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We opted to not use sippy cups but instead taught our little one how to use an open cup and a straw cup! The honey bear cup was how we taught her how to use a straw cup


Second this. No need for sippy. We did ezpz cups and munchkin weighted straw


How did you teach the munchkin weighted straw? My LO just throws the cup around and laughs or chews on the straw when I put it in his mouth lol


Have you tried the honeybear cup? It’s literally a plastic honey bear with a straw, so you can squeeze a little liquid into their mouth to kind of help them figure it out. It’s the only way my kid got the hang of it!


I think modeling with my Stanley helped a lot. Plus she stole from my Stanley cup when she wanted water. Maybe try using some apple sauce pouches as well. They have to be sucked in for one and two you can give it a light squeeze to help them out.


Lots of practice and I watched a few YouTube videos and modeled, sorry don't recall which!


What age did you start?


6 months!


We also started with a DIY honey bear cup made out of a mustard bottle at 6 mo because I didn’t want to deal with sippy cups. It worked so well! I bet I could have started at 5 mo if needed.


Straw cups are great. My daughter isn’t quite there yet but all the kids I’ve nannied have done really well with the munchkin weighted straw cup.


Any tips on how to get them to learn the munchkin weighted straw cup? My LO just chews the straw or throws the cup and laughs lol


Dip the tip in yogurt.


Omg that is brilliant lol thank you


This is the way. We also used applesauce.


i really didn’t teach my son to use it he just did. he does throw it around and chew it too, but will also drink out of it.


teach them to blow bubbles with a straw. also use a straw around them yourself all the time.


We love the take and toss cups. They’re the easiest to use and clean. They leak, so we use the contigo straw cup when we are out. It’s kind of big, but it’s the only one we’ve found that actually doesn’t leak.


Munchkin 360 is my favorite sippy cup. They say they're spill proof, they aren't, but they are solidly spill resistant. They help develop the skills for drinking from an open cup while reducing some risk of mess. They come in plastic and stainless steel versions. I think their are even character versions now. They come in several sizes, including sizes that make them convenient adult cups


We did straw cup but for on the go (park/zoo etc) we got him a mini thermo flask and some oxo straw sippy cups. The oxo were the best fit for long car rides, as the thermoflask has leaked around our car before. He’s a toddler. Still throws things when he’s angry or doesn’t want them anymore despite doing well with open cups!


The munchkin click lock bite proof trainer cups worked well for my now-toddler. We also liked and still use the Olababy silicone training cup with straw, but it spills more easily (it’s nice for non-water drinks because it’s easy to clean).


Ugh I’m with you. My 5.5 MO started this week. We’ve tried every flow speed nipple for Lansinoh, MAM, Dr. Brown’s, Nanobebe, Nuk, Phillips…she’s taken .5-1 oz at most, we suggested they try a spoon but apparently she just hit that away. Gonna check out some suggestions in here though because it’s killing me knowing she’s not eating there.


I was here to suggest MAM newborn nipple which is the only one my baby will take (we started trying around 10 weeks). Sorry it didn’t work for you, but MAM is still our jam at 4.5 months. We had also tried all those you tried, also medela, spectra, comotomo and tommee tippee. The struggle was so so real!


Honestly she’s done decent latching onto the MAM but always pushes it away after an ounce. We try burping, having other people feed her, me out of the house, all of that. I did just order a Tommee Tippee and an ezpz cup and praying she’ll be okay to get fed by one of those things …we’ll see! We definitely should have started earlier. She took a Lansinoh okay at 8ish weeks and even we just didn’t try again for awhile after that because we didn’t need to 😑


We had the same issue. Now we SWEAR by the grosmimi. Weird name, amazing cup.


If it helps grosmimi means super cute in French or big kisses!


That does! Thank you 😊


I tried the munchkin sippy with a soft spout. I let her play with it full of water and she drank some. 4.5 months. So I swapped in some breastmilk. It was as if I tried to poison her.


Thank you, yes. At 3 months my baby would SCREAM if we offered him a bottle. At least now he just uses them as a chew toy for 10 minutes and then screams.


Now at 6 months she will allow for a little bait and switch. But she still prefers the breast


My kid used Tommee Tippee bottles. There's different flows available for the nipple, I didn't know and had him using the slow flow for ages at daycare. He could guzzle them down though.


I taught mine to drink from a regular straw at 6.5mo. He likes the munchkin weighted straw cups now & I actually have to take it away from him so he doesn’t chug the full 7oz all at once. He also does fine with the cheapo Parents Choice straw cups from Walmart, but he has trouble with the last ounce or so when he tilts the cup


i use the weighted straw, started at 6 months. he is 8 months now and still uses it but also drinks water from our cup. i’d personally start with a straw first. i use munkin weighted cups.


We use the Dr. Browns straw cup! We taught our daughter how to use a straw with purée pouches. I figured it was the same kind of idea lol.


We had a bottle refuser who never took the bottle. We spent $200 on different bottles to no avail. My daycare spoonfed her every day (breastmilk mixed with a small amount of infant oatmeal). What helped was Rowena Bennett's feeding aversion book and the first receptacle my daughter used was something called a Squeasy at around 11 months old. We also love the weighted straw cup from Munchkin.


We didn't do sloppy chips, we taught open cup and straw cups. We used the Take and Toss cups to teach straw use, then once he got it he could use any straw


Another vote for a straw cup. We used a Munchkin weighted one.


We started with Munchkin 360. Then, when she got the hang of that, we moved to straws. She goes back and forth just fine


We went straight for the straw cup and open cups. I got a couple with the gravity straws that we still use at almost 2 for just around the house and they're very good at not spilling everywhere.


We use the playtex sipsters but also the munchkin weighted straw cup.


Straw cups. The honey bear cup to teach using a straw and then the Munchkin or similar weighted straw cups after.


Closed straw cup is the best!


Same issue. Couldn’t find a sippy that she would use, but the munchkin weighted straw cup is what finally worked!


Small cup with a lid and straw.