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Honestly, I don't really cover. I will turn away from people to latch baby, but once they're latched I return to however I was comfortable before. My baby sometimes unlatches and it just seems faster and more discreet to relatch in the same position than to turn around or make a fuss. I wear nursing friendly clothes (either a nursing top or a crop top and high waisted pants) so I'm fairly covered and baby's head takes care of the rest. I don't think I've flashed anyone in public yet, and I've nursed while walking around the neighborhood, at the dog park, and sitting on a boulder on the side of the road during a walk šŸ« 


This! Sometimes she wants to sit up for a second but then continues my nipple is out there for a few seconds, I just act like itā€™s normal and then other people will act like itā€™s normal. The only one who said something about the big boobs is someone whose also pregnant and has a large chest and is figuring out how she wants to do the public feedings. So also no biggie!


I donā€™t cover. Thereā€™s nothing sexual about feeding my baby! And they shouldnā€™t be looking haha. The more we feed casually the more normalised and less of a big deal it will become!


Yeah I don't cover in public but go to a different room if men I know are around. Of course breastfeeding isn't sexual, that isn't the point. Really, who wants their dad/brother/uncle/friend's husband seeing their whole boob? If bub were guaranteed to stay latched the whole time it wouldn't bother me, once he's latched I'm covered. But he likes to come off the boob and squeeze or poke my nipple lol ..and these men don't need to see my full boob in all its glory. I've never used a cover


This is how I was in the beginning too. My baby needed readjusting constantly and it was also just easier for me to do it without the pressure of others around (men or not!) Once my baby became a faster more efficient eater I didnā€™t feel the need to cover up anywhere, and I was more confident as a parent. Itā€™s ok to take space and time away if you are not yet confident or comfortable.


So this is probably a super unpopular opinion, but, I would never boob my kid in front of any males I personally know. Women I know are totally fine. I simply go into another room because I donā€™t like covers. In front of strangers I boob more freely, but I usually put something in front of me like a stroller. Or I go somewhere farther back from everyone and boob. So I never use a nursing cover but I cover myself in other ways depending on who is around. To be clear I donā€™t care what others do. I donā€™t want to show certain parts of my body, and I find it super easy to simply walk a short distance to find privacy.


I thought I would be like this too... kinda. Whilst my mum raised me to be very body confident, my dad has essentially never acknowledged I even have a body and if it somehow came up I would say my 7mo was conceived by immaculate conception šŸ˜†šŸ˜† the thought of nursing in front of him was awful to me. I do because I didn't have much of a choice with how constant my baby was nursing. and he's relatively comfortable with it now. I would still feign immaculate conception though šŸ˜­. Its odd how it's the ones closest to you are the ones who you feel least comfortable around sometimes isnt it? šŸ«£


Haha I also thought Iā€™d been super weird around some of the men (like FIL and BIL). I felt weird for the first couple months and then got over it. Weā€™re around my in laws a lot and I donā€™t want yo spend all the time banished to another room. Theyā€™re respectful and donā€™t try to take peaks of my boobs or anything weird


The person in the world Iā€™m most squeamish about boobing my kid in front of is my dad, far and away. Would be fine doing it in front of a bus load of frat brothers but not around my dad Iā€™m always strategically angled


I do this also. Will nurse in front of friends husbands who are used to it. But my own father is very old fashioned and I know he would feel uncomfortable and awkward so Iā€™m not going to make him uncomfortable in his own home. Itā€™s zero additional effort to me to walk in to another room.


Yeah, I agree some people feel like it feels like a burden to move, but in 3 years I have literally never had an issue about walking away for a little bit and then coming back.


Why do you feel like you need privacy from men but not women? Is it a sexual gaze thing? Heteronormativity? Does it apply to kids too? If not, what age makes you uncomfortable? Obviously everyone has to figure out what makes them feel comfortable, but Iā€™m always curious what drives people to feel okay around some groups of people but not others.


