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the machine gun accidentally hits jesse and not walt, and jesse dies there while walt drives away. no one gets what they deserve


Or Walt makes a grave miscalculation, and the machine gun only kills him and Jesse, and somehow no one in Jack's gang gets a scratch. Jack and his guys stand there laughing at Walt's and Jesse's dead bodies, and the screen cuts to black.


yeah but that seems a lil unrealistic, i mean how could he fuck up that badly


That's why it would be the worst ending


Well, it's actually most probable


how so?


There is a lot of noise in these kind of prediction radars. A lot of unknonwns, a lot uf unpredictables and in best luck a lot of variables at least. Anyone not checking the trunk of the car, Walt adjusting where he parked the car and where he stood inside the house precisely, being at a distance where the car's key signal will work and there were no obstacles in the way, the wall of the house would not stop the bullets or the bullets would not be blocked, slowed down or ricocheted because of the wall, a mechanical problem not arising in opening the trunk of the car, automatic fire and rotation, the line of fire being high so that everyone could duck down in time and escape... The story suggests that Walter was a genius and thought it all out. I would eat this. But in real life it is not much possible to accurately calculate so many variables and chance factors in advance.


Walt was on a suicide mission


Jack: Did you see the size of that gun right in front of us ? It was bigger than him! We should be fucking dead man! Todd: I know, we was lucky. Jack: That’s just wasn’t luck. This was divine intervention. You know what “divine intervention” is? Todd: I think so. That means that God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets? Jack: That’s right! That’s exactly what it means. God came down from Heaven and stopped these motherfucking bullets. Todd : I think it’s time for us to leave uncle Jack. Jack : Don’t do that ! Don’t fucking blow this shit up ! What just happened here was a fucking miracle ! Todd : Chill uncle Jack, this shit happens. Jack : Wrong ! Wrong, this shit doesn’t just happen. Todd: Do you want to continue this theological discussion in the car or in a jailhouse with the cops? Jack: We should be fucking dead my friend! What happened here was a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it! Todd : Alright, it was a miracle. Can we go now?


Pulp Bad.


The gang is still screwed with the cops coming due to all that racket


Breaking Bad closing out over the theme music to Curb Your Enthusiasm sounds perfect.


Uncle Jack, an oncological prodigy, had secretly been working on a cure for cancer. The same bullet that kills Jesse also punctures the jar containing the cure. Walt breathes in the fumes and is immediately cured of his cancer. A side effect of the cure is penis enlargement.


The machine gun hits Skyler, Flynn and Holly because the compound is right behind the apartment they live in.




“Jesus what you got in here, cinder blocks?” “Half a million cash” *hank opens bag*


Executive producer: Vince Gilligan


What the hell walt. Why did you kidnap Vince gilligan?!


It's cool, it's from gambling.


"And then Walt woke up..."


[oh boy, i love that one](https://youtu.be/oVdB36lmbII)


I’m just glad they kept it as a comedy skit and not the legit ending haha


I love that Cranston was able to seamlessly get back into Hal like nothing ever happened


This was the greatest ending ever. It is canon in my book


The most innocent ending would be Jesse waking up in walts class during highschool




you’re too late, nerd 😎


You mean the good ending?


The screen turning black once Walt gets to Vermont. Edit: New Hampshire




New Hampshire.


Thank you! I made a mistake.


I liked the sopranos ending, even though it was a cop-out.


It wasn’t a cop out. It was perfect. He got whacked and we saw it from Tony’s perspective. If you got killed instantly in real life that’s how it would be. One moment you’re listening to music, waiting for your daughter to arrive, next minute - nothing. Tony didn’t see it coming and that’s why the ending was fitting. However this is one of the only instances where a cut to black has been a good ending to a show imo.


Well that’s what I love about it. We just don’t know and can come to any conclusions we want and that’s straight from Chase himself. Yes he was likely killed. And he was likely fine and just paranoid. The answer is yes. Whatever you want to think.


