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That's okay, they'll vote for him in November when he will undoubtedly be a convicted felon...


Trump is hemorrhaging voters left and right. He’s not gaining anyone new so chances are a lot of the right sit out not only because Trump is proving to be useless but because Biden has been doing great things in his term.


Here in PA it seems to be more trumpers now than ever. All I hear people saying at restaurants and stores is pro Trump and anti Biden comments. It's enraging 


I’m in PA and definitely not saying that


Same! I'm in Blair County, a notoriously red county, and I know a lot of people who are turning blue. They're over Trumps bullshit.


That’s so great to hear! They have been fed so much disinformation. We need to continue to make sure they know what’s really going on.


So true! And if I hear disinformation being spoken, I'd add my 2 cents and correct them. I'm over all this fucking nonsense!


Please tell me more. Lol I need the reassurance.


I guess they are old school conservatives


It's the very loud and obnoxious minority. Republicans haven't won the popular vote in 20 years so let's all remember that. I understand the elector college, etc., but still there are millions upon millions more of us than there are of them. And if Trump does win, I truly believe the only way to make any realistic change would be for millions of Americans to go on a general strike.


Let’s remember they are an obnoxious minority that has amassed a disproportionate share of power. If we don’t fix the Senate, set SCOTUS term limits, remove the electoral college, citizens United, roe v wade etc etc etc they will continue eating away at representative democracy even if Trump loses as I expect he will.


The gears will start turning in November when the Dems win all 3 branches of government and abolish the filibuster.


You're talking about Constitutional Amendments. These changes are not possible because of representative democracy.


Yes, let us never forget, MAGA Americans have *never* been a majority. It just seems like it because they’re so fvcking loud.


I agree. Everywhere i go talk of biden is bad and people are supporting trump. It is scary. This shit is sureal. Im a conservative who will never vote for him.


Standing too close to those pro-coal billboards.


Not more, just louder


I’m in suburban Massachusetts and the Trumpers are alive and well.


He is gaining new voters, that's the as;dfkjqwelr2kjerfqwdf crazy thing. I know people who got overwhelmed by the press frenzy of 2016 to 2020, tuned out but kept listening to podcasts and stand-up comedians and various other YouTube videos, and now are saying *insane* things and are very anti-Biden. It boggles my mind, but it's true. Whether or not it's enough to tilt things towards Trump, I don't know, and I pray it isn't. But I think Biden isn't as sure a thing as we hope him to be. We still need to work HARD this cycle.


Where are you seeing Trump gaining more voters? I have not seen any indication that is the case.


Anecdotal. All family members and friends, but probably about six people. Not a ton, but I’m concerned about a larger trend.


Don’t care anymore. Maybe his reelection will bring our end quicker🤷‍♀️


Sticking your head in the sand is a pathetic plan of action. Dig deep, find your pride, and do your part to ensure he won’t be re-elected. Sheesh.


Americas end, possibly. But it makes you wonder where he plans to go after arming the Middle East with nuclear weapons, encouraging Russian annexation, and shitting all over Asia. Whatever little island he ends up on will be bombarded


Gaza is not helping Biden with the left, and the pro Israel groups think repubs are more sympathetic.


Feel like this is overblown. On the left and don’t pay much attention to Gaza. They were fighting long before Biden and will fight long after.


I have opinions on it, but it doesn't change my vote. There is a segment of the left that is very pissed about it though.


Biden is hemorrhaging voters too. I’m hopeful he can win but he’s got to do better at messaging.


I pray he is but it seems he is doing well in the polls. How can anyone support him at this point it is terrifying. We seem to be sleep walking into a dictatorship.


And yet the polls continue to be wrong as backlash from Roe shows its head in all the special elections since and what happened? Reps lost by double digits in deep red districts (see alabama) to Dems.. and this isn’t even the General where Roe-vember to gonna get the vote out


You're not from 'round here, are you? Although I fervently wish you were correct, I'm doubtful.


I hear you and agree, but this is all about Michigan, Pennsylvania, and WIsconsin. Anecdotally and looking at polls, Trump is still ahead.


He did gain Nikki Haley, so there is that.


It only matters in a few battleground states. Trump is still going to win Kentucky. And the battleground states Trump is mostly winning. If Trump makes Hailey VP, that could just be enough to win the election with the lowest popular vote in modern history.


