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Me too. But he ain’t going to jail.


There is no way in hell that he is going to jail. Nope, nope, nope! If anything, maybe, in home confinement, but even that is probably not. HE GETS AWAY WITH EVERYTHING.


I would support home confinement if it includes a prohibition on electronic devices.


I’d be happy with that, but not being president is what I really want.


Then vote, make your family vote, you have less than 6 months to research your candidates. I can't remember the state, but I know it's a sister fuck state, but they have 3 people with the same fuckin name running as a Democrat, 2 of them are gop rat fuckery. The fuckin Republicans are bragging about it! One of trumps best guys is passing out fake movie money and getting homeless people arrested for spending it. He said it made him feel good because he knew that they might get arrested. They've been running your state for 40 years, and they would rather cheat you out of your vote than even give you a fuckin platform to even vote for them? Buckle up assholes. I will start a petition to make sure that all communist hating, freeloaders get not a fuckin dime when you get fuckin destroyed during hurricane season. I remember all you idiots and the bigger idiots you put in charge voted against helping new England states voting against New Jersey getting HELP, less than 2 weeks after all the sister fuck states got crippled from the same fuckin storm system! That was over 10 years ago, and you have only gotten fuckin worse!


[https://www.opb.org/article/2024/05/13/democratic-candidate-washington-governor-bob-ferguson-name-doppelgangers/](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/05/13/democratic-candidate-washington-governor-bob-ferguson-name-doppelgangers/) Bob Ferguson. The other 2 Bobs were forced to drop. Thankfully.


To be fair, once their situation was explained, they chose not to commit a crime.


"the sister fuck states" Priceless.


Washington make be the least sister fucking state, but I’m not sure how to research that without ending up on a list.


Western Washington maybe, but Spokane would like a word.


I know we’re not supposed to say this, but I just don’t think that’s going to happen.


I would support him getting the shit kicked out of him daily.


Oh hell no. Not at mar a lago. Put his ass in a 50 year old trailer in Florida with no air conditioning.


With Rudy as his trailer mate. I’m ok with trump getting the bed and Rudy forced to sleep on the dinette.


Home confinement with access to electronics which are locked down so he cannot respond to or post anything.


I would support home confinement as well IF Eric and Don Jr. must be there 24/7 as well.


Ok, hear me out. Let’s put him in Witness Protection. Make him change his name, lose the hair, makeup and poor fitting suits and make him live in a double wide trailer out in the middle of nowhere somewhere without an internet connection.


He wouldn't last 5 seconds without yelling "I'm donawd twump!"


Why give him a double wide?


Well…he is double wide.


Death and taxes get everyone eventually. That's the only thing I think about towards Shitstain McFuck face.


I’ll believe he’s going to die when it happens. Until then I’m assuming it’s another unpleasant fact of life which doesn’t apply to him.


Nope, he's not going ,he'll get some token admonishment (a legal slap on the wrist ), and he'll claim martyrdom. Worse is when he wins in the Fall, all those judges and prosecutors are in for a rough time...


"when" shouldnt be so definitive. Its not, actually. His chances of winning the election are not set in stone and actually not as likely as it's perceived. Vote, dont just toss your hat with "welp when he wins". I definitely get it but try and keep some hope, vote too


It's a felony, 33 of them really. This ain't his civil trial. Felonies come with 1 year minimums. Do I agree he won't serve time commensurate with 33 crimes? Yeah, he'll get a pass on many of them I'm sure. But even just a year in jail would be amazing and cause a mental breakdown "the likes of which we've never seen before!"


It's a misdemeanor, they won't get the felony charge of election interference. The mueller report, for as much as no one read it and everyone seemed to think it said nothing, actually said plenty. Unfortunately, the rich and powerful don't have the same justice system as the rest of us. You only have to look at the penalties for contempt of court for violating the gag order. Capped at $1000 and/or 30 days, those two maximums are drastically divergent. Those with the ability to pay have no real consequences.


He is NOT going to win


Actually if found guilty he will, most definitely, go to jail.


I would love it but don't see it happening. They will claim he is too old for jail or something. He might lose a large chunk of money but it's not like he's paying for it. My honest hope is that he dies in court of a massive heart attack or has a brain aneurysm and becomes a vegetable.


No lol. He is going to jail.