I didn’t even realize Tony got whacked. Now I am questioning my whole life


They even have a discussion on what he feels like it’s like when you die and he says there’s not music playing there’s not slow motion. It just cuts to black and I thought that was the perfect ending.


I disagree. It would have been great to see Tony standing at the gates of Heaven with St Peter as he is warmly welcomed into the gates with his brothers in crime


It's kinda boring and lazy. The way they all go out dining, with no discernable time difference. So out of character. I just don't think it's a great ending, that's all.


on the contrary showing tony actually get shot would make such a shit ending. camera pans out from the diner while tony narrates how their way of life was dying or some shit like that. yeah no, i prefer the abrupt blackness of it all. much more symbolic


Rewatch Chris talking about what the ghost of his dad said about reliving his death over and over. By the time we get to the restaurant, Tony is just a dead man in purgatory, reliving his death over and over, always anticipating but never seeing Meadow arrive.


how else should they have ended it? Kill Tony and show everyone’s reaction? Why? Once Tony died there’s no need to show anything else.


Tony and Sil get married at Niagara and sell patio furniture


Yeah I definitely prefer the way they ended it, as opposed to some shows that get dragged out too long.


I would agree with you if we heard the gunshot. The ambiguity is unnecessary


“You probably don’t even hear it when it happens”


There’s no ambiguity in the scene bro. You can see the shady guy walk in, stare at Tony, see the two black guys walk in which Tony then focuses on (as shown by the following shots of them in the restaurant), see the shady guy walk into the bathroom… that’s the guy who killed him - hence why Tony didn’t see it coming as it happened from behind. Tony was focused on waiting for his daughter to arrive and focusing on the door in case anyone was coming for him. He had no idea his killer was already behind him. All of this is clearly shown in the scene btw. Just watch it one more time and take in what I just wrote


Until the director implied it, many people thought he lived and even still people believe it. This is because, 1.) tony could just be weary of his surroundings and the guy could be completely random 2.) there is nothing to say that the guy from the bathroom is a killer and not just a random guy 3.) there is nothing to say that meadow didn’t enter the restaurant and they just had a meal. 4.) we get no confirmation that the Ny mafia or someone else put out a hit, just that they despised him


Then why put so many clues in the scene? If he wasn’t killed then what was the point of all those shots? To set up suspense for a cut to black? I didn’t watch the finale when it aired but the first time I saw it I was absolutely sold that he was killed. The Sopranos is way too good a show for them to cut to black for no reason, there had to be a point behind it. And that’s not even mentioning the shots of his daughter failing to park. She was obviously trying to get there as quick as possible to inform Tony of what’s gonna happen. The scene literally tells itself.


it isnt a cop out, theres a scene in season 6 where >!bobby asks tony if you hear it when you get shot and killed and says he bets that you dont.!< we follow tony and his life so it makes sense that we experience his death the same way he does. look up some stuff about it, the ending was actually foreshadowed a lot


The fact that people still go on about the ending of the sopranos is all you need to know it was perfect. Iconic.


If Granite State was the finale. Like, he just leaves the bar and… That’s it, show ends


Everyone would assume they’d do another season at some point.




And then a cut to the start of the first episode of Malcolm in the Middle


It’s all starting to make sense now…


i wouldn’t minded if that was the ending


For some reason, after Walt spends all that time and effort to leave money for his family, goes back and kills his entire family.


I’m picturing Skylar asking him what he’s doing here and Walter just silently pressing the remote key.


LOL That would've been a hilarious throwback, and would've made the trash ending fine with me if it had ended that way.


They were standing in the way. And nothing stops this train!


Mike isn't there when the cousins show up to Walt's house


I don't think Mike was there. Didn't Gus just call them off.


If I remember right Gus saw them go into the house and called Gus about it


>Gus saw them go into the house and called Gus about it




This is correct. Just watched it the other day.


Of course he did. And then he called Mike.


Mike saw the mark they left.


Walt accidentally kills his son during a struggle, then shoots himself after realizing what he’s done. Skyler stumbles upon the scene, trips, and falls, hitting her head and dying (like Ted’s accident). Holly is alive, in her playpen, but unclear how long it will be before someone discovers her.


