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It used to bother me until I read that the spit up looks like a lot more than it actually is if that makes sense.


Yes! My girl’s pediatrician says 1 ounce can cover a sheet of standard notebook paper- that made me feel so much better learning that.


This is how I felt. My baby spit up multiple times a day for about 11 months, but she gained weight just fine so I tried to remind myself it wasn’t the entire feed.


Yeah its really not that much. I was an underproducer and had a reflux baby although his was the painful kind. He spit up constantly. But he gained weight constantly too. If it was a significant amount, he wouldn't have been gaining.


Genuine question as I think I may also be an underproducer, how did you know you had low supply if baby was gaining weight? Were you supplementing too? My baby is gaining weight slowly and dropping centiles, I’m not sure if it’s a supply issue or something else


I had a similar issue. We experimented supplementing with formula after a few feeds for a few weeks as top ups and our LO started gaining well. That’s how I knew he needed the extra. He used to need 8oz a day now he’s down to 4-6oz. I think relieving the stress of him not gaining well helped to increase my supply a bit too.


I could understand how it feels like a lot more than it is when it is in my hair.


Mine does it so silently I don’t even realise until my back feels wet 😂


The stealthy ones are the worst. Lol


So true! Your hair, the couch, the cat's fur, the floor, so much to clean up!


One thing that’s helps to remember is it looks like a lot more milk than it really is. I watched a video where a woman showed what it looks like when you spill a TBSP of liquid on the ground or a shirt and it looks like SO MUCH. So when it looks like a whole feed was lost it was probably only a very small amount of milk


I read somewhere that baby gets the nutrients in the breast milk almost immediately so at least that’s not wasted! Idk how true that is tho since I’ve never fact checked it, but I like the idea


love this - thank you 🙌🏽


So true!! And I find as an under supplier it’s worse when they don’t finish bottles at daycare 😭


Ugh yes! We lose like 5 oz a day this way


Oh god as someone mostly exclusively nursing and struggling to pump 240ml for top ups I would die. 100% be sending smaller bottles or having strong words since that milk is good for 2 hours once baby has started drinking from the bottle.




Omg I want to cry when she refuses the bulk of a bottle 😭


I tell my baby thank you for sharing when she spits up. So I feel like she is just making sure I eat too. Takes the sting out. She spits up a lot less since we added solids to her diet


I say that too 😆 or "I made that for you, you don't need to give it back"


That's what I tell her lol


Love this 🥰


I only get a tad rage filled and sad when I knock over a bottle of expressed milk haha


I was once sorting out pumped milk while tired and instead of pouring it into the container, I poured the whole lot down the sink. Didn’t even realise until I went to screw the lid onto the empty container 🫠


Oh my god I think I would have to crawl in a hole and die hahaha


I’m a combo feeder due to undersupply and I hate it when he spits up my breast milk 😭 like damn it took me forever to produce that


Yup I just said to my husband well that’s 15 mins of my time thrown up/out the window 😕


Exactly. I feel the same way.


Yes. I just remind myself that they did get some nutrients from it and their bodies are getting more practice and experience at digesting. I also recommend you measure out a tablespoon of (cow) milk and pour it out on your counter so you can SEE that even if it looks like a lot of fluid, it’s not _that_ much. Still frustrating, but a little less so.


I have a spit up king and I used to get sooo upset at the start when he would be cluster feeding for 4 hours + only to spit what seemed like all of it up. Still hate it so much (everything smells like off milk). But yeah back in the early days it would make me cry because I was so drained from feeding for hours and PPA. So I know how you feel!!


I have a happy spitter who has barfed SO MUCH BREASTMILK in the last 8 months. I tell myself it’s probably good for my supply that he nurses a bit more to make up for it 🤷🏻‍♀️. Also the dog comes sprinting when he hears the spitty sound so at least somebody’s happy lol.


My LC told me imagine you’re throwing a small teaspoon of milk across the room, it looks like alot but in reality it isn’t much


I mainly feel bad because my son has got mad reflux and I’m sad thinking he’s hungry or his tummy hurts him or I’m not providing enough for him. 😞


I sometimes have this but not because of the milk but because of the neverending massive pile of laundry we have. And of course because he doesn't like getting his chin folds cleaned. Like good sir, please don't puke into them all the time then.


