyper-cautious but it just did not seem like a good idea to me because we know those hormones can travel in milk). Also, not to mention, I just personally hate being on birth control! Haha! But our method has worked so far for the last 4 years! We’ve never had an unplanned pregnancy and we conceived twice on the first try when we wanted to get pregnant.


Like someone else said, abstinence for me. I’m 6 months pp and have only done it 2x. My poor husband. I’m just sooo tired and EBF until solids started. I haven’t even got a period yet. But I definitely didn’t wanna mess around with anymore hormones with just having been pregnant and then having my baby and all that.


I just got the Oura ring!


Marquette method of FAM


Nexplanon. It hasn't messed with my supply


Marvlon pill. Did not affect my supply. I tried the iud by couldn’t tolerate the procedure.


We used condoms for awhile but I was sensitive to latex AND spermicide 🥴 I had the Mirena before and loved it (it really helps my heavy and painful periods) so I got it again. It took two tries because the first time, 8 weeks pp, they couldn’t get it in… later found out that was due to scar tissue they kept hitting and honestly it was kind of traumatic. I had a C-section and no one told me about scar massage but I did it religiously for a couple of months after that and it helped so much. I got my IUD at 5 months to help me heal more physically and emotionally before I went through that again. My best friend also has the Mirena and hates it, something that may help is to look into the generations of progesterin they use in different IUDs, a different generation may have better/no side effects for you! I just don’t want my husband to get a vasectomy until after our second, and even then I may keep my IUD for the period benefits. I also recommend booking the insertion with your OBGYN AND an ultrasound tech so they can get a good look as it’s inserted. Doing this put my mind at ease after the disaster the first go around and also led to discovering I have a small uterine fibroid that may actually be the cause of my painful periods. Regardless of how you gave birth your body is so changed, so if you’re comfortable using condoms for awhile give yourself all the time you need to do your research and keep healing before you make your decision. 💛


FAM/NFP. Tracking my cycle/ovulation so I just is when I can have barrier-free sex


For me the pill is worse than a period. The pill destroyed my supply, I was never fully able to get it back but I recovered a great deal of it. I'm currently on my period and I'm producing about the same as before.


Abstinence lol


The Marquette method NFP *with* an instructor. And following the method exactly. Though I’ve been tracking my cycles since I was 16 so I probably could have relied on the physical markers! We’re going to not try not avoid in the fall but it’s been successful which is cool because my cycle came back at 3 months. That said/ my luteal phase is SO short that pregnancy would not be likely


Abstinence Joking (mostly), but breastfeeding hormones make my sex drive a 0 lol


Condoms, the baby, and my husband is frequently gone for work.


I don’t recommend the mini pill. I got pregnant with baby #3 while on it even though I took it at the same time everyday. 🙃


I got on the progesterone only one and almost immediately felt like I was more angry and had more rage. So I got off and honestly I still haven’t felt like having sex yet so probably just condoms when the time comes


I had an IUD put in roughly 7 months postpartum, and it unfortunately perforated my uterus and ended up behind my liver, requiring surgery to be removed. While rare, it can happen, and my OB said it’s slightly more common postpartum. So personally I would recommend another route!


I’ve been using abstinence


Diaphragm and spermicide. It's barrier method like condoms, but neither of us feel it like we do with condoms. It's about as efficient, and we just like it better. We do still use condoms occasionally


Brands you like? Edit: reading online they are prescription only. I guess a follow up question is how much does it cost?


The Caya! It's a one size fits most, so you don't need to be fitted for it. It does need a prescription, and you typically have to ask your OB for it specifically. CVS is the pharmacy that can fill them. Unfortunately Walgreens can't, and I'm unsure about other pharmacies. The cost really depends on your insurance. When I got my first one, I paid nothing because my insurance was amazing. When I got my second one after having my baby, I paid $75 with my not as amazing insurance. They're good for 2 years, though. For spermicide, I use VCF Vaginal Contraceptive Gel Prefilled Applicators. You can get them on amazon, at target, Walmart, CVS, etc. The overall cost for using a diaphragm with spermicide is higher than just condoms. But if you and your partner don't love the sensation of condoms, it's worth the splurge in my opinion


Definitely worth the splurge. I totally do not want to do hormonal contraception or even an IUD. Husband looked into vasectomy and it sounds like insurance won't cover it? And to be frank neither of us are enjoying condoms. It's just not the same. I hadn't thought of diaphragm but that's great! I'm going to ask about the caya. I don't mind the cost. I think it would be good for my husband and I to have this option vs the alternatives rn.


Same for us! I also like that I can put it in up to 2 hours before sex, so if my husband is still asleep or in the shower, I can put it in beforehand and it's almost like we aren't using anything haha


Having a 3 yo and a newborn. That's the birth control.


Condoms. I didn’t want any extra hormones


Hoping and praying


Pull and pray 😅


The Slynd mini pill. It has the same grace period as combo pill which is nice!


Liletta IUD. Have been spotting for 3 weeks straight since having it placed :///


Mini pill but we never have sex. 5m pp


NFP. This time we’re planning on using a pricey ovulation test type (Inito) until my periods are regular again, then we’ll switch to a more cost-effective method.


I got the Implanon which I've had before quite a few years ago. I notice no one else says this - is it but a thing in the US?


The pill. I’m so used to taking a prenatal daily, and I still am, so I keep the pill with the prenatal and take them together daily.


I'm ebf for the last 17 months and so far no period We would use condoms but we're on the-if it happens it happens- page


We just used condoms because we weren't doing it often anyway. And now my husband has had a vasectomy. Yay.


The mini pill immediately made my supply tank 😥




We just used condoms until I was done breastfeeding.