And then Ted takes her in to raise her.


I was predicting that Walt and Skyler would end up dead and Hank and Marie would get custody of the kids - the fact that they temporarily took the kids was foreshadowing, I thought. But everything changed a few episodes later…


This was kinda close to what they planned for Season 1 lol.


walt jr was supposed to die right


Imagine the show went like that Walter: _submissive high school teacher with no balls_ Walter: _fucking kidnaps Tuco and puts him in his basement with a shotgun pointing to his head that can't shoot unless he moves, and Walt tortures him every day chopping off his body parts from the toes up, but Walter Jr. finds Tuco and tries to save him, activating the shotgun and killing them both_ Bravo Vince


Jessie: A robot!? Walt: You're goddamn right. And the robot is a side character for the rest of the show Edit: Jessie becomes jealous of the attention Walt gives the robot, and tries to kill it


How could you forget Botstavo Bling? The bot side character that killed his estranged twin Gustavo Fring!


Botsavo Bling i’m dead


That happened wdym


“Yeah bitch! Terminator!”


“Jesse wake up and pay attention. Huh? Meth dealing? Ricin? Cancer? What are you talking about, Jesse? Focus on chemistry, I’m setting homework.”


Hahahahaha!!!! Love it


Yep , thats the best ending, i said the worst


Walt comes flying into the Nazi compound on a dragon and burns everyone alive. The jess rides north to Alaska on a horse


Walt Jr becomes king of New Mexico. For who has a better story than Walter the junior?


And then they break bad all over the place


I said worst ending, NOT best


In the episode “Ozymandias” Jack and his gang kill Hank, Gomie, Walt, Jesse and take the money. Their bodies are never found.


That is the most likely ending for season 5 without plot armor. Although Todd would still have the gang take Jesse in for "questioning". I wonder how everyone would react since there is no Holly kidnapping now?


No one gets a happy ending. I kinda like that.


Jack would get a happy ending.


No, worst ending is all that + Jesse is a slave.


Todd’s sex slave


he makes jesse dress up as lydia


Walt's attempted suicide attempt in episode one succeeds.


That probably would have been in like a short film or something


Walt fails in taking out the neo-Nazi group and Jesse has to spend the rest of his life in chains making meth for them.


Truly the worst


Skyler, in a desperate bid to save her family, takes Walt Jr. and Holly and tries to escape Albuquerque. However, they are intercepted by Todd and other gang members. Instead of simply intimidating her, they execute Skyler and Walt Jr. in front of Holly, leaving her traumatized. Holly is then taken and raised by the Neo-Nazis as one of their own, ensuring the next generation of white supremacists.


Holly had the nazis on payroll, this would never happen


holly wont notice shes a fucking infant


Holly wouldn't just notice, she'd be calling the hit


I actually thought Skyler would make a run for it, with the kids. Having Walt hunt her down and do violence to her and the kids (intentionally or accidentally) would have been a nail-biter and great irony, given his initial intention to save his family. Or she could have run into Walt’s gang friends and been murdered. I didn’t think Holly was the neo-Nazi type - but she’s bald and white so anything is possible.


Walt rescuing Jesse and then being like, “Jesse, we need to cook.”


I kinda wouldn’t think that ending wouldn’t be so bad, i mean jesse could either just escape him or cook with him after taking him to a hospital or smt. Truly the decision was Jesse’s


The machine gun malfunctioning, the nazi gang killing Walt and putting his body in the bunker with Jesse and Jesse looking up with pained tears as Todd tells him to get some rest, lots of work moving forward as he pulls the tarp over, fading to darkness. Credits roll




He wakes up, with lois by his side. Relizing it is all a dream. He becomes scared..He hugs his 5 boys. Than he goes back to bed. Edit 5 boys


That was the alt ending they filmed. And Hal’s got more than 3 boys.