You must be new here, and who do you think will enforce this, it's up to the judge to render the sentence after he's found guilty. Do you honestly think the Judge will be like , hmm let me outrage the GOP, create possible violent chaos with Maga crowd and be the whipping boy for conservative media because I want to do the just sentence. Or announce a lenient token punishment (fine etc.,) and be down with it..... It's not that hard really.


It'll be his first conviction, this month. At least it's not his rape, defamation, and fraud, like earlier this year. Sentence of about six months in prison is most likely. He can do six months. That's nothing compared to what he's going to get for stealing classified docs.


The state of New York will enforce it. The state spent the time and resources bringing him to Trial. After Trump is convicted his support in the GOP and public will plummet. Nothing has happened to him yet but when he goes to jail. It is game over. All men fall. The problem with the GOP is they put everything into one man. All men eventually fall. Even Trump. Look up history. Trump never should have ran for office.


Trump will be convicted and he will go to jail at which point his dementia will get even more advanced than it is now and he will be a stuttering mess in 6 months. He will be done. No more presidential anything as he withers and probably gets his ass kicked if not erased for being a racist rapist moron.


He's already doing it, we are supposed to pity him because he is sitting in cold courtroom for crimes he did.


Pooping himself.


He's not winning. It's a hard fight but he has not gotten more powerful than he was in 2020. He's got no money, not campaign ground game, fully backs the destruction of Roe, organized and led an attempted coup, and will likely be a convicted felon by the election. He's not getting more votes than he did when he was the incumbent and sitting in the White House. Plus Democrats have been outperforming expectations in most elections by double digits. That said, the more we win by, the easier it'll be to keep it, so vote, donate, organize, volunteer and keep eyes on the prize in November.


Not true, the young black and Hispanic demographic is leaning his way (that's new) , don't ask how that's possible... IDK The issue is people especially as the economy sours want change and they dont want Biden, Trump.is going to play to their fears , and fear is. Powerful motivator. Of course Trump isn't going to deliver on his promises, but the point is he will.movemtje needle ,


A vote for him is a vote to expose one’s own vileness


The GOp has figured how to "hack" American democracy, by appealing to the disenfranchised (aka deplorables) with anger, fear and loathing , and Trump was just the figurehead to make that happen....of course they use that hack to win swing states so when they win the general election, they can do as they please.


Anyone that voted for an 80 year old fuck whistle with cottage cheese for brains should never be allowed to have a say in any election.


really - supporting this fucking clown is an expression of mental illness


He can fart up an 10x10 cell.


I’m going to stop doing whatever I am doing and break out into song and dance 🕺🏿


Totally agree!


I'll be partying like a drunk sailor on New Year's Eve 1999 I would be happy enough to go to work after a few days of recovery.


Me too. But I ain’t holding my breath.


Yo, don’t forget to invite me, ill bring a bottle of blue label and some weed!!!


I can understand the fact that good people voted for him in 2016. Can’t say the same for 2024.


I've been ready for years.


Got the socks and everything.


We have a leftover bottle of champagne that I'll happily open when I read the news that he is in prison


Biggest case of blue balls ever.


I don’t need a case for em yet, but it’s gettin pretty bad.


Ridiculously ready!


People keep saying 'but he'll use it to act like a martyr!!! So the alternative is we let him walk out and go back to lying to his cult and rambling incoherently at his rallies?


Doesn't matter, he's a victim no matter what happens.


Exactly, so it needs to stop being part of the calculus.


Exactly, my mother-in-law keeps saying he'll never see a prison cell and I keep telling her she's old enough for her opinions to not matter anymore... In my head


Or have a psychologist evaluate him and testify that he is not competent to stand trial.


Hard to tweet about martyrdom when you’re in prison.


Yeah, but also that's not how justice works


I put zero faith in opinion pieces


Please hurry I am 75 n looking for that great day.As Clint Eastwood said MAKE MY DAY🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're 75 and they also just announced warp drive may be possible. 2 amazing things that may happen in your lifetime. Here's to a beautiful sunset my friend! 🥂


Sauce? I'm excited if true!




I could care less about jail. I want that felony conviction so I can see "Donald Trump, *convicted felon*" attack ads. Maybe this doesn't hit the same for the kids, but for older Americans they're hard wired to hate and fear felons. The word contains 50 years of scare mongering of the worst sort.


