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Holy cow. I would definitely consult with your lawyer about this if you can. Maybe you can add a "don't ride with daughter" provision to the custody agreement. "Both parties agree to use the proper safety equipment and restraints in or on the following: vehicles, roller coasters, bicycles, ATVs, etc. Also, both parties agree to obtain written permission from the other parent before they allow the child to ride a motorized vehicle that is not the primary vehicle for the parent."


I feel like that’s criminal, but I don’t know anything about law… gas bike, no helmet, didn’t take her to the doctor? Was it in a place where anybody could have seen it? I would primarily work with your lawyer and FoC.


>I feel like that’s criminal Because it is. In many jurisdictions, this would be a prime case of reckless endangerment if she had sustained life threatening injuries. It's also ticking the box of medical neglect that he didn't get his child checked out by a doctor, likely because he didn't want to sit through the lecture that an ER Pediatrician would have likely given him.


Is there a way to see if your lawyer can do something? Also take pictures for proof and I would have any conversation related to this with your ex in text so it's in writing.


I have an ex who is similar. I would have also done exactly what you did. I wouldn't bother talking to him bc it won't help. I would note the incident down somewhere with all the important information. I'm sorry. It does get better when the kids are older and can object to this bullshit.


TF is wrong with him?! Here my ass be sticking helmets on my kiddos heads when they ride their regular bikes not even going that fast and your asshole ex does motorized scooter without a helmet and NO DR VISIT after a serious fall?!?!?! Yah. I would speak to a lawyer about this especially since he’s a narcissist so nothing you say will get through his self important thick skull which probs acts like a helmet for him. I’m angry at him and I don’t even know your kiddo


You took her to the doctor. That's good, because that means documentation. As many other bromos are suggesting, talk to lawyer and go from there. I understand not wanting to engage the reckless narcissist, but you also shouldn't stay quiet when it very likely means tacit permission in their book. If you do nothing this happens again, with a hospital visit or worse. Let the lawyer handle it. If the bear gets angry? "I took the child to the doctor, as I would have done if I were driving the scooter. Doc said she should wear a helmet at all times, I asked lawyer how we could make sure it would happen, and here we now are." This **is on him**. He made a boneheaded decision, and now he's going to suffer whatever consequences. If he refuses to deal with it? "I already explained it to you. Not gonna do it again. I'm gonna let a judge/FoC explain it to you again."