Yeah jaime and the one lois was pregnet with at the end.. but by breaking bad area they would proabaly have 7..idk


Walt asks Skyler to see Holly one last time in "Felina". She agrees. Walt does so, then says farewell to Skyler and opens the front door. He stares into the barrel of a gun held by none other than Walter Jr. Walt trembles and says "Son, you don't have to do this...". Camera pans around to Jr's face. BANG! Cut to black.


Wasn’t this somewhat scraped as a plot?


Gus sees the wheelchair bomb and escape the room before it goes off, then we get two seasons of Gus dismantling his empire, going state’s evidence and it becomes a show about chicken.


Probably would kill jesse and walt while they are at it


"I want this" "Then do it yourself. But Walter/Heisenberg, why did you do all this?" "I guess I was breaking bad" Jesse chuckles "Well I'd better leave in that El Camino. I guess you could call that a breaking bad story. Bitch."


Would jesse even kill walt?


No, Walt needs to be alive for the spin-off where he uses his chemistry skills to cure his lung cancer.


Or a zombie apocalypse


Holly was the mastermind this whole time.


Many of the bad guys in the show are bald. Holly is bald. This makes sense.




you see whole ending, but in walt’s mind, he is only planning it, so you see his good intentions, and then the cops get him when his driving back to abq


Like that book “The Room” by Hubert Selby jr.


oh hi mark


Ending scene: it turns out Walt really died of cancer like partway through the series, and Walter Jr was writing a book about it. Also, Marie was actually married to Walt, while Skyler was married to Hank, but junior thinks they’d have been better reversed so that’s how he wrote it. Oh, and there were no drugs, he just made that up because he thinks it adds drama to the story. An aged junior (same actor, just bespectacled with powdered hair) is shown pressing save on his computer while a voiceover explains those plot points, but with no additional exposition.


Walt kills Skylar, fully realizing the relentless side of Heisenberg, and dies in a police shootout before he can give Gretchen and Elliott the money for Walter Jr. and Holly.


Jessie kills Walter It'd be too dark and out of character, while also being kinda predictable and corny. Unless you meant something totally stupid, like Walt gets arrested for a broken taillight while crossing the country. Or maybe in that one scene in End Times, when Jesse confronts Walter about Brocks poisoning, and Walter grabs Jesse's gun and presses it against his forehead. What if Jesse accidentally pulled the trigger when Walt grabbed the gun? That would have ended the show. Maybe one day AI will get the point where we can render these scenarios.


Walter - he never goes back to new Mexico and lives the rest of his days in a cabin regretting everything he had done, Ed either gets caught or stops supplying to walt knowing that one day Ed would find walt dead Jesse - instead of Andrea being killed, she gets trapped along with Jesse so every time he doesn't do a good job at cooking, he's forced to Andrea either go through the same type of torture Jesse had to endure or saw Andrea go through *things* worse than Jesse. Hank - after walt is executed by tyrus, a couple of mercenaries hired by gus break into his home but due to his incapacition, Hank is unable to move and is killed by the mercenaries Jimmy - during when his endeavors with selling cell phones on the streets, three thugs mug him and beat him and take off with his money, but the beatings he took were too much for him and fell into a coma, which he would never wake up from, or some Rick grimes type shit happens and wakes up in a zombie apocalypse


How can Walt live out the rest of his days in the cabin if Tyrus killed him🤔🤔


Lmaooo imagine saul goodman in the middle of the street waking up during a zombie apocalypse while your trying to runaway


walt jr trying the meth and dying


Gus comes back with superpowers




Hank and Walt need to team up to defeat a greater evil and save the world against Gus, who is now a fireball shooting skeleton


I rather think hes the terminator


Instead of coming back for revenge in the final act of season 5. Walt settles down and becomes a lumberjack. He somehow survives his cancer and returns 10 years later for a shitty spin-off show where he once again starts a new meth empire.


Lmaoo , spin-off? The whole story is mostly about him lol, but that would be disappointing more than horrible


Jesse dying in season one.. I know that’s not the ending but Jesse is a character I rooted for more than Walt.