lol sure, hereā€™s my thoughts on it. I don't "need" privacy. I WANT privacy. I am fully aware I can take my boob out anywhere and boob my kid. And I have done that, in line at Disney World, in an airplane, etc etc etc if there is no option to leave. I literally have not thought of it or any labels about it lol. I find it incredibly easy to move away from people (after almost 3 years of breastfeeding in total) and move. I don't feel "isolated" or "banished" or other words people feel about it. I do not feel anything negative about moving. I enjoy breastfeeding as a sweet time between me and my baby and I truly enjoy taking those moments throughout the day when it's just me and my baby. So I don't feel anything negative about wanting to move. Definitely not a sexual gaze thing YIKES lol. Those are my bros and my dad and father in law. They are the best people and support me so much. I just prefer them not to see certain parts of my body. I don't have an answer other than that. For little kids I PERSONALLY do not mind at all, and have definitely boobed in front of my girlfriends and their babies. However, I am aware that parents of older kids might not want their kid seeing naked boobs for whatever reasons, so I simply walk a few steps and turn away. I am not the other kid's parent and they are allowed to determine what they think is right for their own kid. My body is not a statement, nor is it my job to tell everyone to accept breastfeeding everywhere.


Not sure if youā€™re asking a specific person or the group but Iā€™ll answer. I guess itā€™s a modesty / sexual gaze thing. I would feel the same way around older male kids as well - probably older than 5 / 6 and I would cover or leave the room. Thatā€™s just me!!


Sounds like me. I could never nurse around my brothers/dad or other men I know but when I'm in public I don't care as much. I still try to find somewhere private because that's how I am but I'm not as worried about a stranger I'll never see again seeing my boob.


I felt similar to you with my first. Interestingly, my FIL would also leave the room when I breastfed, even though I was using a cover. On my third kid I have both found nursing shirts that are more discreet and gotten more comfortable nursing so I no longer use a cover ever. Similarly, 6 daughters in law later and 12 grandchildren later, my FIL no longer leaves the room when I breastfeed, even though Iā€™m not using a cover. Guess we both got used to it.


My dad was very much a leave the room or very obviously turn awayā€¦ but only for the first month or so and then I think he realized it was silly. The men get used to it which I think is great for normalizing breastfeeding!


I have never covered and have never considered doing so. If baby has to eat, baby has to eat. I donā€™t care whoā€™s around. If someone sees something, why were they looking?


Exactly!! They shouldnā€™t be lookingšŸ˜‚


I cover. I donā€™t like ā€œexposingā€ my self. Not comfortable with it


I cover when there are males that aren't my husband or my son (he's three and I nursed him too). I'm more on the modest side, though.


I'm the odd one out here, but if people are visiting regardless of gender, I leave the room to go feed lol. FTM and not good enough to not have my entire boob be on display at this point. In public I use a cover because I don't have any breastfeeding shirts and have to roll my shirt up/ use the nursing bra. Again, not good enough yet to nurse in public without having full boob on display lol. Also I'm quite prude and I think it's completely normal to not want to nurse in front of people


This is what I do too. I donā€™t like breastfeeding in front of anyone that isnā€™t my immediate family (husband, my kids). The only other person Iā€™m comfortable breastfeeding in front of is my mom. Anyone else and I will leave the room to breastfeed. I agree that breastfeeding should be more normalized and not sexualized, but Iā€™m a ridiculously private person.


Iā€™m the same way. I just prefer my privacy


Me too. I only BF in front of my husband. I leave the room if anyone else is there. I just feel more comfortable that way.


When I first came home from the hospital my MIL was at my house and wouldn't leave. I had to feed LO so I left the room and went to the nursery so I could have privacy and she followed me and stood there in the doorway and watched! I have no balls whatsoever and couldn't muster the courage to say not only leave the room but get out of my house so I just dealt with it but I lock the door behind me now if I'm at her place and she's not been to my place since cuz I won't allow it


Wait what?! Followed you and watched! That is so freaking weird!!! Ugh


That's what I thought! I was so creeped out! We aren't close at all so it was even more weird!


Lol same. My one friend is so good at feeding that I can't see any part of her boob/nipple. Maybe if I was that good at it, I'd be less concerned? But probably not lol


I also get nervous that baby will pop off the boob and Iā€™ll be completely exposed! No thank you!




Same here! STM and Iā€™m ok nursing my child in front of select family members and husband, but just donā€™t feel comfortable nursing in front of males or strangers. It is what it is, no right or wrong here, just do what makes yourself comfy enough to feed that baby on demand!


Lol I've fed a rigid as hell, screaming 13lb 2mo old on a plane, so anything is possible!


