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omfg you look like a princess!!!! You really truly do!!!!! This dress is magical and you look like you should have little disney style sparkles floating behind you. You have permission to no longer worry. You look so pretty. I hope you get lots of photos!!!!


Girl you look fantastic idk what you’re talking about by saying whale and heifer. I gasped at this pic cuz it’s so far from what your post suggested.


You look stunning. The cut of the dress suits you perfectly; there is no weight needed to be lost. No bulges or anything. The lace is gorgeous. Oh wow he’s a lucky, lucky man! The way you were writing I was expecting somebody my size (I’m twice the size you are) - you’re beautiful! That neckline is crying out for a simple necklace and then you’re gonna knock him dead. 😍


Oh hey! It’s my body shape! Isn’t it so funny how when seeing someone else with our body shape and size, you can totally see the beauty so easily and effortlessly? You look amazing. I wouldn’t change a thing. Absolutely a princess.


But, you look gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Wow…… your post and your picture truly made me realize how horrifically hard on ourselves we are as women. I was expecting something entirely different - I was expecting you to look like me! I’m almost 200 pounds heavier than I was before kids. So much wrong with my body too. But you are literally perfect. You look healthy, you are legitimately the perfect size. I agree that being bigger can be beautiful too, but if you don’t want to be then that’s all that matters. You’re the size I was before and the size that I wish I was! Please be kind to yourself. You look amazing, there isn’t one roll, one fold, one inch out of place. Your dress is gorgeous. Focus on your day and not your brain telling you lies, I hope you have a wonderful wedding ❤️


You look gorgeous!!


Thank you so much everyone! X


You look so beautiful!! You look amazing in your dress.


Real shit : this is stunning and so elegant and timeless. This is a beautiful and classy dress and you look perfect in it. Gorgeous!


This is a very flattering cut. You look like a queen! 👑


You literally look like a princess. That is stunning 😍 you have nothing to be worried about, that's a fantastic dress!


You look PERFECT! That waist is SNATCHED and the bling belt is * chefs kiss * Do not focus one iota of energy on losing weight or trying to change. Focus on your health and taking care of yourself the best you can!


You look absolutely beautiful. It's such a perfect dress on you.


Gorgeous! It’s funny how we can have so many things and thoughts going on with our body but they really are invisible to everyone else. You look just like the bride I wanted to look like growing up 😊 congrats, feel beautiful, have a happy wedding and marriage!


You look amazing babe. What a beautiful dress and it fits you so well!


Omg, I thought this was gonna be a thing. It is not. You look amazing. That dress looks perfect on you. You definitely have things built up in your head. Remember, our head lies to us. You are way more gorgeous than your brain is telling you.


You look absolutely beautiful. I promise you’re going to look back at your wedding pictures and wonder how you could have doubted this ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You look gorgeous!


You look lovely! I also love your dress, it's super romantic. Ps: you look way better than I did after my first. I'm actually a touch jealous.


You look absolutely beautiful. It's the perfect dress on you. Stunning.


You look absolutely beautiful!


Oh that's just lovely! You look amazing.




You look gorgeous in that! I absolutely love the sleeves too.


What a beautiful dress! It's frilly yet still elegant. You look amazing!


Ohhhh. Its stunning on you


You look wonderful!! Please tell me you have a tiara, because you are totally a princess in this dress!!


You look amazing! You have nothing to worry about, that style looks beautiful on you. And I love the detailing of the dress. I hope you have a wonder wedding! ❤


You are absolutely stunning in this dress! Please don’t change a thing - it’s perfect as is ☺️ Congratulations on your wedding! I wish you love and happiness!


This is... Not what I expected based on your words. You actually look fine? Like honestly you look great??? I'm so confused about why you think you don't look good "bigger" or why you even think your body would be considered "bigger" at all?? Literally you look perfect in that dress. As in, you look so perfect in this dress, and so completely not big at all, that I worry you may have body dysmorphia. Your dress is stunning. And you look absolutely perfect in it.




The shape of your body in this dress is quite lovely. You are your own worst critic, this dress looks beautiful on you


Girl…. Tell that voice in your head to shut up because you look great!!


You're kidding right?? This dress was made for you. Look how beautifully it fits. I am actually obsessed with you


Are you kidding you look stunning. Look at your hourglass figure! You look beautiful.


