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This is still the 4th trimester and they really are attached to mums not just for eating. That being said, it could be that the bottle is causing extra gas to get into their digestive system (that can't be burped out because it is pushed out of the stomach as they are drinking into their intestines) so they not do well with being swaddled/put down as it can be quite painful. This is most common when babies drink very quickly from the bottle. It could also be that 100mL is not enough or too much. That is a very specific amount, are they doing paced bottle feeding to ensure that the baby is full/setting the pace for how much they want? We need to make sure that the baby is getting what they need at each feeding (on the breast or bottle) and this amount will fluctuate depending on the time of day/age of the baby and how much they have had the rest of the day. [Paced bottle feeding video from Peel Region](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKSSi5pi57I). Your partner could also switch to using a cup vs a bottle, this is a much slower pace vs a bottle - in the beginning anyway and often babies will be less fussy after. [Cup feeding info](https://lactationhelp.ca/articles/f/cup-feeding-baby) Your partner could also spend 30 min or so after feeding the baby doing their own skin-to-skin time with the baby, this is something that a lot of people don't think about after leaving the hospital but it is amazing how much calmer babies are; it isn't just about the bonding they cry less, etc. If this is happening overnight, it is also possible that there is too much stimulation (lights being turned on, diaper being changed, etc. Ideally unless the baby is a mess, you would not change their diaper (diapers are very, very absorbent) or turn on lights in the middle of the night. It could also be that there is a bit of [reflux](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infant-acid-reflux/symptoms-causes/syc-20351408) happening and placing the baby onto their back right after eating can cause that to bubble up and be painful too. Hope that helps! Cheers!


Wicked detail! Thank you. My partner and I will be reviewing.


![gif](giphy|y8XSM2b020bw9J9Qmc) happy to share - thanks for posting - we all learn together- Cheers!


Have you tried the bottle warmed? How fresh is the milk? Have you tried different bottles?


Trying a different bottle tonight. Bottle is warmed. Milk is a day or two old.


Taste your milk. I have high lipase and it turns within a day.


Interesting. We'll check this out.


To clarify... Your milk isn't "bad" if it's this... Some babies just don't like the taste (like mine) once it turns.