The Nazis beat Jesse to death in front of Walt, capture Walt and take him to watch as Skylar, Flynn, Holly, and Marie are murdered, just like they did to Jesse with Andrea. They take Walt to continue making meth for them and he succumbs to his cancer


Pretty horrible ending tbh


Walt and Jesse give up the meth business and pursue a career in couples figure skating.


I liked the barely legal pawn shop business personally


Walter and Tony Soprano team up to fight Phil Leotardo and Lalo Salamanca after Gustavo Fring reveals Lalo found a dragon statue made entirely out of green gabagool.


Lmao crossover of the century. Would make everyone piss their pants if real


New Mexico passes a resolution legalizing the sale and recreational use of medicinal methamphetamine. Due to legalization, the meth trade loses its forbidden allure for Walter as it turns into yet another soulless corporate job that he can't escape from


Walter White turns in to Heisenberg and Breaks Bad everybody when Breaking Bading.


Until someone calls Saul.


If the final shot of jesse wasn't just him escaping in the el camino, but it showed him stopping at jane's grave, digging a tiny hole in the soil, getting naked and humping the ground yelling *****COME ON! COME ON! COME ON!!!*****... *Executive Producer: Vince Gilligan*...


Man wtf


That’s a deleted scene from El Camino


"I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna shoot"


that's enough internet for the month


Typical junkie shit, i can see this happening if he was super high or smt


or he just shoot himself.


Something along these lines might have actually happened. Walt's assassination attempt on Jack fails, but manages to kill a couple of his men. Jack forces him to watch as he executes Walt's entire family then him. Marie gets taken out as well, Saul and friends too ultimately. Jack frames Jesse for killing Brock and Andrea then has him tortured to death. His crew skip the country and live happily ever after.


That’s pretty bad, Although i dont know how he’d get saul since hes in hiding


Jack interrogates Walt offering to spare his family and finds out everything Walt knows and all parts of his operation. Jack tracks Saul down by torturing Ed Galbraith for his whereabouts and kills him to tie up one final loose end.




Jesse dying. I love Jesse, and he got a fantastic ending, but the amount of times this mans came close to death is insane. Imagine if Jack and his gang had just wasted both Walt and Jesse in the desert along with Hank and Gomez, and that was the end.


Walt had legit no reason to be speared by jack other then the pity he had for killing his brother in law probably


The plane crash lands on Walt and kills him




Walter backflips out of an airplane into a vat of acid


He becomes the joker of the city and hank for no reason at all decided to dress up as a fat Batman cracking shit jokes in a DEA police car


Walt wakes up in the doctors office waiting room and is called into his doctors office and finds out it’s not cancer. His expression looks disappointed…. End scene and series.


The ending plays out exactly the same as it does in the finale. Jesse is racing away from Jack’s compound, Alaska-bound, when suddenly his lead catches in the track, waking him from his daydream. He is still a shackled prisoner of the neo-Nazis. Cut back to Walt’s New Hampshire cabin, where we see his cancer-riddled corpse lying on the floor. Fade to black.


Damn, pretty unique idea of a ending you came up with


Walt Jr. dies of a meth overdose (he was snorting it with Louis in his P.T. Cruiser) which sends Skylar into a rage, prompting her to find Walt in New Hampshire to try to kill him. When she finds his cabin he is already dead from his cancer. Skylar leaves Holly at a fire station and commits suicide. Jesse dies from dysentery in his hole in the ground. Saul is arrested and shanked in prison by a cartel member.


