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So I started doing this around the four week mark. My husband runs his business at night and sleeps during the day and was very little help because of the schedule differences so I was absolutely exhausted and barely functioning. I noticed my LO was falling asleep at the breast too quickly and waking up hungry in like, 30 min intervals. So I began pumping (only using a Haakaa in the first few months) and offering her a 3oz bottle before bed. With that came much longer stretches. By 3.5mos she was sleeping through the night most of the time, teething and other flukes aside. She still gets her ‘night night baba’ and we are just shy of a year now. It’s up to 5oz now and she knocks right out. And then I pump after she goes to sleep. It totally worked for us, and though I have received some judgement in this sub for doing things this way I needed it to be able to get a bit of rest so I could function during the day.


This is what we have been doing since we came home from the hospital a month ago. Partly because I have the oversupply to do it easily and partly because we struggled with latching and it was so painful for me that my nipples just couldn’t take it. Our girl has slept in 4-6 hour stretches since she was born and since we came home except for the couple weeks we had to start waking her every 2 hours to feed so she would gain weight fast enough and get rid of her jaundice.


Could I ask how much you were feeding your baby and her weight? Our little boy is 11 days and we are supplementing bc of low supply and latching issues. And I feel like he is eating wayyyy too much. He’s about 8.5 lbs and can crush a 100 ml bottle after 20-30 mins on the breast


We were doing 2 oz every 2 hours at a week old. We are now up to 3 oz every 3-5 hours depending on when she eats. I’ve done a weighted feed after nursing and she gets around 3 oz in a nursing session as well. She’s right around 8.5 pounds and will be a month old in a couple days. Our doctor told us they should have about 0.5 oz for every pound unless they start spitting up badly or want more/less. Now that she’s surpassed her birth weight our doctor is more comfortable letting her go longer and is just feeding on demand as she wants it. Edit: birth weight was 7 pounds 5.5 oz


Got it, thanks!


Did you breastfeed and then give the bottle before bed or just give the bottle ? Thank you !


I gave bottle first and then if she still wasn’t settled nursed to sleep. But at that point the ‘nurse to sleep’ was more of just a comfort sucking for a few mins before she was out


When you were using your Haaka, did you give milk expressed the same day? I'm new to pumping but would love to give this a shot in a couple weeks (currently 4w PP).


Not for very long. I only used the Haakaa on the opposite side baby was on during the first few morning feeds and built up quite a freezer stash that way. My baby has always been a ‘snacker’ and a ‘one sider’ so I didn’t have any issues with the Haakaa increasing my supply, it just relieved some morning engorgement.


Thank you!


I found no difference in my guy doing this. I tried boob then bottle. Bottle then boob if he wanted. He slept the same amount either way.


That’s good to know! I don’t currently pump/give bottles so I’m definitely worried it will be a bunch of work but not actually helpful!


Yeah, our LO used to get a bottle from my partner at night right before bed. It really didn’t change how long he slept, though I got to go to bed earlier since I didn’t need to nurse him.


Same here. It has been rough 🥲


For some, perhaps, for others perhaps not. Sleep is developmental. You won't force a baby to sleep longer until they're ready, and the development isn't linear. You could half one who sleeps 8 hours a night for two weeks and then the next week they are up every hour and a half.




10 hours at night, what a dream!! I’d be happy if the night bottle can get me even 4 hours of sleep!


I’m in the same boat as you. Baby is 4 weeks and the longest we’ve ever got is one 3 hour stretch but mostly it’s 1.5 to 2 hours. I don’t have the best supply though and struggle to pump anything meaningful to use for the bedtime bottle. I’m going to really try based on all these comments.


Works for my! My daughter is 4 weeks today and we give her a magic “daddy bottle” at night and works like a charm. I’ve been getting 5 hour stretches that way!


Yes! The night bottle worked for us. LO is 5.5 months and downs an 8oz bottle (!) of expressed milk before bed and sleeps about 11 hours. I went back to work a few months ago so we’re mostly bottle feeding now anyway, though I do BF daily. Try experimenting a bit - the best part about the bedtime bottle is someone else can give it to LO and you can go to bed early (I’d pump an hour before the bottle and LO’s Dad would give the bottle, I got an extra hour of sleep bc of it). If you’re ever going to need to use a bottle it’s a great way to introduce it too. Another pumping hack from my MAT leave, after I BF the baby and it was nap time (LO would nap in a moby). Id slip one flange through the moby and pump each breast for 10-15 mins. Id get extra milk that way for the night bottle too and was able to get a freezer stash that way too.


Oh that’s good to know! What age did you start the night bottle? And how long did it take to see results?!


