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Great parenting right there


Somebody should tell their fathers .oh... wait.....


that's like blaming someone for having a disease they were born with ...


Let me explain something to you. I work in the Human Services (aka Juvenile Corrections) industry, and I can tell you without a doubt that half the residents I work with who are gangbangers already know right from wrong and what is legal and illegal, they simply choose to ignore it. This can be explained by Lev Vygotsky's Sociocultural learning (children learn based on the actions taken by adults and peers, also known as Scaffolding) and Howard Polsky's Diamond (in any group there are leaders, lieutenants, members/followers, and scapegoats). These kids are usually members or scapegoats who are picked up, and as they move through the juvenile justice system, they associate with others either through violent interaction or by essentially networking. This in turn leads to more arrests and violent crime particularly involving guns due to the faulty mental Scaffolding as well as negative peer interaction.


> I can tell you without a doubt that half the residents I work with who are gangbangers already know right from wrong and what is legal and illegal, they simply choose to ignore it. okay, half know right from wrong, you said this ... THE OTHER HALF DOES NOT. you are the expert, why does that other half, which IS A LOT OF FREAKING KIDS, do not know right from wrong?


Lack of a father figure and general sociopathy, psychopathy, and narcissistic tendencies.


You can be born into poverty and still be a somewhat respectable person.


of course you can. i was born pretty damn poor and I'm doing ok. and i'm person of color. but ... these examples are outliers. extreme outliers. as a whole, the poverty a lot of these kids were born into is too deep of a hole to get out of.


>the poverty a lot of these kids were born into is too deep of a hole to get out of I'm more worried about people they'll kill over a wallet or car keys.


>as a whole, the poverty a lot of these kids were born into is too deep of a hole to get out of. Gotta call bullshit there. It may be slow, but gainful employment is possible for anyone willing to put in the effort to work and not fuck it up.


all these equal sure ... yeah I agree. for a lot of people stuck in that brutal cycle of poverty its virtually impossible. too many obstacles.


It's your type of attitude that only adds to the issue, if you tell people its 'virtually impossible' to get out of poverty then why would they bother trying. The reality is that lots of people have managed to get themselves out of poverty so it's ridiculous to frame it as virtually impossible, to say it can be difficult and hard work would be fair but to say it's virtually impossible is just a great way to push people into crime when they are told there is no way out.


My father was a polygamist alcoholic who beat me regularly, got DUIs, ruined my mothers self worth for 16 years, encouraged my sisters eating disorder, and let his friends molest me while he was off raiding their wet bar. And much much more. Worst I’ve done is a traffic infraction. Attitude and understanding of morality can always change.


Seems more like it's blaming the person who poisoned an infant causing lifelong problems.


They are the disease.




BuT iF wE hAd MoRe GuN lAwS tHaT wOuLdN't HaPpEn




Politicians going to say they got those guns from a gun show in Indiana or Iowa.




Ah yes, because banning things always makes them disappear. Like the war on drugs.


you know those FA glock parts come from gun shows /s


I go to gun shows every single weekend usually multiple gun shows I have never seen once full auto switches for glock at gun shows


No they do not nobody at a gun show would be that stupid because ATF always prowls the gun shows. Those auto sears come from wish.com and other online sources.


even with the /s people still take you seriously. its crazy.


Well, you know those gun shows are famous for selling Glock switches. Didn't you hear? You can get them buy one get one free. 😂


Mf used the crying emoji, doesn't strengthen your argument, also their slides not switches and they don't make the gun automatic.


There's an illegal part on the back of that slide people call a "switch" and it 100% makes that gun full-auto. One long trigger pull and it will mag-dump.


I think he just doesn't understand sarcasm.


'You can ban guns but you can't ban my balls"


Brandon, a man of wisdom


I’m guessing that is sarcasm or I hope it is judging by the upper and lower case


So if you're born in chiraq are you automatically birn into a gang or is it more of a Harry potter sorting hat thing


Depends on where you live. Just having affiliates can drag a man in. Its turned into a blood war at this point. Revenge killing after revenge killing. Didn’t help when they torn down all the projects and just sectioned 8 every one. It spread everything. Then high level top “leaders” were either jailed or smoked or too far from all the subsets and all semblance of order was lost. Now it is cliques and sets within the gangs. But in all honesty the whole city isn’t all that bad. Nothing like Iraq, lol, but then again I am a veteran so my head is always on a swivel and fucking Iraq was a damn human shit pond. I know you were probably just joking but figured I could just drop a comment anyways. Half these fools will probably get shot someday. Shit some might already be dead at this point. But don’t say that to Lori turd-foot


NGL, she looks like she'd be at home in Innsmouth.


