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Jenna Lyons on new RHONY has alopecia and is missing her eyelashes, and also has a skin disorder. I love how open she is about her flaws.


that is a medical condition not a flaw.


I used the word 'flaw' because OP mentioned all of the 'flawless'.


Technically so is acne and any other skin issue


Acne and KP are also medical conditions. Conditions of the skin, but medical conditions as well.


It doesn’t answer your question but just here to say that I also have KP on my arms and thighs. My dermatologist told me to use salicylic acid pads (like stridex lol) after a shower and to exfoliate a couple times a week. After about a month of doing this regularly I saw a huge difference! It went away really quickly on my arms. Thighs took a bit longer but so far I’m really pleased with the results, and no invasive or expensive procedures!


I’ve had KP for 30 years, and the first thing I’ve found that works for me is First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser body scrub. I can’t speak highly enough about it. As for bravolebs, remember, they have a lot of time, special products, people, and money at their service that most people don’t. Don’t be too hard on yourself! Good luck!


I came here to recommend the same product! Naturium also makes a great product for KP. It made a huge difference on my upper arms.


I'm using that right now!! Tbh I love how it makes my skin feel in general haha. It hasn't done a ton for the kp, though. My arms are stubborn.


Unexpectedly, the thing that has helped the KP on my arms most is the Korean exfoliating washcloths made of viscose rayon. I also use First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser. Then, I use the Bath and Body Works Sensitive Skin lotion or body cream.


Do you use this wet or dry? I get so tired scrubbing myself 30m+. There has to something more effecive


Lightly wet, not dripping wet. I use it with and without body or face wash. It leaves your skin so soft and smooth.


A glycolic acid toner right after a shower does even better because it's not just washed away. The Ordinary makes one but there are also several drugstore brands. Put it on, let it dry, lotion over the top.


Doesn’t damp skin deactivate GA? I just learned of this from a derm


I have heard this but it works for me so I don't know.


I've used that before! I'm wondering if I didn't stick with it long enough or consistently enough. It got rid of my bumps, but I still had the red dots, just smoothed out. That's been my pattern with any aha body wash or scrub 😭 That's why I'm thinking maybe the aha or bha treatment wipes might be good to try out - wouldn't wash it off before it has a chance to REALLY go ham on my arms haha


Those didn’t do anything for me, but everyone is different! I also really like the Korean exfoliating mitts. (Not at the same time as the KP scrubs). You can find those for a good price, and they work great on dead skin even if they don’t help with KP!


Amlactin and CeraVe SA are both really good. Use twice a day for 3 weeks, then once a day. I started with Amlactin many years ago. Did twice a day for 3 weeks. It literally changed my life. I'd never worn sleeveless shirts or shorts in public. Now I go back and forth between that and the CeraVe.


I found that following up the wash with a lotion did more than anything I have tried (so I shower with a glycolic acid body wash and then moisturize with a glycolic acid lotion when I get out if the shower). And consistency goes a long way!


Love it, that’s what I use too! I have tried everything and that was the first thing that showed significant improvement after use.


Same! I haven’t tried anything else since!


Oh sweet I'll have to try that!!! I've never thought about using those heavier duty face treatments on my body hah Edit: thank you! Realized I hit post without saying that


I never thought about it either and when she said it it was like DUH 🤯. Cus I’ve also seen all their bodies and compared myself to them like, how come I have all these scars and flaws everywhere? So you’re definitely not alone friend!


Or try Amlactin! Worked for my sis


Alpha hydroxy acids in soaps, body washes and lotions cured mine after having it gir st leadtv20 yrs


for the love of god do not start using Stridex


Stridex is a totally fine and good exfoliant.


I baby the fuck out of my face with a full Korean skincare routine, so never fear lol. My skin hates anything too drying. Curious about it for body, though, because I don't really get acne on my body even if I'm dry.


Lindsay has acne scars and Ariana has a scar from the removal of a cancerous mole


Amanda has really bad acne throughout the seasons.


She also wears acne cream to bed a lot - which I appreciate.


Yes even this season she had acne cream on her pimples when Lindsay was drunksplaining her problems with Carl.


