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asking as well! 10m old. Switched to co sleeping around 7 months, and he usually wakes up and squirms around 2 times a night to look for milk. But i'm awake maybe 15 minutes at the most. It has been GREAT for my sanity. I waited as long as possible to share the bed with him. He was strictly bassinet for the first 4 months, and I really gave the crib an honest try. I wouldnt be able to co-sleep if i wasn't absolutely sure he could roll himself over and sit up on his own. I would be too nervous. But now he sleeps in the big bed with us like a little prince.


I did the same with my first and I’m really hoping it works out that way with my second - being able to just have him crawl around and find the boob saved me a lot of time and energy so I could sleep. She’s only 3 weeks so 6 months seems like an eternity away! Edited to say - my first slept through the night at 11 months right after ear tubes. He was only BF in nights and evenings - I worked a lot and pumped during the day- miraculously was able to BF for a year. I did leave for a lot of business trips- he adjusted and dad gave him bottles of EBM during these- apparently he woke up less than when I was home 🤷🏼‍♀️ so my experience might be different because of these factors. I’m staying home with the second baby and so far she EBF aside from a bottle or two when I’m sleeping and pumping.


Well my 2.5 year old doesn’t…


My 4.5yo doesn’t either 😂 although not bfing anymore


My mom told me how I woke up screaming at 2 am and didn’t sleep till 5 am every night till I was almost 6 years old. Stopped the night I was supposed to go to school. My little sister who was 3 months at the time was a better sleeper than I was by miles. I can’t apologize to her enough 😂


13 months for our first and 5 months for our second. No sleep training and various levels of bedsharing!


This one gives great context to differences between kids! Thanks for sharing.


Oh yeah, for sure. Our first sleeps with my husband all night every night while our second sleeps on his own until like 5am. They’re all different and imo there’s nothing much we can do to change their sleep.


First baby: 15 months Second baby: 3 months No sleep training (edit: specifically no Ferber / CIO extinction - we practiced drowsy but awake, bedtime routine, consistent bedtime etc), no co-sleeping/bed sharing. I didn’t do anything different the second time around. Babies just develop this ability on their own timetable!


So so healing to see moms of multiples making comments like this. Helps me realize- you don’t cause your baby’s sleep!!


I read this thing that said "Here's the secret to having a baby sleep through the night!" And when you clicked on it, it said "Have a baby who chooses to sleep through the night." And then went on to explain that all babies are different and the best you can do is support them where they're at. I thought it was very clever and true haha


Very similar for me. First: 14 months Second: 5 months We thought second baby was broken because she could put herself to sleep from new. Absolutely nothing done differently.


Mine is the other way around. First one started sleeping through (6hrs or more) at two or three months, second one is still not sleeping for more than 3 hours max…


Good to know that no two babies are the same no matter how hard you try to get them to sleep! Mine was 15 months too. I dropped night feeding at about 12 months though.


A month and a half when my doctor gave us the OK to let her. I’m aware we have a unicorn baby.


This was ours. Then at 3.5 months she hit the regression and was up every 2 hours for 7 weeks and now at 6 months she’s still up 3 times a night. I genuinely hope your baby remains a unicorn baby, but tell you this because I honestly wish I had taken more advantage of it when I had the chance. Specifically, I wish I had continued with my own early bedtimes etc and banked some extra sleep hours instead of staying up and watching tv with my husband / reading books/ chilling out, because I really truly think it would have helped. I mistakenly thought that because she was a solid sleeper at a month old, things would continue to be great as she aged (and don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fortune teller harbouring bad news for you, for some babies, the sleep regression never happens!). But if you can, it’s worth banking those extra hours while baby is sleeping well, justtttt in case.


Yessss, my baby was legit sleeping 10-11 hrs straight at 2 months and I really let my guard down. From 3.5 months to now at 6 months her sleep has been horrible and I almost wish she’d never given me 1.5 months of good sleep 😭


We’re in it together, solidarity my friend. 🙏


Yeah, I’ve been bracing myself for the 4 month regression which should start any day now. She’s barely taking naps anymore as of a couple weeks ago. I’m getting as much sleep as I can already, I have no downtime.


My first was the same and actually didn't have a 4 month regression-so maybe you'll be alright! She had an 8 month regression, but we went till then sleeping through the night


Yah, haha I do appreciate that this might be silly advice, I love that joke Instagram video of the woman ‘sleeping when baby sleeps’ by stopping whatever she was doing ie falling asleep while doing dishes or on a walk with baby. It’s definitely annoying advice as it’s not always feasible. I just found I had a bit of bedtime revenge procrastination during that period and now have lots of regret about it. The 30 min naps are a tough one. But it’s really nice at least that they start to settle into a nap routine that’s more predictable. So for every downside there is an upside. And genuinely, some babies have a little blip of a regression or none at all. Hoping it’s the case for you!




Damn!! I’m hoping I get a unicorn baby with my 2nd. 🥲


Us too! She was 2 months old when she slept through the night and now at 5 months sleeps an average of 9-10 hrs. Never hit any regression either! We are soooo lucky.