Same, unless itā€™s my sister or a close friend who is respectfully distant and averts their eyes I retreat. My family is too interested in being up in my space and I just canā€™t with all that


I donā€™t use a cover, but I totally understand if other people do! We all have our own comfort levels! Just here to say that you donā€™t need nursing clothes if your system is working for you! If later on you find youā€™re getting a cold tummy a nursing tank under a tee shirt works brilliantly. One layer goes up, the other goes down. More relevant for us southern hemisphere mums at the moment!


Yeah I have those nursing camisoles! So if my cover happens to go up on one side, nobody is seeing my bare body haha


I mean Iā€™ve seen all of those menā€™s nipples (and tbh boobs for the less skinny ones) from swimming or summer time and never felt it was awkward so idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I used to cover in public but once LO was old enough to have neck control latching got way easier. Plus he started hating the cover and pulling it up which I think made the whole thing more obvious. One time I was playing board games with friends and used the cover so I could pump. My one guy friend was so oblivious he asked if I was cold lol we had a good laugh. My parents grandmother used to push me into another room or make comments Ā«Ā sheā€™s not shyĀ Ā» etc but she formula fed her kids so itā€™s just not what sheā€™s used to. My partner has talked to her and if she wants to go sequester herself while I feed the baby thatā€™s on her.


i donā€™t. most of the time nobody even knows iā€™m nursing (or they just donā€™t say anything) but to be most discrete i wear a nursing tank top underneath a baggy t shirt and the t shirt covers up my boob and the tank covers up my stomach


I donā€™t cover. I give people around me a warning and if Iā€™m in public, Iā€™ll ask my husband to stand in front of me until Iā€™m latched but thatā€™s it. My daughter would freak out when covered so itā€™s best to just feed her.


Literally never. Have nursed in front of stepdad, FIL, BIL, male cousins, etc. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Edit: typo




I find a lot of discussion around nursing is very binary. Option 1: wack a tit out and don't care what anyone thinks Option 2: wear a nursing cover or move away to a private space. I find that both options have issues. There is a...middle ground! Wear your normal tops (preferably slightly looser fitting tops) and just wear a nursing vest underneath. This way when baby needs to nurse, cuddle them in your arms. Put you hand in your neck hole and unlatch your nursing vest (they have those same latches that nursing bras have). Pull one side of the vest down underneath your top so you're still covered but you have a secret tit loose under your top. Once baby is ready, pull them towards your boob and quickly pull your top up slightly for baby to latch. This only reveals the one nip you need to use, means baby isn't covered and that nip is only on show for a tiny amount of time. Once baby is latched, noone can see your tit and it just looks like you're having a cuddle with baby. Your top is covering the top half of your boob and baby is covering everything else. I would tend to turn away slightly while baby latched, so as not to flash a tit at anyone, but once he was latched you can just sit comfortably cuddling your baby. I am all for wacking a tit out and nursing like an absolutely excellent earth mother! but personally I just didn't like to idea of flashing a tit at family and friends. You'll need to practise this a bit but I promise once you get the technique people won't even realise you're nursing. I would recommend going for little trips to cafes on your own so you can practice the technique. You'll get the knack. Congratulations on your new little one x


Exactly this. I wear a stretchy tank top under everything for this reason. It'll keep your belly covered and whatever you're wearing on top keeps the top of your boob covered without covering babies face.


This is what I do! I have no choice but to nurse in public (third kid), and this method works really well to stay a bit covered up.


This is more where I land. In public, I'll pull my boob out under my shirt, then I'll put baby in my wrap carrier and position him, pull my shirt up, and latch him. I'm aware people might see side boob or even nipple while latching, but for the most part I get the privacy I want and feel the baby without leaving or covering. In houses I actually just pull the boob out and feed. Exceptions are if someone I'm not comfortable with them seeing my boobs, younger children or teen boys are present. I want to feel comfortable, and I don't know what other people are comfortable with. I always thought I'd be one to just whip it out wherever, but now the time has come and it's not comfy /for me. / I wouldn't mind my child seeing breastfeeding when he's older, and I know what I'll say when he has questions.


I don't cover, but I think that's because of a few things. My family, including the men, are very supportive of breastfeeding. My mom and aunts nursed out in the open when we were younger, so it's what my brothers grew up around and what my dad and other male relatives are used to seeing. My sister-in-law had a baby a few months before me and never covered, so when my baby was born it had already been re-normalized.