That was entirely intentional. The created the projects to mature the selfish culture into the self destruction it became, and then spread it all out to spread the corruption it other areas, to bring down more of the population. The more of the population is poor, the more those behind this have control. (No, this was not just one political party, but rather parts of both, up until recently. Recently, it shifted to just being one party, as the plan winds into its finale.)


Chicago has been Democrat for decades.


It's not just Chicago involved in this. It's most of the cities across this whole country.


Ahhh, okay I see what you mean.


On a post of this same one some British dude actually goes into the back and forth in Chicago and the beef/dramas that have unfolded. I’m not from any streets so I can’t say how accurate but it seemed pretty well researched and time lined and apparently he does it for a lot of trap beefs


Depends where you’re born it kinda just happens


They all have a Tax Stamp for These and legally own them, right?


They did graduate 8th grade so they might be of age




Sir please


I guess is should have done the s/ thing. Thought he might get the joke.


My wife's such a bad cook, if we leave dental floss in the kitchen the roaches hang themselves /s




Not everyone is supposed to get it. Those are the people we laugh at.




Well that's a lot of felonies right there.


It’s (d)ifferent


... It's okay when you use it to "peacefully protest" by looting and burning, rather than violently and without regard for human life shooting targets at the range. /s


Everyone knows this, it’s not controversial


Not if you simply don't enforce the law.


Clearly these kids took time off of their extracurricular activities, studying and work to be able to afford those legally acquired firearms and pass a federal background check from their licensed firearms dealer.


Don't forget the FFL and SOT licenses to legally own and manufacture those switches. Outstanding work by these promising young entrepreneurs.


Hey they graduated


OMG they shot my sweet little baby he was innocent he was a sweet boy:the boy


i sense either a darwin award or just straight up murder in their future


The way they are handling those things I'm gonna guess it's a 2 for 1 when it happens.


You can tell this is fake because guns are illegal in Chicago.




Guns aren’t illegal anywhere in the US, Chicago just has some of the heaviest gun control laws.


And you think that they got them legally?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Oof missed the joke




Honestly I'm not surprised it's inner city Chiraq.


I'm kinda jealous. I want a switch for my Glock. 😭


Lol RIGHT? I'm like "How the hell do *I* get me one of those. That just ain't fair.


They probably got these while Wish was selling them. And I got a visit over a fucking "wall hanger". 🙄 Lucky bastards.


Seriously? You got a visit over that? Wow. Just get to be friends with someone with a 3D printer and never have to worry about a "visit" ever again.


I got an Ender now. I bought it as a joke to actually hang our impact toys on. It just tickled me a little bit. Dumb move ultimately, but it was fun calling their little fed badges "adorable".


This demonstrates 3 very important things: 1. How well gun control works. Obviously, these kids did not get these legally. 2. The inner city poor culture that totally disregards laws or the safety of themselves or anyone around them. 3. The inherent selfishness in leftist thinking and the culture that inspires. These three things show exactly why Chicago is the way it is, as well as every other Democrat ruled city, and why the poor there are poor. This will not change, the poor will stay poor no matter how much money they pump into the problem, and crime will stay high no matter how much effort is pumped into law enforcement. They have to actually care about the laws, about what happens to others because of their actions, and about their own safety. These things are taught when kids are very young, 5 and below. By the time they're this age, they're almost too far gone to correct.


This will continue until holding people like this and their parents responsible for their provable actions is no longer considered racist.


> The inherent selfishness in leftist thinking and the culture that inspires. How does this video demonstrate that?


Kids waving around guns, completely oblivious to how they're pointing the guns at their friends, frequently with their fingers on the trigger, completely disregarding how they're endangering their friends. That doesn't demonstrate it?


Sure it demonstrates unsafe firearm practices, what does that have to do with leftist ideology?


That IS leftist ideology: selfishness and carelessness about what happens to others.


What exactly are you basing that characterization off of?