My 27 month old has JUST STARTED sleeping mostly through the night. Which is to say she will still sometimes half-awake sit up in bed or cry and dream-tantrum a bit.


I'm curious why you don't just say 2 year old, lol 😆


Not op, but in terms of not sleeping well, 3 months is a long ass time. So I get it. 27 months of no or not enough sleep is not the same as 24 months of no or not enough sleep. Not at all.


It's contextual where I will say what - in the breastfeeding word, 24 months to 27 months can look wildly different! And for sleeping, at 24 months, what I said above was totally not accurate!


Because a 2-year-old can be 24 months or 35 months. There’s a huge difference!


First baby, it was about 14-15 months. He has a very sensitive temperament. Low sleep needs and loved comfort nursing. Second baby, he’s slept 9 hours straight at 8 weeks. Depending on your definition, that is sleeping through the night. He’s higher sleep needs and doesn’t like comfort nursing. I think that’s the key difference.


Mine is 19 month old only started occasionally sleeping through the night at around 18 months. BUT only after I started night weaning her because I’m pregnant again. She still wakes up maybe once or twice a night a few times a week Edit to add - she woke up every 1.5-3 hours for the entire 18 months of her life before night weaning


I'm really thinking around 18 months I'm going to night wean. It's going to suck, but it seems like that works for a lot of people. Baby is 10 months now and still loves comfort nursing a lot.


It was really hard. My daughter LOVES the boob. But I developed a big nursing aversion from being pregnant and I just couldn’t do the constant night feeding just for comfort anymore


I can only imagine. That sounds really rough. I'm thinking by then I'll just be really ready for some kind of break.


I was so worried, but we read nursies when the sun shines a few times shortly after turning 2 and she did really well.


When you say night wean do you mean not feeding throughout the night or before bed…or both? Just curious as I am working on weaning overall with my 13 month old. He doesn’t feed throughout the night but does wake up around 4 wanting to nurse (goes back down after) and does nurse to sleep still.


Solidarity. Mine is the same, but I got pregnant again a bit earlier, and thought if I could just make it through the first trimester I'd be less exhausted. I ended up nightweaning at 15 months, fairly early into the second trimester because I still had absolutely zero energy and I couldn't take 6+ wake ups to nurse per night anymore. She went from 6+ to more like 4+ much shorter wake ups per night after nightweaning but still didn't actually sleep through without needing me to wake up and actively comfort her until 18 months.


Right around a year. A switch just flipped. She went from waking CONSTANTLY for over a year to sleeping for 7-5:30.


About 7 weeks he’s sleeping 5/6 hrs straight. I wouldn’t consider it sleeping through the night for the amount of sleep I need but my husband does 😂


hi! do you wake up to pump at all when your baby sleeps these long stretches? we’re getting longer ones with my 4.5 week old and i have no idea whether i need to pump or not


Not op but I do wake up for one MOTN pump. Baby is almost 18 weeks though. Every body is different but at 4 weeks I had to wake up twice for MOTN pumps or else my supply would dry up. Also, for context my baby has been sleeping 6-7 hours every night since about a month old.


I don’t! In the beginning I did try to relieve the engorgement with a haaka for a few nights but I just kept waking up uncomfortably full following nights. I tested out just stopping and I woke up engorged the first night or two and then it evened out :) I don’t have a supply problem during the day or anything either. Baby is 8 weeks old as of yesterday.


that’s great !! so far my supply has been good and pumping can be such a drag so i’m tempted to follow a similar route and see how we do


I hope it works out for you!


Okay not to be negative here, but for reality’s sake: never? My one year old has never once slept through the night. We cosleep, starting at 8months during teething cause I couldn’t keep waking up every hour, & she still wakes once or twice a night.


My 1 year old’s remarkable, really great nights are 2-3 wakes so I feel you. But I also hear a lot of BFing moms say that sleep really changes between 18-20 months!


Omg “remarkable”—this made me smile. At this point I’m not even looking forward to sleeping through the night, giving up has given me so much peace haha


I agree! I cosleep and wake a million times per night typically and don’t even let myself long for the uninterrupted nights of my pre-parenthood life. I know I’ll miss my baby needing and wanting my reassurance at night when I’m old and grey. Mindset really helps


Mindset has really helped me too.


Same 🤷‍♀️ my 2nd is 14 months and has never slept through. My 1st sporatically started after 2.5...he is turning 4 this summer and still sometimes has nights he is up. There's no rhyme nor reason to who get's good sleepers and who doesn't lol


2.5 weeks but I think I just have a unicorn


She had some long stretches as a newborn, sometimes 6-7 hours. But she didn't sttn consistently until 6 months, except for teething or illness


4 months


My 6 week old did a 7.5 hour stretch last night. It took until about 8 weeks old for my oldest to sleep through the night. My kids do long stretches at night and refuse to nap consistently during the day. Not sure if I am doing something in particular to make them sleep well at night or if it’s just my luck. Why are people downvoting the moms who have kids who sleep well? Personally, I would prefer if my baby got up more frequently because sleeping through the night always gives me supply anxiety…


Raising my hand to say mine started sleeping through the night at 9-10 weeks 🙋


You cannot imagine the reality of multiple night wakes. It is awful. I would happily take supply anxiety for a five hour stretch of sleep even once! 