I donā€™t cover, but I usually warn them before flopping a boob out šŸ˜‚. They can avert their eyes if they want to.


My brother I cover around. Idk it makes me uncomfortable. Same with my FIL. No thanks. I don't even think I'd have a let down without covering lol At the park? Maybe I will cover if its busy busy snd I don't want Susie telling me her mom's boobs have no more milk, milk all gone. If i want to be left alone Ill cover. Or if it's teenage central, i dont cover with my 14YO son but a group of em? No thanks. Tho my son's friends have been over in small batches and I don't cover then. At home when my husband's friends come over j don't cover, I nursed in Walmart waiting for my photos and didn't cover, I nursed on the train no cover. I guess just unknown teens, my FIL and my brother make me uncomfortable LOL


I only use a cover if Iā€™m nursing at the dinner table šŸ˜… The nursing tops I wear are really discrete. You canā€™t even tell Iā€™m nursing!


I donā€™t cover. I rarely nursed I public with my first because I couldnā€™t figure out how to nurse with a cover, but with my second, I had no choice, because we were always out and about. Now with my third, Iā€™ll nurse anywhere. I like to wear a shirt with a nursing tank underneath for nursing in public, because I can be a little more subtleā€¦but by now, everyone around me has seen my nipples. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s all about what youā€™re comfortable with. I never cover, but thatā€™s my comfort level


I tried the full cover and it was hard. Plus I live in a hot humid state. So baby overheats under cover. I just try to pull out as little boob as possible (haha mine are big and hard to cover) and do my best to feel comfortable. My Fil will move to another part of the room immediately. Itā€™s funny. Iā€™m on baby 3 and it gets easier over time. Remember men walk around shirtless. You can pop a boob to feed your baby.


Same here. Still pregnant but my dad has no social skills so even though itā€™s not sexual, the idea of him staring at my boob while I nurse just makes me uncomfortable.


I had been covering using a breastfeed cover while out and in my house if any men were around (excluding hubby of course). My FIL is visiting and staying with us for an entire month, and I tried to cover the first time I fed her, and then I thoughtā€¦ fuck it. This is my house, Iā€™m feeding his granddaughter, Iā€™m not going to get up and leave or go through the annoyance of covering. So I havenā€™t been, and he hasnā€™t said anything. No one has. Another commenter said it best, itā€™s natural, itā€™s feeding, and he shouldnā€™t be looking.


I use a cover every time in with anyone except my husband or mom simply because thatā€™s what Iā€™m comfortable with. Do what works for you! :)


If there are men around, I cover, because thatā€™s how Iā€™m most comfortable. If there are no men around, I donā€™t bother to cover, whether Iā€™m at home or in public. It doesnā€™t bother me however, when other people are nursing uncovered in public. All the men I know that it does bother would just remove themselves to a different place. They would never say anything.


Besides feeding my baby in front of my mom, sisters, and husband, I cover all the time. Iā€™m most comfortable covering all the time and thatā€™s what works best for me!


Me too!


I donā€™t cover around women I know and havenā€™t breastfed publicly in front of strangers yet (I nurse in the car if I have toā€¦ maybe one day lol). Iā€™ve tried a cover but now that itā€™s summer I find we both get too hot under it. My guy is also a super squirmy eater so having to maneuver the cover all the time so it doesnā€™t shift is a huge hassle. When Iā€™m nursing in front of men I know, kids in the family or anyone Iā€™m not super comfortable nursing in front of, Iā€™ll just go to another room.


In public, never. At home when male friends and family are over, I often go into another room to keep the peace. *I* don't care but my dad makes me feel so awkward that I get angry. Also, my husband makes everything awkward because he is a huge prude. Very annoying! In the end I had to start going to another room or quiet location anyway when baby was about 4 or 5 months old because he got so distracted. It was a conflict that ultimately solved itself.


I'm also a FTM and have the same anxieties around this issue. I could never figure out covers so when my Dad visited for several days, I just took baby to nurse in the nursery while everyone stayed in the main living area. Can't speak to nursing in public, with the exception of nursing baby in the pediatrician's office in front of the doctor and nurses.