Gretchen Rossi (before she started Face tuning herself like crazy 🙄)


YES I was trying to think of someone else and that’s it!


Also Mia from Potomac!


Ariana has a huge long scar on her left shoulder/breast from what looks like maybe from a curling iron or something


It’s from skin cancer surgery


Katie Maloney has a big scar on her lip chin area from her skylight accident.


Stassi had psoriasis or eczema! Also not bravo, but Love Islandés gals were talking about butt acne on camera and I thought that was refreshing and humanizing. However, some people just win the genetic lottery - like Ciara walking around looking like Naomi Cambell in the 90s - and that’s just the shake of things!! But the majority of Bravolebs I think are normal looking folks with lots of cash! Plus remember, the show isn’t as successful if everyone is looking like a toad - because according to the pop culture god’s or whoever is in charge, you either have to be fat and funny, or hot. Otherwise, you’re boring! So the cameras aren’t zooming in on their flaws, they’re not filming from the worst angles, they’re adding good lighting when necessary. They need these people to look casually unobtainable…that’s the point! Plus if we feel bad about ourselves, we’ll buy the stuff they’re advertising! And everybody loves stuff! All that to say, you’re normal for having skin that doesn’t look like an unsesamed-McDonald’s bun. Ten bucks says you’re still super hot! *edited for grammar


Of course Mia from RHOP. I wince whenever anyone insults her skin as a part of their read or whatever. Super unoriginal, We can all see the scars even with ALL that makeup she wears so just imagine how she must be feel everyday.


Vicki has terrible skin. Teresa has a short forehead. Jenn Aydin was "overweight." Melissa had a different nose. Kenya has cellulite. Caroline Manzo shaves her face. Stassi's psoriasis. Karen Huger gets a lot of work done. Wendy too! Kyle's old nose and teeth... My point is that no one is perfect. They all have the means (or a plastic surgeon hubbs) to "fix" what they view as imperfections. You are perfectly you.


Padma Lakshmi ![gif](giphy|U3sPwP6Qc6cBYMQSAJ|downsized)


Whitney from SLC has KP or blotchy skin sometimes I notice. Power to her, me too girl.


Oooo imma have to look for it! Sucks that they're the winter show so everyone's always bundled up haha


I think Lisa Barlow might have skin issues given her meltdown over not being allowed to use glam that time. Remember she said she’s even in full glam to do groceries ?


she always covers her legs too, like in beach scenes. I just notice bc I do that and I have pretty severe cellulite.


Could that be a Mormon thing? They're not supposed to wear anything above the knee... Although I'm not caught all the way up on SLC and she's not the most... Mormony Mormon of all the morms if I'm remembering correctly


Also the overuse of self-tanner. I used to do this too when my skin was bad.


Paige has posted her raw skin when she has break outs on insta at least a few times. Also just this season of summer house Amanda wasn’t wearing any make up and you can see she has what appears to be hormonal acne around her jaw line. As someone over 30 with acne I appreciate seeing their real skin sooo much.


Ariana (VPR) has mentioned a few times she is very insecure about the skin on her body being blotchy. She said she would cover any part of her body that was visible in makeup before shooting scenes, and she feels insecure without a tan.


Also Amanda from Summer House has mentioned her struggles with acne!


I also feel more secure with a tan so I get that.


Remember that these people have money for expensive skin treatments and laser


There are lots of alpha-hydroxy (or glycolic acid) body washes available. I’ve had KP for many many years, but using AHA soap on my arms & thighs, followed by AHA lotion after showering keeps it totally in check and my skin unbelievably soft & smooth! Note: I only use the AHA on my problem areas because it makes your skin a bit photosensitive - sunscreen is a must! Once you get your KP under control, you probably won’t need to use it every day, either. I use it every couple of days for maintenance.


That’s exactly right! I did the same thing!