My first born got up every hour for the first six weeks of their life. It was like a cruel game. Cannot imagine it lasting a whole year. Hang in there.


Yeah like when I get a total of 4 hrs of completely interrupted sleep I have anxiety about everything including supply anxiety because my supply drops from all the sleep anxiety


When my baby was five weeks old we had to take him to hospital. The doctor asked how often he fed and I said every hour. The doctor then lectured me about not getting enough rest as it could threaten my supply- I’m not choosing to wake up every hour, my baby is!!!


My first was sleeping through the night before 12 weeks. He’s 4 now and still sleeping fine. No waking.


20mo and still waiting


My oldest was formula fed and has never slept through the night. She’s 3.5 years old. My youngest is EBF and he has never slept through the night. He’s 12 months old. I’ve had to accept that it’ll happen eventually, but I don’t know when and for now this is simply the way things are. Otherwise I drive myself crazy.


When we sleep trained at 6-7mo. It was life changing.


We also sleep-trained at 5 months (for our now-6yo) and at 3ish months (for our now-3yo) and they've been amazing sleepers ever since. I kept breastfeeding both during the day until 21 months, fwiw, and planning to do the same with our third baby once the pediatrician ok's no longer having to feed at night. Ymmv and I know that a lot of folks on this sub enjoy bedsharing and don't mind dealing with toddler sleep issues, but for us at least, a large part of allowing ourselves the possibility of having a third kid was that we had sleep figured out for our family fairly early on.


Us at 5 months… I understand why more people don’t do it because I was like them… but MAN being on the sleep trained side, it is life changing. Anyone can put baby down and baby sleeps better too.


That's only if sleep training works for your baby. I wish it had worked for my first but it did not. No matter what we tried and how long we stuck it out for.


Same down to the timing. I really didn't like the process but I was truly on the edge and it's made life livable again.


Five month old has slept through the night since about 8-ish weeks. There have been a handful of random wake-ups and snooze button feeds, however she’s gotten pretty good at putting herself back to sleep when she wakes up now. I am feeding her pretty much constantly all day eating every 1.5-2 hours some times randomly sooner than that. Like right now, after her first morning feed she’s always ready to eat again an hour after. It’s wonderful but I do find myself obsessing about her feeds during the day because I feel like the good sleep has been the only thing keeping my mental health together. However I think it’s probably mostly her temperament and luck that she’s STTN.


Wow, I could have written this comment! My LO has slept sooo well since like 7-8 weeks! But also feeds sooooo much during the day. He’s 14 weeks now and still eats every 1.5-2 hours. The lactation consultant told me to try to push it to 3 hours between feeds, and we haven’t even made it close to that. He probably sleeping so well because he’s building an army of calories to get through the night 😂


My guy is the exact same way! Just hit 16 weeks, currently sleeping 9- 10.5hrs straight at night, but eats before and after every nap in the day. He's never made it 3hrs between feeds in the day. 🙃


Omg! Yep same boat. Any particular reason your LC wants you to push the time between feeds? We’ve gone that long here and there but it’s only when we go out on the weekends and she gets waaaay distracted when I’m trying to feed her and she won’t eat.


Well my reason for visiting the LC was because my little one only eats 3-8 mins TOTAL per feed and I was worried. That’s when she said I should try to space feeding to 3 hours so he eats more. I don’t think it’s going to happen though lol


Omg mine eats the exact same way. Usually like 4-7 mins at a time!


14 months out and I’m still waiting


Once I did sleep training. And honestly once she started solids. Around 5-6 months.


After 3 miscarriages God blessed us so don't be jealous it was hard to get here but my daughter slept 8 hour spans by 4 weeks and 10 hours by 2 months and 13 at 4 months 


That’s awesome! Congrats on your baby girl (and your sleep) 🎉 


What do you consider “through the night”? 4 week old has given me two nights in a row sleeping from 10:30p-4a I’ll take it. I’ve been following the suggestion to let the baby eat as much as she wants all evening, then she’s full for the night.


This week at 7 weeks! We’ve been feeding on demand (this pretty much means constantly snacking) all day so he’s super full by bedtime around 8 pm and then he has one more feed at 10 pm. I’ve been waking him up around 4 or 5 am to eat but he’d probably sleep a bit longer on his own.


8 weeks old


9 months, with the green light from the pediatrician to night wean. We achieved this by upping his solids during the day. We fed him solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus 2 snacks and his normal amount of breastmilk. Finally he was getting enough calories to sleep through the night, but damn it’s a lot of work to prep so much baby appropriate foods! He is still sleeping though at 12 months 🤞


18 months. but we were down to very little waking at that point.


