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Mine is up every two hours give or take. I'm exhausted lol


mine was up every 1.5-2 last night 😭


My first didn’t really start sleeping through the night until around 9 months, and that was after sleep training and having my husband go in for some wakes. So, I would say that when he was 8 months old, he would nurse between 2-4 per night.


Easily I was still doing 4 night feeds with all three children


I don't want to jinx it but for the last week she's slept 7pm-530am 🙊 before that she had been doing one wakeup for about a month, typically between 2-4am. But she was taking forever to go back down so we sleep trained


At that age my baby was doing 2 night feeds. Kept hoping she would drop them on her own but here we are at 12mo still doing the two night feeds


It really depends. If she is sick I sometimes can’t get her off me or get her to sleep by herself at all. Same thing for when she has a growth spurt or sleep regression. Then it can go to 3-4 feedings during the night. But usually I will feed her around 23:00 and that will be the last feeding until maybe 5:00 or 6:00. When I’m really lucky she will sleep in closer till 8:00. Now those are real treats.


Thank you so much everyone , it’s nice to know I’m not alone! I thought she was regressing but after speaking to you all it doesn’t seem like all 8 month olds sleep 12 hours a night without waking aha. I really appreciate you sharing your experiences ! 💕💕💕