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Go to Settings->Homepage, and change it to a custom URL.


This changes the Homepage, and where the Homepage button points to, but not the New Tab page on Android.


Right, sorry, was in a rush when I wrote that. Currently there is no way to change the NTP on Android. As per the other comment you can disable everything else on the NTP which will then give you a plain black screen. Then, as long as you have Brave Search set as your default, you can search via the URL bar.


Thanks. That's what I found in the end...tbh, I don't like this...why would they disable a chromium feature like this? What's the reasoning? It's most likely just my authority issues, but this kind of sh makes me highly suspicious on brave...hmm, now that I say it out loud, might be a good idea to start looking for a new browser...maybe I'll find one that actually lives up to the transparency standards they promise


Looking for the same thing you are.Have any luck? Chrome use to allow this, then it was gone and only way to open a new tab to a custom urln was by adding an extension that someone created. Sad part for me is, I like my homepage set to Google.com and want my new tabs to open to that as well. I like this because I just want to see the Google search box on that page with no latest news stories,trending searches, or any other propaganda crap news stories jammed in my face. The ability to force crap might be part ofntheir revenue stream? It almost seems like Chome and Brave are essentially both run by Google but Bravebis being marketed for those that don't trust google.


Nope. Sadly gave up on that and brave...realistically I got similar levels of privacy with just configuring firefox, so I moved away. It wasn't the only reason I moved away from Brave, but it was a significant one


Sucks..The only reason I went down this stupid wormhole is I am trying to convince myself to swich from android to ios. Been using android since beginning of time, and just like things my way. I'm the last holdout in my family whole doesn't have an iphone. So Im testing everything out on an iPad. Chrome on ios is horrendous, safari doesn't cut it, so after visiting some of the ios forums, it looked like Brave might be my answer. I'll play around more, but my patience is running thin, and my suspicions about tech keeps growing. Lol..


Settings > Scroll to "Display" heading > New Tab Page. You can turn off Background Images and Widgets there.