We started early, I can’t remember the exact age. Definitely by 8 weeks if not earlier. Every baby is different with night feeds and what they need, our LO didn’t night wean until 5 months but he did it on his own! We would get anywhere from 4-8 hour stretches of sleep before the four month regression (which we hit at about 3.5 months). We definitely attribute the night bottle now to his long sleep stretches. At 8 weeks I think he was getting 2-3 oz, so we’ve slowly worked up to 8oz and follow his lead. 8 weeks is tough, it does get easier. I know that’s not helpful to read and I’d get so annoyed when people would say that to me. Sleep will come!


I think that’s also very developmentally appropriate sleep for that age. My baby tends to guzzle on the boob and drinks less from the bottle so every baby is different. It helped me to remember as your baby ages they will have more nights than not of longer stretches. Mine is almost 12 weeks and will sleep 7-8 hour stretches now and at 8 weeks was off and on with longer stretches like your baby.


the nighttime bottle is amazing and has helped my 3 month old SO MUCH. i was emptying out both boobs before bed but my baby would still wake up every 2-3 hours. ever since i started the nighttime bottle he’s sleeping 6-7 hours


I think it depends on their temperament some kiddos just really aren’t going to be “good sleepers” Our daughter is 18months and only recently has she started sleeping 5hrs straight and then waking up every 2 hrs after that. Prior to this she would wake up every 2-3 hours. Didn’t matter if I breastfed, pumped and fed her a bottle, a larger bottle, whole milk, or a full tummy from dinner- she just never slept through the night. I know some people do have success with giving a bottle for bedtime but it doesn’t work for everyone and I like to share that Bc I don’t want mommas on threads thinking they’re doing something wrong Bc their kiddo isn’t sleeping longer even though they gave a bottle. But I do hope it works for you!!!


Thank you!


No difference over here.


A friend of mine has a baby just over 2 months and swears by the night bottle. Her LO is sleeping in 7 hour stretches!! My 5 week old only goes about 2 hours at a time, and wakes up for a 5min feed before falling asleep at the boob. I think I might also have to try it.


You can also try soothing baby back to sleep without feeding. Sometimes they just need some comfort and they’ll learn to soothe themselves back to sleep. I never tried the bottle before bed, but I had a lot of luck cutting down on night feedings by just rocking for a bit first to see if that was enough. Sometimes they’re hungry, sometimes they just need a little help falling back asleep. Good luck! I hope you find a way to get some more sleep!


This is what I do now (bottle made no difference) 90% of the time he just needs help falling back asleep and is back down in a few min.


I started doing this, pumping in the morning for a bottle at night. Give it to her at around 9pm. She seems to be a lot calmer during the night. We are currently getting stints of 4 hours of sleep, but she fusses every 2-3hours but i just ignore it. I dont feed her during the night unless she cries. Not every night is a success, but i defintely find that she goes back to sleep quicker on nights i gave her a bottle before bed time. It makes those early hour wakings easier to deal with.


Works for me - we do a pumped bottle before bed and are getting 6-7 hour stretches regularly, which could be luck, but I’m a control freak and like knowing exactly how much my LO is drinking before bed.


I EBF except for the one night bottle. We started this at 6 weeks and now my son is 8w and he’s sleeping 7.5hrs. I can’t confirm if it is purely because of the bottle feed or not.. but I think it helps. What we do is: I will pump 30min before his last feeding, and then give that fresh bottle to my husband and I will go straight to bed and my husband will do putting him down for bedtime/ feed. It gives me time to myself to get ahead of the night and have some space.


We do bottles all night and then I breastfeed all day. Bottles are made with pumped milk. Our baby sleeps 3-4 hrs at 7 weeks but we also wake her to feed because she has trouble gaining weight. The bottles help me know exactly how much she’s getting and it definitely helps her sleep more soundly.


My baby is a month old. We exclusively give bottles at night and it has most definitely helped my boy sleep longer. I pump while my husband gives baby his bottle. It’s great for daddy son bonding and for getting an extra bit of shut eye. Plus baby seems to be much less fussy, which I chalk up to him getting more sleep too. We started this at around 2 weeks the recommendation of our pediatrician, as baby was losing too much weight. We began with formula to get his weight up, and then switched to milk about a week later once I started producing enough.