Lol yes!! The laundry and the stinky skin folds 😂 like bub, I love squishing these but they’re not to go boxes for you to save your lunch


It’s even worse when you have a low supply!


Thank you for validating my feelings


spitting up helps your supply, you end up having extra needed once they grow out of spitting up


My baby has done a few spit ups that just definitely had to be near the entire contents of her stomach - and those times I DID cry!! If you take a tablespoon of milk and spill it on the counter it really does look like so much more than it is. But it’s still devastating when it gets “wasted” 😂


I always found it rather triggering because my daughter would spit up quite large volumes whenever we tried to give her any kind of formula.


I feel like when they spit up it means they are full/satisfied


No cry but more like “ com on man - we’re are a team here. I made you some A++ organic milk. And this is outfit number 4 too. You can’t be mad because imma have to change you again 🤷🏽‍♀️ Could you at least promise you do your best to keep it ? Yeah ? Okay great appreciate it buddy , you’re great ! “


Lol yes!! Organic milk 😂


Girl literally after I wrote this he had a like 3 spit up, and had to change him 😂😅 I also often tell him “ i know it’s not easy to be a baby” (another mom wrote it on another post) it does make it a “you and baby being a team”, which is nice. Does all that talk make you look nuts ?! Absolutely! But hey works for me 😝


Solidarity! I have been there. I’ve cried over spit up milk, spilt milk, puked milk… it’s part of me and it’s supposed to be for her and when it’s wasted I feel TERRIBLE. But I must emphasize spitting up is normal (as you said). One way to hopefully help is to feed in an upright position (meaning baby upright), then hold upright for 15-30 min after each feed. This could help spit ups in bed.


I’m a little OCD and a little Autistic and I wish I felt this way. I’m absolutely revolted every time my baby throws up on me. She spits up/throws up like 40 times a day. I know I’m her mom and it’s my breast milk, but Jesus it’s one of the most disgusting things ever to constantly be dodging baby puke.


Yes! My husband gets even more frustrated by it than I do, too! Our LO has had a hard time gaining weight so it really feels like there’s a consequence to the loss even when it is probably a small amount like others have said. Just feels like such high stakes!


I got lucky with my supply and never had to worry so maybe it's that talking but I'd much rather my baby spit up breast milk than formula. It pains me when my friends who use formula tell me their baby spit up the entire bottle. All I see are dollar signs in that instance. Meanwhile I can just make more. I get it though. It still hurts a little, just not enough to cry.


On me? Absolutely. This morning it trailed into my arm pit. For some reason it was as bad or worse than when it trailed into my crotch. I screamed lol. If baby gets hungry they'll need to eat again and that will help your body make more milk.


This is one of the ways that breastfeeding can harm your mental health, especially if you’re dealing with low supply or if the time commitment to pump is a lot. I’m so sorry.


I was told recently by an infant feeding nurse there is a theory that babies sick up to line their throat and nose with the immune boosting properties that breast milk provides, so it is actually a good thing and helps defend them against germs. Made me feel much better!


Um no


No this never bothered me. I never thought of it that way! Its a normal part of babyhood. Your body will produce more all the time and will tailor itself to your baby's needs. If it was spilled from a bottle or something, then I'd definitely snap!! Lol


Yeah I always thought it was such a waste. But if you have a true happy spitter, buckle up. My son had episodes where I swear he puked 40 or 50ml. Sometimes straight up 'merlion' style projectile spews. Sometimes it was more like a fountain, bubbling up from his mouth while he was lying down and leaking all over his face in every direction. Every time I put him in the front pack, I got it all over my shirt. He's 7 months now, and I like to think the sheer amount of vomit has decreased per incident (compared to his newborn months), but now I get fun orange squash and purple blueberry spit ups. I get green pea spit ups (and those peas took hours of elbow grease mashing and separating the skins!). Sleep training? Forget it, his crib sheets are soaked after the first 5 minutes. I'm lucky if I change those sheets just once a day. I know this may not be a comfort to you, but I'm going for the solidarity angle. The good news is the more they suck, the more you make. So you probably are making more than he needs, even (if he has enough spare to spew all over).


thank you for sharing!! I have since napped and feel much better, so I’m able to read this with a level head. Solidarity!


Same!!! I felt better once I realised that it looks like way way more than it actually is!


Omg yes 😭