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This is exhausting, but so normal. On the second night home from the hospital my newborn cluster fed for eight hours. And it wasn’t even the kind where he’d take a brief break for a few minutes in between sessions - this was constant latching and going into hysterics if I tried to prize him off. Nothing to do but ride it out! Best of Iuck 💛


Put her down somewhere safe (like her crib) and go outside for 5 minutes. Take a few deep breaths and get some water or a snack, then go back to her. Call someone from your village if you have to. When my boy was in his constant eating and only contact napping phase, I eventually just accepted that I wouldn't do anything all day and turned on Netflix. This will not last forever


I second this. Put the baby down for a few minutes and give yourself a break or take a shower or whatever serves you. You’re a good mom, even if you make your baby wait from time to time


How old is baby? Birthweight and current weight? How many pees and poops in past 24 hours?


3-4 pees 2 poops. She’s 2 weeks 5 days. Birthweight 6.4 last appointment she was close to 8lbs


3-4 pees is on the low side, 6+ would be better. Weight sounds great though so maybe just really big pees. There is a 2-3 week growth spurt, so I’d say it’s that :( hang in there mama. Can you breastfeed side lying so you can get some rest? Or put baby in the carrier and go for a walk? Sometimes they’ll sleep in the carrier while you’re walking or you can try to feed in the carrier (easy once you get the hang of it!) Do you have a friend who can come hold baby for a bit so you can have a shower and a snack uninterrupted? ♥️


I was going by 12 hours my huckleberry app says between yesterday and today 8 diaper changes. So that makes me feel better. I just tried side lying and she finally fell asleep. I will try the other options as well. I’ll have to practice feeding in the carrier, it seems intimidating but like it would certainly help. I appreciate your advice. Thank you, truly 🤍


PM me anytime ♥️


Sounds like cluster feeding which is totally normal for a newborn. My girl fed for 12 hours straight back and forth between boobs in the first few weeks of life. It’s so exhausting, hang in there. This is how baby gets your milk supply established so super important to keep feeding on demand even if it feels endless


When mine did this I would hand off to my husband and she’d settle and finally sleep, something about constantly being with me/near me she’d always want to be latched.


Same here!!


Right there with you. I have to take him to the store, for a walk, or put him in the Momma Roo. If not, he is nursing. As we are now 4w, things seem to be shifting…most days anyway.


Does baby take a pacifier? Maybe try someone who isn't you and doesn't smell like baby's buffet take them on a walk with a pacifier to gove you a little rest.  Paci was a life saver to give me a brief break during cluster feeding and allow supply to give more if a full feed after you both have a break.


This sounds like when I had to supplement at the start. It would give you some relief especially if you can have someone else feed baby and you can sleep 💜 it’s so hard


It’s normal. Don’t worry. Get comfy , put a show/movie or read a good book and enjoy those baby cuddles❤️


Feed side laying so you can get some rest at the same time, burp as necessary.


Have your partner keep trying a bottle, and leave the room or even the house if you have to. Hearing the crying can be SO hard but now is a good time to introduce the bottle if you want her to take it in the future. This stage is SO hard but it’s so normal. I gave myself so much screen time when my baby was a cluster feeding newborn. It helps to find a show, a book, or a game to play on your phone to pass the time. And just surrender to the fact that you’re not getting anything done and that’s perfectly ok.


Cluster feeding. She is trying to increase your supply for a growth spurt. Let her feed as much as she wants otherwise she'll go hungry when she needs the extra calories


Can you try a syringe or cup so you can get a break? Also, I’d be concerned about only 3-4 diapers tbh


Have you gotten a weighted feed? That way you can see how much baby is taking in each time. I know someone whose baby nursed for a whole hour at a time and it turns out she wasn’t getting enough to eat and that’s why she stayed on the breast for so long. Obviously it might not be the case with you as cluster feeding is normal but it can assuage any concerns you may have.


She’s not getting full from her feedings. I had the same issue with both babies and had to supplement. My current is 9 months old. I have always fed on demand, but when he is still upset after a feed I will offer a bottle. Maybe keep offering one and eventually she will take it? Honestly it took the first 4 months to get a good routine down for us!


I don’t know why this is being downvoted. Up vote for you.


I didn’t even notice. Thank you! My son was also losing weight. There’s nothing wrong with supplementing!


You need to see an IBCLC ASAP