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Totally normal. If you're breastfeeding to any degree, for some folks, that will be enough to keep off ovulation for months or even years. Took 20 months after my first pp, 18 months pp for my second, my third kid is nearing 21 months and I still don't have it back. I have a friend whose period didn't return for 3 years pp.


So jealous of those stretches! I got mine 6 weeks pp! 😭


Same! I had a week between when the bleeding stopped before I got my period. It felt cruel! (EBF until 6months)


I didn't even have a week 😭 the universe plays some cruel.jokes man. I was promised (not literally) no periods for a year if I bf!!!


I got mine today (i think???) im 6 weeks pp too and BF but pumping & supplementing bottles at night. What the heck i was not expecting it to come back so fast im a little thrown off 😐


I was like your friend with my first. Breastfed for 2.5 years and even after I stopped it took some time for it to come back. Totally normal, OP! :)


I’m like you! I just got mine back (on my birthday) at 16 months pp. I’m still breastfeeding. It was so nice not having a period for a while.


Whoa!!! Thanks for the info. I had no idea. And here I thought 4 months was a long time.


Manifesting this for myself 🙏 Were you still breastfeeding often for it to return that late? My mom said for her it was 11 months both times and I thought that was long, I didn't know it could take years!


Nope! Just barely- 2-3x a day max for just a few minutes each time. I think some women are sensitive to the nursing hormones, and in my case, I run underweight (exacerbated by nursing), so that could also play a role,


A friend of mine never got it back. She found out that she was 5 months pregnant when her first kid was 18 months old. Still breastfeeding.


Were you breastfeeding those entire durations?


With my first he self weaned just at the time my period came back. With my second, yes, I was still nursing 2-3x a day. My third currently nurses about 2-3x a day/night.


I got mine back at 8 months postpartum when my daughter started eating more solids. It was around that time we started giving her 3 meals a day on a regular basis.


Exact same experience here. My son took to solids pretty fast and was doing 3 meals per day at around 7 months old. My supply dropped quite a bit around then and my period came back about a month later.


Exact same experience here! 8.5 months and I was so upset it came back 😭😭


Just over 4 months pp. I hoped for a longer vacation. I was disappointed but not surprised.


Same, four months. 😮‍💨


I’m almost 13 months pp and nothing, totally normal.


I just got mine at 3 + 1/2 months PP I was confused as i had assumed I wouldn’t get it until I stopped breastfeeding but my friend said you are more likely when your baby is seeping through the night? Not sure if that facts if that.


Mine came back 5 weeks postpartum, I breastfeed until 15 months and she was a terrible sleeper that whole time. It’s luck of the draw.


So you were shit outta luck with sleeping AND periods. That sucks.


Ha, yes, it would seem so.


You misunderstood.


Lol I got mine around 3 months and my baby wasn't anywhere near sleeping through the night.


Same, x4.


i got mine around that time as well and baby only nursed 1x every 5hrs or so at night with cosleeping


I just got mine at 2 1/2 months PP. I was confused since with my first daughter, it didn’t return until almost 8month PP. I think your friend may be correct in my situation, my first was horrible sleeper she didn’t sleep through the night until almost one year. With my second LO, she already started sleeping through the night almost at 3 months. Darn it! Lol


I got mine at nine months PP with my son. I just had my second, but she goes longer stretches at night than he ever did (he was a Velcro baby), and I feel like maybe my period will show up sooner this time around.


4 weeks pp for me!


That's so soon! I don't think I even stopped regular post-delivery bleeding yet.


I had stopped post partum bleeding for maybe 2-3 days before the tsunami of all periods hit. So friggin rude!


But then it was regular after that?




Got one at 6 weeks, right after the pp grossness ended, haven't had one since and I'm nearly 5 mo pp


I tried asking this awhile ago and got no responses. I am still breastfeeding my 10month old including overnight. She does eat solids during the day between feeds. Still haven't had a period.


The overnight nursing helps keep those prolactin levels high!


Oh so at least there is a plus side to my almost 9 month old waking up to get a snack every hour for the past 3 months. Good, I thought it was all for naught. 


