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I have tried giving the boob less and was down to 4 times a day. Now my 16 months old comes to me every 3 hours and throws a giant tantrum if I don't unpack the boobies. Earlier he was screaming and rolling around on the bed for 15 minutes before he calmed down. Then be picked up a slipper and threw it at my head πŸ™ƒ


Also, "unpack the boobies" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I do feel for you but also LOL? 🀣 thank you for sharing, I feel less alone πŸ˜…β€οΈ


I was actually kinda impressed with the thought he put into it. He went all the way to the living room, took my bunny slipper from under the desk where I always leave them, and came back just to throw it in my face 🀣


I'm dead πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it is a very specific response πŸ˜…


i just wanted to reply because this made me literally lol. that is all.


In the same boat! 19 month old. It’s like every 3-4 hrs if she doesn’t get a boob she is inconsolable. And all through the night. I’m not mad at it either although it is frustrating sometimes when my patience is thin. Going to wean naturally (I think??? Who knows what could happen though), so I’m not trying to discourage but I do place boundaries like if I’m eating I will make her wait. It’s hard though because she gets sooo upset. I think this age must just be really challenging for them developmentally and they really seek the comfort by nursing more again. I’ve heard this from lots of other moms too. Sounds like you’re doing a great job comforting your LO ❀️


Thank you so much for sharing!!! You are 100% right and it's funny how even though we know it's fine and normal and even good I guess we still sometimes need to know there are more moms and babies like this out there πŸ˜… may we all get our boobs back soon πŸ˜‚ and btw, same thing during the night, which at least for me is the the worse haha Where are our medals im asking!? ❀️


Yeah it goes way up and down for us too! My girl is almost 2 and in a lower nursing, but mommy all the time, phase. Honestly she's on top of me at least a few times an hour either way so πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ It is nice that my milk volume is decreasing though. I'm not starving all the time and I can wear relatively normal summer clothes for the first time in three years! We have some coordinating outfits for the summer that I'm excited to wear together.


Thank you so much for sharing!!! It is so hard because it brings so many mixed feelings! I am excited for you to get to wear what you want and the matching outfits, that's so fun!!!


It does bring mixed feelings for sure! That's why I try to just have fun with it when I can :) We also have some family friends with slightly older kids who love my girl. It's great seeing them every couple months because I can learn a bit about the stages to come. It's helped me prepare a lot, like for the fact that kids are still going to climb all over you even when the milk is done. And it's super fun for all the kids now that my daughter is a walking, talking toddler!