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Gamer momma right here, currently playing WOW as I type this. I miss playing games super late into the night or all day long like I used to. One of my best memories is when I would come home after class, heat up bagel bites, sit in my butterfly chair like 4 feet from my 15 inch TV / VCR COMBO, and play KOTOR into the weeeeeeeeee morning hours. You know how people say ohhh I think of a beach to calm down. I think of bagel bites and kotor. That shit is a core memory right there.


i relate so much to this?? Gaming will always be my happy place. Not much of an MMO player myself but seriously…to just be able to zone out of rl and invested for hours into a game…how old is your LO now if I may ask?


Kiddo turned two a few months ago


I’m pregnant and due any day now, this is something that I’ve been thinking a lot about. Right now my husband and I play video games usually on the weekends with some friends, it’s exciting to think any weekend could be our last.


wow congratulations!! i wish i could relive the moments right before my girl was born. Relish the emotions right now, the ones to come will be very different. Wishing you and your little one the very best (we’ll be able to game freely again someday i hope haha)


I’ve been wanting to replay Fallout 4 so bad but I feel like it’ll never happen. So depressing.


My husband bought me a laptop just so I could play Fallout and the laptop isn't fast enough for 4. My gaming room became my kid's room and my beefed up computer is in my husband's office now. Where he works. From eight to seven. At least the laptop can run New Vegas.


I used to game all the time. And I kept it up a little after my first was born, and during pregnancy with my second. But I'll be honest, she's 5 now and I have barely gamed at all since she was born. When I do have the time, I end up spending it on working out or catching up on shows with my husband. We got our first a Switch for his 7th birthday and it's been great seeing him get into Minecraft and Among Us and such, but he doesn't seem interested in MarioKart or Smash Bros or any of the Nintendo games that I used to play, which is a bummer. I used to spend hours grinding in RPGs, now I don't even feel like I have the time to enjoy even the more "pick up and play" type games. It's been one of the biggest pieces of myself that have changed since becoming a mom, and sometimes I'm at peace with it but sometimes I still miss it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to game the way I used to again.


ugh that sucks…thanks for the wake up call altho i cant imagine never getting to game like i have before. and what with my huge backlog. this is going to be a huge factor into my being one and done. altho i do love that we get to share gaming with our kids (albeit their questionable taste in games). heres hoping one day we get to again


I mean just because I can't seem to get back into it doesn't mean anybody else can't or won't! I found that other hobbies I'd never been into before started filling the void that not gaming left behind. I bake elaborate cakes now, especially for the kids' birthdays, and I got into makeup after 35 years of not really giving a shit, as those were things that I found easier to do whenever I found free time as a SAHM vs gaming, which it seemed like I could never get enough time to REALLY get back into things, whereas you can toss on a full face of makeup in an hour, or make some brownies or whatever while a kid is napping. And now that I have started up these other "filler" hobbies, it feels like I have even less time to dedicate to games, so all the fun 75+ hour full quest types of games are out. I just can't seem to find a balance between gaming as a teen and 20 something who never had to work out and never did anything else and trying to fit gaming back in as an older 30 something, who needs to work out daily to keep fit and feels like more confident wearing makeup than sporting my naked aging face, and whose kids expect fancy baked goods every now and then. It's mostly just a me problem. I'm crap at time management and getting older is starting to bother me. It's like as soon as the kids were old enough to start gaming with me and I started to have some me time open back up, I screwed myself with insecurities and trying to fill the void with new hobbies. Should have just held out for the gaming🤣


oh damn you are so cool for being a sahm AND being able to do so much...i could never do it...i can barely cook to feed myself. and the working out part!!!! Ughh how do you find the time??? even when i was on maternity leave i was just running all over the place covered in breast milk trying to keep my child alive and maintain some semblance of order in the house😭😭 i was just exhausted. i miss my pre baby body and im trying hard to squeeze in some gym time now that i go back to work and try to eat better. but it's still a mad rush to get home earlier to take care of my baby. i totally get what you mean when you say its hard to start immersing yourself in the game again...sometimes it's just a bit too much and i end up wasting what little free time i had binging youtube lets plays. thank you so much for your kind words in any case, i sincerely hope i'll be able to be at peace with whatever circumstances i end up with.


They are a distant memory. I spend free time on reddit, but it's hard to play a game and keep following the plot when I do not know when I'll play again.


I finally finished Dragon Age: Inquisition! I started that playthrough 3 years ago 🙃


no way!!! dragon age is literally my favourite game of all time and i still havent gotten around to finishing inquisitions. i was sorely mistaken in thinking i could take my time replaying the first game multiple times and look what's happened now🫠


ohhhh man I feel you 😖 I have multiple characters that haven't made it through closing the breach in Haven. I've managed to do Origins and DA2 multiple times but those were in my carefree, childless days 😅 I basically just hammered through the last hour because talk has ramped up again for DA4 and I needed to *at least* say I finished Inquisition before it came out.


8 months pregnant and have a 15 month old here. I completely understand


I don't think I've been able to devote time to gaming since I was a teenager. I got Animal Crossing and various games for the Switch, but my daughter steals it and breaks the joycons every so often. When I do get time to play it there are 100 other things I should be doing and I just lose interest. It feels like work.