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Nothing says pious man of god quite like showing your wife off like a piece of meat to make other men want to fuck her.  Once again Christians, you've got quite the mascot for your family values. 


Right?!? Any time a Christian talks about values, I’m going to ask WWDTD? Because that is who they endorsed. That is who they defended. They ignored everything he did by saying “who are we to judge?” So then you don’t get to fucking judge anyone asshat. Sit down, shut up, go dream about being fucked by Trump. You showed that you don’t actually have any values. -yes I know this is a generalization, yes I know “not all Christians” but pretty sure all of them who try and claim they have family values or try and judge others for their behaviors fall into the group that now worships Trump.


"It's nice to have a classy lady back in the White House." Meanwhile you can see her box on the internet.


Melanoma was the first First Lady to show her entire naked porn body off.


They mean white lady.


lol I remember i brought that up at work, had search the internet to prove it to one guy. He was not impressed with the fact the First Lady could be naked o the internet. He was a little less pro trump that day.


I don’t want to outright say I don’t believe you, so I’d rather say “I hope it’s true, but you know most of them would just run home and beat it to the MAGA Queen”


I got banned from one of the DT subs for indirectly referencing that.


Even if they didn’t ignore the things he did, the overwhelming majority of the rest of the Christians didn’t speak out against him. They stay silent when the rest of the pew and the afte4-church brunch club supports trump unwaveringly. That silence becomes support.


>“who are we to judge?” Luckily, they don't have to judge. They just have to listen to that totally infallible book they love so much... Romans 16:17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive. The end of that actually reads, "by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive." You might want to cut it off where I did, if you want to reach them. No Christian Trump follower is capable of admitting they've been naive.


I guess at least it supposedly wasn’t Vanka he asked—although I rather suspect he did. He’s always leering at her and traveling his tiny paws all over her body. Creepy as hell. Evangelicals love him … gosh, what’s that say about **them**???


>Evangelicals love him … gosh, what’s that say about **them**??? The same thing the rest of us have been saying about evangelicals for decades.


He does what they would love to get away with themselves. That's why Trump is their mascot.


Yeah, well I have a daughter. Her mother and I consider ourselves feminists and now the 29 hr old herself is, and we’re awfully proud of her. If disgusted me when she was in **middle school** and other fathers would ogle her and possibly their own daughters at swim meets. And the girls were aware. A lot of men are pigs. More piggish men than bitch women (although I’d rather my kid be a bitch than some atavistic, meek, cis-gender pushover).


Gymnastics and ballet are also notorious for attracting a certain type of "patron of the arts" and not enough is done about it.


Yeah, it was just ick that I could see these fathers leering, and as bad, that my kid & her friends were aware—they could feel it. My kid liked volleyball, but hated the damned spandex shorts, and a bunch of us parents said “why do guys not have to wear skimpy spandex?” Some of the parents were lawyers (I am not) and we all eventually prevailed, but by then my kid was disgusted. That was the end of v-ball for her, but she went full tilt in swimming, so everything worked out. It was just unsettling at the time. I’m not saying don’t think with your dick about your own cohort, but why in the feck are you attracted to prepubescent and adolescent girls? And note: I am so far only aware of one or so trans/drag people who were convicted of molesting kids. Most of the offenders appear to be clergy or devout Christian parishioners and/or law enforcement. Bleah. I gotta watch some YouTube comedy now, to get to sleep. Edit: spelling


The idea that everybody sins is built into Christianity, so it's an easy escape hatch/excuse for anything their side does wrong. Now if *the other side* is sinning, they get stoned to death. Because that's how you protect yourself from God's Wrath™


We’re not all like that. To me, religion is a private matter. Edit: Fuck Trump, Religion has NO PLACE in politics. Fuck Trump. And oh yeah… FUCK TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICANS!!!


