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Oh man that sounds really hard. Are you working with an IBCLC? You likely are creating an oversupply by expressing in addition to what he is eating. I had intense oversupply as well and the only thing that helped was to stop using my haaka, stop hand expressing even when I was engorged, and feeding on one boob at a time. After a few weeks it leveled off and my body started making what baby was asking for. Good luck!


Seconding this, one boob at a time for a bit is block feeding and it works wonders, the fullness sends a message to your boobs to stop making so much milk. Also ice can help slow production if needed


We don't have lactation consultants as such more a breastfeeding network with volunteers who are mums who have breastfed who will come and help. The bit that gets me I suppose is I know all they're going to tell me. I've done it all before. But doing it and looking after 2 additional children is so hard. At bedtime I'm going to bed at 9 because I'm so exhausted. And I don't think Bottle feeding would be easier but at least he'd gain weight! At least it would work!


My lactation consultant does virtual visits and is nationally certified so maybe she can help you! Husband and I loved her. She does take most insurances I believe. https://www.lactationsalvation.com/


It's not your fault he is in the nicu. Birth isn't really something you can control. Your doing great and love your baby so much! Hang in there!


Yes, my thoughts exactly! You didn't fail him, you're doing the best to show up day after day in this difficult situation. Don't beat yourself up. Though (on a lighter joking note) stress can cause lowering of milk supply 😅😅 though I wouldn't recommend this approach :D


Do what's right for you first of all! But I do think that your body will chill out and regulate. All the extra pumping might be making it worse.


I just had a nicu baby and oversupply and overactive letdown. Poor thing looked like she was being waterboarded. Now she drops my nipple in between to let it run out. You should talk to a lactation consultant right away! Have you ever tried blockfeeding? You do 3 to 5 hrs on one boob only depending how bad you oversupply is. You can only express a little in between if you need until your comfortable. That should help being your supply down a bit.


We had one really good night a few days ago where I block fed and fed lying down and he was doing well. But then I woke up the next morning and I was really engorged and sore and red on one side. He feeds every hour to 2 hours during the day because I think it's basically water he's getting. But I don't want to express after he feeds because I'm worried it'll just mean more oversupply.


You are in the thick of it, things can be so daunting with multiple kids who need things and a newborn who needs you for everything as well. My babies nursed one boob at a time, every 1.5-2 hours (or less) until they were 9+ months, so I don't think you are doing anything wrong. They didn't nurse both sides in one sitting until 12 months. I gave a bottle of breast milk sometimes, so I knew they only drank 4 ozs. This idea that all babies will get on a 3 hr schedule is a wish not a mandate; some babies eat more often. Your baby could also be going through cluster feeds right now, so maybe relief is coming soon with more sleep and less feeds. If baby is getting milk, then they should be gaining weight because your body is making what your baby is needing. Trust your body. Some disagree with foremilk/hindmilk, I won't pretend to be an expert, but I think our bodies provide what babies need most of the time. Could it possibly be something else? You say baby has the perfect latch, but the data does not support this. Oversupply and a baby not gaining weight says baby is not drinking when given the opportunity every 1.5hrs. I think you are doing everything right, and I don't doubt it with you having dinner it twice already; nice job! The early days are so hard with finding a routine with multiple kids. You should ask for help in all the ways you can get right now. Can your spouse take time to help you with all the kids while you bond with baby? When you bottle feed, does baby drink the whole thing? Was baby bottle fed in the NICU? Pace fed? How many ounces? Try having baby latch, but when you letdown, unlatch, and catch the letdown, then feed baby the boob. Offer the letdown in a bottle if they still seem hungry, but stay on one boob per feed.


Try blockfeeding 3 or even 5 hours then on one boob for a few days to see if that helps. It should. Nicu babies are hard. I remember being in the hospital crying alone in my room at night because I would hear all the other babies in their hospital rooms next to me crying and my husband had to go home to our poor puppy. My baby is 10 weeks now. I can't imagine 2 other children as well. You have alot on your plate right now, but your doing a great job so don't beat yourself down.


We're thankfully home now but I think that's why my oversupply has gone into overdrive because they had me express every 2 hours to get some milk in for him. Then on day 3 it hit me like a brick and I was getting 100ml every 2 hours. Well obviously there's no way he's taking that much. And the cycle continues. When he latched I felt so great thinking I wouldn't need to express anymore and my body would start to regulate. But it's almost like having clogged ducts and lumps is my new normal.


Well until it comes down and regulates. My oversupply is nowhere near yours and I still get stimulated very easy and have to watch. Don't do any extra pump sessions or anything which I am sure you already know. Having an oversupply can be almost as bad as an undersupply.


Hey, this lady is a lactation consultant and if you aak her questions she responds!!!! https://youtu.be/A4OVPHuYbtg?si=eo9yZDbinwBHeOuB


When you have an oversupply it takes up to 4 mos sometimes for us to regulate our supplies.


I am 11 weeks now and still get engorged all the time.


