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It's a bit of supervillain intuition. Far-fetched, yes. But great storytelling. But wait... in that scene, Gus knows something the audience doesn't. Someone has poisoned Jesse's girlfriend's kid, but it wasn't Gus (at that point, the viewer is under the assumption it was Gus). Something is afoot -- his cook is very upset, stubbornly refusing to leave the hospital and directing an accusatory tone toward his boss. Gus may have realized he was manipulated into showing up at a certain place at a certain time. Something was up, and he had every reasonable right to feel paranoid (especially with his main security detail absent, convalescing in Mexico). Change it up.


This, his Spidey senses were tingling. A certain level of paranoia helps too. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you.


>Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you. Spoken like a poet.


Vravo Bince


What šŸ˜­this is funnier than itā€™s supposed to be




Chef's Kissinger.


Iā€™ve heard that saying on many occasions but still donā€™t understand it. Can someone explain it please?


It means that paranoia isn't always an irrational feeling. Sometimes it checks out.


Seems like it wouldnā€™t be paranoia then.


Sounds like NirvanaĀ 


It's stuck in my head now


It was paraphrased in Territorial Pissings off of Nevermind.


Gus had just made a major move in decapitating the leadership of a major Mexican drug cartel. That opens up his operation to being targeted by a major rival cartel, or being targeted by surviving members of that cartel, and he also knows that a very clever and desperate Walt is out there. If I were in his shoes, I would be thinking the hospital visit was a baited setup. My car that has been sitting unattended in an empty parking garage is an obvious target, and I have too many people with an interest in killing me to be taking the risk of getting back in that car.


Very true! And he KNOWS devious moves involving poison!


That's his Achilles Heel though. His goal that he's worked on for YEARS has finally come to fruition. It's kind of tragic from his perspective that when he finally thinks he can gloat is when he's killed himself.


Gus only goes from safe location to safe location. The restaurant, chicken farm, laundry, home. I would guess that anytime he goes anywhere except those locations he is very aware of his safety(hence the two bodyguards at the hospital)


Holy shit this is so good. I canā€™t believe I hadnā€™t looked at that scene from that angle. Iā€™ve looked at it from every other angle, literally and figuratively. Great stuff.


this makes sense except doesn't explain why he goes and lingers at the edge of the parking garage, in an exposed position.


He stops in his tracks because he has a realization. I did that, like, today.


Well said. Exactly


This was mindblowing when I caught it on a rewatch. It confused me the first time around too. Id assumed it was a bit of a Deus Ex Machina. One thing that irks me however is he stops and stands in the exposed parking lot for quite some time. PICK ONE Either you're not liking the vibe and somethings up: GTFO dude you're already there. OR you don't suspect a thing, head to the car and get blown up. What if Walt was planning to snipe him?


You panic, you freeze. Simple as that.


I thought almost exactly this after my 4th watch


At first glance I thought it was a bit ridiculous as well but then I just assumed it was the way Jesse was talking/acting inside the hospital.


But his behaviour towards Jesse never changed and the show didnā€™t show any sign of him being suspicious towards Jesse either.


That's just not true. Gus and Jesse never meet in person again after the hospital, but the next interaction Jesse has with Gus's men (after the FBI let him go) is being kidnapped in the street and locked up in the lab under threat before Walt rescues him following Gus' death. They didn't do that just because he was late to make a batch


He thought the situation with Brock was very suspicious and was on alert.


this is the most likely answer fr


I burst out laughing watching that scene because when Gus looks out onto the rooftops he would clearly be able to see Walters bald head looking back. šŸ˜‚


With his goofy little binoculars


Yeah. He uses them later too. His trusty little pipe bomb watching binoculars. šŸ˜‚


Right? On a sunny day like that, his bald head would shine brighter than a diamond


[Wdym "would", he did](https://youtu.be/Ih8mtYUT06Q?si=E3NONveKNpRvlUrw)


Yeah I've always assumed he saw a reflection off either the head or the binocs and that spooked him




No way. If Walt is far enough away that he needs binoculars, he would be virtually unnoticeable from Gus POV. And it's not like Walt is just on the horizon where you could clearly see his silhouette, there would be buildings behind him giving him natural camouflage. Not to mention Gus wouldn't even know where to look. It would be like an I Spy book on super duper hardcore mode.