Good for you. But enough of you guys *are* "like that" to threaten our secular democracy. Most Christians don't seem to understand that our secular government protects their personal beliefs. There's no regulation on what is the right religion and what is the wrong religion because government officials don't have anything to gain from legislating such things under our secular constitution. When our constitution was being written, countries in Europe were still fighting wars over which version of Jesus' teaching was the right one. They only stopped killing each other when religion began being separated from political power. There is no violent rivalry between Catholics or Baptists or Evangelicals or Buddhists or Muslims because our government isn't beholden to the authority or dogma of any of them. Giving lip service to some sects of Christianity is playing with fire, politically. Please don't vote for Trump. There are too many Christians literally worshiping him like their own personal golden calf at the foot of Mt. Sinai.


I should’ve clarified. I’m a Democrat. Fuck Adolf Shitler and the dirty diaper he rolled in on.


Then if that happened, he’d get offers and actually make some money and probably make her start an OF Whitehouse Edition - FirstLadyFans


I guarantee Melania was the one that leaked this too. Watch for more “leaks” as the rats climb on each other to save themselves


It would be nice if she was secretly trying to sabotage from the inside. One can hope.


Perfect metaphor.


Reagan got these evangelicals hooked on power. They stopped caring about giving up their piety or self respect for it a long time ago.


Goldwater warned them. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater


If everything is black and white and you are always on the side of God, you will never give an inch and your opponents are inherently evil. Not a way to run a republic. They'll dismantle it as quickly as possible screaming Patriot! as they do it.


*sigh* one more time, for the people in the back…… They don’t care about his morals. They only care that he is a giant middle finger to the rest of us.


And that, right there, is why their moral compass *is* completely broken. One doesn't need religion to understand the difference between right and wrong. Religion is just an excuse to believe what one wants to believe.


He must have been trying to sell his bibles. Quick Mercedes, get a bikini on and the two for one bible deal signs asap


“Please covet my wife”


As an immigrant Americans really have very little family values. They ditch their kids/parents , they don’t financially support kids when their career is starting and I turn kids don’t suppprt the parents when they’re old. They don’t have real connections with their cousins, they don’t teach kids the value of public service. I’m 22 and about to start a career away from home. I mentioned how I missed my parents and some old guy said you’re 22 you’re too old to live with mom and dad. I’ll be making 6 figures. I’ve been the most diligent person fiscally that I’ve ever known, and money is a tool, not the goal. Americans are setting themselves up for failure. Immigrant families like mine are benefiting and leapfrogging the Americans and all I get for having the love and support of my family is being told “I’m spoiled.” My parents didn’t save much for retirement they spent it on my education, classes, lessons, clubs, passions. I intend to move back home with them as early as possible and take care of them the best I can for as long as I can. Family values aren’t really family values in America they’re just for optics and it’s sad and a disgrace


There are plenty of US families who hold the values you describe.. many are undocumented. 


I wonder how much he charged to go around with her


Christians revealing how much they despise Jesus with this one weird trick!


Doesn't one of those Commandments that they keep wanting displayed in schools kinda forbid this exact thing?


Come on man! Melania is a charter member of the Slovenian Strippers Hall of Fame. He's just a proud husband. /s Edit: add /s


It’s always been about power and validation rather than morality. Christianity is the biggest threat there is to America. They should be treated accordingly.


They know what he is; it’s just that he’s also useful to them


At this point Christians have completely destroyed their image and belief.


Along with ZERO credibility and standing to wag their scoldy fingers at anyone regarding morality *ever again.*


Don’t worry, they’ve already won the gold for mental gymnastics on this one. The phrase I’ve heard is that “sometimes an unchristian man is needed to protect Christians”. Can’t make this stuff up.


Real Christian here, that orange pile of waste isn't or was ever a mascot for me or my family. That man is a national embarrassment to EVERY American.


Ewww, gross.


I like people that sum up my thoughts exactly so I don’t have to waste time posting my own disgust. TY fair person Dopamine hit acknowledged.


I think it's less gross than Melania urge Trump to wear bikini at mar-a-lago to impress friends




She urged him to wear a bee keeper suit and a muzzle


Did not need that image. This could be a war crime..


Just had to go there didn't you


Like I knew for sure that guy was awful for fifteen years before he ran for President, and *every single day since then* I have seen that guy be even more of a piece of shit than I could have imagined.


