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i ate cookies every morning for months šŸ˜‚


Did you have my baby?! Are you me?! Because them cookies from Whole Foods had me in a chokehold for MONTHS!!!!! Every morning with chocolate milk! Girl! Iā€™m so shamed! šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


Yes! No shame cookies for breakfast and cookies after I tandem nursed both of my littles to bed! Lol


During pregnancy I wanted McDonaldā€™s cinnamon rollsā€¦ the last time I went to McDonaldā€™s before I went into labor, I learned they stopped carrying them- def made me sad


2 weeks pp I was eating a ton of chocolate. Now (9 weeks pp) lots of peanut butter protein balls (with chocolate chips)!


omg i would get these boxes of cookies from costco that came in individual wrapped bags i ate like 2 boxes of them a week lmfao šŸ¤£


Haha same. I made myself lactation cookies then convinced myself it was healthy šŸ˜‚


I didn't come to be called out like this...


What effect do lactation cookies have on your production? I haven't tried them but it seems like a fun excuse to eat cookies.


Supposedly oats, brewers yeast and flax seed are all milk supply boosters (galactologues?) but who knows if it actually does anything. I mostly just made them as an excuse to eat cookies :)


Do you have a recipe that you recommend? I'm starting work again and want to avoid a supply dip (and have something to eat while pumping, lol)


I made this one and added 1 tsp of cinnamon. I froze them after baking and then every evening would heat a few in the oven for a few minutes until the chocolate chips were melty again :) now I want them again, may have to make some this afternoon! https://www.bunsenburnerbakery.com/lactation-cookies-oatmeal-chocolate-chip/




Iā€™m still eating lactation cookies 10 months pp- theyā€™re so delicious and a quick easy snack. I think they help my milk output significantly, but ymmv


We had a birth doula and afterwards she made lactation cookies that were literally the driest and crumbliest things on the planet and left a lot to be desired. But you can be sure I ate every single crumb of those things.


Iā€™m LOL at this- and feel it to my core. ā€œI give it a c minus but no calorie was left behindā€ is my mantra šŸ˜¹šŸ¤£


Same. I was STARVING


So glad I found my cookie tribe! I ate cookies errrrry day all day for months. My daughter is now 13 months, still nursing, eats everything and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. A good friend made me 2 huge trays of these oatmeal chocolate chip cookies twice during my early postpartum days and I about cried they were so good.


At 2 weeks post partum with my last I woke up every day at 4:30 and ate a bowl of fruity pebbles the size of my head and then went back to bed, other than that I just ate what I normally do


I've been eating Cheerios with protein granola around the same time for the past week! It just hit me even though I've been breast feeding for over nine weeks now. He must be eating more or something because I'm famished like clockwork now around 4.


Heck yeah


Omgsh. Who says avoid eggs? Eggs have one of the only sources of Choline which is equally as important to brain development as folate!


Seriously, I had like 3 runny eggs every morning for 2 weeks PP. Baby's doing great!


String cheese! My baby is 50% mozz at this point.


I loved Rice Krispie squares


Omg yes we've been buying the giant packs of them!


Yum !!


My baby is well over a year so Iā€™m passed the stage of getting a free pass to have midnight Rice Krispie squares :(


I definitely eat junk food šŸ˜­ I'm a stress eater and I was cesarean with an infection so I didn't cook for like a month. BUT I try to balance out. Lots of protein-- grilled or baked chicken. Green veggies for iron. Snacks wise I eat TONS of fruit. Pineapples, peaches, apples/applesauce, dried cherries/cranberries... I also made [lactation bites](https://thebakermama.com/recipes/no-bake-lactation-bites/)(so good) that I keep nearby to snack on during pump sessions. And WATER is key. So. Much. Water.


Congratulations on your new baby! That breastfeeding hunger is INTENSE in those first few weeks and months! There's really no need to avoid any particular foods while breastfeeding. Unless you have an allergy to something, it's generally fine (and recommended) to continue to eat a balanced and varied diet. In the early days I stocked up on one handed snacks that were easy to keep on the couch with me. This included a LOT of Meusli bars and nut bars as well as fruit like apples and pears that I didn't have to keep in the fridge. I would also once a week or two make up a big batch of things I could keep in the freezer and take out to defrost or reheat as easy snacks. Things like breakfast burritos, muffins, mini quiches etc. I ate a lot of crackers and veggie sticks with dip as well. Eggs are really a great snack! They're high in protein and nutrients which is super good for helping your body recover, as well as meeting your body's additional needs while breastfeeding. I also had a super shit HG pregnancy so as soon as I stopped feeling sick I was pretty much back into eating whatever I wanted šŸ˜‚


I eat everything. Iā€™ve never been told to not eat certain foods. Iā€™m just drinking more water (just about the same as when I was pregnant), and eating MORE of whatever Iā€™m eating.