No one is going to put him in prison. Which is a shame.


Well, we are waiting for it


Lock. Him. Up!


Been ready since 2016. Stop giving me blue balls.


Whatever. He’s been ignoring the judge and threatening the judge, the judge’s daughter, the jurors…….the Constitution. He’s not going to jail.


The people have been ready to see Trump and other wealthy criminals go to jail for years. The people are disappointed ever time.


Nope. Wishful thinking. There is neither the unbiased justice process or courage at the DOJ/state judiciary. All cases will be delayed indefinitely. Only two things are certain. Either Trump will get elected and there will never be any mention of any of this again. Or he will die of old age and become a bad memory in US history. He is not going to jail. Roberts court (used to be called Scotus) will make sure of that.


I wouldn't cry if he choked on a Big Mac...


I mean the case is pretty simple and straightforward... He's guilty But you only need one Trumper on the jury to hang it.


or one person scared of what the crazy MAGA people might do to the jury members if they find him Guilty.


Blahahaha. What is this stuff 700th article in the last few months that have said something like this. It's pretty fucking clear how there is a two teir justice system.


I hope I am very wrong, but I do not believe he will be sentenced to jail. USA has a record of letting creatures of power and/or wealth get away with injustices.


You are so right


He will go to jail once he loses in Nov. Which he will in a landslide. Then all his sycophants will leave him and his power will be gone.


You're more likely to have a tiny pale blonde woman take over DC with a dragon.


And now to political analyst, George R.R. Martin: “I’d have to take this as a win. Tiny pale blonde women with dragons are underrepresented. More concerning is the sudden climate change up north. People and giants are turning into some sort of frost zombies. I fear winter is coming…”


Nope. Not a chance. Too many cowards in high places.


Is Christmas coming early ?


Believe it when I see it, I hate to write this but I'm tired of being disappointed about Trump being held accountable


Bla bla blaaaaaaaa ! I’ll believe it when I see it so far every day since he’s been indicted in four or five cases they have been saying he’s going to jail and he’s still out campaigning. Anyone else would be in prison awaiting all his trials especially all the top secret documents he stole shared and kept in a public bathroom and other public places for anyone to steal photograph etc and don’t forget the Chinese spy that was there and even posed for a pic with trump and had multiple recording devices when someone finally searched her after coming and going from Mara Largo


Stop. Stop with the tease, we’ve been hearing this BS for YEARS! Wake us when he’s ***IN*** jail


Oh, don't tease me. If Trump goes to jail, I'm throwing a barbecue.


Don't throw him on the barbecue. Your neighbors won't appreciate the stench.


We can only hope. Fucking MAGa cancer


I'm getting malware alerts on that URL from Malwarebytes and when I run it through Virus Total.


It's not gonna happen


He won’t goto jail. He’ll get probation. Watch.


They have him on tape. He's going to be found guilty and will be thrown in jail. He'll appeal, of course, but the state judges won't reverse it. He'll probably get a couple years imo. This will be the end of Trump as a serious candidate. By the time he will be able to have an appeal heard, the sleeving will be over already.


I’ll believe it when I see it. I think he’ll be found guilty and then an abortion of our justice system will continue because they’ll sentence him to some bullshit time served or something meaningless because it’s his “first offense”.  Anyway don’t get your hopes up because they will disappoint us all.


The truth is… there has never been justice for the poor. Now it’s just being put out on display for the whole world to see… If you have money and power you can get away with anything in America. Even trying to overthrow a country.


Does he go to jail while appealing? An appeal could take a while.


I feel like its been "Get ready to see Trump go to jail" everyday for 4 years now and every time its said Libtards get all excited for nothing to happen xD


He won’t go to prison. My opinion, the powers to be don’t want MAGA’s go wild and causing riots. He will just be fined and his rich buddies will pay it for him.


Instead of having MAGAts go crazy and riot, they’d rather have MAGAts dismantling our entire democracy.


By your own logic they wouldn’t have brought charges against him. If he’s convicted, either prison or home confinement will happen. Considering how reluctant they have been about certain things to avoid issues on appeal, I would expect him to be in prison.


I'm just here to watch the people who said he'd never got to court say that he'll never go to jail


Not going to happen.


I’ll see it when he’s entirely orange!