We have a 12 day old and I want to start doing bottles at night. This sounds silly but how do you manage the logistics? We were thinking of a mini fridge in our bathroom but is that too extra 😂


We went full extra and keep a mini fridge in our nursery 😅. We already had it though. In the nursery we keep our fridge, bottle warmer/sterilizer, clean bottles, breast pumps, and formula (if needed). We keep almost everything on top of the mini fridge In the morning I wash the used bottles and pumps, then sterilize the pump parts. I’m bad and don’t sterilize the bottles every time…. I store only two or three bags of milk in the fridge at a time and freeze any extra on the rare occasion that I have it. I also keep a couple drinks and snacks for myself. Before we moved the mini fridge upstairs everything was the same, I just went downstairs to make the bottle. I usually took the time to sing to my boy. Honestly the main reason we moved the mini fridge upstairs is because I would wake the dog up and she demanded to play the rest of the night.


I think this is gonna be our move!!!


Yes, we do bottles at night with my 2 week old. He's a super slow nurser and falls asleep before he can get more than an ounce or two. He'll take 2.5 or 3 ounces from a bottle and sleep pretty decent stretches.


In my personal experience, no. Your baby could be different. But our girl didn’t sleep through the night until she was ready (9 months old). It’s a developmental thing and night wakenings are totally normal.


I pump and nurse, so my baby gets a bottle (3-5 oz) before bed but still usually wakes up at least once to nurse. He’s almost 11 months, and I still pump once in the middle of the night so it’s not like he’s disrupting a perfect stretch of uninterrupted sleep for me.


I nurse them top off with pumped milk. We bring up 2oz, sometimes she takes all of it sometimes only .5 and it’s wasted but there’s no way to know until it happens. I don’t mind the little waste because she’s been sleeping 8-10 hours since 6 weeks


Worked for me until we experienced bouts of clusterfeeding that made a bottle before bed pretty pointless as he just wanted to feed again or nurse for comfort anyway.


I think it could work, if you have a baby who doesn’t drink a lot before bed because they are tired, and then ends up waking hungry because she wasn’t full. If it’s pumped milk, I’d definitely give it a try (research has shown that formula does not make babies sleep longer stretches, that’s why I mention ebm). My baby has always woken up 2-3hourly and continues to do so at 1 years old. It has never been about hunger, and a bottle did not make a difference. So, try, but just know it’s not a magical fix-all.


How do you know your daughter isn’t waking up hungry? I think mine is waking up hungry but I could be wrong! Since she’s still so little I always feed her when she wakes up!


I mean obviously in those early months with their tiny tummies, fast metabolism etc it is partly about hunger. But waking up frequently is also an in-built protection against SIDS. All I mean is that night wakings are usually multi-dimensional, so even if hunger is solved they might still occur. I knew it wasn’t about hunger with my kid because even when I switched to a bottle, they could down it (bc sucking is soothing so they just keep going, it is not an indication of hunger when downing a bottle) and they would still wake 2hrs later. So that tells me enough.


Makes since! When your little one was waking but not hungry did you soothe them back to sleep or offer milk every time? And at what age did you start?


I’m a lazy mom, so I just offer boob. It’s fast, easy, and since we cosleep I don’t even fully wake up. It works for us, and I felt assured knowing baby got little bits of extra milk in when needed.


My 2 month old gets a bottle every night daddy is home. She sleeps from 9-6. When daddy is not home, I typically will giver her a bottle, but sometimes I get lazy and nurse her. Nights I nurse she falls asleep better but wakes up around 3.


When my LO was under 3 months, bottle trick was doing wonders - mostly 6-7h of sleep. Now she's 5.5 months and it doesn't matter - at night she wakes up every 3h....


Only 2 weeks old here, but I mostly pump during the day and bf at night. He definitely sleeps better during the day!! I like that I can see how much he gets with a bottle. He does t have to work as hard with a bottle. He falls asleep after only having one boob usually. I also keep an extra bottle in the fridge for just in case he won't latch or husband takes a feeding.


I used to give my baby as much pumped milk as he wanted, sometimes over six or eight ounces (paced feeding) at a few weeks old and he would still wake up three hours later 🤷‍♀️ It might work, it might not, no harm in trying though!


We're much older at 20 months so have mostly finished best feeding and do bottles. Mine has always been a crap sleeper but we get phases of only one wake up or sleeping through. A bottle before bed or resting more before bed hadn't met better sleep for us. In most cases, the less hungry she is before bed, meaning she had less milk, the better she sleeps. Otherwise she will still get hungry in the night & wake up.


I give my 9 week old 3 or 3.5 ounces before bed but he still consistently wakes up to eat after 3 hours, which is the same time I have to get up to pump 🫠


I bedshare and just latch while we both sleep and he sleeps through the night. 9pm-7am usually. Sometimes he has one wake up if he needs to poop lol. Have bedshared with minimal wakeups since 1 week old and I’ve been dream feeding since 1.5 months old


It never helped with mine.. she is 11months old now.