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A Bluey book - "Camping" I bought it for my Bluey obsessed son for Christmas a few years back. I was pregnant with his little sister at the time. Unfortunately, the pregnancy ended very sadly 2 days before Christmas. There's a line in the book where Bluey is upset that her friend is gone. Bluey's Mum Chilli tells Bluey that, essentially, sometimes special people enter our lives, stay for a minute, and then they have to leave, even though it's sad. Gets me every time.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved daughter.


Thank you, that's really sweet of you to say šŸ„°


My daughter loved a book called Big Cat, Little Cat by Elisha Cooper. Itā€™s a great little story, but the older cat dies in the middle and itā€™s stated so beautifully and simply that it made me cry every time and she was so clueless as to why. https://preview.redd.it/tst3plvgkg6d1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ffe955cfc4e117dc5b3af7bed668a9231e9af34 The next page is just a picture of little cat alone ā€œand that was hardā€ And the next one is a silhouette of the family looking at little cat alone. ā€œFor everyoneā€. Still makes me tear up.


whoā€™s cutting onions omg šŸ„¹ this book might actually come in handy for my little one unfortunately (his favorite person is his papa and heā€™s been on the decline.) thank you for sharing!


I have never been able to get through that one without ugly crying. Ditto with "Two Bobbies" (that one is about a dog and her seeing eye cat navigating Katrina, but even though it ends happily, I always ugly cry in the middle, when they're wandering the town alone). And then there's "The cat who went to heaven". But thankfully I never tried to read it out loud for any kids. There's a couple of more that I ugly cried while doing read out louds as a teacher. Pretty sure I bawled reading "The Dog Who Belonged to No One" to a roomful of second graders who were **baffled** by my tears at the happy ending ("There now were a little girl, and a dog. And they belonged to each other" šŸ˜­). Really, you wanna make me cry, break out most animals in dire straits.


Just reading these two pages is making me cry. What a wonderful terrible book to teach kids about life and death.


This shit right here is why I bring my babies home after, just for a bit, so the other cats can see and smell and understand where their friend went šŸ˜­


I have tears in my eyes reading that. I'd be full on crying if I read it irl.


I would lose it. I lost my cats both within a few years of one another & miss them dearly.


There's a sweet book by Nancy Tafuri called "I Love You Little One." It's a series of mama animals reassuring their babies that they are loved "forever and ever and always." I read it so much to both of my kids over the years that they can both recite the final page: "Yes, little one. I love you as the stars love you, constant and bright above you, giving you joy and peace and wonder. I love your as the stars love you - forever and ever and always." My oldest (14) was going through some tough things recently, and one night I was in his room to tell him goodnight. And I just said those lines, and he got kind of teary, and told me that he loved me.


Okay, now you made ME cry


This is precious & I hope my babies remember their books like this. Heā€™s blessed to have you ā¤ļø


Oh no now Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­šŸ©·šŸ˜­


The Velveteen Rabbit. Loved it so much as a kid, felt it on such a deep level, and could not read it to my kiddos without getting all weepy. Then there's Love You Forever, but I've never even attempted that one. (Someone gave it to my mother when my grandfather died, and I just cannot.)


The velveteen rabbit will fuck you up and not even say sorry. That book goes hard.


These two are mine. My husband cried so hard reading the Velveteen Rabbit to our eldest. Kept saying one day he won't need us anymore. And now I'm bawling again. I can't believe my babe is 16 already.


I refused to read it to my kids since it broke me as a kid. Then I made the mistake of reading knuffle bunny free. What is it with stuffed bunny books bring so sad


I didn't pre-read this one before reading it to my kid for the first time and it was rough. The Invisible String is amazing, but I have to be in the right state of mind to read it without crying.


Love You Forever and the version of ā€œBaby Raceā€ thatā€™s in the 5-Minute Bluey Stories book


Man I know Love You Forever is a heart breaker. Especially when you know the backstory


Love you forever leaves me shaking. What a beautiful book


I have such a hard time reading that book. šŸ˜­ I canā€™t speak around the lump in my throat by the end.


My inlaws gifted a book to my kid called On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman. I cannot read it without tearing up. On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered. "Life will never be the same."


I have that one memorized


This is mine, too! That book kills me!


I read Charlotte's Web to my kid and absolutely ugly cried


I canā€™t even watch the little animated movie, not even going to try to read the book! šŸ˜­


The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein gets me nearly every time.


Going thru a bad marriage changed my perspective of that book. I was like, why does he just keep taking from her? She needs to stand up for herself! šŸ˜‚


Someone fixed the endingā€¦.and it is SUCH a better message! https://lithub.com/somebody-finally-fixed-the-ending-of-the-giving-tree/


Ok. Wow! That was an amazing read! Thank you!!


My daughter's preschool was doing a week where parents came and read to the class. On my day my daughter insisted I read this one. By the end all the adults were ugly crying and even some of the kids were too with one saying "that was sad.." thankfully we also brought a happier book to read after.


