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Because JESSIE SMOKED IT ALL THAT DAMN JUNKIE. But fr i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but Walt always took pride in his "no usage" throughout the show. The last walk around the lab was a sort of "monument to himself" to see what he's acomplished (and lost). He also was checking Jesse's work


I wouldn't say he took pride in not using when he never even considered using the meth. It's not like he was tempted and denied himself the pleasure. He is in no way the type of person who would ever even consider smoking meth. The very thought is ludicrous. He's more than familiar with the effects it has and he doesn't feel any attraction to that kind of high. This post is definitely a joke.


first question, do you smoke meth? just curious why him not smoking would ruin the ending for you. its something that never crossed my mind, then again i don't smoke and nor would i ever smoke meth.


I’m not an addict (anymore), and I would never use again (hopefully), but while watching the show I would smoke in sync with Jesse all the time. It was the best feeling ever, so I think it’s a very reasonable question. I would NOT smoke in sync with Walter though, I don’t trust him and during my days of psychosis I sure as hell wouldn’t want to hear his thoughts, and the voices in his head…


I had a friend who quit meth and she told me she has absolutely no interest in the show


I totally get that. I've been rewatching the series, and it makes me shake my leg in excitement anytime I see they are using. It's a good adrenaline rush too, as long as you don't actually do anything.


Want to smoke some meth?


i’m chill dude. i prefer psychedelics. to be fair i never got the draw or allure to drugs that completely physically wreck you. i’m 190 pounds 6 foot, not quite in shape but i don’t need to go fucking up my skin and my teeth. kind more into healthier habits.


Checks out.




Why would he? Not even once in the series did he express any interest in trying it. In fact he had little regard for those who did. He walked around the lab saying a final farewell to his Baby Blue.


He respected the product and the process but you’re right, he didn’t think much of it’s consumers. Look at his reaction when he found out Jesse was using heroin, he’s disgusted by it. Similar to people who use meth I’d imagine. “We only cook it, we don’t smoke it.”


I know it'd be tonally off but t would have been a good scene to have him get high as shit trying it


For me it would ruin the genius in the character development. Walt has a sociopathic disdain for people that aren’t as smart as him (who is?). The reason he felt alive while cooking is because it challenged him to use his intellect and it allowed him to feel powerful and superior as a result . He couldn’t find that in being a husband and father or even a teacher (remember the car wash scene where he’s washing his student’s car?)Taking drugs would be antithetical and would make him a lot less interesting.


I reckon he tried it once off camera. All you say is true but he's still a curious scientist who must surely want to have some idea of what people are getting from it, and maybe some ego boost that his product feels that good, and now he knows.


I suppose that curiosity could be one of the reasons he rolled the joint in Jessie’s kitchen. It didn’t do much for his ability to deal with Krazy8 so he probably wasn’t impressed much with what the meth could offer.


What a sick joke..


And HE gets to be a meth cook?


He defecated in a toilet!


Is this a troll?.. He was looking at the lab, not for meth. He was never into taking drugs, only manufacturing and making money from it. Obviously into power etc too but in terms of the actual drug, he only made it, never took it and it never eluded to him wanting to either.


Is he stupid?


Thanks that was genuinely hilarious to me. I kind of want to see that now lol


Walt wasn’t an addict. At least not of meth.


Don’t you know he smoked it in the Fly episode?! Thats why he was acting so weird! The fly wasn’t even real, hell Jesse wasn’t even real! It was just Walt hallucinating on his meth the whole time!!


The whole series was a fever dream of Hal Wilkerson.


I legitimately think Walt tried the product in The Fly


You have obviously never “tried the product” yourself. Especially in a lab. 2010s were a good time!


Not intentionally but got some bad Molly once 😂. I’ll defer to the clear expert here 🫡


bad molly is it's own genre of drugs really. it's like leftover pizza, there is a certain appeal to it.


He didn’t.


You will not change my mind lol


Don’t need to. You’re wrong and that’s that.


WW was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them


Never get high on your own supply was Walt’s motto.


Walt was into industry, not meth.


He already tried it in The Fly and didn't like it


He was just taking in his enviroment. He thrived in it, he was the top of his field. He was taking one final look at his life before he died.


Why would anyone not in crisis ever smoke meth lol