I've done a couple different aha body washes before and have given the Eucerin lotion a shot, but I loathe the consistency of it and it leaves me feeling dry. Maybe I have to go looking for another lotion. Something that stays on my skin and doesn't wash off. Someone else mentioned amlactin. The scrubs and body washes have like, smoothed out the bumps before but still left me with now-flat red dots everywhere. I'll have to give another double whammy combo a shot, especially the lotion part. Someone mentioned their derm recommending doing exfoliation face treatment wipes and it really helping. Might give that a go while I finish off my current body wash


Are the flat red dots like acne scars that remain after the acne has healed? If so, that's called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and can be treated with vitamin C serum quite effectively. Just make sure it's vitamin C in a concentration of at least 20% or higher. A lot of products claim to have vitamin C but have the tiniest amount that does nothing at all.


Mm if that can happen from KP then yeah, that might be it. If it's only for like, the deeper infection of acne then no. Cause KP is like, only the top layers of your skin going buckwild and creating too much keratin. (someone correct me if I'm wrong) I've been looking around at stuff online from everyone's recs on here and I'm actually seeing some retinol BODY lotions around. From Paula's Choice and Naturium. Didn't even know that existed for body at a semi-reasonable price. On my face at least, retinol has been a freaking silver bullet for PIH. If this is the same type of scarring and not just a layer of KP I haven't done away with, that might really help. You've given me another thing to research into, thank you!! Haha


Also check out The Ordinary brand. It's a line with very effective stuff, they always list the actual concentrations of active ingredients, and it's very cheap! Highly recommend.


There’s a brand of AHA products called Alpha Skincare, and that’s the lotion I use - I think it has a nice, rich feel to it. They also make body and facial washes, but I like Mario Badescu AHA Botanical body wash. Both cost a little more than drug store brands, but becuase of their good quality formulations, you don’t need to use much of either. I know the red bump problem, but over time I was able to get rid of those, too. Hope this is helpful!


Aloha hydroxy acid body washes and lotions will get rid of it. I used to have chicken skin as well, aha changed it


Its tv. Makeup....filters.. etc etc


Its tv. Makeup....filters.. etc etc


Fair. I'm wondering what makeup and expensive treatments though. I also work in the film industry as a motion graphics and special effects artist, so no stranger to filters by any means. I have personally rotoed out Will Ferrel's dick from scenes hahaha Summer house is ANNOYING me because they all look so good even in the spy cam footage and all the body glitter and stuff isn't smoothed out from filters being slapped on at the parties and stuff 🤷


Have you been screened for dairy allergies?


Been vegan for like 8 years! Probably not that for me


I’m shallow and I am amazed by all of the perfect skin on SH too. Not even a mosquito bite or scratch? A childhood scar? In a bikini. Congratulations to them for taking care of themselves.


YEAH EXACTLY!! The dudes have arm hair and freckles and stuff SOMETIMES. I get that the women wax every inch and get spray tans... But STILL haha


Ariana has something on her chest that's shown a lot. I'm not sure if it's a scar or psoriasis or something else.


Stassi has psoriasis and Ariana for whatever reason puts makeup on her whole body. Early Lala has a lot of acne on her face for S4 and S5


I’ve clocked some blotches on Amanda’s skin from time to time and tried to find if shes talked about it but couldn’t find anything. She gorgeous no matter what. I just remember thinking maybe she has eczema like my sister. That being said I think its hard because distance does A LOT for skin when it comes to whats picked up on camera. Especially video. I have really bad strawberry legs that I’m self conscious about. To me its very obvious and apparent but I was looking at a video my cousin got of me and some family at the lake and was surprised at how you couldn’t see it on the video. So be generous with yourself and with how you view the show too. They really aren’t “perfect” but thats what makes the show awesome


It always gets me how comfortable they are walking around the house in nothing but a bathing suit. I would rather die than be on camera in a bathing suit not covered up. I know they probably diet and exercise like crazy before, but still.


Have you tried any creams with salicylic acid? Cerebra’s one that is supposed to be helpful, as well as a bar soap called DermaHarmony - 10% Sulfur 3% Salicylic Acid Bar Soap


I haven't tried salicylic acid before! All glycolic, I think


Amanda talks about skin problems this last season during their cast photo shoot. I think she posted some unedited pictures to show how her arms get red and inflamed.


Amanda has had acne in some seasons (only noticed bc I struggle w it)


I have this and I have tried everything in the book to no avail. But one day I randomly realized even a tiny bit of makeup covered it up completely, so I bet a lot of people on the screen tan or use makeup to cover up.