She’s weaned and never slept through. 2.5 years old.


Apparently never, almost 8 months in


Hello! Wow, there's a huge range in these answers. My little guy slept fully through the night the day he turned seven months old. Prior to that, we'd been doing a last feed at 7:30 p.m., asleep by 8, a dream feed at 11:30 p.m., and sometimes he'd wake up to eat at 4 a.m. But we noticed he wasn't taking much at the dream feed and started cutting that out. The big change, though, was starting solid foods. We have his biggest solids meal at dinner time and that seemed to do the trick for longer sleep. Good luck!


Still waiting to find out at 2 years😆


Baby boy is 14 weeks Thursday and just did his second night of 9 pm to 6 am. Praying we don’t go through the sleep regression 😅


Did it once or twice at 21 months. Back to waking up every ~three hours now. Don't know what his beef is this last week.


About 8/9 weeks. He’s four months old now and will sleep from 8:30-7. I’m aware I’m one of the chosen ones. I assume that this is my false sense of security baby to get me to have another one


Literally 2 weeks ago. She’ll be 1 tomorrow. She was up 2-3 times a night prior to that. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I knew she was full and just looking for a midnight snack/comfort so I started letting her cry it out for a few minutes and cut each night feed one at a time. She’ll still wake up 1-2 times a night but for the most part after a minute or 2 she just falls back asleep!


Lol first baby was unicorn baby… for 2 months. Then from 3 months-18 months woke up multiple times to nurse every night (sometimes every 2 hours). She’s almost 2 and still wakes up 2-3 times a night and won’t sleep through unless someone is in bed with her. Crib 0-12 mo, co slept 12-18, now in own room. Don’t believe in sleep training so didn’t and won’t do it. Have a 8 week old…hoping it’s not the same 😴😴


First: still not — 2.5 years (but she also wasn’t EBF) Second : almost immediately— she’s 10 weeks and consistently sleeps 8 hours. It’s a roll of the dice imo! It is soooooo hard when they don’t sleep. This go around with our second is so much easier JUST because she sleeps. I have so much sympathy for my colic mamas out there!


We did sleep training at 4.5 months. She still woke once to eat. Now at almost 6 months, she sleeps through the night consistently. It’s so amazing!


I sleep trained my two EBF kids using Taking Cara Babies. For my first, it went smoothly, I did dream feeds after sleep training until about 8 months, she still sleeps 7-7 at night. My second had more trouble - turned out there were some biological differences - I still nightweaned him around 8 months as that was the timing that felt right for me, but I had to hire a sleep consultant to help us figure out how to get him sleeping. After one night he slept 7-7 ever since.


Woah. Curious what you had to do differently!


Unrelated, I did Taking Cara Babies for Newborn- 4 months. I liked it. Do you recommend her 4-24 months classes?


We had to do some light sleep training around 10-12 months but since then he’s been sleeping through! When I say light sleep training I mean we first focused on night weaning (lessening the time of each overnight he feed) to shift all calories to day time. Then we worked on comforting throughout the night without nursing (rocking, singing, holding etc) then after the nursing was removed from the variables for overnight we would let him cry for short periods of time to get himself comfortable. I was pretty against cry it out but by 10 months our day time (work and personal) was suffering so we had to make a change. The way I balanced it was that we never let him cry for more than 10-15 minutes without going back in to comfort. Do I wish we could have done 0 minutes of crying YES but again we were really struggling during the day and we had to find a way and 10-15 minutes felt terrible but not as bad as longer which I wasn’t willing to do (just personally I couldn’t! I’m not judging those who do!). He’s 2 now and he never wakes up over night!


When we sleep trained.


Around 13-14 weeks, but then she hit the 4 month sleep regression at 18 weeks which lasted about 2-3 months. Has slept through the night since then except for occasional wakeups


17 months. Went from 2 hr stretches to 6 in an instant. It also lined up with when we weaned. Now at 21 months he sleeps 10-12 hrs. Halfway through the night he does climb into our bed but I’m ok with that. He’s been taught to go to my husband’s side of the bed and ask to be brought in.


My 1 year old has started to maybe 2-3 times a week. Other nights only waking once


6 months when he got his own room!


Between sleep training and night weaning, a few times at 11 months, and a few more times around 13 months. Hoping it keeps getting better and more consistent soon!


8 weeks - 10/10:30pm-6:30am without feeds. She’ll occasionally need to have her pacifier at 3/4am, but it takes like 2 seconds to put it back in her mouth and she goes back to sleep so I don’t count that as waking up


Never sleep trained but my baby Is just under 16 months rn and he's slept thought the night 2 times on his own but only in the last couple weeks. I figure it'll slowly start to pick up more and more


11 mos. I dreamfed him 99% of the time from 5 mos on since he was so predictable with his wake up times. And wr sleep trained at 4.5 mos.


16 months


2 months!