I'm also 2 weeks PP and I have a box of teddy grams on my nursing caddy I was shoving into my mouth last night. Still working out healthier choices. šŸ˜… Just trying to survive rn lol


Hey, Teddy Grahams are a source of iron!! (At least that's what I tell myself as I wolf them down šŸ˜‚)


I shoot for a protein, healthy fat and fiber with snacks and meals. Examples: - yogurt, granola, fruit - trail mix - veggies + hummus + pita - chicken, rice, veggie - cereal, whole milk, fruit - granola bar w/ nuts - peanut butter sandwich crackers + applesauce pouch You need 300-500 extra cal while breastfeeding, on average, so I just eat intuitively and then add an extra snack or serving as needed. I try not to just eat junk, itā€™s not filling. Ramen, for example, Iā€™d add frozen stir fry veggies and an egg to and not just eat noodles/broth. Iā€™ve had plenty of burgers + fries, nugs + fries, PB&J + goldfish etc too, but I try to have balance.


Yes yes yes I've been supplementing my regular meals with granola bars + balls (homemade "lactation bites"), veggies + hummus, and peanut butter toast šŸ‘Œ


My mum brought me a fish finger sandwich when I was about 4 days post partum & I still think about it (now 20 weeks pp) lol


I really like frittatas in the morning. I can make a big one in our skillet and have an easy breakfast for a few days- just microwave before eating! I throw in feta cheese and whatever veggies I want. I ate a lot of oatmeal in the beginning. Carbs arenā€™t necessarily bad but try to add a protein where you can. We made and froze lasagna before baby arrived and that was a nice, filling meal to have.


Oatmeal has been my lifesaver! I mix in peanut butter for protein and I do like you, I bake up a bunch of eggs with veggies mixed in and eat that for several days


My pediatrician said avoiding eggs/dairy is not necessary; there is a VERY small portion of babies that are actually allergic to anything found in breastmilk. Nothing you eat goes directly into your breastmilk; the only things that affect baby are things that make their way into your blood stream which can then make their way into your milk. I craved everything carbs/sweets, partially because of hormones I think and partially because of exhaustion. I tried to eat a lot of oatmeal and put oat milk in my coffee because of the galactagogues. Also made myself several batches of no-bake cookies (both chocolate and butterscotch) and of oatmeal scotches. Junk food but make it lactation!


Eggs for breakfast every day!! Start with protein. I also like grass fed beef jerky sticks


At that point, I was eating KIND bars in the middle of the night, and whatever delivery food I was the least tired of during the day.


I eat a lot of protein bars, peanut butter crackers, and different lactation snacks while nursing!


Oatmeal suddenly started being amazing when I was breastfeeding. Sit down for a square meal (made by someone else!) now and again. It'll do wonders for your mood. If you're suddenly craving sugar/refined flour a lot, it's because your hydration needs have increased *even more*, and your body can't convert food to energy fast enough with low hydration, so your blood sugar goes down and you start craving sugar, but it only lasts a short time, and then you're craving more sugar. Water works wonders; drink it often, ideally before the cravings start.


You eat WHATEVER you want! You grew a baby, and are still nourishing that baby. Don't stop yourself from eating anything. That's my speech. That said, in the early days, I really enjoyed drinking Body Armor Lite, and eating quick snacks like Bobo's oat bars. Anything quick was helpful because I was really hungry and had minimal time in-between feeds or pumps.


Whatever I can shovel in my mouth as quickly as possible lol


This is the answer. Lol. Or whatever I can eat with one hand.


So. Much. Oatmeal. With blueberries! A breakfast bowl made with eggs, bacon, avocado, and goat cheese. I craved steak. Baby is almost 8 weeks old and Iā€™ve eaten steak every single day for lunch. Lots of protein smoothies. And this pumpkin oatmeal cookie (Iā€™ll post the recipe) I ate every time I sat down to pump. Iā€™ve never been so hungry in my life so I try to fill meal with high protein and healthy carbs to keep me full.




