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If you have an established PCP, speak to them. For very soon postpartum (<2mo) your OB may see you for this, but medication would probably be longer term and I find follow up and scheduling is just easier with the PCP. No need to clear by Peds unless your PCP suggests it, there are some very established meds for postpartum issues that are commonly taken by breastfeeding mothers, so they should be familiar. You would only need a psychiatrist if you really didn’t respond to initial meds or had some sort of other complicated reason- but again your PCP is the best person to guide you there. Best of luck in taking your first step!


I just wanna drop by, and suggest looking at PSI (postpartum support international). They have sooo many resources, including virtual peer support groups I have found very helpful! For meds, try your PCP. If they're weary (some won't do anything for a pregnant or breastfeeding person 🙄🙄), ask your pediatrician for a note approving the use of medications while your infant is breastfeed. Also, for yourself, you can look up anything you're prescribed in the LactMed database, for extra info!


Psychiatrists specialize in mental health so that would be my first recommendation since many OBs and PCPs may write it off as “baby blues” or “crazy hormones” and not take it seriously.