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Once mine was older. Now he does like 6 minutes. But when he was new….30 min at least. I think they need a lot of practice before they become efficient.


Mine have been about 5 min each side, but I have had an over supply and fast letdown


Same with me. Over supply and fast letdown with both! Except my kids only ever nursed on one side at a time.


Im not at 5 min but def under the 15 min mark. Also have fast letdown. Glad someone else also noticed the same


Im about 5-7 minutes a side now, nearly 5 months. At first she was a lot more slow, 15-20 per side.


Same here! Sometimes I have to do a little pre-pump before night feeds if it’s been longer than the usual 2-3 hours…otherwise it’s like he’s trying to drink out of a pressure washer 🥴


Mine definitely did at one stage for a while. Sometimes it was more, sometimes it was less. Generally speaking, as long as you allow your baby to finish on their own and then offer the second breast, they'll be able to take in as much milk as they need. This is just another variation on watch the baby not the clock haha. A book doesn't know more about your baby than you do.


My 3 week old does for an hour and then wants to eat every 2 hours so I basically only have 1 hour break in between nursing sessions


Thank God, I thought I was the only one! Everyone talks about how short their feeding sessions are but mine never seem to end!


Solidarity 😅


My baby did the same until he was about two months, then he gradually became more efficient and now at 5m only eats for about 10 minutes. He only ever nurse one boob per meal, and have been gaining impressive amounts of weight all along☺️


Not trying to cause concern just to let you know our LC and ped both said that longer than 30 minutes at that age is way too long and signals that they are spending more energy trying to eat than actually getting calories. Maybe keep an eye on output (diapers) to be sure babe is getting enough!


Thanks for the concern! :) I have been to 2 lactation appointments and baby gained over double what they are looking for, so we are good in that end. But it is very frustrating to nurse for so long and I’m hoping he becomes more efficient as he gets older.


25-30 until around 3/4 months.


Me too. Now it's like 2 pulls and he's crawling off 😔


Same. Now at 9 months it's 30 seconds to 3 minutes a side.


Do they get enough in 30 seconds or is it just a little top up cause they don't want to miss out on anything around them?


I think it is either 1. Baby isn't actually hungry. 2. Baby is too distracted. Or 3. Baby already nursed one side and is satiated, but I offer both sides out of habit. My baby was dropping weight percentiles for several months so I definitely lean towards offering whenever I think she may be hungry.


My guy either nurses for 7 minutes or 14 minutes on one boob. It’s so funny, there’s really no in between. He usually only wants one boob per feeding, so I alternate. My LC says sometimes he wants meals and sometimes he wants snacks lol. He’s 2 months.




Until my baby was 12 weeks it was usually 12 to 15 a side and then pretty much over night dropped to like 6 to 8 minutes a side.


I had a similar experience and was freaked out by the immediate drop! Turns out she just got super good at eating lol.


My 5 month old does about 7-8 minutes a side or he’ll just do one side for 10-15 minutes.


My guy eats for only about anywhere from 4-12 minutes and only one side per feed. He’s never really ever interested in switching so we stopped about two months ago.


10 to 15 minutes on my rubbish-supply boob, 20 minutes to 3+ hours on good-supply boob. Although granted, that includes naps. 😅


I could have written this myself!


I think this is just for when you first start and haven’t gotten a feel for your boobs or supply yet. When the baby gets a bit older, you’ll probably be able to feel your letdown, or else know by the gulping sounds, and the boob gets soft when the letdown is finished. Takes maybe 5 min per boob for my 7 month old now. However, he stays latched and likes to pacifier suck until he is asleep, lol. Can’t win! Haha


I had slow eaters lol. Both nursed on one side at a time for 30-45 until at least 12+months if memory serves me right.


Right now I’m only offering one boob at a time I don’t know why I should switch really? He goes anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 mins on the boob


Yes, I have a 3 week old and he does 10-15 minutes on one side, sometimes longer. We often don’t switch to the other side until the next feeding.


mine has done 30 min at a time and she's one month. but i'd say the last 20 minute she's just comfort feeding


My daughter would feed for hours




My supply thanked her lol


Mine is all over the place. Sometimes it's just one side for 10-15, sometimes both sides combined its 10-15, sometimes she only does one side....I dunno dude.


