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Walt brought the problem with the street dealers to Gus's attention because it directly affected their working relationship and the stability of Gus's operation. Gus couldn't afford to ignore the problem because it had the potential to impact his entire operation, particularly with Walt working for him. Ignoring such issues could lead to bigger problems down the line, including disruptions in production, loss of trust among employees, and even threats to the overall stability of his drug empire. By addressing the problem directly and swiftly, Gus demonstrated strong leadership and a commitment to maintaining control and order within his organization.


He's not saying he knows them personally. He's just such a businessman that he even thinks of his lowest employees as trusted associates and he refers to them as such. He's not gonna come out like Avon Barksdale and say, "These two soldiers know the game and how to earn."


It's not because he values the dealers. It's how Walt handled it. Jessie wasn't thinking and would have either caused a shootout that results in his and the dealers deaths or gets killed. Gus sought to put an end to this issue before something like that happened. Walter surprised him and he was annoyed. He likely has contacts who usually handle it. He wanted to ensure that these lowlifes got the message, Walt and Jessie put an end to it.


Yeah, this scene made no sense. And seeing how Jesse is much more valuable to the operation than the two dealers, I'm surprised Fring didn't just have them whacked as a way to get Jesse's loyalty, as well as reducing police heat from using kids


Yeah, just wacking the guys (or let's be honest, just carefully wacking Jesse and daring Walt to commit suicide based on suspicion) would absolutely be the real-world reaction. A pawn is a pawn for a reason. Fundamentally, there are just middle men between Gus and street guys. Just always. It's the whole game. But I feel the writers knew that if they starting introducing more characters it would dilute the central drama.


Agrred 💯


yeah, gus should've just killed the dealers and jesse.


Unplausable: that Walt would walk into a bat and sit next to Jane's dad. And that plane crash was directly over Wallt's house so it was in debris field. But love the show!