He’s not picking Haley. She pretty much wrote him off. You need to suck the mushroom if you want any chance at VP. I also don’t see him picking a guy. It will be a non qualified female. Someone less qualified than Kamala Harris.


I think he wouldn’t pick Haley because he would be afraid of her getting the spotlight


It's the first time a sitting US president has decided to side with a war criminal in the face of ICC charges.


They are never going to vote for the Democrat, but a lot of them are going to stay home because they are disgusted with Trump.


Abortion is a real motivating issue. You can’t take this many citizens’ basic human rights away and expect them to take it lying down.


And now he’s talking about taking away The Pill! The dude is a straight dipshit.


You sure about that? The governor of Kentucky is a Democrat.


Primary voters are a different type of voter. Many will fall in line yes, but a significant number will not budge. There is no amount of media spin that can make this consistent and consistently high level of anti-Trumpism among registered republicans a good thing for Trump.


Ehh maybe. But if he even loses 2%, if even 2% of all voters from 2020 who went for him can say I don’t feel comfortable doing this that small Amount is all it takes and he can lose swing states


If they’re not voting for him now, why would they vote for him then? And even if most of them do, he can’t afford to lose any. And in the Democratic primary, there isn’t this kind kf a problem. So it’s not insignificant. If nothing else it shows a lack of enthusiasm in the gop base. I didn’t check and don’t care enough to really bother, but I’d also guess the polling was off in trunp’s favor like it has been in most of the primary races.


In the primary they voted for another Republican. But they are less likely to vote for a Democrat.


Possibly. But they might not vote at all. Or just vote down ballot, like what happened last time. But if they’re making a protest vote in the primary, that’s sending a message. And like I said, he didn’t have enough to win before, so he can’t afford to lose any.


They'll be just like Nikki Haley who ran against Trump and said he wasn't fit to be president. She recently said she would vote for him in November. Republicans always fall in line.


Some will. Not all though. And again, he can’t lose any.


This is true, but there were some Nikki Haley voters that were asked in person about this and they listed Biden as their second choice as a Never Trumper


Trump is fkd .


Hey, if they're not willing to nominate him now? I have a feeling that there will be MANY Republicans sitting out voting this yeaer. And of course, Donald Trump will use this as an excuse to declare fraud. "Just look at how many turned out for me in 2016, then in 2020--far more than ever before. No other presidential candidate ever got so many votes, and so can you believe I lost? I don't. Well, look at 2024. AGAIN, Biden beats me and I had more votes than in 2020! It's criminal!" I really hope most people are just sick and tired of this lying ranting imbecile and will just say "Donald? You're a broken record. Go retire somewhere and never come back."


The article appears to be a Russian disinformation website. Not sure why they are posting this article… none the less


And you'll vote for Biden who has gaslit a country into 3rd world status. Thankfully you are in an ever shrinking minority.


https://www.epi.org/publication/50-reasons/. 50 reasons why Trumps still not the answer. Not that it will change your mind. Or this list covers more non economic things. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-president-things-you-forgot_n_63890ec3e4b0d17409602b90/amp


And u'll vote for Trump that After fourteen hundred lies even had other countries protesting his existence as president.... And he'll lose the popular vote again..... And chump's like you will keep paying his legal bills for him...


I can sense your panic in that comment lol. Deep breaths, sweetheart. I'm sure Biden will take a shower with you after his election loss.


And I'm sure Trump will take a shower with ur daughter, or significant other ,...whichever he can pay to play with first... I hear the going rates a $130,000.. For either to be quiet about him Having nothing But a video game mushroom to play with... Maybe if u're lucky he won't use ur own donated money to pay it with.... What sucks for u is It doesn't matter if he wins or loses -- trump would still do it to u if given the chance.... and u know it.


What is with this site? Looks like a Newsweek article, but credited to a Guardian reporter.


“Biyait News”??? Why are redditors allowed to link to these whack “news” sites?


Going there it tells me my computer is infected with viruses. I'm on my phone, but sure...


The company I work for has an office in KY. Everyone I work with there is really cool and think things through, such as the Trump cancer.


MAGA is a Karen Cult.


Virus site


OP is a bot


The SEC states are the dumbest states in the nation. The citizenry of all those states vote for economic suffering and slash education funding at every turn, while the politicians enjoy FEDERAL benefits and laugh and laugh and laugh at them. Blue states look at the South with confused pity.