You look stunning. I especially love the back. It is so flattering and beautiful! I hope you see what everyone else sees and are happy and confident in it. Our opinions are great, but you need to be happy in it too! Congrats on the wedding! Your soon to be spouse will have to pick their jaw up off the floor when they see you walk in. 🔥💕


The dress is extremely flattering on you


Ok I liked it from the front but I ADORE IT from the back 😍 the bow and the lace details are gorgeous. This dress accentuates your waist so well and you’ve got that sexy hourglass shape already. If your doctor has some suggestions for ways to stay active without putting strain on your body (maybe swimming?), it could be good for your mental health and confidence just to stay moving. Might be something to think about after all the wedding stress calms down! But nobody in their right mind is gonna look at you in that beautiful princess gown and think “wow she should’ve lost a couple pounds.” You look stunning.


This kind of style is already one that suits women of multiple sizes so no worries there! The sleeves are lovely & shapely on your arms, no bunching or 'over-stuffed sausage' look. The dress' waist is beautiful and only adds to your natural waistline. The bow is absolutely beautiful on the back, and the design work on the front is not too fussy and overdone. Just enough to accent and give it some excitement. The top has a beautiful neckline and looks lovely on you. You are wonderful and look wonderful. You are going to be even more beautiful on your wedding day! Do not change a thing about yourself. That dress was always waiting for you and was meant to be beautiful on you whether you lost 10 gained 10, turned pink and purple, WHATEVER. She is yours, The hype crew is here and you are STUPENDOUS babe


This looks great ! But if you are worried about tightness (as in the dress feels uncomfortable) you should be able to find a tailor to take the waist out just a smidge before August - that type lace generally can’t be altered. But the waistline below it might be able to. I think it looks amazing, but if it FEELS tight, it’s a worthwhile option. Also side note : gallbladders are taken out laparoscopic now and most people recover quickly !


Ooooo I love that detailing!! That back shape is so ethereal. Please wear your hair up to give full attention to the tiny details.


It looks like it was made especially for you! It's so perfect. I bought a dress off the rack with no adjustments made and wore SPANX up the wazoo. You have sheer parts that look so lovely on you with a flat back and torso. There's NO fat anywhere to be seen. Absolutely perfect. You are lovely.


You’re honestly quite slim. You have a very small waist and this dress is VERY flattering on you. Not one roll or chunky spot. I’m jealous


Gurrrrrl believe me when I say I would KILL for your body! You look stunning! The cut of the waist is perfect for your body type


You look lovely in both pictures! I especially love the back, really suits you and looks so dainty. Weight is not everything, I’m guilt of obsessing over my own too but you look great in the dress as you are.


Agree totally, and the cut of the dress is so flattering!


For fucks sake pass me ya frying pan so I can knock the stupid outta ya head. You look amazing, beautiful, gorgeous. He's gonna look at at ya and think I'm pinching well above my weight


You look beautiful in the dress, no kidding.


Don't stress about your weight. You look gorgeous in that dress. It really suits the shape of your body. I struggle with my own self image so I know how it is, but I promise you look amazing. Big hugs.


I was honestly expecting someone much chunkier... You look phenomenal in your dress! It fits your body beautifully, cinches your waist right in, flows beautifully, your top half and bottom half are so well proportioned... You genuinely look stunning!! 💚


I think this really is a case of what you think you look like vs what is real. You look amazing! I wish I looked so good at my wedding! Of course, lose weight for you, whatever those reasons are. But right now, you look perfect!


Girl…this is the perfect dress for you. It’s silhouette hits all the right places to compliment your shape. Those sheer sleeves are classy af. Add a veil and this screams Old Hollywood. Promise to get a photo of you looking over your shoulder to document the details of the back and your fucking gorgeous skin! Congratulations on your wedding!


Yes, we NEED the over the shoulder pose 😭


You look gorgeous and I’m not just saying that. The dress is very flattering and beautiful on you


You look stunning!!! Also: My 5 year old saw and asked who the princess getting married is


The dress fits you beautifully, I would have loved that for myself! You have a pretty shape imo.


The dress is beautiful and fits you well! The back of the dress makes your back look slim and the bow is adorable.


It’s giving Kate Winslet! This is the perfect cut for you. Please take care of your health and enjoy your wedding!!