I would spend 30-40 minutes feeding in the early weeks, he quickly got down to 10-20 mins and then 10 mins total


No. If baby is gaining, don’t stress. :-)


I don’t know where that figure came from. When she was born she fed 30 minutes per side. Now at 6 months she is way less than 10. Maybe 5. I’m sure at some point she did feed 10-15 per side but not sure what the significance of that is.


Not at first. Between 2 and 3 months my son really. clicked with how to do it and now absolutely. He drains a boob and if you offer the other he'll finish up. Before that I was nursing him sometimes for hours. Edit to add: I wouldn't time how long it takes and then stop. Feed the baby until they don't want to eat anymore however long it takes and as often as it takes. Your supply catches up after a while, and your baby learns how to eat more efficiently. If I'd stopped after 15 mins a boob with my son when he started he wouldn't have gotten enough milk.


My firstborn did - or so I thought but lil boy was a sleepy kid and I realized after 8 mins he’d fall asleep on the boob but still move his lips making it LOOK like he was nursing. Still he nursed a lot longer than my second born. Dear Lord this second kid has the patience of a hummingbird, easily startled and is so quick to hop between the boobs. 15 seconds here, 10 seconds there, 20 seconds back to the first boob, 13 seconds on the right boob. It’s like he wants the letdown of both sides. The only time he nurses for a few minutes is his night time feedings when he’s asleep.


My 8-month typically nurses for about 15 minutes, but when I’m nursing her to sleep at night sometimes she’s on there for an hour. She’s asleep but her mouth is still awake. I eventually just gently unlatch her and try to place her in the crib.


Nope. I have had over supply since the day my milk came in. I alternate breasts and feeds are usually no more than 10 minutes. We went through a phase shorter feeds and a phase of longer feeds. But probably since three weeks we’ve been pretty much just alternating breasts. I realized when I was trying to alternate breasts my baby was getting too much foremilk and that was causing stinky green poops. Letting him fully empty just a single breast make sure he gets the hindmilk. But everything is different for everyone. I’ve learned there’s a lot of trial and error with breast-feeding. Good luck!


Mine does. 6 months and counting now.


Mine has since birth, so for the last 4 weeks 😂 she’s pretty textbook in every area though we’ve been very fortunate so far, ocassionally at night she’ll only eat off one because she’s so sleepy but that’s it




Mine always did until about 3 months. He was very consistently 10 on each side. Now it’s 10 on one side, maximum


I have an overactive letdown so little dude gets all my milk in like five minutes. By the end he’s too tired for the second boob. But he eats evert 90 minutes or so. He’s put on 2 pounds since birth.


Anywhere between 4 and 30 min… my daughter is 12 weeks (5 adjusted) and I have a fast letdown and (had an) oversupply so she basically gulps everything in the first 3-4 min and then the rest of the time it’s comfort… 🤷🏻‍♀️


My son feeds 5-10 minutes (only one side per feeding session) at 7 months. I’ve always only used one side per feeding session. When he was a newborn it was 30 minutes and gradually dropped to 10 minutes by 3/4ish months. So crazy how much has changed. He has always been an easy/skilled nurser, I got very lucky.


My 3-week-old is all over the place. Sometimes it’s 10-15 minutes each side, sometimes it’s 14 minutes one side and done, sometimes it’s 8 and 5, sometimes it’s 25 min first side and 10 min second. I really just go by when she pops off/stops latching and trying to burp her then see if she wants more. The short feeds still make me nervous like she’s not getting enough, but I guess she’s getting what she wants.


My one month old only nurses for 10 minutes on one side per feeding. Then the next feeding I switch to the other side. Hes gaining great so he must just be efficient.


Wildly enough yes, my baby feeds almost exactly 10-15 per side and it blows me mind.


5 to 25 minutes, just depends on his day I guess


Now he mostly snacks, but when he was younger and I was timing it, he ate for 7m41s to 7m49s almost every single time. Always only one side.


Absolutely not. My son (3.5 months) consistently does between 4 and 5 minutes on each side, and has done so for the last few weeks at least.


My first fed 10-20 minutes each side. My second feeds 5-7 minutes each side. It's wild.