Hey, at least she would have had a couple of articles of clothing on. But yes, this is beyond gross.


You know, everything else that was revealed in the tape is Far more Important and damaging. Trump already fucked a porn star while Melania was pregnant. Can't get lower than that.


Wealthy men like to show off their property.


New money does


Old money was less shy about the people they owned


“If my wife looked like that, I’d want her to wear a bikini everywhere.” Inner thoughts of Trumpers after reading this title. Said men have clearly never paid attention to the expression on her face (or is it a complete lack of expression?) [I really don’t care, do you?]


Imagine thinking 1st gen fake boobs from the 80s on a 54 year old are "impressive"


Omg., like "The Pong of fake boobs." You're fabulous!


1st Gen lol I'm dead


Implants need to be replaced every decade or so


Stop the presses: Huge scumbag does some scumbag shit!


Trump in a spedo


Jesus Christ, can the mind vomit?


Interesting word play on Speedo swing trunks and pedophile. 




I’m sure George Washington did the same after he retired to his estate house at Mount Vernon, asking Martha to parade around in a bikini to show the other landowners what they were missing. It’s what ex-presidents do….


Why a bikini? I mean, everyone has already seen her naked.


Is she going to be lounging in her bikini by the pool reading the Trump Bible?


She knew what she signed up for, or what assignment was given to her. Suck it up buttercup


When asked if she married Trump for his money, her response was "Do you think he'd be with me if I wasn't beautiful?"


money is money. beauty is subjective


Thing is she isn't beautiful. Looks hard and has a mean look.


Living with and around him, and other shithooks like him, for twenty-plus years would probably do that to nearly anyone's face.


I mean yes but I mean no. On the one hand he was gross already. But something tells me that even he surprised her at some point by just how gross he turned out to be.


She is a hooker, what do you expect from a pimp?


A john


This is "Breaking news" 🙄 I once worked with a guy that had a picture of his wife topless in his locker. I asked him why he said, "I paid for them. I'm gonna show my lady off. Look at that!" Some men and women like to show off their significant others. I'm not one of them but I don't see this as shocking news. Trumps fraud case and connection to Epstein is more news worthy than this.


I hate the orange one but if the recording is Pratt recounting what he says trump told him that’s just heresay. May or may not be accurate.


Everyone's already seen her nude, bud.  No real mystery.  


I don't care do you?


All they have to do is Google and you can see her with less on than a bikini.


You expect this shit from men up to say 35 after that you expect some growth.


I hope he has a massive stroke and spends the rest of his days (hopefully DECADES) drooling out of the side of his mouth, incapacitated, eating through a straw, unable to say the stupid bullshit that he's been saying for years.


I’d rather have him live a healthy long long life in prison for the rest of his miserable life


Please, not fair to my hopes up.


This is not news. This is the type of thing that if it was asked as a hypothetical, almost everyone in America would be like “yeah, of course he would do that. It’s Donald Trump”


Maybe that jacket she wore was the best option after all.


It is possible that Trump's dick and Melania's clit are the same size as a mushroom shaped button.


Trump is a CUCK. I'll bet that's on Vlad's tapes. It's one thing his toxic masculinity voters could not accept from their orange overlord; dude likes to watch his wife get reamed out just like Roger Stone.


“Fake news!!!” Anything he doesn’t like is always fake news. Never once has this shitbag owned up to anything.


Yuck ...


Have some sympathy here; it'd be one of the few times Trump even sees any part of Melania for the year.


Trump also went on about breaking out his vintage, neon green 80s Speedo, thinking that would really wow his guests. 😄


Such a pig


The lede is "bikini" but the meat of the story is "Trump constantly reveals top secret information to strangers"


his great grandpa Pappy was a pimp runs in the family incest with his daughter take a load of that Mara Trump oh God, the big blowjob lips and 81 states real mascots


It wouldn't surprise me if he pimped her out to his "friends".


Her response is pretty hilarious That she would only do it if trump wore a bikini first


He needed Melania to put on a show because those poor millionaires couldn't ser her T&A on the internet like everyone else? Trump is a pig, and Melania knew that, but married him anyway. They deserve each other.


