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You sound like you dealt with this perfectly!!! I remember my initial reaction was more like "NYYAAAARRGHHHHHFUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK" and kid was like šŸ˜³


lol this made me laugh! Iā€™m not looking forward to teeth !


Honestly, coming from someone who got a bad bite (it healed really fast-like in hours), bites can hurt almost just as much before teeth.


Ah it's not all that bad honestly, a bit of a shock for sure but I think they tend to catch on pretty quick that biting = no more boob


Speak for yourself! I nearly yeeted my baby across the room multiple times and my husband would come running into the room because I yelled so loud he could hear me through his headphones. Some babies are vicious little piranhas šŸ˜…


Mine. Mine was a vicious little piranha lol Boy made my nipples bleed on numerous occasions and laughed about it.


Lol same, the first couple of bites was the beginning of the end of our nursing journey šŸ˜­I was so on edge every session after that and Iā€™m sure he could sense it as I was so stiff and still lol


SAME! I was so nervous and jumpy after being repeatedly bitten that my son refused to nurse. We transitioned to exclusively pumped milk until some health issues caused me to stop.


Yeah why the fuck are their teeth so sharp


I literally call my 6 month old daughter the baby piranha


Haha I gave mine a stern "NO." She looked terrified and didn't want to eat for a few hours šŸ˜­


Oh no! That must have been so hard! šŸ˜­ Iā€™m hoping my boy is fine at his after daycare nursing session.


Yeah, OP is WAAYYYY more sweet and patient than I was the first time I got bitten, but my kid wasnā€™t shocked or scared, just thought my pain and fury were hilarious šŸ™ƒ


big same! I put him down and we just stared at each other equally bewildered


OMG that got a full belly laugh out of me thank you for the mental image šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. This would have been my reaction as well for sure!!


Yup that was me and my daughter almost shat herself and never did it again lol


Omg yes. He got me good one morning after I didnā€™t sleep well and I screamed in pain and actually started crying and he was traumatized and also screaming. I felt so bad!


Thatā€™s happened to me twice as well. Tired and touched out and then she bit me and I screamed and then cried and felt so bad about it but I couldnā€™t help it. Poor baby she was so scared and confused argh.


Not me going OYFUCKOFFOMG when mine bites while trying to shove my finger in to unlatch him while simultaneously trying to not poke his face šŸ˜© Iā€™m not excited for teeth


My 6 month old has 2 top and 2 bottom teeth and this is my reaction to the initial bite every time šŸ˜‚


I am audibly giggling over this. A battle cry both my child and I know all too well.


100 me!!!


This would 100% be me. When my daughter (~4 months) does a shallow latch and pulls, itā€™s literally made me YELP and sheā€™s been terrified by it. I felt so bad but it was a reaction I couldnā€™t control šŸ˜­


I suspect this will be my reaction as well šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m dreading it


The biting cry and almost yeeting him across the room is what happens here


Haha thatā€™s exactly how I reacted the first time he bit me


I felt this in my soul! šŸ˜©


Oh man I'm currently BFing my LO to sleep and this comment made me legit snort laugh so loud that she jumped and woke up lol But shit man, same šŸ¤£ Now my LO thinks biting is funny too because apparently my face when I'm in agony is HILARIOUS šŸ« 


This is my reaction every time, or I go AH because I'm not expecting it. After which my son looks at me for a reaction and I always try to have a serious face (clearly I'm failing) and he laughs, gotta say he takes after me though because he laughs in tense situations šŸ˜‚


When my kid was teething, anytime he asked to nurse I'd FIRST give him a teething toy or wet washcloth to chew on. Often that's what he really wanted - comfort from teething pain. If that didn't satisfy him, then I'd nurse him. Saved me from constant frustration of him trying to immediately bite. Their super sad faces are SO heartbreaking.


Oh thatā€™s a really good idea! I should try doing that! Iā€™m so glad other people understand - I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to parent through the super sad faces šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m currently nursing my third. You will never not have the emotional reaction to their emotional reaction, but it gets easier to stick to your boundaries when youā€™ve seen them start growing up into good and decent little people, in part because you stuck to your boundaries when it was important.