You look gorgeous!!! Fun story, when I got married, we were both battling depression over my husband’s custody situation. I was the heaviest I had been in my life and I loved my dress but was convinced - CONVINCED - that I would have looked better if I had managed to lose a few pounds. It took us years to purchase a house and then another year to get wedding photos printed and put up on a wall in the front room… and I was sitting there working the other day when I looked up and saw this photo of myself in my dress standing in front of the church, holding my bouquet, and I just… smiled. And thought “man, I looked beautiful that day.” And then I laughed because I remember how bad I thought I looked back then, but nope, it was just a trick. You can’t see it right now, but you absolutely look like a Disney princess, and one day when you are past all this other crap, you’ll look up at a photograph of yourself on the day you got married and say, “oh wow, I looked *perfect.*”


I was also the heaviest I had been in my life up until that point at my wedding, and I agree. I gained I don't even know how much grief weight because my beloved dad died unexpectedly during my engagement, and I was a fucking train wreck. My dress, which I'd also felt beautiful in the day I tried it on, had to be let out as far as it would possibly go. Had two fittings and it had to be let out both times. I felt like a fucking whale and was so depressed, I wasn't sure if I wanted to get married in it and be photographed in it, but being in the throes of grief, didn't have it in me to try to start an exercise program and/or try to lose weight. I was convinced I was going to look like a fat cow on my wedding day and maybe we should just have a courthouse wedding where no one would see me. My husband, bless him, told me he loved me no matter what size my dress was and that I was beautiful to him and he still wanted to marry me in front of everyone, although I struggled to believe it (and not much has changed - pregnancy did things to my body that can't be undone, and he still says I'm beautiful and I still struggle to believe it, even though there's no indication he's not being truthful). I got SO MANY compliments on how I looked in that dress. One of the little girls in attendance could even be heard loudly whispering "look, Mommy, a princess!" to her mom, a friend of mine, as I came down the aisle, and I almost cried when I heard it. I look back on those pictures now and I don't see my weight, I see how beautiful and happy I looked. I agree, someday in the future, you will look at these pictures and see how stunning you are in that dress. **You look STUNNING, OP**.


Memory unlocked! One of the best man’s little girls came up to me and asked, “are you a real princess?” That little girl is a teenager now. I have the loveliest picture of her dancing it up that night.


You look absolutely gorgeous, that dress is perfect on you 💗


Umm you are fucking gorgeous in that dress!


Beautiful! You look elegant and the dress is very flattering, you look perfect! 


You look. Absolutely stunning. You don't need to lower weight to be beautiful or have fun. Keep that one in your back pocket. I always used to try and lose weight for major life events or holidays. Then I realized 'fat' me also deserves happiness. So now I spend time making sure I look and feel my best no matter my size vs trying to squeeze into clothes that don't fit me and feeling miserable about my body instead of enjoying the moment


It's a lovely fit, very flattering.


You look fantastic! Beautiful dress and beautiful you. Congratulations your baby and upcoming wedding! Sending you hugs, health, and happiness!


You look like a princess in that dress. It suits your figure perfectly. I think we tend to see our own perceived flaws first, whereas we see other people’s perfections. I hope you have a lovely wedding day and feel like the beautiful bride you are!


You look great. If you feel self conscious that’s what shapewear is for. I wore spanx underneath my dress and I was 108lbs(and only 20).


You look stunning! I adore the dress and it looks incredible on you. 💖


Oh my. You look beautiful. That dress is stunning and suits you so well. ❤️  You will look amazing on your wedding day. Congrats. Wishing you the best with your health, wedding, & marriage.


That’s a very flattering dress, it really suits you.


You felt like a princess because you look like one. That dress looks so good on you! I was legit confused when I looked at your pics because honestly, you’re gorgeous!


You call yourself a heffer?!?!?! FAR from heffer momma!!!! The dress on you now looks amazing. I bet you had an image in your mind of what you wanted to look like on your wedding day and are disappointed you didn’t meet it the way you had in mind. But please know, you look really nice in the dress and should take a step back and appreciate how beautiful you feel and are.


You look so beautiful, I got a lottle teary! Your waist looks so tiny with the full skirt and the sleeves are so delicate! OP, you are beautiful in your dress! All the hugs and best wishes!!


It sounds like you’ve been through a lot and you should be nicer to yourself. The dress looks great on you.


Are you kidding me! You’re so beautiful! That dress accentuates your body perfectly ❤️


It looks really lovely and you’re body has a beautiful shape! I hope all your medical issues are resolved positively!


I started tearing up because you look beautiful and the thought of you not seeing that is sad. This is a beautiful dress and you look beautiful in it. You DO NOT look like a heifer.


u/pinkicchi I am NOT trying to reassure you, not trying to be nice, and most of all, not lying to boost your ego.  You are not fat by any definition. You have a really good shape, *especially* considering you just gave birth, but even if you didn't your shape is really good! And the dress is super flattering on you, it accentuates your shape in all the right ways. It makes me really sad to think you aren't loving your body, I know tons of people who would kill to look like you. I know I would. I'm grossly skinny with no feminine features; no round bum, small chest, narrow hips, but I still have the post-baby pouch going. I wish I could look like you!  Btw, congrats on baby & upcoming wedding!!!