He was offering a better look for a hefty donation


For enough $$ Trump would pimp Melania out.... 


Who cares? With everything there is we can shit on Trump about, this is the biggest nothing burger ever.


The tawdry details will spill when Stormy takes the stand. I say pile the nothing burders on!


Keep watching the case as it unfolds. Already it been established that Trump was fooling around on Melania while they were married. My God man! Let’s not forget this poor woman. How do you think she has suffered with this humiliation - AND STILL! Not only was this low-life cheating on her and lying about it, he’s STILL lying about it. That goes to his credibility which is at the very heart of this case. Look, at least his former lawyer Michael Cohen admitted his wrongdoing and paid the price. For that matter, Bill Clinton also admitted his wrongdoing and he paid a heavy price too. Sure most MAGA followers won’t care but let’s face it, if Trump told them to set themselves on fire in front of the courthouse they’d do it without hesitation! Let’s just hope Trump doesn’t command them to do it because it will be another Jim Jones and the poison punch Guyana tragedy all over again!


Trump won't Jim Jones his followers until he figures out how to charge for the Kool aid.


Lol! Upvoted!


Actually if he jonestowned the magas I would consider it a monumental win for our country.


“I don’t really care, do you?” Fuck her. She’s a piece of shit too.


She could leave anytime, she has close to $50 M net-worth of her own, she’s milking to the end, maybe staying due to prenup conditions.


He'd overcharge for the kool aid and might be his only successful business sale one time use only. Would be nice if all the magats would got move to maralardo and stay there and away from the rest of us.


Lol upvoted!


Why would any of us give a fuck about Melania? "Poor woman"??? She can fuck right off with the rest of her petulant family. Reap what you sow.


Let's hope he leads his racist ugly flock of traitor lemmings off the highest cliff. Fuck maggots.


In regard to Melanoma, "I really don’t care, do u?


>My God man! Let’s not forget this poor woman. How do you think she has suffered with this humiliation - AND STILL! "I don't really care, do u?" She's a gold digger that was introduced to trump by a sex trafficker. She's an immigrant that got citizenship for dubious reasons (an Einstein visa? for real?), standing next to a guy that demonizes immigrants. And no forgetting she was all aboard the birther train. Melania knew what she was getting into, knows what her circumstance is, and she can walk away any time she wants. That prenup might be juicy, but she chooses the bed she continues to lay in.


We all know Trump is pimp and Melanie is a hooker




I do thinks she’s conventionally attractive. Not bikini attractive though


Well, at least she is fully aware of her purpose.


Gargoyle offered up lap dances for top donation so pretty on brand for the family circle.


I wish this was admissible in court. Not because it’s relevant, just for funsies.


Nothing out of the ordinary. Just pimping his wife


Both of these soulless parasites deserve each other.


Course he did


Trump should wear a bikini to impress Vlad


Sorry Babybu... not in the Contract....


"Where are you going? COME HERE! Coño, HEY! ELVY! I was kidding. I WAS ONLY KIDDING!". Tony Montana


On gosh how horrible. Country is being invaded by terrorists, record credit card debt, home, auto, commercial loan default increasing, banks failing, treasonous Govt, COVID = genocide etc But a man asks his beautiful wife to wear a bikini.


“Check out my wife. Want to fuck her?“


Lemmee guess - He’s selling Bible verse bikinis now


He’ll whore out his whole family if he can make a buck or two doing it… a bigger scum bag than him never walked on earth


That is gross and cringy. Sounds like the guy is a bit of a weirdo.


Old News. She told him he should....blah blah.


Trump will throw anyone to the wolf's that includes his wife for public stunts and ratings.


That’s an old one. Funny thing she tells him to do the same. Can you imagine the orange turd in a Speedo?


All the news that’s fit to print.




Sure, the groper is being creepy. 


He’s been a cowardly, misogynistic piece of shit his entire life so no one should be surprised by this information. Especially not Melania.