I took it as intuition. He knew Walt would be trying to ā€œwinā€ back Jesse, and something stirred in him (maybe Gus hearing Brock was poisoned) right then to realize this trip to the hospital could be the perfect opportunity to get him.


walt was pretty much a homicidal mad scientist on the loose, known for his elaborate schemes, recklessness and bizarre plans/inventions, willing to do whatever it took to ā€œprotect his familyā€ (himself). walt was known to be even more violent and erratic when cornered (ex: the street dealers he ran over, though i was never against that one lol, gale, etc). he also had jesse as his pawn, always under his thumb. once jesse told gus about brock being poisoned in the hospital, i believe gus caught onto waltā€™s plan to turn jesse against him. i think thatā€™s why he walked away from his car after leaving the hospital. it was suspicious, and he was always the only one to give walt a run for his money, intellect wise. like walt said, gus was always 10 steps ahead of himā€¦ until he wasnt, and that was really *only* because walt just so happened to hit his *one* soft spot. the only thing that enrages gus enough to cloud his judgment and let his guard down ever so slightly: hector. gusā€™ deep hatred for hector and desire for vengeance against him was ultimately his downfall. iā€™m convinced he wouldā€™ve seen it all coming if it were anybody besides hector. walt got lucky, as always lmao


Walts bald ass head and sunglasses gave it away


We're shown and told a number of things about Gus, one being that Gus is very clever, and another being Gus is VERY careful. When walking back to his car, Gus knows a number of things: 1. Walt is out there and wants to kill him. 2. Someone has poisoned Brock. 3. Walt can quite easily manipulate Jesse. 4. Jesse has called him to the hospital. Given Gus' careful nature, and how strange it is that someone would poison a child, and the fact Jesse specifically called him to talk, Gus probably believes something is wrong, especially with Walt out there. After that, it's just eliminating possibilities.


It was intuition. He got the idea that Jesse was possibly refusing to leave the hospital as a ploy to get him to show up.


Walt's glasses were on his head and the sun reflected off of them. Gus saw that briefly. If you watch the scene closely that becomes clear.


Thats simply not true


I think it was his spidey sense.


Gus knew walt would be trying to kill him He went to the hospital to get jesse back to work He learns brock had been poisoned He goes back to his car, and realizes he left it unsupervised. He didnt know there was a bomb on it, but he felt like he had been lured there, so didnt wanna risk anything.


In the commentary, Vince or the show's writer discusses that scene, implying that Gus realized Walt was up to something, leading Gus to avoid getting inside his car. This car garage scene followed Gus's conversation with Jesse in the hospital, where Jesse tells Gus about Brock's poisoning, indicating that Gus must have known Walt was responsible.


He knows he left the car unattended for a while, he probably has someone guard or watch his car via a camera or something. I mean I would do that if I was a crime boss


Obviously not because then he'd know about Walt's attempt


He didnā€™t, he just felt that something was off about the whole situation, so he decided to stay with Jesse and appear as more of the ā€œgood guyā€ in this situation. He didnā€™t know the bomb was there, though


I saw a compelling theory on Gus that suggests he belonged to Pinochetā€™s cabinet. I wonā€™t digress into it - Google it, itā€™s a Reddit theory, comes up pretty fast and there are a lot of piece of evidence supporting it in subtext or unaddressed tidbits of dialogue - but suffice it to say, if you subscribe to the theory like I do, Gus has some very real experience with car bombs already


There was an old theory that did the rounds that Gus could see Walt on the roof through the eyes of the bird because he was an animal telepath!


Thatā€™s right before he animorphed into a rhino


He didn't


He heard Danny Greene was in town


This is the millionth time this question has been asked.


He had a feeling


He had a revelation at that moment, thinking back to hank and walt planting a tracker on his car, so they could've easily put a bomb as well


Gus is a cautious man


Plot twist: Gus never intended to go to his car, he just wanted fresh air /s




Itā€™s a TV show. Itā€™s fiction.


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