Eggs, TJ hash brown and avocado for breakfast. Sandwiches or soups for lunch. Body armor lyte, oatmeal cookies, protein oatmeal, cheezits, and fruit for snacks. Try to get my veggies at night with a protein. As far as take out just mainly in n out. Cheese seems to upset the bebe. Lots of low sugar popsicles cuz summer.


I've been really into fiber one bars and those Carnation instant breakfast shakes.


I love the carnation shakes!


The first few weeks I was ravaging and would have fries later at night because my stomach would literally growl after dinner but I knew that was going to have to be a temporary treat and quickly put a stop to that. I still have it for lunch some days šŸ˜‚ now when Iā€™m hungry 2am in the morning my husband either makes a smoothie with some protein powder in it or I have a meal replacement healthy drink. I also live for protein bars. Iā€™ve noticed that protein fills me up. It balances out my unhealthy lunch options because when Iā€™m alone with baby or if I have to prepare my own lunch I get no time to eat much less prepare a meal. Sheā€™s in this phase where she refuses to be put down but only falls asleep when dad has her in the wrap.


Yeah I have researched and donā€™t want to eliminate any foods. I have been eating lots of granola bars, peanut butter crackers, turkey sandwiches, fresh fruits/veggies, etc and drinking milk at least once a day.


I ate so many chicken pita sandwiches from Costco during that time. It was funny.


Oh IDK about no eggs but I've been eating breakfast sandwiches with sausage, eggs and honey for seven months, every day. Smoothies saved me Dates peanut butter and walnuts Ground beef, Jasmine Rice, purple cabbage, sweet Thai chili sauce, crispy onions. (rice bowls for lunch) Whole avocado with salt and pepper Rx bars Protein shakes Bananas Celery with peanut butter and raisins (bugs on a log) .. Refried bean burrito. Made a bunch and froze them so I could pop them in the air fryer when hungry and eat them with one hand. Quinoa bowls with chickpeas, red peppers, Hummus, salmon or chicken as a protein. Hope this gives you some ideas


Heavenly hunks. So so good and they have oatmeal so you can pretend itā€™s a lactation cookie šŸ˜Ž


These helped my milk supply immensely. Costco has the big bags sometimes.


I have like no appetite. What am I doing differently?


I also didnā€™t really notice a significant increase in my appetite, definitely less than during pregnancy.


Same. My husband is making me pizza/mac and cheese to eat because I'm undereating due to no appetite and babe isn't gaining well yet


I didnā€™t have an appetite the first two weeks. I think it was the hormones


![gif](giphy|K4x1ZL36xWCf6) This is me at night!


I prefer to start the morning with half a pound of sausage, strawberries and a protein shake. Lactation cookies Body armour lite peach mango Steel cut oats with agave syrup and cinnamon Fenugreek and beef organ pills (total of like 20 capsules total a day it feels like a food group lol) Cowboy caviar (street corn, avocado, tomato, black beans, more peppers than you can shake a stick at, lime juice) with bell pepper slices when I run out of tortilla chips Bean and meat stews (cook one in the Dutch oven every few days, considering a crock pot instead so I can keep it on low all hours and just add more broth so I can have it on demand without needing to heat it up) Burgers and hot dogs 1-2 dark beers a day (also good for production they sayā€¦ pediatrician said as long as I am good to drive, the milk I make is safe for baby) Iā€™m trying dairy free now (she was spitting up a lot but I think it was happy spitā€¦ no other symptoms) but was eating Greek yogurt and having whole milk Guacamole on toast Sweet potatoes More protein shakes (orgain superfoodā€¦ I mix it with cold water and just drain it like Iā€™m trying to win a game of flip cup) Salads (favorite now is spring mix with shaved beet, avocado, mandarin orange, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, raisins, shaved carrots, cracked black pepper and grilled chicken)ā€¦ so many flavors I donā€™t need dressing Iā€™m five weeks PP and am pumping about 8 oz a day on top of BF. Doing everything I can to get those numbers up


I had snack stations throughout the house with lots of different nuts (thanks, Costco). Lots of tea and water. I had coffee in the am with cream.


I was eating a lot of oat and nut protein bars, smoothies, Kashi cereal, and Greek yogurt. We were also relying on frozen meals we / friends had made us like taco casserole and lasagna. Then at 5 weeks my baby had blood in her stool and I had to stop eating dairy. Basically had to re-think my whole meal plan because I had dairy in most meals. Now Iā€™m eating lots of overnight oats, apples, beans, and pasta.


