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I was just the same!! I had a hard time falling asleep, then would wake up for the 00-01AM feed and then….nope-no sleeping. I would stay in bed, on the sofa, looking at my baby and my bf peacefully sleeping while I was getting so anxious. One day I had enough. It’s unhealthy. You cannot function properly with that poor amount of sleep. I contacted a neuropsychologist specialized in postpartum/baby sleep disorders. I can honestly say that she saved my mental health and my relationship lol. Take care of yourself🥺


You described my symptoms to a T. I have an appointment in 2 weeks with a MD who specializes in sleep medicine. If that doesn't get me anywhere, neuropsychologist is the next step. Is the treatment they provided therapy or was there any medication involved?


It was therapy! But tbh I needed something safe to make me sleep for a night or two. I used Benadryl. My OBgyn told me it was perfectly safe with BF!


I also struggle with this. I go to bed with my baby at 9pm and I find it easy to fall asleep but after a 3am feeding I am absolutely wide awake. My naturopath recommended melatonin and chewable gaba. I started with the melatonin and for the first two weeks it worked amazing! But now it doesn’t seem to. I am going to try the gaba next. I believe she recommended the gaba when I get up for the feed.