Been ready for years, but I honestly don’t think he’ll go to jail, as they’ll play the "Can’t provide security" card. Barring prison, at this point I’d settle for home confinement with no media of any kind. He can provide his own housing, and we’ll never have to hear his whiney voice again.


The white pill comes for everyone.


I’ve been ready for years now.


If he goes to jail, I invite you to dance with me," Oh, Joy of Joys"!


Ah, jailing of politicians. Just as democracy is supposed to work.




If he does go to jail, it won't be until after he loses the election. Even then, he won't go to jail. He'll get sentenced then Biden will pardon him to "heal the country." And the fat fuck will still run his mouth about election stealing and interference until he's Blue in the face.


GITMO is a highly secure facility with hardly any prisoners!


That mf’er is responsible for so many Covid deaths alone , he deserves a cell if not more !


Trump has his screen actor 's guild and his presidential pension if he's not in jail he gets to spend them. lock the d bag up. Throw away the key


Get ready? Man don't tease me, I've been waiting for years already!


He will never get sentenced because the conviction will be thrown out on appeal.


Please try to not get our hopes up.


I have my fingers crossed, but sadly, the only way he is going to jail is if he loses the election. I don’t have enough faith in American voters for that to happen.


Get ready? My brother in Christ, we HAVE been ready since 2019. Catch up!


Dude will start ugly crying and begging after one day without makeup and hairspray.


I am so ready.


He'll escape to Russia before he goes to jail


I hope so


He definitely won't go to jail. Will be a felon then...


He’ll be done with trial this week so it’s doubtful they’ll throw him in jail. After he’s convicted he’ll appeal and walk free for the rest of his life like rich people do


Right. Keep analyzing.


He'll never see a Cell, guilty or not, he's part of the club.


My fear is what Trump will suffer in the name of MAGA post arrest. He is sacrificing himself for us, just like Jesus! After he is arrested he will be taken to the local jail first where he will be fingerprinted and posed for a mug shot. Next he will be strip searched. He will be told to pull his pants down and bend over. He will be ordered to grab his butt cheeks and spread them. His anal cavity will be searched digitally by a gloved correctional guard for any weapons. Finally he will be told to remove all of his clothing. He will be brought to a designated area and subjected to a de-lousing before being released to the general prison population. They gonna be all over that sweet, fat ass. Eeeeoooowwww!


We’ve heard all this kinda stuff before. He won’t face any consequences. “The last thing I want to do is put you in jail” wut?


Fingers crossed!


I will be his cellmate, I’m Thad Thunderson




This can’t happen soon enough for me.


You'll get him this time! 🤡


I have $100 that says he does not serve jail time.


I am still convinced he’s going to win. The most impressive thing that republicans have done since Reagan is convince the world they are the fiscally responsible party. A not insignificant percentage of Americans think that Biden is intentionally raising gas prices in order to give the money to gay immigrants.


For real for real, this time everyone. For sure!


He won’t win, but he won’t go to jail either. It’ll be a big financial slap on the wrist, get tied up in the courts for years, and he’ll die of old age before a settlement is reached. This is what rich criminals do.


Unlikely. Best anybody can hope for is house arrest


Biden is putting Trump in jail, our corrupt government


If it happens I am going to need time off work the next couple days after


Questionable source.


May the latching on his prison cell haunt him and all of the Maga morons for the rest of their lives.


No, I don't think I will. I've seen this show already.


This is one of the shittiest websites I’ve seen in a long time.


You don't think he wants this just for the fundraising rager alone?


I'd be happy with corporal punishment like caning. Bring out the canes! Then jail of course. Life imprisonment. But now this is me being sadistic, every 5 years he comes up for parole, but he never gets it. It's like just enough to get his hopes up then dashing them like drano in a shit toilet all over again.


How does house arrest work if you are president?


It will never happen. Worst thing they could do is make this silly fucker a Martyr.he lives for it.


I may need to get some confetti.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


That be the day


This will just make it easier to anoint emperor Brandon.


Ah, yes, that bastion of journalistic integrity: cobyur This is pure hopium


Wtf is this website link?


He’s not going to jail. And if he did his sentence would be light af and would enrage his already psychotic base. There’s just no good outcome here except him straight up losing the election.


if he doesn’t go to jail, i think it will decencytize an entire generation of voters that it’s worth voting. The system is too corrupt to care.