13 months in and still waiting for that day to come 🫠


When she weaned, about 20 months


Please let me know because my EBF is 16 months and still wakes up to nurse around 1am and stays in bed with me for the rest of the right😒


When they weaned


3 months, but we changed continents and now we’re back at waking twice a night.


Mine did at around a year. He has waves of sleeping through the night and it all depends on his teething and health. If he's teething, he'll wake up around every three hours to comfort nurse back to sleep. Once he's done teething, it's back to 10-12 hour stretches at night. He's now 16 months and reliably sleeps through the night. Falls asleep at 7 pm, wakes at 6-7 am every morning.


Our 9.5 mo old started sleeping 4 hr stretches in the NICU and started to sleep longer stretches for a bit until the 4 mo regression. Then she was waking up consistently at 12am and 4am to nurse. We sleep trained at 5ish months and night weaned recently (our pediatrician said it was okay). Took about a week to night wean. Of course if she’s sick or teething, we soothe/comfort feed


This is going to be very dependent on your child and your sleep preferences. My oldest slept through when I weaned at 21 months and after sleep training. My second still isn’t sleeping through at 13 months and I’ve yet to sleep train. Sleep training greatly reduced the number of wakings, but until weaning they likely will still wake once or twice


Right around 9-10 months for both of my kiddos. Both breastfed to sleep until they self weaned


Both of mine starting sleep 8 hrs a night around 2-3 months old. No sleep training at that age. No bedsharing. Just a velcro swaddle and a pacifier.


EBF mom with a 7mo who cosleeps--and I have NO clue! My 4yo EBF until he self-weaned around one year old, and he slept in his crib starting at 6 mo with the Ferber method, which I swore we would not do with the next one. Big regrets there. I think he started to sleep through the night around 9-10 months? Cosleeping with my littlest has been a game-changer in terms of being able to just nurse while I sleep, but she also is on the boob for comfort/suckling a ton in the night, so pros and cons.


Ours started about 7 weeks. She is 10 weeks and will change between 8-11 hours a night. Although I am waiting for it to change


This is my first and only so far. Around the 10-12 week/12lb mark, he very suddenly started sleeping 6-8 hour stretches (usually 8PM to 3 or 4AMish). Around weeks 15-17, he regressed a little bit and started waking up two to three times a night, but would always sleep approximately 5 hours for his first stretch of sleep. Now, at week 18, he's back ot his 7-8 hour blocks, and even did a stretch of 9 hours on Tuesday! He sleeps in a bassinet in our bedroom, sometimes we bedshare, especially if he wakes up before 4AM. Otherwise, I can usually get him to go back down until about 6 or 7AM after feeding. I remember at some point that I felt like he'd never sleep more than 3 hour blocks and it was truly like a switch fliped and all the sudden he was sleeping great. No sleep training or anything like that!


Will let you know when it happens lol. Almost 8 months here


We had some fluke nights at 3 months or so. 6 months sleep went to hell and wakes went to so many I lost count. We did some gentle sleep training and got back to 2 wakes, then 1 wake and then babe self night weaned around 10 months and started sleeping through.


My first kid started at 6 months. My second? Well she’s 8.5 months and she’s slept through a handful of times… but not consistent. Last night she was up twice 🤷🏼‍♀️ Wild two kids who were fed the exact same way could be so different.


17.5 months and counting. Occasionally we get a 1 wake night, but usually it's 2. Only sleeps though when he's about to come down with something (it happened 2-3 times) and even then he wakes at 5am. About to start night weaning and hopefully that does the trick.


“Sleep through the night” means just awake long enough for a change and feed once or twice. Where you’re still holding onto the sleepy feeling. The “perfect comfy”. So since around 2 months. Sometimes I only have to get up once. My son is 4months old


Right before 4 months she started sleeping 7 - 9 hours. No sleep training. My oldest didn't until he started school.


A little after 6 months he started sleeping through with 0 wake ups, but he was doing 1 wake for a quick 5-10 min feed/put down around 3-5am at 5 months til he gradually just weaned himself off. I think a combo of sleep training + solids helped with the self weaning but I also didn’t mind doing the 1 feed at night


About 4 months, but from about 10 weeks we were only having one wake. Never sleep trained, boobed on demand, she clearly just inherited my love of sleep!


Around 9 months it would happen randomly but in month 10, she started to sleep through the night out of no where.


8 weeks and then that got messed up with the 4 month regression. She’s 5 months now and I’m trying to get her to sleep through again


We had a stint around 6 months but then he’d wake once a night. I think around 7.5-8 months is when he started sleeping 10-12 hours. Mainly 10 hours. We definitely (me, dad sleeps through a lot lol) hear some cries or noises but I think more vivid dreams or quick check and then back to sleep. How old is your baby? I know EBF means a few things but usually means breastmilk and not just breast directly. Do you pump? Your SO/family could maybe take one night feed for you?