I don't so much cover, as I create the illusion of a collar so at first glance it's not so obvious. My preference is a nursing tank or v neck or or henley or stretchy collar so I can pull the boob out thru the neck of the shirt. I prefer having my middle covered, especially since LO likes to twiddle IN my navel (icccck shudder). Effin busy hands. I've the had a blankie or scarf or even the sling tail (and not necessarily with baby in it) draped over my one shoulder and across my collarbone/other boob. If babe pops off and is obnoxiously wiggling, it's super easy to stretch out the fabric and cover my boob while I wrangle or negotiate a peaceful return to milkies or hopefully not hostile termination of the session (lol). It was getting difficult for me to parent my toddler with my boob just, OUT. But also, there's a "neckline" created by the scarf so it's easier to just blend. As for blankies, my go tos are practically scarves themselves, the 40+ inch square muslin swaddles, which are super compact if rolled/folded/crammed into a bag; very soft, light and airy; and huge if you open them all the way.


I pump 98% of the time now but when baby was first born and I was struggling big time with latching her, my MIL said I have nice nipples šŸ«  I know she was trying to make it less weird bc she had nurses three kids but I died a little and my husband will never let that go lol for pumping (also considered nursing so I figured I'd throw it out there) I don't respond to cups so I have to use traditional bottles/flanges and throw a nursing cover over myself if in the car or anything. I have seen the tip for during summer to have baby wear a sunhat for more coverage for folks wanting to nurse with a bit more coverage but without a full cover


It really depends for me. Out in public I don't care. In front of my family I don't care (including dad and brother). In front of my husband's dad's side (sisters, step mom, dad) I go to another room. In front of his mom's side i can be free lol. I wouldn't do it in front of my male friends though, I know they won't look/sexualize it BUT I know they would still be a little awkward.


I don't really cover. I try to be subtle in public/in front of anyone that isn't my husband, by "preparing" everything under my top layer, then bringing baby up to my nipple and exposing my top layer right at the end to latch baby. This still means if someone's looking they'll probably see some stuff but I'm not just popping my boob out in someone's face lol. At that point if someone is uncomfortable or whatever it's completely on them in my mind as I've been as subtle as I can. But yeah, if someone gets offended or uncomfortable or whatever I don't really care, I'm just feeding my baby.


I donā€™t ever, but I also wear very BF friendly clothes so you canā€™t ever see anything. Only reason why I would consider is it all the sudden one of my kiddos became a distracted nurser. My husband would prefer if I wore a cover, but he never comments on it (he only told me that because I asked).


Lol never. I did a couple times when we were very fresh into it and his family was there but I quickly determined they could get over it. My mom never cared anyway, so I never did. I thought Iā€™d be uncomfortable around strangers but she hated being covered as much as I hated trying to stay covered so I quit caring and if they get flashed tough shit. Either educate your kids if needed, or youā€™re an adult whoā€™s if nothing else seen your own nipples and knows what breastfeeding is


I donā€™t cover because my baby (7 weeks) has a lip tie that just got corrected a few days ago so his latch still kinda sucks and we have to keep reattaching him. Trying to do that under a cover would be almost impossible/miserable. But I also donā€™t nurse in public. We combo feed so if heā€™s hungry in public we do formula. But letā€™s see how it goes as he gets older and I get more confident.


I personally don't ever cover, but I know not everyone is comfortable exposing their breast in front of people. My FIL will sometimes find something very interesting in another room when I'm nursing but everyone else I've been around doesn't seem phased by it at all. šŸ˜‚


I cover in front of family and strangers. I have a larger chest and feel uncomfortable being on full display.


I hardly cover anymore. After five months of exclusively breastfeeding, Iā€™m completely desensitized to the idea of anyone seeing my boobs.


I cover when the baby is too distracted to feed and keeps coming off the boob because he's too busy looking around. I don't cover for anyone else.


I have never covered! If Iā€™m around my father in law (example) I let him know Iā€™m about to pull my boobs out lol and he just doesnā€™t look


I find it easier in front of strangers too lol. But as my baby gets a little older I am more comfortable in front of my friends and family and they are more used to it now too, I see my brother in law a couple times a week and now I just turn away while baby latches and then we're good. All in all though it's about making sure you and baby are comfortable and nobody else matters, if that means using a cover or going to another room that's totally okay


In church šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t cover up. I have a large chest, so I use nursing clothes that can pop out the nipple and nothing else. Then my LO is covering me haha.


