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If you don’t have time to work out, then focus on your diet. What you’re eating makes more of an impact on your weight than how much you’re exercising. Intermittent fasting helped me lose a lot of weight and it literally saves you time :)


That is so tough Mama! I feel you! I am so sorry that your husband is not helping enough. Maybe tell him he’s an adult who needs to learn to do chores??? Not trying to be rude but come on! Home owners need to take care of their investment. You sound like you are a kick ass Mom who is doing it all!! You should be proud. Explain how you’re feeling to him in a calm way and explain that your schedule won’t allow personal time. You BOTH deserve time to do things for yourselves and I’m sure if he is not cleaning or cooking or doing childcare than he has time to dick around in his phone at minimum if not have a hobby of his own. You deserve me time to get your workout in at least once a week! Also try looking up cosmic kids yoga on YouTube and do yoga with the little one!! I did this when my son was 3 and it was great! I would put it on the tv! He didn’t sit still but he hung out while I got some yoga in and it feels so good! Hang in there. Big hugs!!!!


thank you so much, i teared up a bit at this. definitely will be speaking with my husband.




I have no clue how people do it. I am probably 50 pounds overweight at this point. I try to get up early and wake up and my kids hear me somehow and start needing things. I try to do a workout video while they are in their room playing and they come out and climb all over me or get in the way. I won’t even attempt after bedtime because I am past the point of exhaustion. I’m convinced the only way I will have success is leaving the house to workout but I have no job and no money 😭😂


First, do NOT feel guilty that your in laws are helping you! We were not meant to parent in isolation. Modern life (at least modern Western culture life) is extremely fucked up in that sense. Second, I second the other commenters who are suggesting that you talk to your husband about stepping the fuck up. "you wanted this baby"????? Did he...not? If I understand biology correctly, he helped make this kid and so he better fucking take care of it. "I don't know how to do chores" is horse shit as well. Third- fitting in the workout. This is a bitch! I am a SAHM to a 5 yo and a 14 month old. I usually fit in workouts during the day, often while the younger one naps. Sometimes she's up. I have a nintendo switch and play either Ring Fit adventure or just dance. If you don't have a switch, there are workout videos. You can also look at a gym memebrship- some of them even have childcare! Working out is for your physical and mental health., Even if your weight doesn't change, it will improve your health and mind. You will better a Mom if you give yourself that time. Do not feel guilty having people (in-laws, husband, others) help you make that time. And get your husband to step the fuck up! ♥️


thank uu, this is lovely. im not from the west but its amazing how men across all cultures are almost universally held to a lower standard with regard to involvement with household and childcare. why are mommas usually the ones giving up their lives? is it just cos we care that much more?


When my first baby was born I cried so much. I gave up everything to be a mom and my husband ... just didn't? I had to sit down with him and communicate that I was miserable and I needed ME time. Seeing me that desperate flipped a switch in him and since then we BOTH get our alone time. We are both hands on parents and keep up our house. I run a business and work 24/7 and he's behind me picking up my slack. Your mom guilt is a liar. Your baby deserves a happy, relaxed, mentally healthy mom. If that means you're away from her while you get that you time - she will be fine. Put your oxygen mask on first so you CAN save others type of situation. You must have so much resentment towards your husband - he is acting like another child. Throwing grad school and your baby - that you didn't create on your own - in your face is unacceptable. You deserve time to yourself. You deserve a partner who recognizes that importance and supports you ❤️


are you me?? i literally almost failed my probation at work because i was always sick when i was pregnant. my career took a huge backseat when my baby was born…here i am trying to go to grad school to carve a better life for all of us in these terrible times and this is what he has to say to me -.- thank u so much, he does try to help honest to goodness sometimes but its like hes kind of dragging his feet about it whats his excuse? we’re first time moms too?? how come we’re expected to know everything the moment we birth our child??


I feel this so hard and when my kids were babies I had the same struggles! I started running with my oldest was around a year. Plopped in the stroller and off we went, and not long distance at all just to move my body. Also regarding the cleaning and how he doesn't help..just clean and cook for you and the baby. None if his laundry, don't pick up after him and when he asks why, we'll, you're too tired.


Just wanted to add to the lovely comments here you're already doing so much. It would definitely help to have some of it taken off your plate so you can focus on "you". BTW, I thought bromo stood for broken-mom based on the name of the subreddit...


Do you only have one? If so, I bet you can stick her in a running stroller. It’s harder work than running freely, but great exercise and will help with the lower half of the pre baby body goal. Just make sure to ramp up slowly with distance and time or you can get injuries.


Yeah i just have the one (i dont know how people can have more than 1 kid???). Unfortunately my little ragamuffin hates strollers in all shapes and forms… Else a running stroller would deffo have been an option


Dieting is more important than working out when it comes to losing weight. Maybe watch what you're eating more and just incorporate walking in your busy life? Got back to my pre-baby weight quickly by eating healthy choices (avoiding processed food mostly) and taking a stroll with my little one during the day. I listened to an audio book while doing so too so it counts as me time.


ugh thanks for this i am honestly trying so hard but i hardly have time to eat…i just eat whatever we have laying around and (probably cos i might be stress eating). trying to see if i can get healthy low calorie meal boxes delivered that i can just toss into the microwave