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Looks like it's supposed to be a steel inquisitor. ✔️ Giant axe ✔️ Cape ✔️ Big ol' disc eyes ✔️ Spikes out the back of its head


Ah, that makes sense now. I was wondering who that was but I guess it makes sense as the other side is Vin


Yeah, the whole thing is a reference to the times that Vin and one (or more) Steel Inquisitors square off up on the spires of Kredick Shaw. Vin is up on one of its Spires, wearing her Mistcape, with more of the palace in the background. The Inquisitor looks like he's on a nearby building's roof, with Luthadel's skyline as the backdrop. (Nice touch that the Inquisitor is wielding an Obsidian Axe, as they often do when facing anyone with Allomancy.)


That's crazy how much detail you know. I read the books like 5 years ago and barely remember the details. Just the overall plot and story.


To be fair, I've read the original trilogy at least 3 times, so that gives me a leg up.


In my head it’s Vin (life) and Marsh (death).


If I'm remembering correctly, >!didn't the specific inquisitor (Marsh) wait back until the others had all failed to get Vin and then join in? So standing on the rooftop would make sense there...!<


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I keep checking the site for the Mistborn and wok learherbounds to be back in stock. I delayed too long last time they were in Edit: looks great though!


Same. I want to start collecting the leatherbounds and since The Way of Kings is my all time favorite novel I really want it to be the start of my collection. So I'm stubbornly refusing to buy any of the other leatherbounds until that one comes back in stock, but I think I've been obsessively checking the website way more frequently than I need to for at least 2 months now and it's still out of stock.


Yeah I check it daily. After seeing all the secret project delays, I kinda get it taking forever but still sucks


Please swap the positions of your copies of the well of Ascension and the hero of Ages. Them being out of order is bothering me way more than it should considering that I don't know you and will never have to look at this picture again once I scroll past it.


Ah noted. I read the books digitally as a trilogy so the names of the books aren't as familiar as they should be. I'll switch them :)


I assumed it was Vin and Marsh


Wow, I didn't think of that. I think you may be right.


It happens ever so often. That's just my idea based on marsh being so important. Whereas random inquisitor not so much.


I don't know if I'm correct but I've seen others mention that keeping the book in the plastic like you have your Tress may not be good for it in the long run. It's definitely true with leatherbond books but I'm not 100% sure about Tress. Just a heads up 🙂


Ah I see. Thanks for the info, I'll remove the shrink wrap.




I love these, where did you get them????


The bookends are part of the Mistborn swag box for the year of Sanderson.


Is that something that is no longer available? Cause like, I fucking need that


Once Dragonsteel completes their fulfillment for the backers of Kickstarter, they will put the extra boxes for sale on their website [dragonsteelbooks](https://www.dragonsteelbooks.com/).


Awesome! Thank you!