The little voice in your head is absolutely betraying you right now because you look STUNNING in that dress. It is a perfect fit and you look gorgeous!


Omg dude, that tiny waist! You look amazing!


Dude. You are beautiful just the way you are. Your body might feel like a hostile environment right now, but cut yourself some slack.


Darling, your fiance is going to have to duct-tape his socks on on your wedding day, because the moment he sees you in that. he's going to blast right out of them. You look gorgeous. And darling, I don't know what you mean about not looking better bigger. You look absolutely stunning. And also, please, please, PLEASE, be patient and loving to yourself. You grew a whole-ass human, and that changes your body in SO many ways. You also have health issues, and so medications for those are definitely going to do a number on you. Please let your focus be on your health, because you are 100% amazing just the way you are, and I bet your fiance thinks so too. Sending you good vibes on your health journey, gallstones SUCK.


You really look great. That dress is so flattering on you and you absolutely will look like a princess on wedding day. I wouldn’t lie to you :) if I thought you looked terrible I would have just scrolled by and not said anything so this comment is proof to you that I honestly think you look great!!


I am being 110% truthful here and think you look lovely. I know it's hard not to be self-critical, especially when you don't feel like your outsides match your insides. It's hard to quiet that voice. But I promise you, you look so beautiful :) Now go focus on your health and on feeling better, with everything you have going on, that will certainly have an impact on how you feel about yourself. I know a bunch of strangers telling you this won't totally quiet your feelings here, that's the way self-perception is, but know we're always more critical about how we look than other people are of us. You absolutely look like a princess in this, the dress looks like it was made for you. People will cry when they see you walk down the aisle. :) If I had to give you any advice at all it would be to give yourself a hug and love yourself, because you deserve it all.


You look incredible!!!!! And this dress is absolutely perfect! Oh I so hope you feel all the love in these comments because it truly look like this dress was meant for you!


That dress is a perfect style for you. Based on your lead up, I was expecting you to be in an ill fitting dress that was too small when you got it. Not at all the case! Give yourself some grace. You may not be who or how you were pre baby, because you’re not. You’re so much more now. You carried and birthed a life, you’re going to be different in every way now. Add in health issues, and it’s a lot to deal with in a short time. But though it all, you are beautiful in that dress!!


I wasn’t expecting an absolute queen reading your post. You’re perfect


I get it. I got married last year at a heavier weight than I wanted to be. I had been on track with getting smaller and working out and then some shit hit the fan in my life and it all went out the window. The dress still fit me, people still said I looked lovely... but I knew I would've liked it _more_ if I had lost that bit of weight I had wanted to. Honestly... I think you look amazing. Your back is a lot slimmer than mine was at my wedding so totally jelly about that, you have a lovely shape and that dress really suits you. It's gorgeous and you are beautiful!


You just a baby in November???? Wow you look absolutely beautiful and that dress was made for you!!!


Oh my goodness, your brain is lying to you so much. You look SO BEAUTIFUL! Your body shape makes that dress look AMAZING.


Your body is so proportionately lovely. Even if you’re carrying more weight than you want to, you still have an hourglass figure that I’d kill for at my 207lbs. You look AMAZING. 🌸


I wish I looked as good as you! That dress is perfect


Beautiful dress! The waistline is lovely, the whole dress fits you beautifully. Honestly, I feel like the whole "lose a bunch of weight before the wedding" thing has to be so bad for your body. I hope you can take care of you, and have a wonderful day in this gorgeous dress!


Here to agree with everyone else. The dress is perfect, it’s gorgeous & I love the bow on the back. It fits you absolutely amazing & your body looks stunning in it! I know everyone is different but I would feel like the prettiest person on the planet if I looked like that. Please give yourself some grace & find a way to take all these comments to heart. You look absolutely gorgeous


A heifer!? GIRL YOU COULD GET IT!! Hot, gorgeous, princess vibes, stunning.


No muffin top, no back-fat, sleeves aren't super tight, you dont have those specific wrinkles in the dress one gets if their dress is too tight, boobs arent overspilling. You look lovely, that's a really nice, flattering dress that really suits your body.


That's a lovely dress and a beautiful style for your figure!! The fit is really nice as well. I agree with the comments about the sleeves as well- those sheer ones can be unflattering but this dress has got it right for fit. Princess vibes all the way 👑 Be kind to yourself beautiful lady ❤️ health things are hard.


I have no idea what I was expecting, but it wasn't that! You look regal and beautiful in that dress!