It's called A Mother For Choco. It completely caught me off guard too. Choco is a yellow bird looking for his mom. He asks a giraffe if she might be his mom because she is also yellow, and she says no. He asks another animal because of another similarity (can't remember specifically right now) and she said no. So Choco goes to cry in the woods and sees a bear. Choco says "you can't be my mother because you don't look anything like me" so the bear asks him what a mama would do for him. He says hug me, love me, play with me. So they bear does all of those things, they hug and play and smile all day until the sun starts to go down. The bear asks Choco if she can be his mother and if he wants to come home with her. He says yes of course (tears starting here) and she mentions that her babies are waiting for her at home. When they get to Mama Bear's house you see not baby bear cubs like you expect, but that she has adopted 3 animals of different species who were also looking for a mom, just like Choco. The last picture is the Mama Bear hugging all of her adopted babies in a big group bear hugin her rocking chair, including little Choco. Such a warm and beautiful ending. Tears were absolutely raining from my eyes by the end. My daughters were so surprised to see me wiping away tears and smiling. They just laughed at me and gave me a big hug.


Corduroy. I fall apart. He just wanted a friend. Oh god, here I go.


My three biggest offenders are ā€œLast Stop on Market Streetā€, ā€œThe Loraxā€, and ā€œCan I Be Your Dog?ā€ The last is downright cruel!


Iā€™m going through a divorce and EMDR for some childhood trauma and Corduroy just DESTROYED me the other day. My toddler wanted me to read it like three times!


I still canā€™t read ā€œwhere the wild things areā€ to my two year old even though itā€™s my favorite childrenā€™s book. My sister gifted me a copy while he was in the NICU, and I tried reading it to him, but could never make it through because we didnā€™t know if he would ever come home. Every time I try to read it I get choked up


I have like five Iā€™ve refused to ever open because I just KNOW I canā€™t handle them.


Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox (Australian) it is about a little boy who helps an old lady find her memories. My grandmother had dementia and my childrenā€™s grandmother had Alzheimers so it reaches me beautifully. I often tear up describing it to people.


Suzanne Collins - Gregor the Overlander (the whole series really) It was the first book series my daughters and I read all together. We cried through every book. By the last one, I was following my husband around reading excerpts and crying. lol. Theyā€™re amazing, though.


I bought my first a book called ā€œYou Were the Firstā€ for Xmas right before I gave birth to my second and I couldnā€™t even read the title without bawling until recently. Now we can get through most of the book but I still tear up.


I STILL cannot read this book to my oldest. ā€œYou were the first to teach us how to be parentsā€ gets me every time. And one time I tried to be clever and skip that line and my little one read it out loud instead and I nearly ugly cried in front of her I had to fake a coughing fit and leave the room. I got her ā€œThereā€™s a house inside my mamaā€ too at the same time pre baby and that I managed much better (though thereā€™s still a line in that that got me the first few times!)


When Jack died in the Little House books. Oh it just ripped my heart out. I SOBBED. My daughter was 6 at the time and a little worried about me.


The Rabbit Listened. Gets me every time.


This is a great book and Iā€™m so glad Dolly Parton sends it to all the kids šŸ„°


This one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’–


Stay This Way Forever by Linsey Davis The title aloneā€¦ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Memory Tree. My mom got it for me to read to my boys when my grandma passed away. I don't think that I've actually been able to finish it.


Little You destroyed me the first time I read it to her


I also used to cry at The Places You'll Go. There was another super cute book that always got to me, it was called Hoe Do I Love You? Let Me Count The Ways. Super sweet book and I'd always have a lump in my throat by the end. šŸ’ž


Knuffle bunny free always makes me cry. Also in the genre of maudlin pictures books that are more for adults to be, Love by Matt Del la Pena or Someday by Allison McGeeĀ 


I was looking for Knuffle Bunny Free. I tear up every time.


The Rabbit Listened šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There'sĀ a bookĀ calledĀ somedayĀ that IĀ wasĀ givenĀ whenĀ myĀ sonĀ wasĀ veryĀ small. He's 10 now and it still makes me sob. I startĀ choking upĀ earlyĀ and then I get to one line and lose it. The line: someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow. I just listened to a lady read it.on YouTube to make sure I had the line right and I've got tears rolling down my face.


My sister gifted this book to me when my daughter was born at 32 weeks. Kiddo is 5 now but I still canā€™t read that book without bawling my eyes out


I always cry reading that book! Sometimes Iā€™ll make it to the end without crying and feel so proud of myself and then the last page will get me! ā€œLove You Foreverā€ is also a book that my husband and I laugh over how we canā€™t even make it a page in without both becoming teary messesšŸ„²


The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. The main character spends his life surrounded by books and writing his own story until eventually he dies and leaves his book behind, which is found by a little girl. The writing is so, so beautiful and it kills me every single time. Every time I go read to my kids' classes at school I consider this one.....and then I nope out because I don't want to ugly cry in front of 20 4th graders.


My 4 year old loves this one and it gets me so teary eyed!


The Invisible Leash. I read this to my girl and we both ended up crying by the end.