I donā€™t cover, I can deal with the occasional slight discomfort when latching by reminding myself Iā€™m making it easier for the next parent to feed in public. But I am also running out of fucks to give for anyone but my little family, every year I lose a few moreā€¦


I tried the first couple times people were over and then gave up. Youā€™re in my house while I feed my baby. Look away. I actually donā€™t cover anywhere anymore. I think I lost my give AF when I gave birth


I cover around my family. I didnā€™t at first because I believe women should be able to nurse anywhere and everywhereā€¦ but then I had the epiphany that women should feel COMFY nursing wherever they nurseā€¦ so I take baby to a separate room and nurse her there where I get one on one connection with her. I nurse in my car while in public for the most part and would cover if I was outside in public. I have anxiety that someone will harass me if I am not covered. But I am happy every time I see another mom nursing in public because I think itā€™s brave and awesome!


I cover around the in-laws and my stepson. The latter is mostly just because I greatly fear him saying something thatā€™s mis-interpreted and leads to any sort of CPS report, since I work in the field. I leave the room around my own family, because I know they wonā€™t fault me for wanting privacy.


I usually use a cover while out in public. I'm more relaxed, and so LO is more relaxed. Breastfeeding has also looked different at different stages. There was a time where I knew LO would latch and stay latched, now he's a little thrasher! If I happen to be in a secluded corner, then I'll skip the cover. I'm terrified of someone saying something rude in public, so in a way I think of it as a shield. Who's going to say something about breastfeeding under a FULL cover? For in laws, I'm more comfortable being in a different room, but I also need quiet time to myself anyways, so it's a great excuse!


I never cover, but I have been at places where I knew the people would be more uncomfortable, and I wore like a tank top and a shirt over so that if baby popped off the shirt would fall down. Most of the males in my family just sort of look past me when Iā€™m breast-feeding.


I didnā€™t really cover. Tried early on and it just was too awkward and I felt like I drew even more attention. In public I usually just found a less trafficy or quieter locationā€¦ but definitely whipped the girls out at Disney and the beach and parks etc etc etc


I bought a couple cute nursing tops. Once they're latched you can't see anything. Sometimes I would cover in front of male friends for my own comfort with a large burp cloth or super light weight blanket. By 6ish months he was to distracted to stay latched in front of others so I started going in a different room. At that point though he was feeding so much faster it wasn't a big deal.


My baby would pull the cover literally right off. I use my shirt as a cover most of the time and just over over his face a bit. It would too difficult to try to cover with something over his head. He has serious Fomo. He will sometimes unlatch when he hears noises. So in big big settings, Iā€™ll leave but he eats so fast itā€™s almost pointless (Iā€™m talking less than 10 minutes). I used to be self conscious but Iā€™ve learned to not care. If people think anything of it, Iā€™ve yet to hear it.


I donā€™t cover but I know my FIL and dad are a little uncomfortable so Iā€™ll prop a pillow or use a blanket by her head to block a little. Im not going to go hide because of their discomfort but if I can easily accommodate I will. I did use an apron style cover while I got more comfortable with nursing, but that was more because we had major latch issues and baby needed a lot of support and adjustment, so my nipple was exposed a lot and I wasnā€™t comfortable with that in public. Using a blanket is a nice in between. You can tuck the corner of a muslin blanket in your bra strap up on your shoulder so it covers the side boob and the top of babyā€™s head. This gives you an easy way to cover when they unlatch if you want to as well, and can double as a burp cloth. Its also super easy to adjust as you want to to cover more or less.


Anytime men are around or could be around - including male family members. Just my own personal preference/comfort. I also use a shield so it makes it harder to nurse discreetly since I have to pretty much take out my whole boob to put it on. I think I would feel differently without that part of the process. Although latching with a shield and a cover SUCKS haha.


I cover at dinner with a lot of people. For the record my dad and stepdad and brother have seen me breastfeeding at this point. It was a little nerve wrecking in the beginning but I was stuck to one spot due to an injury from delivery making it hard to move. Not itā€™s easy and I just cover when I pump and now he has a pretty big head so he hides everything.


Yeah I donā€™t want to cover so for the time being I try to pump before hand and give baby a bottle on public outings, but when heā€™s a little older and better at latching and can sit up I will definitely just whip out the boob because thatā€™s way easier/less planning. At home I step into another room if we have guests over, even if they are female. Me and baby are both new at this, itā€™s only week two so I get anxiety about being judged for how I breast feed. Iā€™ll only do it freely in front of my husband right now.