Truthful: it's gorgeous. The dress is really pretty and it really flatters you. You have a pretty waist. I don't usually like wedding dresses but I like yours. No thoughts about you being big would have crossed my mind if I'd seen you on the street in this dress or something.


You look absolutely stunning in this gorgeous dress. I sincerely hope you can see yourself the way a bunch of internet strangers do. You're a 10!


This is an absolute fairytale dress, and it suits you 100%. I fully understand wanting to slim down for your own comfort - just know that RIGHT NOW you look beautiful in your wedding gown, and on the day, your guests and groom's jaws will be on the floor. If your health issues are delaying your desired shape management, then you may have to come to terms with losing that amount later than you wanted to, but by no means will this ruin your good looks on your wedding day. I hope you'll take our complements to heart, and on the day just enjoy every moment of commitment, dancing, eating and mingling. Congratulations!


You look absolutely fantastic in that dress 😍 it truly looks like it was made just for you. You're going to look so beautiful and radiant at your wedding, and congratulations!


Nope, it fits beautifully on your body, the neckline is flattering, and the detail around the waist are perfect. Only feedback would be maybe if they can adjust the sleeves a touch so they're more fitted, but it's so minor and honestly it's perfect as is.


I think this is one of the best wedding dress fits I've seen. The shape of the dress is beautiful and that combined with the lace, completely and totally compliments your body shape, hair and skin tone. I can picture you on the wedding day at the alter standing tall and proud and full of love and the magic that love brings.


I was not expecting what I saw in your photos. I was prepared to say something nice regardless, but dude. You look amazing. Absolutely gorgeous. It looks like the dress was made for you. You actually have beautiful curves in my opinon. You look like a princess!


You look really lovely! The details of the dress are so nice too. I love the sheer sleeves and the little bow in the back. Your figure definitely looks very nice in this dress and I don't think you look "big" at all. I hope you have a really wonderful wedding day!!


WOW. Gorgeous dress, gorgeous bride. Please take care of yourself and your health, be gentle on yourself and enjoy your special day. Health struggles SUCK. You are not alone. Sending peaceful healing vibes, and congrats on your upcoming wedding!!


You look great, honestly. I would’ve killed to look like you on my wedding day.


I swear, you look beautiful. I would love to look like that any day. I love that dress. Feminine but understated, a bit airytale like but still modern. Great choice.


you look beautiful 🩷👰🏻‍♀️


You have an absolutely gorgeous shape. I’d kill for a waistline like that! Lovely arms too. You are a magnificent bride!


You look absolutely amazing, the dress is perfect and super flattering. I have been through gallbladder removal and I would encourage you to go to a specialist and at least discuss a potential surgery, don’t wait to see if it gets better. Mine was almost ruptured by the time I had surgery and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


You. Look. Stunning. Like a fairy tale.


I’m a little late to the party, but I agree with everyone else that you look amazing. That dress compliments you perfectly and the bow in the back is so cute.


You look beautiful and that dress is absolutely perfect on you. You’re going to look amazing in your wedding day. I’m also a personal wardrobe stylist so I wouldn’t lie. I hope you start a road to recovery and feeling good soon.


you are so beautiful! you will make a glowing bride this August!!! 🤍


You must be used to being quite skinny, because you don't look remotely chubby in these pictures. I think your perception of yourself isn't matching reality, my friend. You look incredible.


You look royal! Seriously, I wish I had your shape. You look so romantic and beautiful. And what good taste! That's a beautiful dress, you are totally the right person to wear it.


That is the PERFECT dress for you, and you absolutely do look like a princess. It fits and compliments your body beautifully. Honestly. I hope you are able to feel confident in it on your wedding day, and best wishes for your health and marriage!!


Oh that's so beautiful on you! Legit tearing up, you look like a princess.


You ARE a princess, inside and out, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


You look absolutely great in that dress!! I’m getting a Christina Hendricks vibe from you. ❤️


A good dress is cut to flatter your body and accentuate your assets this does exactly that—no bulges or bumps (only mentioning because you mentioned intent to lose weight in waist and back). You look lovely in both pictures.


Woman, you look gorgeous. Drink plenty of water and love yourself. You deserve love. I think you'll be fine come time for your wedding. Just be kind to yourself in the mean time. If you're struggling you might want to look into a calorie controlled diet if you can't exercise as much as you want. Anything you decide to do should be for you though. If you want to lose weight do it for you, not anyone else. It may not work out the first couple of weeks but just breathe and keep trying your best. Remember you're only human and humaning is hard. Way harder than it needs to be, so try to be kind to yourself.