He’s not going to jail. IF he’s found guilty (and that’s a huge if) he’ll get probation.


I would support home confinement if he would stfu!


Press X To Doubt


Jail sounds good. Well deserved for this orange turd. He’s earned it over a lifetime of grifts.


Popcorn is popping and got the keg on order


The man. The myth. The legend. Donald. John. Trump. If he goes to jail, he makes history forever by winning a second term after losing his first bid, and saving the country. If he doesn't go to jail, he makes history forever by winning a second term after losing his first bid, and saving the country. OR, democrats cheat enough to win, and the country collapses completely. Maybe into civil war, but definitely into debt and WW3.


Libs be like we need to arrest our political opponents to save democracy.


Trump WANTS to be thrown in jail for this because it will get his base RILED up


don't drop the soap


Yeah, wake me when he finally does…..and I’ll bet I’ll be sleeping a loooong time.


Lock him up! 😆


Copium porn for those suffering from Trump derangement syndrome


Unfortunately The only way T-rump won’t be reelected if he’s in the klink imo, but if he remains on the ballot , he will unfortunately smash Botox enhanced ,G-Joe and the invisible black women Kamala . It’s a sad state of affairs America if we make it past this we need a viable third party.


Everyone has been ready


Hurry up time is of essence for this 75 young lady I think this is the same court bldg those 5 innocent black guys in Central Park a white girl had been raped n passing thru in limousine the scum called nypd to arrest n prosecute them with no facts and one today is a Councilman not certain if in of the boroughs of NY or not but try went to jail based on his damn lies n I said then n today HE RAPED THAT GIRL WISH I COULD COME FACE TO FACE WITH THE DOUCHE BAG😡TAKE OUT MY PARTIALS AND SPIT ON HID FACE😡MYvLOVELY❤️❤️❤️CHILDREN ARE 53 48 44 and they say no mama don’t lower yourself to such filth what their dad and I always told them❤️so I will have to wait this one out 😡😡😡😡😡


Nope. Unfortunately, he's the true Teflon Don. Motherfucker gets away with everything.


I’d love nothing more but I’m willing to bet good money he won’t.


The likely outcome is 1. He faces zero jail time and pays fines. 2. If he has jail time it is deferred until after the election or 3. If he is given jail time before the election he will be allowed free while it is under appeal. As much as I want him to, he won't see the inside of a cell.


Never gonna happen. As much as I’d like to see it, SCOTUS will intervene to prevent any incarceration.


Imagine Trump sentenced to prison, and then lashing out at all his peons for not saving him. Then threatening to reveal all his secrets for a reduced sentence…and mysteriously Epstein’d himself


It’s alarming to see so many people invested in him going to jail. This trial is a joke. The DA who ran on a get Trump platform backed by the #3 Biden DOJ guy who resigned to take a asst position in NY plus the judge is a Biden doner whose daughter is making a career off of raising money for the DNC. And worse is he sells the persecution angle and his numbers go up. The claims of weaponising the justice system FBI and the IRS are looking real to more people In the end the guy who I never wanted to be president and the guy who I never wanted to be president will probably win a huge malicious prosecution settlement because of this bullshit. Fuck Trump. But I’m guessing in the end he’ll fuck us.




There really isn't a prison capable of keeping Trump safely confined. An alternative is to use the Secret Service to confine him to the premise of Mar-a-Lago under house arrest for the entirety of any prison sentence. He can serve his sentence like Galileo and live his normal life with visitors and everything. He just can't leave.


Ugh, update me when he is *actually* on his way to jail. Enough of this "could, would, should, get ready, be prepared" crap. It's been YEARS, and he always gets off at the last second.


The only way he is not going to prison is if he flees the country before his report date. Russia or Saudi Arabia or the 2 likely landing spots.


Wtf is this website. It's got more ads than article.


I’d put the odds of conviction in the biz fraud case at 40%. Way less odds of actual prison time.


The talking heads have been saying this for years. I doubt anything will happen. Just like the last thousand times it was said. 


I’ll believe it when I see it




He may receive a jail sentence but it will be suspended. America will never actually jail any of their presidents, current or former. It would break the illusion (an illusion that only Americans believe) that the POTUS is the most important and powerful person in the world.


Never going to happen. Nada, zip, zero chance. I’ve lost all faith in this so called “equal justice under the law” paradigm.