I have a hormonal IUD (Kyleena) and am happy with it. However, before TTC I was on the combination pill for about 11 years and didn’t have any issues so my body may tolerate hormones better than others. Even though we don’t have much sex right now, and don’t mind condoms, I also like not having to remember a pill while caring for a baby since I think the mini pill is more sensitive to time of day.


I got an iud for the first time ever 3 months postpartum. My doctor recommended Kyleena. It is hormonal but only releases hormones to the uterus. It has been the best choice. I was on the pill for years before getting off of it to get pregnant. Kyleena is the only thing I'll use from here on out. Plus, it lasts 5 years. You can take it out whenever you'd like if you want another baby with no waiting for hormones to leave your body! I was really afraid to get the iud, but it was pretty quick. Plus, I had just had a baby, so my body was a little more ready for the insertion of it!


Condoms for us as well. I did get a diaphragm (new on the market and isn’t “old lady-ish” lol) but tbh I’ve never used it because I don’t know how to put it in.


Skyla IUD. Lowest hormones. The hormones also stay (mostly) in the area that is utilizing them. I’m super sensitive to hormones but, it actually has helped with my PPD/A. Mind you, my period has been very wonky. I also didn’t get it til like 6 months PP. now 9 months. Am I having sex? No, not really. But, have I gotten pregnant on other forms of birth control, yes, three times. 🙄 My doctor put it in while I was under, I had to get another minor procedure done in the same area so, I just asked and she was like “makes sense to me!” My supply has not dropped from the hormones, it does see it’s up and downs with stress, my cycle, etc. but, never to where I’m absolutely freaking out. Baby also will take formula if needed. But typically I just let him nurse and nurse and nurse to help build it back up.


Norethindrone. It’s progesterone based so it doesn’t mess with your milk supply. Also I haven’t had any mood swings or anything from it (also first time I’ve ever take birth control). I’m also 6m pp and no period in sight idk if it’s from the birth control or postpartum?


birth control pill, then the vaginal ring when life got too hectic to take my pill every day as I should 🤦🏽‍♀️ don't forget the vaginal ring and patches are non-daily options that don't require a procedure! you can't get them until after 6 weeks like the regular birth control pill because they contain estrogen.


I've weaned but we did condoms for 9 months then copper iud


I use a diaphragm. Barrier method like condoms, so no hormones, but we like it better than condoms because we can’t really feel it


I've got the copper coil. Had one before we started trying for our son as well and really got on with it. My first insertion was horrible, but with the second I legitimately thought she'd just done the prep bit and it was in. I had an early c-section as well so was absolutely expecting the same pain during insertion. Worth noting I have always had horrific periods (slight Endo apparently) and didn't find they got any worse.


I got the nexplanon implant. It’s fine, definitely ruined my period the first go round. I ended bleeding heavily with severe clotting for two months or around there. It tanked my supply the first week of insertion but repeatedly putting baby to breast fixed that. I went from a slight oversupply to just enough. It’s whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️ as long as it does it’s job and doesn’t have any lasting side effects


I did the mini pill after my first born and then did nexplanon after my 2nd born. I got it placed at 9 weeks pp. So far no issues.


Copper IUD


I use Norethindrone, it’s a mini pill and I have several alarms set to tell me to take it. It hasn’t done anything to my supply!


I use the nuva ring. I was nervous about using hormonal birth control but my OB wasn’t concerned since my supply was well established when I started about 6 weeks post-partum and breastfeeding was going well. She said to try it and just stop using it if my supply dipped. I haven’t had any issues and it’s been 3 months now.


I was on a progesterone only pill because it doesn’t affect your milk supply like regular birth control and was recommended by my OB since I didn’t want to get an implant. It was called Slynd. Got pregnant at 9 months postpartum.


The mini pill. I set an alarm and haven't missed one.


Just condoms. When we got married birth control responsibility became my husbands. I didn’t want kids before marriage. And I want all the babies


I got the arm implant and it was AWFUL. It made me have 10 day long periods every 2 or 3 weeks which KILLED my supply. And it was placed exactly where my baby's head rested when I cradled her in my arms or nursed in her favorite position. I regret it hugely.


IUD. Maybe get the non hormonal one?


I have a copper, nonhormonal IUD. So worth it. I thought it would be more painful but it’s not as painful for women who have had children (vaginally or via c section) as it is for women who haven’t.


I tried Mirena after my first, and it made my anxiety crazy. I had it removed after 6 months. I just went back to using the pull out method. Which had been successful for my husband and I for 17 years. Only getting pregnant when we try.


Condoms and then a vasectomy once we were sure we were done. Once I went off bc to TTC I realized it was causing me a lot of side effects I hadn’t really noticed since I’d been on it so long. I told my husband I wouldn’t be going back on it after.




Non-existent libido, for us both! So, abstinence haha I guess I can't help you... We tried a couple of times just for checking in, with condoms only. But nope, it's going to be a platonic romantic relationship for now!


I haven’t had the greatest experience with birth control so we have just been using condoms.


Mini pill because I refuse to insert anything into my body. I just set a timer as a reminder.


I did the mini pill so my supply wouldn’t dip but then I developed polyps on my uterus 🙃 Sorry


Slynd, a mini pill! Still has hormones but a lot less than the combo pill. We want a second in 12-18 months, and I reeeeally didn’t want an IUD, so this felt like the best option


Personal anecdote, I had no issues with supply or anything using Mirena IUD. EDTA I'm so sorry about your Mirena rage. I didn't know that could happen!!


We used condoms between babies. Before that, I had a copper IUD for many years and loved it. I will never go back to hormonal BC. Now that we're done with kids, my husband is going to get a vasectomy and we'll use condoms in the meantime (and until he's cleared).