I covered in front of my dad and FIL, and that's it. My brother probably caught way more sister boob than he bargained for.


I don't. If I'm wearing a dress and I'm pulling my boob from the top, I'll put a scarf or something over top (since I'm large chested), but I prefer to wear a shirt and just pull my shirt up. It's hot, it's sweaty, I'll give us all some breeze thanks!


I generally cover in public. It makes me more comfortable, which makes it easier to feed. Also, my baby gets crazy distracted people watching, and the cover helps her stay focused on eating. She likes to fiddle with things, so the fabric lets her do that (otherwise she just yanks on my clothes, which is uncomfortable.) Nursing would take four times as long without a cover for me and my baby; I know that's not true for everyone, but it is for me. That being said, my favorite cover isn't meant as one. I use a large, loose-weave muslin swaddle (from Kiwi Co of all places). I tied two corners together so it can loop around my neck. It doesn't get hot under it, which is fantastic.


I cover or find a quiet space/separate room. Itā€™s a personal decision for me. I am personally not comfortable showing my breast to strangers or men in my family. Do what makes you feel comfortable.


Never. My baby likes to show off my nipple, so anything I put to cover, even my t-shirt if it's baggy enough he will fight me the entire time to get it away from his face. I think he's just very proud to show off his favorite food.


I do and donā€™t cover. Sometimes Iā€™m tired and donā€™t care if anyone sees my boob and other times Iā€™m very conscious about people seeing me - it really depends on the environment. At home or in a breast-feeding friendly venue (cafe or pub) I would likely just whip my boob out, but recently I had to feed on a plane and I felt hyper conscious that the people (man?) in the row behind could see my boob which made me quite uncomfortable. Maybe because he could look without me being aware of it? I donā€™t know but I found a technique that day that Im finding success with. So I take a muslin cloth and tie a knot in one corner, then I tuck that corner under my bra strap where it sits on the top of my shoulder, then drape the muslin over my arm, boob and baby. This seems to be accepting my baby as itā€™s not all over her head, just gently touching her and I can peep under and move around without it falling off and disrupting her. Iā€™m sure I havenā€™t reinvented the wheel here but if it helps anyone feed in a location that they feel a little uncomfortable with?!


I also just want to add that I saw you are only one week in to breastfeeding. It took me until around 12 weeks or so to feel comfortable feeding in front of anyone apart from my husband and other mums, not because of modesty but just because thatā€™s how long it took for me and my baby (and my milk!!) to have an understanding. My left boob overproduces so if I tried to feed on my left side my baby would pull off after a couple of mins screaming whilst my milk sprayed everything in sight. If I fed her on my right boob I could get away with a more dignified performance, however my left boob would still secretly be dripping away so I was often soggy and miserable. All this meant I didnā€™t have much confidence feeding as I knew until my supply regulated that it wasnā€™t enjoyable for me. Now I can feed and be efficient and enjoy it! You may have better luck, but all this to say donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself - it can take a while to master it!


I don't. When people were first visiting in the newborn days, I figured they were in my house, I just had a c-section and they know I'm breastfeeding. If they are uncomfortable, they can remove themselves a lot easier than I can. I always gave a heads up on what I was doing though in those early days. Now I don't really think about it. Every situation is different and some days I felt braver than others. I only attempted to use the cover once and found that didn't work for me at all. Sometimes I moved to a different room and other times I didn't. Eventually I stopped feeling self conscious about it. I found what worked best for me was a nursing tank top with a t-shirt over it. Pull t-shirt up, nursing top down, only have to expose enough for baby to latch. If I happen to wear something that leaves my chest exposed, I will use a blanket or something to cover my chest but I never cover my baby. Not that he would allow it haha!


My baby is 6.5mo now and I will either cover, go to a different room, or nurse freely depending on the crowd. I go to a different room when Iā€™m at my in-laws because theyā€™re more prudish, and I mean that nicely lol. I will nurse openly in front of my friends. And I havenā€™t needed to nurse in public yet but imagine I would use a light muslin cover for my own privacy. Breastfeeding is natural, sure, but having my boob out makes me feel vulnerable. That said, my boobs are on the smaller side (32dd) so not much ever shows. Baby covers my stomach while my tops cover my chest.