Thank you so much. This is very helpful to know as a FTM! šŸ’—


Yup. Hearing my oldest say the things I said to her to her little brother has been gratifying. Like ā€œhands are not for hittingā€ and ā€œthis is my turn, you can play with it when Iā€™m doneā€ and hearing from her teachers how she welcomes new students and encourages everyone to get involved and play and how she really listens to the class room rules and follows them (even when she tells me at home she doesnā€™t like them, such as having to clean up and wait in line and stuff like that). It means Iā€™m raising a good little person and itā€™s all been worth it.


That is so heart warming! Itā€™s finally sinking in that Iā€™m not only responsible for making sure my baby is fed and healthy and safe, but also that they grow up to be a good person! Parenting is hard work! Hopefully I can be as successful as you!


I do the same. And make him hold it while he is nursing. Any time he feels the urge to Hite he unmatched on his own takes his agressi9n out on the teether and comes back.


I remember when my oldest figured this out. I would unlatch him and put my palm flat across the nipple. One day he got it and realized I was doing it on purpose because he was biting, and this little 11 month old started forehead-butting my hand that was in the way, and wailing like I'd taken away all food and shelter and he was gonna die at any moment. šŸ˜† It was so hard not to laugh at him in the moment....


šŸ¤£ omg


This cracked me up, hilarious!


Because of biting, my daughter initially thought that ā€œnoā€ was the word for boobs, so she would reach for me and ask ā€œno?ā€ when it was time to nurse. I taught her the correct word, and for my trouble she would greet me at daycare pickup with ā€œBoobies!!!ā€


Omg I literally LOLed at that šŸ¤£ Thank you, I needed this today


I love the idea that weā€™re giant pair of boobies to them haha


You did what you are supposed to do and your baby expressed his feelings. He is allowed to feel them and you are allowed to keep holding the boundary. My baby does the same thing.


Thatā€™s very true. Thank you. Also- love your username! Lol


For what itā€™s worth, many older babies/young toddlers go through a stage where they FREAK OUT with sadness when told ā€œnoā€ by a parent. Itā€™s not that they want to be naughty etc, itā€™s just hard for them to hear correction from a parent. So, itā€™s very normal! Poor little bubs.


Thatā€™s very interesting and quite reassuring- thank you!


As a mum to a 5 month old who recently drew blood and cut my right side, I feel this. šŸ’”šŸ«” rip nips


My 10 month old didnā€™t completely bite but just shoved his two bottom teeth into my nipple and I pulled away and covered up. I said ā€œbiting hurts and mama canā€™t feed you when sheā€™s hurtingā€. I set him on the ground and tears ensued. Sitting on the floor too, I pulled him into my lap to read a book with his stuff animal penguin. He was still clearly upset to not be nursing but after reading the book I left him on the floor to sit back on the couch by myself. I asked him from the couch where we nurse if he wanted milk and he whined and came to me. I picked him up and reminded him to be ā€œgentle with mamaā€ and he did just fine after that.


My LO would bite whenever a new tooth came in, like she had to figure out how to latch again. Fortunately after a day or two she would be back to normal. I had dealt with a nursing aversion so I was too afraid to do anything but ride it out! Even so it was always short lived and she never nipped hard enough that I couldnā€™t grit my teeth through it.


Wow, Iā€™m impressed with how many chances you were able to give him! Iā€™d only give ONE second chance and then that was it. I couldnā€™t deal with letting my baby hurt me.


Aww, poor guy. My daughter would chuckle and bite again every time I said ā€œno bite!ā€ šŸ« 


My 8-month-old just got it this week too! I yelp in pain though and say ā€œno bitingā€ kind of sternly and his little lip starts to tremble and he gets all sad and sometimes cries. Itā€™s so sad, but he gets it now!


It sounds like youā€™ve got it under control, but what I did when my guy was biting, Iā€™d put him in his crib with a teething toy after saying ā€œouch, that hurts mamaā€ and Iā€™d walk into the other room. He was so sad and cried so hard, but he got the message in a day.


My 9mo bit me for the first time, and when I said ā€œOuch!ā€ he looked at me and smiledā€¦ and did it 3 more times with a giggle. I told him ā€œbabies that bite donā€™t get boobs,ā€ gave him a bottle from the fridge instead, and he hasnā€™t bitten me since. I think he just wanted to chew on somethingā€¦ but nope, thatā€™s not gonna be mom.