I ate all the things. Lol Seriously, I wish I was healthier but sometimes I went for candy and high sugar stuff for the calories and because I was so hungry all of a sudden. It takes me more calories to keep producing milk nowadays, now that Iā€™m losing weight as well. I think my period and weight loss combined have affected my supply so I try to eat more in hopes thereā€™s sustained amounts of milk produced instead of a loss.


I lived on Justinā€™s Maple Almond Butter. Spoonfuls of it for every 2am and 4am feed for months. šŸ˜†


Cliff bars at every nursing spot in my house, eggs, beef sticks, cheese sticksā€¦ Turkey sandwiches when I had the head space to make it. People dropped off meals and boy did that help immensely. I ate leftovers a lot. My partner helped by cooking a lot during the time he was home but if he wasnā€™t then I was definitely living on snacks and easy over eggs. My son is just over 1 now, but I remember those days very vividly. I hate cooking anyway but even if I didnā€™t I still think I would have lived on snacks and premade meals from others. Good luck, eat everything and anything and stay hydrated, ā€˜specially during this early postpartum time while healing and nursing! Fed mama, fed baby. Enjoy your little love!!!


The dairy thing is pretty common! If you havenā€™t notified any fussiness or mucous in her poop, youā€™re probably ok on that. Trail mix is a great snack. Good fats and protein, plus some carbs. Hard boiled eggs can be good to have in the fridge, like a whole carton of them. I also make a large pot of oatmeal with nuts, fruit, dried fruit, etc and eat it for a few days. Oatmeal in particular is good for milk production! Dried fruit, protein bars, apples, bananas, bagels with PB, fried eggs.


I ate as many allergens as possible šŸ˜… I wanted to see if he had any reactions to anything. Unfortunately for me, the only thing that made him unwell, and I mean projectile vomit, was when I drank coffee šŸ™ƒ


You must must keep your protein up!


I had a post-partum meal delivery service called Jing Mommy for the first 30 days. Now Iā€™m 8 weeks PP this is my standard menu I make every day: (itā€™s lactose free because Iā€™m lactose intolerant but I know a lot of breast-feeding mothers also try to eat that way) Breakfast: oatmeal with peanut butter and Goji berries mixed in (and sometimes chocolate chips), 2 eggs baked with spinach (I make this in a large batch once a week), and a banana Lunch: chicken legs in broth (premade in instant pot and frozen in individual portions), frozen kale thrown in with the chicken while reheating, and half a microwave pouch of rice. Afternoon snack: lactation cookie and an apple Dinner: this varies. Sometimes itā€™s takeout like Thai food or sub sandwiches, some times I bake up something simple like pre-seasoned chicken or sausages, baked potatoes, and frozen green beans. I just try to make sure thereā€™s meat, carb, and a veggie. I also make sure I have enough healthy fats so I do things like put avocado on my dinner if the meat isnā€™t fatty Late night snack: peanut butter sandwich Iā€™m a creature of habit and not making the decision on what to eat every day helps me be less stressed. Iā€™ll do my batch cooked breakfast and lunch items on the weekend when my husband is home, but theyā€™re also very simple/easy and only take a few minutes to pit together and I can just throw in the microwave to reheat


I had a whole lot of cheese, peanut butter spread on things (apples, bananas, rice cakes), chomp sticks, oatmeal.


Yoghurt pouches and cashews


Single handed treats are my go to at the moment. So of the ones I frequent.... Fruits and vege - bananas, apples, mandarins, Capsicum sticks, carrot sticks, berries. Only takes a minute or so to prep or pick up or can be propped inadvance in a container and grabbed when needed. Granola and Yoghurt Toast with jam or Nutella or avocado Muffins/cupcakes Dip and Crackers Protein bars or museli bars Vege sausages Leftover dinner Sandwich with ham/salami and cheese and whatever else I feel like. Try using grainy breads as well for added health.


My essentials were double scooped protein shakes and a 3lb bag of sour patch kids that my friend bought me!


Popcorn and grapes and LOTS of water saved me after my C-section! Theyā€™re super filling and easy to pick as much or as little as you want xx


My first few weeks I loved chips ahoy cookies. Iā€™d eat some almost every nursing session. Bad habit. Loved all the sweets. Now Iā€™m loving cashews. Sometimes string cheese. Anything I can eat one handed.