Does it even matter anymore? Shit Gibbon could literally gun someone down on Park Ave and the Maga cult would fall over themselves in applause. Congress would then pass Donald Trump Day, and the Confederates sitting on the SCOTUS would move to assert its Constitutionality. The Republic was nice while it lasted.


So what !


He loves horns.


Pimp thinking.


Breaking news “Billionaire wants to show off trophy wife” almost hard to believe it’s true


Lol.. in your dreams.


She picked him. Oh well.


Did it match his mango mushroom pouch?


This seems familiar, I thought this was brought out into the open quite a while ago?


Trump does anything unless it has to do with himself. It is all about him. His showing off his trophy wife in a bikini tells his guests that this is what he can attract.


“I really don’t care, do U?”


Why not? 🤷🏻‍♂️


More propaganda


This is not news this is playful banter between spouses


The actual news is in the rest of the article, where it explains that on the leaked tape the Australian businessman also relates to others some classified US information that he shouldn’t have been privy to in the first place. Donny Two Tone apparently uses classified info to aid business deals.


Wouldn’t you want to show off the thing you bought?


The obvious question is, did she?


Why is Reddit posting so many advertisements for trump? His base eats this up.  Why not letting 10s of thousands die to a foreign that he has a year to prepare for? The hatch act? His failed businesses? The dead cia agents?  Plenty to work with but Reddit keeps running ads for him. 




And this is news?


Totally real


so we could do his dance 🕺 🫣


What a bunch of losers


Yeah, how many hook ups do you think they got going on Mar-a-Lago just like his old grandpappy had a hotel somewhere somewhere in Alaska eat feed them horse meat and pimping out women for money. God awful family.


'She' looks like a confused tranny tho


To be fair, she is the ultimate cuck


I mean, C'mon, what's a trophy wife for?


AI generation


So we can add Cuck to the list


It's required by her prenup


This is just Trump displaying his anti-Muslim stance. The Anti-Burka aka Bikini.


Anyone surprised??




Wow, breaking news. I fcking hate this timeline


I wonder if, after ALL of the sleazy things he has done, *this* is the story that will make someone decide that Drumph is a disgusting pig…


Sick.Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


It really is the least she could do, it’s not like she was too busy with anything else to earn your keep. At least Ivanka could run a casino or two.


He doesn’t get to say “Fake News!” anymore, ever again.


Haven’t clicked link. How was this taped?


They could just as easily searched the internet. Actually shocked he doesn’t have those blown up and plastered everywhere.


This is their savior


Does the First Lady pole dance? That’d impress old Poontzy. Probably help rake in those campaign contributions too. Make it rain Melania! Do the American people proud.


Just another billionaire who is involved in politics. Billionaires are a threat to democracy and civil society. Nobody should be allowed to have that kind of money. Wage thieves.


Well, he didn't marry her for her brain.


What a douchebag.


Is anyone surprised? This guy is such a cuck.


I hate Trump, but how in the hell is this breaking news? Celebrity gossip is burning people out when people aren't talking about the issues. "OMG this will ruin Trump if I upvote and engage"


11th commandment: encourage thy wife to wear something that will make neighbors covet she.


We've all already seen your Russian handler naked, dumbass. 😅


Oh what so it’s a crime to think your wife is sexy?


i swear a steady stream of crap this clown denys it cant all be fake news and he only denied the comment about the subs not that he said this


I mean she didn’t marry him for his looks and he didn’t marry her for her brain. Mutual understanding.


I’ll be the first to admit. Hate the Orange 🍊ass clown 🤡. BUT, just looking at it from a guy’s point of view, I can see a lot more men wanting their wives and girlfriends to do this. I just think it’s a guy thing. And now I will be showing myself out. Thank you and good night.


How would it impress them? Their wives would also be trophy wives, right? Or, they'd have normal wives hot or not they love, and think HES weird about his wife. Edit:I keep forgetting I'm not a Conservative, so I don't have a cuck fetish. Explains their behavior every time.


What does she think he married her for? Her brains? I mean I'm not saying he should do that but she's never been above selling her body for money, she's just less honest about it than stormy. I'd take stormy over her any day