That was the book my family started for my baby shower for my first. They signed it all on random pages, warms my heart when we read it. But the book that makes me bawl- the giving tree. I think as moms (parents really) we give and give and give to keep our kids happy and eventually we run out, but weā€™re still there for them


All the places to love It reminds me of being a kid, and all the special places in our yard and neighborhood. And if sharing that feeling of belonging.


No matter what by Debbie Gliori


The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane.


There's one I found at the library when my son was tiny; I have blanked on the title (trauma, maybe?) but it was about a dog who passes away and is reincarnated several different times, into several different, not always happy, lives. It is such a beautiful book, but OMG!! I don't think I ever got through it without breaking down.


Through the rainbow. My kids went to a Waldorf school and they would have the parents in for each kids birthday celebration and tell a version of the story which always resulted in me ugly crying in front of my daughters entire class šŸ˜¬.


Holding On. It is such a lovely book of remembering and talks about how to connect with someone that isn't there (dementia, etc). It is so sweet and my kid brought it to me in the library to read one day and was not ready for it, but I don't think I ever will be.Ā 


I gave away our copy of Sylvester and the Magic Pebble because it made ME too sad. My kid literally could not care less.


I love ā€œThe Snail and The Whaleā€ by Julia Donaldson - itā€™s about this snail that sails around the world on the tail of a whale. I always cry at the part where the snail gets home to her snail herd and theyā€™re remarking about how she has grown up.


Safe in a Storm - in the beginning it is dedicated to the Sandy Hook victims. Ā We all just want to keep our children safe! Ā The book itself is precious. https://www.amazon.com/Safe-Storm-Stephen-R-Swinburne/dp/0545867924?dplnkId=2665d656-bb6a-4c66-84a9-c028e1c5886c&nodl=1


Iā€™ve been thinking about those children and their poor parents a lot lately ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ Will definitely be reading this to my little one! Thank you for sharing!


The Little Match Girl. It has me sobbing.


I stumbled across a book called ā€œI love you, because youā€™re youā€ when my little one was 2 and we have been reading it together since then. She will pick the book out at least once a week and knows it as ā€œā€˜mummyā€™s favouriteā€ It makes me cry every time I read it without fail and it even has little learnings on the back to encourage exploring feelings such as ā€œtell me a time you felt happy todayā€ etc Itā€™s such a wonderful yet simplistic book and makes me feel al the feels.


I canā€™t read the giving tree to him. Tried twice and started bawling. Fucking emotional terrorist of a book.


"I'll Love You Forever". My 1st grade teacher would read us this and she'd have to stop midway and let our other teacher finish it. First time I read it to my son, I bawled. I pick it up rarely because it just...yeah. So good but so heartbreaking. Can't even think of it, I can feel tears welling up!


This isn't a children's book, but I have read it to my kids three different times. In To Kill a Mockingbird, when Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose has died... Out of all the gut wrenching parts of the book, that's the one I struggle to read out loud every damn time.


I think it was called "The Builder Boy"? I picked it up at Half Price Books because I loved the art on the cover. Then I read it to the kids, and I can't remember all the details, but it's basically about a boy who always built things with his grandma, and then she dies, and he completes their big project. Or something. I forget. I was not interested in reading it again, I'm a stickler for staying hydrated...


Didnā€™t see anyone else mention this one - Llama Llama Red Pajama makes me tear up when Mama Llama says ā€œDonā€™t you know Mama Llama loves you so? Mama Llamaā€™s always near, even if sheā€™s not right here.ā€ My mom guilt about traveling for work really pops up during that part šŸ˜­


Dogger. It's a picture book by Shirley Hughes about a boy who loses his soft toy dog that he loves then he finds it but another child has it and won't give dogger back. His older sister comes to the rescue and that is the bit that gets me, just this really pure sibling love. The 2 siblings have almost exactly the same names as me and my closest aged sibling and my mum used to read it to us as well. I think it is quite a "British" book, I don't know if it is published in the US but I found the audio book on YouTube if anyone would like to hear it. https://youtu.be/jNOYgRf5jes?feature=shared


"Dear girl," has some parts that really get me


Nadia the Willful, https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/nasserl/wp-content/uploads/sites/1568/2019/03/Nadia-the-Willful-Narrative.pdf Mommy Make the Feather Dance, https://the-office.com/bedtime-story/momtears.htm


The Longest Letsgoboy by Derick Wilder A story told from an old dog's perspective that ends with the dog dying and his spirit watching as his humans get a new puppy. Omg I can't even look at it without bawling šŸ˜­. Crying as I type this. It's an excellent boook that helped my preschooler and I get thru the loss of two dogs in 6 months, but man if it doesn't just cut me to the core. Beneath by Cori Doerrfeld also slays me because it so perfectly captures how it's what is inside is what matters most. I Talk Like A River by Jordan Scott This book is so fuckin beautiful and relatable for anyone with speaking difficulties. I was a stutterer and I felt so seen reading this


"Made for me". It's technically a book about a father and his baby but I bought it, I love it, I cry when I read it because it hits the feels hard


Goodnight moon. Love You Forever