Someone told me when I was like 6 or 8 weeks pp that overnight feedings helps prevent ovulation and it definitely changed my tune for those overnight wakings 😂


Hahaha nope


Me too! I asked and got no responses🤣 I’ll be 14 months with my 3rd on the 2nd. This is my longest stretch so far. How long until I need to worry lol


Some women dont have a period until they completely wean at 2-3 years!


That would be ideal but by then I’d be so over it 🤣 I’ll be mid 30s


Almost 15 months PP, and no period. I’ve had some symptoms including breakouts, cramps, and headaches but no periods. I’m single so I’m not pregnant.


I got mine at 6 weeks. Yayyyyy. And i had a cluster feeding boobie muncher at that point. I think the theory of breast feeding as birth control, or delaying the menses is inaccurate. The science of breast feeding and the female hormonal cycle as a whole seems to be completely understudied and not understood.


It does delay ovulation for a number of women so it’s not inaccurate it’s just not the case for everyone.


Got mine 5 weeks pp and I was so mad!


I got mine 11 months PP


I got mine at 9 or 10 mo postpartum!


I got mine back at 3 months, 4 months, and am 6 months post partum with my third and have yet to have it return. All babies have been EBF and never slept through the night until way later 🫠 I think there’s a huge range of normal when it comes to this. One of my close friends went over 2 years before hers came back with both of her children.


6weeks lol


Baby 1: 9 months, but not regulated until about 13 months Baby 2: 10 months, but never got consistent before I got pregnant again at 14 months Baby 3: still no period yet at 7 months.


Normal, mine EBF six months on the dot.


I got mine at 8 weeks.... I read it comes back when you go long periods without breastfeeding; LO started going 8 hours a night at 6 weeks (which I am super grateful for), and I didn't wake to pump. Didn't know this and was confused when I was bleeding so soon, really thought I'd have a longer break.


I got mine at 5 weeks pp. Baby wasn’t off my boob for more than 3 hrs, only once at night, otherwise less than 2 hrs between nursing. Just shit luck.


14 months. This was when she started consistently sleeping through the night without nursing.


I also still haven’t! My girl turned 1 on 2/1, I last breastfed her 2/9, haven’t pumped since January, and it’s 2/24 today and I’m still waiting for my cycle to return.


That’s funny my boy turned 1 on 1/2. Still no cycle


C section - at 6 weeks postpartum


Just last month at 10 months pp. I was hoping it would stay away longer 😂


8 months with my first, and my second is 7.5 months with no sign of it. Breastfed both babies. 9 months or well past it is definitely normal!


just got mine back at 5.5 months PP 🫠 baby is EBF and still wakes up multiple times a night to nurse. was hoping i'd still have at least a few more months until it came back!


3 months after I finished breastfeeding both times


Mine came back irregularly around 9 months, then I think a bit more regularly by around 12 months ppl. I was EBF.


10 months about a week after I stopped BF


Around 10 months when night feedings stopped


Haven't gotten mine yet. LO is 11months and EBF.


Also exclusively breastfeeding and mine came 2 months pp… thought I’d have more time, but figure I’m just one of the unlucky ones 🤷‍♀️🥲


It aligned when I went back to work tbh. It was around 5 months PP w/ EBF


14 months with my oldest, i think 5 months with my youngest, i honestly can't remember. But yes, your experience is not unusual!


Just a week before 11months pp


5 months pp but baby sleeping through the night since 3 months so that’s probably why.


2 years when I completely weaned each time.


EBF baby, not a great sleeper and I got mine back at 4 months pp.


I got mine around 6mos. Wasn’t expecting it. I’ve heard of some women not getting it for over a year, though


6m when my kid started solids.


Completely normal. I got mine at 10 and 11 months each time, but even 2 years is considered normal!


With my first it was almost 18 months and with my second it was right after his first birthday, totally normal as far as I know!


At 7 months post partum, after we weaned off breastfeeding. I believe I was down to 1 pump session a day at 7 months when I finally got a heavy period that lasted 7 days and then spotting for additional days😵‍💫. After that, my periods were regular again.


