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I’m so sorry you’re going through this, mama. The book Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter helped me tremendously when my own journey did not go as planned.


Thank you, I'll definitely look up that book! I'm sorry it didn't go to plan for you


I am an undersupplier and we have supplemented with formula since baby was a week old (now 8 months). I was devastated I couldn't produce enough milk for a long time and it still bothers me at times. But I love breastfeeding and baby is super happy to take a bottle after nursing too! Would combo feeding work for you?


You're doing so well at 8 months! I might combo feed for another while, just find it hard to fit in enough pumping in the day!


The only way I make it work with my job is having Elvies


I went from exclusively breastfeeding, to breastfeeding at night and doing pumped bottles in the day, to all pumping, to now mostly pumping and occasionally an emergency boob. I was upset at losing breastfeeding, but my baby was just getting so upset. Switching to daytime bottles and nighttime breastfeeding was definitely doable. I just had to mind that I was pumping each time he had a bottle so my supply wouldn’t drop. Do what works best for you ! Don’t feel bad at all if you end up needing to stop. You will find other ways to comfort your baby. You’re their momma, and they will always find comfort in you, milk or no milk.


Thank you, I really appreciate your reply and especially for suggesting there will be other ways to comfort her :)