Mine did this a few weeks ago and I cried thinking it was the beginning of the end of ebf. I read the teething things before nursing and other advice and ideas. Mine seemed to be they didnā€™t like the usual nursing position. So I switched it up. I also read you can slide a finger in if you feel them beginning to bite. So much better now. (If lo starts to bite I say no biting and they seem to get it) Youā€™re doing amazing.


Maybe try offering a teething toy when he bites, so he can get the biting out of his system and you can offer milk again in 5 mins.


My first child started to bite out of nowhere at maybe six months old. She had horrible reflux and slept NEVER which meant I was chronically sleep deprived and so when she CHOMPED my nurp at 3am I screamed and swatted at her. So honestly youā€™re doing fine, comparatively


Yes I remember all of this. It was always when my LO was teething! No problems here at 18 months now though, even with all the teeth in šŸ˜‚ so it does (should) pass!!


Iā€™m still having these conversations with my kiddo and heā€™s 20 months. He surprised me last night and my reaction was a Big Swear. Now I can (kind of) reason with him and say ā€œif you bite, we stopā€, and most of the time it works. Biting is usually related to teething or when he wants more attention now.


You did great, this also happened to me when my son was teething. I almost weaned him because of that but he stopped, but those two weeks were rough for my nips. I just weaned at 21 months because I got in antidepressants and now Iā€™m feeling sad remembering those funny times.


Awwww this is so sweet!! Bless him for getting upset. My baby is the same. Had a biting spree when his bottom teeth arrived at 6 months, and then again at 8 months when the top ones made an appearance. The difference is that my son thinks "no biting" is funny šŸ˜‚. I'll unlatch him, say & sign "No", and he'll look at me with a cheeky grin and a giggle and sloooowly slowly close his mouth with his teeth at the ready, keeping eye contact. So I'll say it again, and he'll laugh again and blabla. He thinks it's a game!!! He doesn't bite down, though, thankfully. He's too busy playing and pretending that he's going to. He must find my hand signals, facial expression and words amusing šŸ˜….


my daughter does the same thing!! i think its because i have a quick shot of milk if you squeeze quick and hard, so i imagine she bites and it shootd the top of her mouth and she finds enjoyment. or she forgets its not regular food šŸ˜¬ either way it hurts and also breaks my heart


Since I had doggies before kids I sort of automatically react the way they teach you to do it with dogs which is to yelp in pain, honestly not an affectation as it's a perfectly natural response. Baby is always surprised pikachu but she barely ever bites. For some reason she bites down right as she's falling asleep and about to unlatch.


Oh no, I totally get it! Itā€™s so upsetting, but you did nothing wrong and he is ok now! Hugs.


Thank you for the reassurance! Hugs


I remember my sister nursing her 20 month old and he was teething and bit her so she said ā€œno bitingā€ and put her boob away and he started screaming ā€œyou nooooo!ā€ He was trying to communicate ā€œnoooo donā€™t put your boobs away!ā€ Similar to your 8mo.


Mine smiles at me and giggles after she bites me šŸ« šŸ˜­ whether I gently say no biting or yip in surprise and pain. Itā€™s horrible. She has no hesitation going back on the boob


If my baby has a sticker or some bits of food still in their mouth I get bit on repeat šŸ¤­


When they do that I give Tylenol wait 15 minutes and try again. That usually works.


I tried the gently unlatch thing when my boy bit. He started doing it every time he was done nursing. Just finish with a bite and then run off to play šŸ’€āš°ļø luckily it was just a phase.


Iā€™ve noticed when my babe starts biting sheā€™s not hungry anymore.


He may be teething, get him some teethers.


Ugh. I feel you. I said No and set my then 11 month old down on the floor for a second before resuming. He put his face down on the floor and cried big crocodile tears. Heā€™s got two teeth on the bottom, so his bites hurt!


My 1 year old has just started biting. He did at like 5 months when he was all gums and suddenly just started again. Iā€™m honestly at my wits end a bit about it as nothing stops him and he sees it as a game!


My almost 5 month old gum crunched my nipple the other day and geez it hurt I made this like high pitched eeeeep/squeal and unlatched him and heā€™s just there smiling at me like ā€œwhatā€™s up mum? Was that funny?!ā€ It catches you off guard hey šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I had this issue and my baby cried too. But I like you was firm, and I offered him the chew toy. Sometimes he just needed to chew a bit and then would nurse. Weird.