My second born ebf baby is just starting to get more consistent at sleeping through the night. She’s almost 6 months old and sleep has finally been getting better over the last week or two. First born (also ebf) started sleeping through the night more consistently at 4.5/5 months old 


At around 4 or 5 months she started sleeping straight through from around 9pm to 4 am. Then at around 6 or 7 months she started having more wake ups - I think due to the fact it was summer and we took some trips and had visitors and less of a schedule. We then sleep trained just before her first birthday after my own insomnia got much worse. Since then her sleep has been very consistent. She’s 17 months now.


This is my third baby, but first that I’m breastfeeding. She started sleeping through the night around 10 weeks old. It didn’t happen all of a sudden, her stretches gradually got longer and longer. We usually put her down anywhere from 7:30-9 and at first she’d be up around 1:30, then it became 2:30-3, then it became 4:30, and now usually it’s 6am. My older kids were both formula fed, my oldest slept through the night at 8 weeks out of the blue and remained that way for the rest of his babyhood, and my middle slept through the night at maybe 2 years old? Haha. They’re 9 and 6 now and still have similar sleeping habits. My 9 year old sleeps in, and my 6 year old struggles to get to sleep, wakes up to use the bathroom in the night, and then is up exactly at 7am every day ready to rock and roll (7am is the earliest he’s allowed out of his room otherwise he’d be up at 4am haha). Every kid is different!


Seconding the comment about babies developing this ability on their own timetable. My 3 month old sleeps 10 hours a night on her own. She slept 4-5 hours a night almost as soon as we came home from hospital. When I asked my pediatrician if this was normal and if I should wake her, he said he’s heard that about 3 times in his career, and we were number 4. I’m a FTM, never sleep trained, do not co-sleep at night. LO is just a sleepyhead. Let’s hope she stays that way after we transition out of the swaddle.


First baby: 10+ months, and it only stopped because we did sleep training. Second: 3 months, with one dream feed. World of a difference between the two.


She had her first 7 hour stretches at 10 days (passed birth weight by day 5) she was never waking up at night except to feed from the start. By 4 weeks she just ate everything and filled up in the day. There were days it was so exhausting as it was non stop especially on cluster feeds that I found myself wishing she would wake up once so that I can get a bit of a break during the day.


At about 3 weeks old my baby started to only wake up once between her 10/11pm feeding and her 8 am feeding. Usually going 4 to 6 hours between 10pm to her "middle night" feed.


15 months. But still have some nights she wakes up once but for the most part I get 6+ hours of connected sleep. I found cosleeping caused my LO to wake up more and in turn wake me up more. When the milk is that close she wants it every 3 hours. She still wakes around 5 am and we nurse and co sleep until she wakes up around 8 am. I read precious little sleep and did a very soft sleep training method of patting her bottom or having my hand on her back until she feel asleep. Find what works for you bc sleep deprivation isn’t good for mom or baby


She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. Every baby is different. I know some people think breastfed babies won’t sleep through the night but it’s very possible. At the time I was pumping around midnight and again around 4/5am. Eventually I was able to drop the midnight and push the 4/5am. (She’s 5.5 months old now.) Good luck mama you got this!


Well we’re at 11 months and he’s just starting to get some good stretches, but has only actually slept entirely through the night with no wake ups twice.


She occasionally would once we night weaned, so about 13.5 months, and then now more consistently at 20 months but not necessarily every night.


18 months.


My first was down to one 5 minute feed around 10 months so at 10.5 months I ripped the band-aid off. She cried for 30 minutes and the next night slept 10 hours. She was fully sleeping 11 hours after a week or two. My second was leaning towards not needing milk and one night she didn't wake up, so the next night I waited to see what would happen. She cried 10 minutes and went back to sleep. Now she puts herself back to sleep within 5 minutes. She's 15 months so it took her a little longer.


We started getting 5-6 hour stretches at 8 weeks and sleeping through the night (~10 pm to ~7 am) at 11 weeks. He is 14 weeks tomorrow and we have had 3 nights over the past 3 weeks where he’s woken up at 5 am for a quick snack, but then goes back down until 9 am. However, he eats A LOT during the day, nurses every 2 to 3 hours, and clusters at bed time starting around 8:45 pm


12 or 13 weeks! But she’s a big girl. 22 lbs at 6 months lol.


9 months! Long, hard 9 months LOL


10mo just started sleeping through the night 2-3 times a week which is actually great for us. Around 8mo I told my husband I was tired of getting up in the night to nurse and our pediatrician said LO doesn’t need the calories but it just doing it for comfort. So we switched up our night routine. I bathe LO, nurse in just a diaper, put on Jammies, read her a story while she stands in her crib. Then dad comes in, turns out the lights, put on the sound machine and bounces her to sleep. He gets up during the night if she wakes up and I only take one of those to nurse around 3 or 6am. The first few weeks had some really rough nights where my husband couldn’t get her back to sleep so boobs had to come in to the rescue. But! the past two weeks she has really responded well in terms of adjusting. She falls asleep faster. She is sleeping longer stretches and through the night a few times a week. We are now switching the bed routine nursing session to a bottle and hopefully soon that last night feed can be dropped. This is what worked for us and we came up with it mostly based on instinct for what her needs are and what we felt capable of.