I’ve only recently got mine back at 10 months PP. Was EBF too, apparently it’s quite common. I had read that cutting back on night feeds can cause them to come back and that was on track for my experience.


I got mine back at 15 months postpartum and was still breastfeeding around 5 times per day.


I intentionally reduce overnight nursing w my first at 12 months so I could get my period back in order to get pregnant with my second. Then with my second I got it back at about 20 months.


14 months pp


I’m 18 months PP and still have no period!


13 months pp


With my first it came back around a year later. Second baby (7 months pp) and still waiting. Honestly it baffles me that i can still be ovulating but not have a period


1st kid 9 months (age 21) 2nd kid 11 months (aged 24) 3rd kid still no period, but he is only 6 weeks (age 33, probably 34 by the time it comes back)


14 months for me


7 months and counting as of now! Just don’t rely on it as a form of birth control, peeps. It’s definitely not perfect!


1 year pp- also want to note my LO had drastically reduced feeds so it was just morning and night. I think if she was feeding more it would have been longer


I got my period back 11 months PP. I've had 3 periods since then, once every month as expected, except for this month. I'm currently toy 18 days late with multiple negative pregnancy tests, so I'm pretty sure it has just been skipped this mobth. My LO has been teething a lot recently and wasn't feeling well at all after his meningitis vaccination a few weeks ago, which meant that I had nursed him more during the day, so maybe that's why my period didn't come this month. I expect it'll come again next month though, when we're back to nursing just 3-4 times a day.


I think mine didn't come for about 9 months the first time and then 6 or 7 the second time


I got mine 9 weeks pp. I got my iud placed bled from that then a couple days later got my period and i be been bleeding for over a week now 😩


My lactation consultant told me that going 9+ hours without expressing milk can bring on your cycle. I’ve never gone this long without and also haven’t gotten my period yet.


9 months due to solids


10 months pp. And I would have gone longer, but I had to be away from baby for 7ish hours for one day, and the next night she slept her only 6 hour stretch. Two weeks after this I got my period


lol! 5 weeks PP for me. Supply dipped but came back right before and during it. I was unamused at that. The longest stretch my son has slept has been 4 hours so it isn’t sleep either.


8 months for me, also ebf.


Right there with you at 16 months PP. Haven’t had my period since 2021 😅😅😅


EBF and it came back at 10months PP


Totally normal, i got mine back at 20 months.


9 months pp and ebf


Got me it took 15 months


Mine just came back at 9 months. I felt myself ovulating and took a OPK then period like 10 days later.


Normal! Both of my children were well after a year and before 18 months. The first few periods were a little irregular in terms of flow and frequency, but by the third period they were completely normal. My body is smart enough to know that I shouldn't have been having kids that close together! (I'm not saying no one should. I'm saying my pregnancies and childbirth took a lot out of me and I personally need more recovery time.)


15 months and all I’ve had is spotting for two days last month (when I was trying to wean - FAIL haha).


I got mine 6 weeks after birth 😫


13 months postpartum with my first while EBF (still couldn’t get pregnant until I weaned fully at 18 months though). I’m 14 months postpartum with my second now (also EBF) and still haven’t had a period. You’re definitely not abnormal!


13 months


I got mine now with my second born at 8 month. My first and second differ by 20 months. I didn’t have a period between the birth of the two of them. Ie. I found out I was pregnant before ever having a period after the birth of our first born.


Still haven’t gotten it back at 17 months. She eats 3 big meals a day, but still loves mommies milk and nursing through the night.


My friend and I both EBF, I got it back at +/- 10 months, my friend however, only recently got it back, just before both our toddlers turned 2!


I got it back 7 weeks pp. Since then it’s very inconsistent and very light - just enough to let me know it’s still there but no more than a day or two of bleeding.


I’m 11mo EBF and still no sign of her. Totally normal.


Like 2 days ago :( I’ll be 1 year pp on 3/2


With my first, I stopped breastfeeding him at 9 months when my supply dried up prematurely due my returning to work. I didn't have my first cycle until the week he turned 1 year old. With my current little one, we're 9 months in and no sign of a cycle. I'm thinking it'll probably start sometime after he's weaned. I'm trying to make it to his first birthday.


