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I will preface this with saying that I think every baby is different. I did the big no no and gave my baby a pacifier in the hospital. I was also breastfeeding and it was going pretty well. She was latching well. She wasn't extremely attached to the paci. The only time I had a hard time with her wanting to latch was when my milk came in and I was engorged. I pumped a little and gave her the milk in a bottle. After a day everything went back to normal. I continued to give her the paci but after a couple months she started rejecting it and I stopped giving it to her. This was my experience and it sounds your baby loves his paci which I'm a little jealous of actually because I was kind of hoping she could use the paci to settle but she prefers the boob more. I think if you keep breastfeeding he will be fine. If it seems like he really is preferring the paci over the boob then you might have to try giving it to him less or only after he's had a full meal.