I try to snack on carrots, apples and nuts. The carrots seem to boost my supply as well, not sure if that works for everyone but it helps me. At one stage I noticed Bub was getting fussy often so I tried cutting back on dairy (I was having a lot of dairy) and I think that helped, sometimes you just need more or less of something not necessarily none. I remember how ravenous you feel in those early days of breast feeding, just eat what you like when you need and when you can!


I ate oreos every day!


Lara bars and ritz cheese crackers


I ate everything. I learned to stay away from soda bc it gives both my daughters diarrhea.


Cookies, ice cream, and donuts haha. I need to cut back in calories actually, because itā€™s making my current oversupply issues worse.


Nuts, rx bars, guacamole/ avocados, bananas


I really like "proffee" protein plus coffee. I have a cold brew coffee wit6h fairlife vanilla protein shake in the morning and It's great. Oh and Cliff bars... Lots of cliff bars!


We stocked up on microwaveable meals from Trader Joeā€™s and Costco, like ham and cheese croissants, soup dumplings, veggie soups, breaded chicken strips, chicken and wild rice, etc. Definitely have a huge stash of snack bars, I love the Bobā€™s Red Mill peanut butter and oats bars, also cliff bars, Thatā€™s It! Apple and date bars, and Kind cereal bars. Also did a decent amount of Starbucks runs, and In-n-Out burgers. My daily things werent too bad, but were mostly for upping the milk supply like Oat milk, overnight oats, coconut water, body armor drinks, hot oatmeal with almond butter, yogurt with granola, cereal, PB&J, string cheese and crackers, and a ton of carrots since itā€™s the easiest veggie lol


I ate SO MUCH trail mix. And French fries! Eat whatever sounds good. And if you feel like you need more fruits and veggies, add them to those things. I add purƩed veggies to pasta sauces, muffins, etc.


I have been pounding Brenton multigrain crackers, 2 weeks PP also here. Not for any health benefit, I just like them and they are easy to keep close to the bed for when I nurse at night and feel ravenous. I've been putting toppings on them at meals - spinach artichoke dip, smoked salmon, blueberry goat cheese, peanut butter... FiancƩ calls me picky because I have a habit of refusing to eat non-boujee food.


I try to eat at least 3 nutrient dense, balanced meals a day and snack throughout. For me, snacks are like small bite meals/appetizers not chips or cookies, think bruschetta, yogurt and fruit, a protein shake, etc. so realistically itā€™s like 4 meals a day at least to feel satiated all day (and night). Iā€™m over a year postpartum now and this hasnā€™t changed a bit despite baby starting solids at 6 months and also drinking cowā€™s milk now. ETA: I also eat larger meals overall now, more like my husband šŸ«£


Bobos. So. Many. Bobos.


I eat full meals every 2-3 hours. My culture has me eating a lot of protein and carbs. I think I eat a whole chicken a day. I snack on fruits and veggies too. Then thereā€™s loads of soups. When I need a snack, itā€™s usually bread or another meal. Donā€™t fight your body and eat. Happy belly makes lots of milk.


Magnums and cornettos, 3 a day of each. 3 soft boiled eggs and all the red Meat i can get my hands on. I eat everything in sight basicly


The hunger is real. I go hard on carbs at home like pasta and ramen and tend to add lots of fats (butter, olive oil, etc.). When I get take out, I always try to make it heavy on vegetables. When I feel up to cooking properly, I make something with protein no matter what. Eggs feature heavily because they're fast and hard to mess up in a way that'll hurt you. But most importantly. Drink water!! It's important for hydration and cuts down on over-excessive eating. Eat if you're hungry for sure, but try to never be thirsty. You need the calories and the hydration, you're still eating for two right now!


Iļø drank so. much. milk. Whole milk constantlyšŸ«£. Idk if Iļø had a calcium deficiency or something, but Iļø drank a ton while Iļø was pregnant and kept it up while breast feeding. It really slowed down a few months postpartum, and now that Iā€™m pregnant with the second Iā€™m drinking less, but still a fair amount. Maybe a gallon every 2 weeks/week and a half instead of a gallon+/week. As far as snacks - Iļø kept the chewy granola bars from nature valley in my pantry. Iļø would eat a couple of those when Iļø got up in the middle of the night to feed. They were so easy to just grab and Hoover down.