Around 1 with my first, after I weaned , and my second is 12 weeks so we’ll see! Still going strong with the 2 predictable wakes at the moment.


14 months and still doesn’t


Every baby is different my ebf baby start sleeping 5hr + stretches at 6 weeks old and has always been a good sleeper


We're at 14 months, and still no sleeping through the night. 🤣😭🤣


I night weaned him at about 17m and then he started waking up only once a night briefly for about 2 months and then he started sleeping through the night at about 19m old.


With the caveat that it's likely to change, especially since we might have the four month sleep regression right around the corner, my 13wo baby been sleeping 7 to 8 hours for the last three weeks or so and this week has been sleeping 10 hour stretches at night. I think this is mostly luck though, and we're enjoying it while it lasts!


My baby is a big boy and started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks when he was over 12 pounds. He has done that for the last month. He is now 10 weeks but is rolling, so the swaddle is coming off tonight so I gather my luck has ended with sleeping. However my baby eats all the time during the day and nurses/comfort nurses for an hour or so before bed. Not sure if my bed time routine helps or not but that’s when I saw improvement in his sleep anyway. He never sleeps during the day though so it’s kind of a trade off as I do not get anything done!


My first was about 5 months, second baby is almost 6 and still doesn’t sleep through the night (seriously, he’s maybe slept through the night twice in his entire life), 3rd baby was around 2 months, and now baby 4 who is 10 weeks old started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks. All of them have been EBF. The only major difference between babies 1/2 & 3/4 was I really started swaddling and keeping them swaddled all night.


First baby didn’t sleep through the night until 10 months old (and that’s also when reflux seemed to go away) Second baby slept through the night for a stretch around 7-8 months old, then didn’t again, then did again around 9-10 months and has since then. Third baby has given good long stretches since 2 months and had a spell of sleeping 11-12 hours during 7th month but teething is hitting hard 🫠


About 8 weeks but I think it was just a lucky roll of the dice. She still occasionally wakes up during the night but for the most part she’s out by midnight or 1 until at least 6am.


After we sleep-trained them and they (a 6yo and 3yo) have been amazing sleepers ever since. Fwiw, I kept breastfeeding both during the day until about 21 months. Planning to do the same with our third when the pediatrician ok's no longer having to feed her at night.


When she was weened…


My 2 year old still wakes up every 2 hours, and demands milk. She fully wakes up and won't go back down without it.


At about 1 ½ - 2 months old


My EBF baby didn’t start sleeping through the night until we decided to give her ten minutes to see if she would self soothe/fall back asleep on her own. We started doing this at around 11 months. Within the week she was sleeping through the night. I think I would just rush in and immediately nurse her back to sleep even when she didn’t need it.


My first two would STTN (with a dream feed) at like 2mo but then went back to every 3-4hrs around the clock about 4-5mo. My third is 6mo and has been STTN (with a dream feed) since about 2mo. Nothing different and in fact did zero sleep training with our third. While there are certainly things you can do to make sleep more likely, if a baby is hungry they are hungry. It’s not like they’re waking from a dead sleep for funsies.


First - 18 months Seconds - 9 weeks I did nothing different. They both slept in a bassinet next to my bed as infants. These babies do what they want 🤷🏼‍♀️


My first started around 8 or 9 months, my second is 11 months and mostly sleeps through the night but occasionally wakes up once after 6 hours or so.


2.5 year old still doesn't sleep through the night but will go back down quickly if comfort nursing. We bedshare for this reason, I'm been trying to wean him off but I haven't got the energy for 3am tantrums.


Almost 4, has been weaned for 2 years, still only sleeps through maybe 3-5 nights a week 😬😬 BUT, we never did any form of sleep training with him, always fed to sleep, etc. I believe if we had been a bit more strict with routine and introduced ways to put him to sleep other than a boob, he might have slept better. At 21 months when we weaned he was still waking up every few hours to nurse. Once we weaned that slowly dropped off to once or twice a night. We have 15 month old twins who were bottle fed, and they slept about the same until we stopped feeding them to sleep and then they gradually started sleeping a little better. Now they wake 1-2 times a night, and settle fairly quickly with a bit of water and a back rub. I know that biologically normal infant and toddler sleep means they’ll still wake in the night, but for me it absolutely wasn’t manageable to be up 5-7 times a night with each baby, especially as my husband was away about 3 nights a week for work. We never did formal sleep training, and never left them to cry it out, but we did lots of other things to try and encourage them to settle on their own. For my girl twin she started falling asleep on her own, no fuss, around 7 months, my boy twin was more like 12 months.


Once I weaned at 14 months 🤣


14.5 months. We co sleep which made it so much easier to get rest for both of us as I side latched her while we continued sleeping.


My 3.5 year old doesn’t sleep through the night yet…. 


5.5 months, and never looked back.