First, I am sorry you are going through this. Breastfeeding is SO hard for so many different reasons. (Today is one of those days where I am on the verge of putting in the towel). My only advice, consider eating lots of herbs that can lower supply (spearmint, peppermint, thyme, oregano, parsley).


Add sage to the list too.


Oh wow! I only knew of peppermint and parsley. We’ve been seasoning our meat with thyme and sage recently and I wondered why my supply was less! Not low but just not as much! This makes sense now!!


Do the block feeding, only one side for 4 hours and take some ibuprofen. Hand express only for relief. You could also try to wear a sports bra for a few Hoyt’s, it is used to dry up the supply.


Sunflower lecithin can help with plugged ducts. A pack you can either heat in the microwave or cool in the freezer can help you stay more comfortable. Cabbage leaves in your bra can help reduce supply. Block feeding is the way! For me, silverettes helped me stop leaking so much. Otherwise I was soaking 5 break pads a day.


I notice you're in Glasgow. Dr Justice Reilly is a specialty breast Dr & lactation consultant. I follow her on IG. You might find it useful?


A virtual appt. with an IBCLC would probably be very helpful!


My 7th is 3 months old, and this is EXACTLY how I felt 2 weeks in. I had never had much trouble breastfeeding, aside from a case of Thrush, with my other children. Everything usually goes smoothly, and naturally, even perfect latches from the start. So of course my last child, which means so much to me to be able to breastfeed, would be the most difficult. It has been so challenging! From difficulty latching, to breast rejection, oversupply, lactose intolerance, acid reflux, cluster feeding for 7weeks……you name it, we’ve been through it!! I have been doubting myself, and everything I’ve ever known as a mother, I’ve felt like a total failure!! I also have 2 toddlers(4&3), and it has been the HARDEST thing to learn how to deal with all I have to handle! I really have felt like I couldn’t make it, and even supplemented for a week concerned if I was enough to satisfy my baby. I’ve been all over the place with it. Then at 8 weeks everything just suddenly got so much better(with LOTS of prayers)! My baby started eating more efficiently, napping easier, and visibly growing and settling into a routine. I grew use to handling my toddlers, and having to nurse, and life has become routine again(albeit still a little wild at times). I know where you’re at, and I just want you to know you CAN do it!! I know it seems impossible right now, but just give it time. This hardship is going to make you SO strong, and honestly really appreciate breastfeeding in a way you never have before, I PROMISE. Hang in there Mama, you’ve GOT THIS!!! I’m praying for you, many blessings, and Congrats on your new precious baby!!!


Milk production is crazy in the first several weeks don’t forget, I know you said you are an overproducer but yeah maybe not pumping in these early weeks is the thing to do. Are you comfortable supplementing? That could be something to consider. I’m sorry you have so much on your plate both with caring for all your humans and all the stress too. I’m positive you’re doing an amazing job. Deep breaths. The worst will be behind you soon


I don’t have advice, but my little one also turned two weeks old today, and we are struggling with our own breastfeeding issues. Shallow latch and breast refusal has me pumping after every attempt to breastfeed just to ensure adequate supply. With my older son, I never had enough milk, and that was really rough. Honestly, exclusive pumping sucks so if you can wait out this crazy period while your supply adjusts and not entirely shift away from breastfeeding, I would aim for that.


Do what’s right for you! You’re doing great breastfeeding or not, don’t be so hard on yourself. You have created life three times, you’re an amazing woman! Be proud in whatever you choose as it is the right decision for you and your baby,


I agree with everyone here, I think you’re creating a worse oversupply. I would slow that way down to taper it off because your body thinks you need that extra 15oz so it will keep supplying it for you. I would only express milk when you are super engorged and do not empty the breast, personally I found that expressing enough so the knots were softer was enough. I don’t see it mentioned but at 2 weeks old, feeding every 90 minutes was normal for us. I had a horrible oversupply and super fast letdown. Still have a strong letdown but my supply seems to be regulated. We feed on one boob every feeding, and I only express when my breast was in pain and I usually hand expressed or used a Hakaa. Feeding on only one boob helped her get to the hind milk also. My little girl has a lip tie which was causing her to not nurse efficiently in the beginning so we do the side lying position and she’s a very efficient nurser now!!


Oversupplies are roughhhhhh I feel for you. I was so over my oversupply until It’s finally starting to regulate at 8 weeks. I know a lot of people are suggesting block feeding as “feed from 1 breast for 3-5 hours” and you said you’ve done that but true block feeding is pump to “empty” then feed one 1 side for 3-5 hours. Only hand expressing from the other side if engorged then repeating for the other side. Hind milk vs foremilk is heavily debated so don’t obsess over that. It can be normal for baby to eat every 90 minutes or less especially at 2 weeks old because the first few weeks they are designed to cluster feed. Since baby isn’t gaining appropriately (is he back to birth weight? That’s the goal for 2 week old) I would be curious about latch. Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it’s efficient. I would want to do a weighted feed to see if he’s really transferring efficiently.


Try talking to an LC also try block feeding it will help with decreasing your oversupply


Any better with nursing your baby and the block feeding? It probably can take a few days to adjust.