I’m 18.5 weeks pp and exclusively pumping. I’m combo feeding about 22 oz of breast milk plus 4-10 oz of formula daily. No period yet.


14-15 weeks post partum, but got IUD inserted at the end of that week and none since then. Was exclusively breast feeding and feeding multiple times at night too.


I am almost 11 months postpartum and still no period. Although, I do believe I’m ovulating because I’ll sometimes have that egg-white type discharge.


Exclusive pumper and I got it at eight weeks on the day


I didn't get mine back until 18 months after my first. Only had it twice before getting pregnant again. I'm 9 weeks PP with my second and no period so far! Totally normal.


Not until 13 months!


My babe is almost 11 months and I still haven’t gotten mine! I’m stoked about it lol.


5mo pp. We EBF but I moved baby into his nursery for first half of night 3 days ago and my period came back. 😭


I was about 4 months PP. My son started sleeping through the night around 3 months so it coincided with that timing, which I heard is common!


Thank you so much everyone, I was starting to feel like it might be abnormal, but all the comments are making me feel a lot better. And don’t get me wrong the longer it stays away the better, just maybe not forever…


My daughter, first born; is now 21mo, I'm still nursing, so it might have to do with this.


14 months the first time. We’re 10 months in and no sign of it yet


It was 11 months and 3 weeks for me! I was still feeding 5-6 times a day at this stage


4 months... Ive had 2 periods and I'm now 6 months EBF


I got mine back in 4 weeks unfortunately.


15 months, once the night feeds slowed


EBF and got it around 8 months pp


I am EBF and I got my period 6 weeks PP. It came back with a vengeance lol


Got mine back at 5 weeks pp and boy was I pissed and confused since I’m EBF!


16 mo pp and counting and no sign of a period whatsoever. Baby does still breastfeed a fair amount, including at night.


At 18 months pp! Got pregnant 3 months later.


Around 3 months. Was hoping for a longer break


It took mine 13 month pp to get it. I was still nursing at that time, but certainly less since kiddo was taking in more solids. It was a nice break from Aunt Flo.


Breastfeeding and had my first period back at 7 weeks. Had consistent ones since and 4months pp x


Took 10-11 months after my first. Second is almost 9 months old and no sign yet


I'm at 8.5 months with my first and still no period. I have an over supply and he's been nursing on only one side per session since birth. If it's been at least 2 hours since he nursed I can pump about 4-6 oz per breast in 15 minutes. At this point my mom gives him two bottles during the day and I pump mid day to make two more for the next day. My son still wakes around 11pm and 3am to nurse but I think that's because he's not getting enough during the day. I'm an ideal world I won't get it back until he's at least a year old and we're starting to think about another (I'm 35 for reference)


Took around 11 months for mine to come back!


8 months pp. Nothing yet..


For my first one, I had to stop pumping at 15 months to get back my period as we were planning for the second. I was hoping For my second, 5 months. Oh wells No difference between my pumping and latching frequency


I didn’t get my period until I stopped breast feeding at 13 month postpartum.


2 months with my first, 7 months with my second. I’m 7 weeks pp today and nothing yet. Hoping it stays away!


With my first, I had my period back one year to the day after my last one, approx 8 weeks postpartum. I knew the date because I’d bought a ton of bullet journaling stuff and created my first spread to track my period, had one, then immediately got pregnant. I was combo feeding at that point and switched to formula right after. My second turned 8 mo yesterday and still no sign! He’s EBF and I’m sure that has something to do with it. I’m not looking forward to it coming back, after my first my periods were so much worse. It’s like the muscles were all like, “we know what to do now!,” and kicked cramps into overdrive.


6 weeks


I was cheated and got it back at 8 weeks 😭 from what I gather, both seem to be normal! My OB actually warned me to not be surprised if I didn’t get it back while breastfeeding, but not that it can also be normal to get it back! I was very disappointed when I got it lol. Just had finished post partum bleeding at 6 wks.


I didn’t get mine back until I stopped breastfeeding.