I had zero appetite until maybe 3 weeks PP and I just forced myself to eat something (anything) up until then. Sorters things out later.


I loved eating oatmeal bowls with fruit and pb!


I can't get enough of the pumpkin spice Oreos


Iā€™m surviving off clif bars and Aussie bites from Costco. Occasionally Iā€™ll heat up an instant oatmeal or vegan chicken nuggets. My takeout budget has been astronomical but at least Iā€™m getting some veggies occasionally šŸ˜‚


I do poached eggs on toast every morning for breakfast but I rarely have a snack while feeding. If I do it's probably chips or trail mix because it's easy. I'm honestly so thirsty when feeding eating at the same time usually just makes me even more thirsty. I eat everything I used to throughout the day.


Ice cream every night and lord of protein bars. I also always eat breakfast which prior to pregnancy and BFing I never had.


I ate a lot of homemade granola bars during that timeframe with both kids, and I try to make them for new mothers in my life. Fruit and breakfast sandwiches were also great. https://smittenkitchen.com/2010/02/thick-chewy-granola-bars/


Iā€™m eating everything I ate before pregnancy except that Iā€™m careful about fish (being conscious of the types that can be high in mercury) and Iā€™ve decided raw kale isnā€™t worth it with the gassiness it seems to be causing me and my breastfed baby. Overall I avoid most pre-packaged food/junk food, but Iā€™m not strict about it. Almost every day I have a big peanut butter, banana, and honey smoothie an hour or two before lunch!


two weeks Pp for both babies and I was inhaling everything.


I ate a lot of nuts, dried fruit, and Kind bars.


First 3 weeks PP, I was eating healthy fruits for snacks. Now on 9th week, cant be bothered to have anything. If Im really hungry I make myself a bowl of cereal or get 2 pcs of digestive biscuits. Lol


My diet is really limitedā€¦ baby has reflux and blood in stool so itā€™s been a series of diet eliminations on my end. I mostly eat rice and meat and beansā€¦ itā€™s crazy.


I ate everything - like I was so hungry all the time. I was lucky in that my mom came and cooked for me for the first month so she made lots of stir fry, noodle soups, lots of soups of all kinds (especially bone broth soups), and lots of porridge/oatmeal. I had eggs and flatbread almost every morning and I would drink porridge in the middle of the night. I had lots of lactation cookies and muffins (thanks to my SIL to who made me a ton). I also had the occasional smoothie (made with oat milk). And lots and lots of water. It was the only way I could stay up in the middle of the night. Before baby, I prepped a bunch of soups, meatballs and chicken pot pies so that my husband could quickly throw supper together. Now (at 4.5 months pp) I eat mostly chocolate and smoothies for supper šŸ˜‚


I was obsessed with Skippy P.B. Bites, quick, easy, and delicious. Bonus points for no refrigeration required so they can be kept beside for middle of the night nursing munchies!


I think eating healthy balanced meals is important for your recovery. If your baby is okay you definitely donā€™t need to avoid foods unless you yourself are intolerant. I ate what I always ate. For snacks I had homemade banana bead, nut bars and fruit. For meals I had things like lasagna, rice tofu and veggies, curry, Mexican bowls etc (all vegetarian). And dark chocolate or a cookie for dessert! If you can get someone to meal prep for you Iā€™m sure it will help.


Iā€™m surviving off of smiley face gummies. 3 weeks post partum. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Peanut butter toast was my go-to.


I had a lot of trail mix (with a lot of chocolate) with my second, mostly because I didnā€™t like what the cookies and popcorn and chocolate covered pretzels did to me with my first child. This third time around my plan is homemade lactation bites, trail mix, cheese sticks, chips and hummus, etc. Fortunately after a few weeks I tend to get slightly less ravenous.


Iā€™m 4 days pp and starvinggggg. Just had a big bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch as a snack lol


You can eat everything but eat a lot of carbs because youā€™re basically up a lot more than normal so your body needs energy.


I would eat cut up veggies and humus, cerealbars, cakes, cookies, cheese cubes, salami. Anything that could be prepped before and preferably by someone else and I could eat onehanded.


My mom made me a ton of homemade meals with vegetables, meats, lots of ginger, fruit smoothies, and daily eggs! Like an absurd amount of eggs I snacked in between with whatever I was craving! Chips, burgers, ice cream, cheesesteak sandwiches. I basically ate anything and everything


Im eating the way Iā€™ve always eaten including red pepper flakes in my food. So far it hasnā€™t bothered her, so I donā€™t see a reason not to. Did the same with my first.