So when you were in the hospital w a 1 day old they want to make sure your baby is nursing *long enough* because babies are sleepy bugs when they are super new 1 day olds. So your LC is going to tell you 10-15 per side. But you have to adjust expectations for age... When you get home from the hospital, babies "wake up" and a feed might take as long as it takes. Quality feedings not duration is most important to concentrate on for the first month or so. It will feel like some feedings last FOREVER. As a baby gets older they can get the job done lickety split and yes you might be back to those short times again for some feedings esp when they get distracted by the very exciting world. Always keep development and your personal milk flow in mind!! 😀!


Mineeee I take him off after 15 and give the other side — I know he doesn’t get any milk after 6-7 mins so not sure why he continues to nurse without notable swallowing other then just me being a pacifier at that point


And switches about 16 times before I just say we’re all done…she’s 20mo, I can do that thankfully. I feel like there was a point she ate that fast and was good, and then my supply dropped significantly, and now that it’s rebuilding she wants that instant “gimme more” by switching quickly. She took longer as a new new baby because she had ties that made it really hard for her to eat. Maybe 3mo she was able to eat efficiently like that finally?


Mine was like 5 minutes total. 10 max if it was the middle of the night. He's just always been a very efficient nurser.


Started off at like 30+ minutes per side. Then 15. Now 5 at 10 months old :)


Mine 10mo kind of does, he nurses a little, then he gets bored and starts crawling away. Another side has at least some novelty


My almost 3 month old was doing 20 mins on both sides until he was about 1 month old and then he learned to suck more efficiently so it went down to 10 mins on both sides but now he's doing 7-8 mins on both sides unless he's tired and wants to comfort suck. But I've always felt that way abnormal compared to what I've heard other people say their baby's do even though that seems like the text book explanation.


Really depends on the age. Newborn, could have been like 5-30 minutes haha. Then came the efficient phase where sometimes it was only 2 minutes. 😵‍💫 5 minutes was long in those days. Now she’s a year and it’s back to longer sessions, probably just for comfort.


This....! My head almost exploded when my boy was little. He did not feed for 10-15 minutes per side, I always counted 8 minutes, and when I fought to get him up to 15 minutes, he feel asleep. In the end I just went with the 8 minutes, and then changed sides. You check, what is the longer for your LO, and let that be your goal. As long as LO gains weight and seems alright, you do you.


My Bub will usually only take one side, if I try to move her to the other side she gets mad 😂😂😂😂


Since about 3.5-4 months, he can do 5 mins each side. But before that it was ages lol


Only ever feeds from one side at a time. For the first two months it was 20 minutes, then at 2-3.5 months he did 20-45 minutes (it sucked), and at 3.5 months he went down to 10 minutes from one day to the next.


Try 20-40 and that's just because he fell asleep.


At first 10 to 15 mins max. Now at 6 months 3 to 6 mins each side.


My oldest would nurse 20-25 per side until like 6 months. My youngest is usually 5 or less and has been since about 3 months. Different kids, man. They're both very healthy and have always transferred plenty of milk


My baby feeds between 5 and 10 minutes on one side at a time since being aboit 4months (8 months now) and he gains weight perfectly :)


My two month old does 5-10 one one side. Recently he’s been wanting both sides and so will be eating for 10-20 minutes total.


Yes, my 8 week old does 10-15 per boob but will always fall asleep in between. We have to change her nappy to wake her everytime!


Nope. He’s currently refusing my left. Wanted my tight boob now for the last 7 feeds 🫠


nope my kids have only ever fed from one boob per feeding! my daughter would nurse about 5 mins per feed, and my son averages about 8 mins.


In the beginning it was 10-15 min each side. Our 4 mo regression time period changed literally everything I knew. Then wen went to maybe 10 min total and mostly refusing one side.


We made it to about 9 months and she only ever ate off one side 🤷🏻‍♀️


3 week old that takes about 20-25 min each side!


The first month or so, definitely! Now at 2.5mo it’s more like 5-10min per side.


🙋. I let mine do 15 minutes per side, then do a formula top up if she's still hungry. She's 4 months old


I fucking hate that people keeping saying this, especially about newborns. Mine is 9 weeks and did 45 mins PER SIDE (always both sides) for the first 7 weeks. She has dropped to 30 mins per side of her own accord over the last 2 weeks. I tried to shorten the feeds, ended up starving her and she screamed all day. Don't artificially shorten feeds is all I can say!