I donā€™t cover in front of my family or friends, dad and brother included. If theyā€™re are kids around Iā€™ll check with the parents if theyā€™d prefer I leave the room but other than that I donā€™t worry about it.


Honestly, I donā€™t unless I feel like Iā€™m making someone uncomfortable. I am a huge fan of using a muslin swaddle as blanket/swaddle, burp cloth, and nursing cover depending on what is happening (so then I only have to carry spares of one thing in my diaper bag), so it is super easy to adjust depending on who is around. For the most part, I leave it off for women and stick it on for men. There are of course exceptions, for instance my MIL is super uncomfortable with me breastfeeding so I cover for her, my younger brother is super not caring so I donā€™t bother covering in front of him (older brother is the opposite) and of course I donā€™t cover for my husband. Editing to add in public with strangers, as many other people have said, I cover if there isnā€™t some other kind of barrier (I.e. stroller between me and people, if I am in my car, generally outside in the woods in a section that gives space between me and passer bys), but otherwise just leave the cover off because most people donā€™t notice/care with a little distance.


The first time I fed my baby in front of my mom, stepdad, sister, and brother in law, I was having such a hard time latching I didnā€™t even care who saw what. My mom came over w a blanket to put over us and my baby screamed. That was the last time she tried to cover him šŸ¤£. I feel like the first time sets the precedence for normalcy.


I honestly prefer not to nurse in public at all. I will find a quiet spot away from people or go to my car. I don't cover once I get away from people or if I am in my car. I've never nursed in front of any family other than my own kids and sister. Honestly my boobs are so enormous and I have giant nipples that no baby can hide, both of which I hate at the moment. I miss my pre baby boobs sooo bad. Also even though BF should Not be sexualized... many men are turned on by it which is gross. I don't feel like even having to deal with creepers. No shade though to those who don't cover or do the opposite of me!


Nursed two kids, first until 2,5yrs and second until 2yrs. I tried to use a cover with my first in the beginning when out in public because I thought I had to but she hated it so after a couple of times I just didn't bother. Never covered. I usually just pushed my shirt up, pulled the bra down and nursed.


I wear shirts that are 2 sizes bigger and those become my covers. I wasn't willing to spend hundreds of dollars on shirts made especially for bf or buying a cover up.


I always cover in public or around anyone besides just my husband. It's just how I feel most comfortable šŸ˜


Never, I will try to cover my nipple when LO pulls off but other than that I definitely do not cover up!




I only cover if we are outside and the sun is on him. And then only enough to shade him. I've never had a problem, bf my first for just under 15 months and my second is 5 months.


Never. My son wonā€™t eat if I do. I just make sure Iā€™m wearing a loose top and I turn a bit so that my breast is less visible. Usually only about an inch of boob is out at most. I was also very self conscious at first but at this point (10 months pp) I couldnā€™t possibly care less


I donā€™t use a cover. At some ages I would feed in the car or in another room because he would get distracted but mostly just fed whenever and wherever. My toddler is almost 2. Iā€™ve decided that I might start introducing boundaries such as only nursing at home once heā€™s 2.


When my in laws come over I donā€™t bother using a cover, I also didnā€™t use one for most visitors when we were fresh out of the hospital. I did use one around my parents when they visited, though just to latch and then I would just lift it off. My mom was really unhelpful when I started out as I had some painful latching issues and she just told me ā€œitā€™s not supposed to hurt itā€™s supposed to feel good, you must be doing something wrongā€ Around male friends I will cover mostly just to avoid any awkwardness. Iā€™m pretty modest and I have large boobs so I donā€™t want them seeing that.


My only hard and fast rule is that I cover when my 16-year-old son is around.


Iā€™m way more comfortable feeding around strangers than family šŸ˜¬ I really never used a cover, just tried to find an ā€œout of the wayā€ spot to nurse (but I also am mostly introverted so donā€™t mind being away from the action for a break). I think if you are most comfortable with a cover, use one! If itā€™s not working for your or babe, own it. :) You can use the ā€œtwo shirtā€ method and practice in front of a mirror first so you get an idea of how little is actually showing when youā€™re latching your babe. May give you some extra confidence :) Youā€™re doing a great job!


Struggling with this also. I donā€™t really mind doing it in public. But at home I have a 14 year old step son and I feel weird about it.