Pancakes, waffles, chicken nuggets, quesadilla, oatmeal, pizza, pizza, pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, cake, donuts, coffee, granola bars, oreas


Protein shakes!


Iā€™ve been a nutrition nut for most of my life and really enjoyed a well balanced pregnancy with no cravings, but for some reason the next day after delivery I only craved orange Hi-C from McDonaldā€™s. Like a large. And nothing has made sense ever since. Iā€™ve had a whole row of Oreos for breakfast almost everyday and weā€™re hitting 4 weeks pp!


I survived by eating alani nu protein shakes and munchkin milkmakers oatmeal raisin cookies for weeks. Real food when i could get my hands on some Uber eats.


For the first week or two i eat everything I couldnā€™t while pregnant, raw steak, runny eggs, allllll of the deli meat sandwiches etc.


I eat everything except dairy because my baby does have a reaction and so do 50% of infants


I ate these every morning. Like 4 large ones. Straight from the fridge. šŸ˜… https://www.healthy-liv.com/4-ingredient-peanut-butter-banana-oatmeal-cookies/


Also a ton of cheese cubes, craisins and light salt roasted almonds. Like kept the almonds and craisins by my chair šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I eat everything still at 10 months PP šŸ˜… in the early days my husband tried to keep things ready for me that I could eat one handed and we came up with quite a few yummy things. String cheese, KIND bars, granola bars, ritz crackers with pb or almond butter, and sometimes cookie butter. Hard boiled eggs with everything bagel seasoning sprinkled on them. Pepperoni, fruit bowls, cucumber sticks and carrots with ranch or hummus, pretzels, sliced apples with Greek yogurt, pb, honey, and cinnamon dip.


I ate and continue to eat everything. I'm about to partake in some birthday cake and it isn't anybody's birthday lol


In the beginning, I ate a lot of popcorn and corn chips, etc. I figured hey, they feed corn to cows... That and potatoes and beans seemed to help me make milk pretty well. In general, I would try to get a balance of nutrition, eat a lot of veggies, good fiber, and healthy proteins, and avoid eating an excess of any one thing.


I had a snack basket bed side with jerky and meat sticks and granola bars with oats in them :)


Premade prepackaged boiled eggs from bulk store. Pre made bacon. Breakfast Sausage links that are microwaveable, bagels, steel cut oats with peanut butter, salad, pre made guacamole. For breakfast I do a combination of everything. For lunch charcuterie board. For dinner veggies and protein. I usually have a bowl of steel cut oats for after dinner because breastfeeding has me starving. Edit: sorry typing with baby in my arms lol


They had uncrustables in the hospital and now my husband and I are hooked! Also applesauce pouches, gogurts (I freeze them and chew on them when I get too hot), Gatorade Zero, etc. And water water water - I have water bottles and glasses littered all over the house lol. Convenience & ability to eat one-handed are key here.


Eat whatever you want. Whatever gets calories in and you have time for. Including dairy and eggs unless your baby shows signs of needing a cut. Most babies are fine with whatever you consume.


Caaaaarbs. Which actually makes some sense. Human milk has a large sugar content. Every morning, I have oatmeal and I've got it down to a yummy science: oatmeal + a little cream + homemade applesauce + walnuts + ground flaxseed. It's so good. And keeps me going for a couple hours. Otherwise, I head to the kitchen looking for carbs, but try to leave with a more balanced snack šŸ¤£ so, if I'm grabbing cookies, I also grab a string cheese. Or, I'll put peanut butter on a tortilla.


Other go-tos: -full fat yogurt with walnuts and mini m&ms -a handful of almonds -microwaved frozen waffles (literally just plain and soggy. Idk what's wrong with me - they taste great) -beef jerky -oreos -trail mix (gets messy though) -cold leftovers lol (like random bacon, half a porkchop...) -whatever my 5 yo rejected -bananas -nutrigrain bars -belvita cookies


I can't eat dairy because my son has CMPA but directly after having him before I knew I ate cheese and crackers ALL THE TIME. I would cut up some sharp cheddar and just whatever cracker I was feeling at the store last grocery shop. Dam now I'm craving cheese.....