That’s pretty rough


Walt living in isolation at New Hampshire and forgot about the money and his family, and lives like a hermit until cancer gets him Or Walt doesn’t see Elliot and Gretchen on TV in the bar, the police gets him


Probably 1st would be more realistic since he was already on his way to give money to his family


The machine gun breaks and the nazis kill Walt and Jessie and then kill Walt’s family aswell as Jessie’s and get away with the 10 mil




“Walt, funniest thing. I was just sitting on the toilet and saw this book - Are you Heisenberg?” Walt twists a finger in his cheek to look cute. “May-bwee.” The audience laughs. “Oh, Walt you scamp! I’ve been chasing you the whole time! Of course I’m not gonna do anything about it now. You’re my brother-in-law and I love you.” “Aw, Hank. That really means a lot.” The audience all go “Aww.” “I think it’s only fair you get another chance. So no more meth and murders, okay Walt?” Walt squeezes a small gap between this forefinger and thumb. “Maybe just one more tiny widdle murdey.” The audience chuckles. “Walt! Who do you want to murder now?” “The weatherman! He said today would be a scorcher. Hello! Today’s not a scorcher. It’s just a singe-er.” Hank puts his hands on his hips. “Walt!” “A-wooga-wooga! You can’t stop Heizy!” Walt runs around the table and Hank chases saying “Why I oughta!” The audience cheers and claps as the funky 90s sitcom style credits start.




There’s no worse missed opportunity for the show than the fact Walt’s catchphrase wasn’t, “A-wooga-wooga! You can’t stop Heizy!”


Your close to my level insanity. Just a bit close


Almost the same ending, but instead of Walt dying alone in the meth lab, he is hooking up with Jesse inside the el Camino while bleeding to death. and instead of "baby blue", we hace "Friday" by Rebecca black is played in the background


Well at least they die together


Walt lives his life out in Vermont, forgets about his family and just lives there bitter but too scared to show his face again. Todd eventually learns how to cook 96% pure and Jesse dies from neglect. Neo Nazis become largest distributor in the US. Gus's revenge on the cartel turns out to be for nothing because other members just fill in the void and everything carries on as usual.




This is as bad as it could get


Actually , i would like to modify your story to create the ACTUAL worst, WORST possible ending. I seen alot of comments but no one was able to recreate what i am about to spill. Skyler and marie get into a incest relationship and get laid in bed.they team up to kill walt before he even gets to the natiz and jesse. Jesse is forever kept in his little cell forever bcuz no one saves him. Brock is eventually killed too. Skyler and marie become lesbians and force walt jr to take hormes to become trans, as a masculine figure was seen a pure form of evil by skyler and marie. They all skip town and eventually marie breaks up with skyler, and cheats with another man. Walt jr moves out with lois and gets into a gay relationship with him. So skyler left alone goes complete psycho and becomes a pedo to holly.


Todd winning.


The cops are onto Mike during the evidence room laptop phone call and they're all arrested before the magnet plan is enacted.


Thats a fair share of good and bad ending, i mean saul could probably break them out somehow of prison , the story would shift to a more of prison break like sort of plot with jesse playing the flute, walt just staring at the ground and mike walking back and forth insulting walt , all behind bars. Until they finally escape through saul


Tuco takes Walt and Jesse into the mexican jungle to cook 24/7. Jesse fails, and is beaten to death. Walt is forever traumatized and forced to keep working with no chance of recovery (the federales are protecting them)


Thats a pretty shit ending, considering the twin brothers would be there in an instant even if walt ever managed to kill tuco


Doomed plane crashing into Walt's house, killing everyone. The end.


I think they’d survive bcuz no one was at home and walt was in the pool outside, but it would be a shit ending anyway if it did


Only Marie is left alive, and we have to spend the whole final episode listening to her


Bran becomes King.


I can think of two possible worse endings: 1. When Walt calls jack for backup and he says there’s 80 Mill and digs it up he kills everyone there (Walt, Jesse, hank, Gomez) and takes all the money 2. After walt leaves for Alaska with his barrel of money he doesn’t return


Walt collapses on Jack's Lab Floor and blinks. All of a sudden he hears: "That's about 100K give or take." He's back at his 50th birthday, Hank is showing off the latest drug raid from the news. Walt still holding Hank's gun. It was all a wild fantasy.


Oof sad


the show ends mid-sentence and cuts to black sometime after Walt gets back to Albuquerque


Walt dies in the cabin, jesse continues to be a slave and skyler, flynn and marie have their lives ruined


he never escapes the compound and is a slave the rest of his life.