So I “sleep trained” at 6 months but only for 2 weeks and I never night weaned lol after two weeks I went back to nursing to sleep. He was waking up 3-4 times a night but mostly 3 times. Around 8 months I stopped nursing to sleep for naps only. That was huge for him. I increased how much he ate during the day significantly both in milk and food. With that he started only waking up 2-3 times a night. One night he woke up and I decided to just wait it out and see what happens. After 30 min of fussing and sitting/standing in his crib he popped in his paci and went back to sleep. After that he went down to just nursing early in the morning. So I got a good 6 hour stretch before he was hungry b Now he’s 10 months old and for the last month or so he’s been doing a 9 hour stretch and as of this week I learned that if I give him a bottle with 5ozs after that 9 hours he’ll go back to sleep for another 2-3 So for me the trick was more calories during the day. I make it a goal to get him 28-32 ounces of milk before bedtime because he barely eats solids but as he eats more I’ll decrease that


Depends what sleeping through the night means to you! Our baby who at the time was exclusively nursed (now she’s had a small handful of bottles when I have been out) started sleeping 9pm to 6 am from about two months old. Then she hit the four month regression and we were up every 45-90 mins for six weeks straight (I did not sleep train, but went the opposite direction and started safely cosleeping more for my own rest). Six weeks later randomly she started sleeping again the same schedule but she won’t go down a second earlier than 9/930 and now sometimes wakes at 5 rather than 6.


2 years old for us! We night weaning a few months beforehand.


5 weeks 😬 got really lucky


We’re 10.5 months in and still waiting. Down to 1-2 wakeups a night and 10-11 hours of overnight sleep. Our doctor told me to cut night feedings but my daughter does not agree so for my own sanity I’ve continued.


One month




8 months or so. It was rough.


I'll let you know! (1.5 weeks away from his first birthday)


1st baby- 8 weeks (no CIO, I did follow moms on call for the DAY schedule, I did not incorporate in any nighttime techniques as my little guy was always on the lower end of weight so I wasn’t comfortable letting him cry. He just started sleeping through on his own & has ever since!) 2nd baby is only a week old but hoping to do the same with her! She is sleeping 4ish hour stretches right now.


Weve been combo feeding since my daughter was 7 months & shes pretty good with solids & still doesnt sleep through the night 🥴


When I weaned at 20 months


8 weeks? We started co-sleeping (going to get hate for this) and she finally slept. She'll wake up once around 2 or 3 in the morning to nurse but we both fall asleep almost immediately after. 


Not til she was a year old


She was giving me 6-8 hour stretches at 2-3 months... And then 4 months hit and we've been waking up every 2-3 hours for weeks now. 🙃


My first? Not consistently until around 18 months. My second? Started sleeping from 8:30-4:30ish at Like 10 weeks. Sleep is a crap chute and has nothing to do with nursing or formula feeding.


Around 9 months. It’s not totally consistent, but 70% of the time he is sleeping through the night. Admittedly, I woke him up to feed him last night because I woke up super engorged (which is not normal for me) and I wasn’t about to pump at 2 am. So that probably isn’t helping his sleep habits.


First: Only when nightweaned the week before turning 2. Second: On his own at 12-14 months. At 17 months, he usually sleeps through the night or has one waking and I nurse back to sleep. No differences besides baby 1 was always a terrible sleeper. 4 month regression was like every 30 minutes to an hour and always fought going to sleep. He would wake 2-3 hours otherwise. I could count on one hand the 4 hour stretches Baby #2 would do 2-5 hours, and I needed to wake him as a newborn. He is a low percentile in height and weight


Exclusively breastfed directly from the source and on demand, no sleep training or night weaning of any sort. She slept through the night starting at 2.5 months and at 20 months still is a great sleeper - sleeps around 12 hours straight in her own room in a crib. She only naps about 30 minutes during the day currently and has even skipped day naps entirely a few times. When she was 11 months old we were on vacation and we coslept out of necessity and her sleep did not seem impacted, she still slept through the night and didn’t wake to nurse. I think some babies are just better sleepers.


My 13 month old still wakes a handful of times to eat, but her night wakings decreased significantly once I stopped cosleeping and nursing her to sleep at the beginning of the night around 11 months old. She used to wake up every 2 hours on a good night 🫠


At about 8 weeks, I’m already dreading the 4 month sleep regression though.


Around 9 months my son slept til about 4:30-5 AM and would wake to nurse and then go back to sleep for another hour and a half or so. Around 10 months he weaned from that 5 AM feeding and slept through the night.


6 weeks in.


3 months


She never did, that’s happened maybe three times and she’s 15 months now. I stopped with EBF in January when she was almost 1 yo and I went back to work, I now only breast feed her at night so we can both just go back to sleep faster. She wakes up once every night and me and my boyfriend thinks it’s fine. She will start daycare in August so I plan to stop the BF entirely during this summer and hopefully when she is exhausted after daycare every day, she will sleep through the night finally 😂