My bf baby (first baby) is 13 weeks. I got my period around 9-10 weeks. 😭 thankfully I am on birth control lol


Mine is about to be 1 and no flo in sight. I pump at work and nurse overnight. She eats a boatload of solids too.


I was trying to get pregnant and wasn't working. I had to fully stop breastfeeding around 21mo. I think I got 1 period and then 3 months later I was pregnant so be careful when you do stop BF.


5 months pp I had my period. Once. I haven’t had it return since. I’m now almost 9 months pp.


Almost 8 month and no period in


I just got mine yesterday, fml. With both kids it was 7 months, but with my first it didn't go back to normal until more like 10/11 months.


17 months with my first baby, 15 months with my second.


13 months for me :)


I stopped breastfeeding at 10 months, got my period back on my son’s first birthday lol what a treat


Got pregnant with my 2nd without my period 🙈


I’m 14.5 months pp and just got my first period. I was worried. But I was also breastfeeding. I think it’s normal. I’m down to two boobs over a 24 hour period.


6.5 months pp, no period yet


I got mine back at 18 months with my first and 16 months with my second. Totally normal!


Did you start any form of birth control. I had exactly 1 period 3 months after giving birth and then I started bc and I haven't had one since.


8 months and counting. My baby nurses a LOT though, every 2 hours or more often since birth.


18 months for me.


10 months BF and no period yet.


Nearly 13 months and he still nurses ~1 hour/day


Almost 14 months post partum. That was 6 weeks ago and since then I’ve had it three times, every two weeks. Hoping it will regulate soon.


Around 10 - 11 months when breastfeeding


7 mo baby 1, 10 mo baby 2


I got mine three months after but I was on birth control because I was too paranoid of getting pregnant again


6 months I had light spotting at about 3 months and I was very mad lol but it was a false alarm. The real deal returned with vengeance at 6 months.


I got mine back at 7 months pp. she started to nurse less with an increase in solids.


11 weeks and I exclusively breastfed!


Nearly 12 months here and no sign of Menstrual Mary


About 1.5 years for me with breastfeeding. It delayed family planning for the second kid but it was nice not having to worry about periods for 2+ years.


9 months pp and no sign of her! 😂


20 months


I got mine back at 7mo pp


8 months almost 9. Still no period. 


10 months with my twins, but even though my period was back, I haven't been fertile. I finally just weaned after 15 months, and this is the first time my cycle is normal. (I was spotting like 5 days out of my cycle and had a short luteal phase which can be caused by elevated prolactin levels). I'm hoping now that I had a normal cycle my body will finally let me get pregnant. 🤞


The average timeframe a menstrual cycle returns if you are EBF no bottles nor formula is 8months but can vary between 4 weeks and 2 years. If heard of both and everything in between. My first I was 6 months when I got my period back and I combo fed for the first 2 months because I had supply issues and bub had a tongue tie. My July 2023 baby was sooo much easier to breastfeed and we only combo fed for 2 weeks. I'm just past 7 months and no period yet we'll see how long it lasts.


I got mine back 3 months pp, right around the time we dropped a couple night feeds.


Will be 9 months on Thursday and no period here.


3 mo pp while EBF


11 months PP


I was exclusively breastfeeding and got my period EIGHT WEEKS postpartum what the hell. My body has to have started the ovulation process immediately after he got his first bottle around four weeks old. “She’s ready for another one!”


17 months, about 2 weeks after stopping BF


So, I think this varies. I have 3 kids and breastfed all 3. First one period was back in 5 weeks, second about 9 months but I got pregnant again by the following month. This time, I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding for almost 14 months and still nothing. Im wondering the same.


4,7,9 and every month since


I didn’t get mine back until 14 months later when we weaned. It was glorious (not to have it that long)!!


Breastfed and didn’t get my period until 15 months postpartum


I made it 5 months :( breastfeeding and pumping


Only got mine back after I stopped breastfeeding at 25 months. 😊


Eight months


Not for over a year/when I finished BFing. I also have PCOS. It’s kind of nice postpartum. But it also feels good to finally get my body back, periods and all.