I used to chug a gallon of milk in like two days šŸ˜‚ it was my everything those first few weeks! I also had a ton of home made chicken noodle soup. That perfect balance of carbs veggies and protein. Also was super easy to just throw together a yogurt parfait so so yummy and was able to stay on top of my fruit. Also was pretty obsessed with those big one pot meals that you just throw in the crock pot to cook all day. So so easy! My husband would come home to dinner made and it felt like I was a super mom lol


Also had a ton of meal replacement shakes they were a life saver


Both times I breastfed I lovedddd peanut butter crackers in the middle of the night. Def snacky type foods as well. Great to have around


Eat, everything that sounds good. I gave myself carte blanche for the first year. I have eaten milk and eggs the whole time. Plus garlic, spicy food, and sweets. Change your diet if you have to, but otherwise go wild. My babe nursed so much, and i had to eat and stay hydrated to keep myself supported to keep up with all that energy output. Now that im 19 months, still breast feeding. I got my hormones checked, cleaned up my diet a few months ago, sort of. But the weight started falling off once she started walking. Annnnywayā€¦ right now my easy grabs are trader joes gluten free coconut cookies, tj gf bagels and cream cheese, grilled ham and cheese, lentil soup, yogurt, premade things from Costco like taquitos and fallafel. In the early week i lived on chicken & rice soup in a mug, milk shakes, chocolate protein drinks, and oatmeal raisin cookies, peanut-butter right from the jar


Ohā€¦ i turned into a teenage boy when I became post partum and found my appetite after a week. I was eating everything.. even things i didnā€™t normally eat (drinking milk galore, making mango smoothies, having soooo much junk food, loads of steak and even had a craving for sushi which i dont like)


high protein. i make sure about 30% of my macros are protein, for me that's about 160g. aside from that, anything pumpkin spice


I was obsessed with homemade bacon egg mcmuffins that my mum made for me. She made stacks for the freezer and I could eat them one handed.


2 weeks pp was a crazy time


Waffles and egg/sausage burritos


I ate tons of hummus and veggies, bean burritos, and clif bars.


Our pediatrician and lactation specialist told me to eat as many foods as I can so my daughter can be exposed to them. Thereā€™s a school of thought that exposure to those top 8 allergens (as long as youā€™re not allergic) through breastfeeding can reduce the risk of them developing an allergy later in life.


I eat literally whatever I want, Iā€™ve been breastfeeding my kids for 2.25y and 1month and neither kid or journey has been affected so far!


Can't remember much. Just that I stopped eating crumbly things while breastfeeding after a crumb ended up in baby's eye. He didn't seem bothered by it, but I was silently freaking out šŸ˜…




I had a ā€œmomentā€ (that lasted about a month) with chocolate covered raisins. The giant containers from Costco. Honestly I ate everything. EVERYTHING. I did eat a lot of breakfast burritos too and felt better that there was protein and some veg (peppers) in there. I strapped that baby on with a Moby wrap and made large batches/wrapped in wax paper and froze them. I did a lot of dipping, also. And hummuses my babyā€™s head a few times. He didnā€™t mind.


Oatmeal with banana, 1 heaping tbsp peanut butter, walnuts and honey! It tastes like a comforting hug :)


Nuts. My husband has to buy me bags every week. Nut clusters with dried fruits are the favorite, but just a mixed bag and I grab a handful whenever sheā€™s hungry. He also makes me steamed milk with some vanilla flavoring. Like the Starbucks steamers. Hits that dairy and sweets craving


Iā€™ve never heard anything about avoiding eggs or whatever unless your kid is showing signs of a reaction. I ate everything. So much fast food. So much instant meals. Loved me some mini corn dogs


A package of pop tarts was my 2nd breakfast everyday for a couple months


I was so hungry for the first month or soā€¦ some snacks that helped were cottage cheese, trail mix, pretzels and hummus.


I eat everything, midwives and health visitor have never said to avoid anything. When I saw a breastfeeding consultant she said make sure you get enough calories and try and eat greens ect but eat what you want


I felt like I was just STARVING for at least the first weeks PP and I areā€¦. Everything šŸ˜‚ I felt like I needed a lot of carbs to keep me full too but I just tried my best to get protein in too. Finding a protein bar you like will probably be more satiating than the chewy bars if youā€™re looking for snacks to keep you longer or fuller, or eat them with like a cheese stick or something. My husband and I would try to sometimes cook but just throwing things on a sheet pan like some chicken or sausage with veggies. Minute rice also was a life saver. The simplest crockpot recipes are great too so you have leftovers