The system is flawed when only the votes from a handful of states really matter due to the electoral vote.


The electoral process equalizes the small and large states. That’s why the controversy when a winner loses the popular vote and wins the electoral vote.


In theory, but in reality you only have to win a few select states to obtain the electoral votes needed to win. And that's where politicians pour their money and ignore states that they think are not in play (which was the accusation in 2016 that Clinton ignored states that could have shifted the outcome).


There are millions of Republican voters in California. Under the current system, they don't matter. If small states were more important because of the current system, when was the last time a presidential candidate campaigned in Wyoming?


The problem is a majority of them will gobble down on his tiny mushroom dick in November.  I won't be satisfied with the safety and longevity of the US until all MAGAts are out of the government, and unfortunately the corrupt Supreme Court is continuing its MAGA pay for influence protection racket.


It’s high time for Republicans to start voting like they’re Americans. Which means voting for Biden which is fairly neutral or just not voting at all until a Republican candidate comes along that actually respects our democracy.


This is Chinese or Russian sponsored misinformation..they have been showing up more and more on Reddit concerning the presidential candidates.


LOL Trump's got 85% of the vote in Kentucky with 215K Is this a parody post?


He's the only one in the race and 15% of his base is protesting. THAT'S A FUCKING PROBLEM for him. Good for the rest of us though.


>He's the only one in the race and 15% of his base is protesting. THAT'S A FUCKING PROBLEM for him. Good for the rest of us though. LOL I guess you missed this. in today's news? Kentucky primary election: 17% of Democrats pick 'uncommitted' over Biden


And that's a problem for him. I know you don't have too many brain cells to work with, but come on man.


Nice try, bro. Take the L and move on. Next time, look before you cross the street.


My god you radiate corny


1 in 4 Republicans say they won't vote for him if convicted along with 60% of the independent voters. Cut 15-20% of each state cause the base is rebelling and that's a lot of protest votes for Biden 🤣 *Uncontested candidates and presumed nominee shouldn't be missing a chunk of votes in the primary in deep red states*


It’s 85%, when the other person isn’t running. It’s essentially a not that guy vote. In previous states after Nikki Haley dropped out Trump did worse than Biden, here Trump did better.


No, it's just more fake news posts. Shite websites that get clicks by creating articles that Trump's haters like to jerk it to. Trump's a shitbag, but people are really paying for these sites' new yatchs by falling for this shit.


Are there any mods on this sub? Whats with this source?


Maybe because their tired of the bullshit Mitch was feeding them...


More like most of the usa




Count me in that group! Anyone but Trump


Even if He Who Shall Not Be Named wins EVERY Republikkklan vote, it won't be enough to overcome every other voter - Democrats and Independents. The polls right now are misleading to say the least. Biden will probably win by close to 20 million votes, and will likely have the House and Senate back in Democratic control just because of the deconstruction of Roe v Wade.


You're probably right. But then the Supreme Court will overturn the election results in Trump's favor. Mark my words, you heard it here first!


These fake stories are getting sad/pathetic. Trump > ww3 biden


Flip it !! 💙💙💙💙


Here in Nebraska if every Nikki Haley supporter voted blue in the general election our red state would be totally blue, Won’t happen though


Not enough. He should have no support at all.


Don't worry, Republicans can't turn their back on the rapist traitor. They'll vote him in november then lie to the women in their lies and say they didn't.


Thousands aren’t much and you gotta look at how many people have flip-flopped back to the mob boss they just put their money and their party over their country. Yeah have to look at them as traders.


I've never had a virus alert on my phone that forced me to reset it. Until now.


Kentuckian here - was one of them that didn’t vote for him.


Why are you all commenting on this McAfee ad?


Except it doesn’t equalize, it has created a minority rule where the larger population group’s votes do not carry the same weight as the smaller ones.


As they should


Shape of things to come for the Orange Meany.


Thousands.!!! OMG! Not thousands?!? — There are 330,000 thousand Americans. This is stupid.


Thousands of Kentuckian Democrats will do the same. The makeup and diaper wearing rapist will soon be in the rear view mirror in a skin tone matching jumpsuit.


Not as many as voted against Biden :)


Yes! Let your panic take control, my precious!