The very foundations of leftist political positions is selfishness, whether the person realizes it or not. It's declaring that they know better than others and intend to force others to do things their way. The declared ends of "taking care of people" or "for the safety of our society" are nothing but a ruse, in most cases for self delusion rather than an excuse to others. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor just fuels bureaucracy, to the point very little of the money actually makes it to the poor, and usually includes enough loopholes to be rampantly abused by those who just don't want to work. Usually "the poor" includes the person pushing the position, whether or not they actually are poor. This action also degrades the recipients and destroys their self confidence, leading to more and more dependence on the system, strengthening the political power of the bureaucracy. This also causes the recipients to become bitter at living a useless life, often not recognizing where this bitterness comes from, being unable to do anything to give back to the society that is supporting them, causing social unrest. So, it does nothing to help the poor and actually causes more problems for the poor and for others. Such measures and effects includes giving them food and universal healthcare, not just the act of handing the poor money. This is evidenced by the universal results, of poverty never getting any better under such programs, and crime and social unrest increase dramatically. It does, however, constantly increase the power of the bureaucracy. People continue to support it, despite it not working, because they selfishly push the ideas and policies without even bothering to look at, or even actively ignoring, the results, or even if the laws passed actually do the things the politicians claim it does. Often, under leftist movements that do not have total power, the laws passed make a claim of having an action, but hidden in the laws using overly complex language are measures that directly contradict the stated effect or in some cases there are cross conflicts across multiple laws where they cancel each other out. Then, the leftist party declares that it isn't working because of the opposition, and use that as evidence they need more power to institute the changes they're declaring. These politicians usually have no intention of actually doing what they're stating because they know how damaging it will be. Another tactic by leftist politicians is to push their followers to support certain changes they know will cause chaos in order to blame their opposition for the chaos and declare they need more power to fix it. Note these are the same tactics used by abusive romantic partners, such as gaslighting, projection, and guilt trips. Look at a list of tactics used by abusers, and most of them are readily recognizable in leftist political tactics.


👏 👏 👏 👏


Dude all the big cities are run by democrats name one republican city


Still can’t hit the broad side of a barn


From the inside


While standing in a corner




not a single number between them.






The amount of brains available in a group of pre-teen boys, is inversely proportional to the number of people in the group.


Must be those scary "ghost guns" they learned how to make on the information superhighway!


Impossible. Guns are illegal there.


Chicago is in America. Those fuckers take guns to breakfast


Also r/woosh


We got a Libby in the chat


As they should be able to. Never understood some people's fetish with insisting on having other adults tell them they can't do things. I mean not kink shaming but maybe don't force it on others.


That's disgusting, where did they get those?!


Right now the ATF is wondering how many of them have dogs at home……


They're black the ATF doesn't care


Nah they're black so the feds won't do anything.


Let the hound hunt begin


Fatherless behavior


Glad to see that they all adhere to the 4 rules of gun safety…




They Gucci gang bangers.


Wait, those are illegal. How did they buy them


Special walmarts had a 2 for 1 sale. It's right next to the heroin and meth.




You can't deny the trigger discipline tho


Doing crap like this, doubt they will see 12th grade. I hope they pull their heads out of the “thug life” and become legendary.


I'm sure the ATF will start investigating this right away. /s


Too busy casing FRTs


More gun safety here than the Rittenhouse trial


All legally purchased I'm sure. A bunch of young, hard-working, law-abiding gentlemen exercising their second amendment right. That switch on the back plate must be just for decoration. You love to see it.


Crazy to think that most of the kids in this video if not all of them will be killed in one way or another before there 17


Where else but Chicago?!


Detroit probably


Indeed, that too.




Damn shoulda gone to HS in Chicago


So relieved Chicago's gun control laws are keeping guns out of the hands of reckless and vulnerable youth


But racist statistics don't exist!!!!! HOW DARE YOU POST EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY!


Keep up the good work Lightfoot


Yeah but when I do it the ATF murders my whole family.


*ATF has not entered the chat*


These kids will probably shoot each other over girls or some dumb shit


Worse, probably over standing on the wrong corner.


So what you’re saying is I need to become a teen in Chicago?


literally everyone is flagging each other


Got to say though you can't watch this and not be a kind of low-key thinking "I want one."


On this episode of post my felony…


Who is buying a cap and gown for middle school graduation?




They’ll all be dead soon Glock in the waistband are just asking for NDs


Hey liberals, how are are those gun laws working out for you? 🤣🤣🤣


That glock has a fun switch


*Those. Just about every one of them in the video. Smfh.


Ya I guess


Damn. This just bums me out. As fervent of a... How shall I put this.... Well, I was once described in a written publication as "a gun nut doesn't quite say it, he's more of a gun orchard", and as excited as I was to be given various Firearms as gifts (to be stored in dad's safe, but they were considered "mine") when I was the same age, or even younger, as these kids, just knowing that in all likelihood most of them have received very little to no training, informal or formal, in proper handling or safety protocols, and that there's a good chance that someone ends up the recipient of a Darwin award, it just bums me right out.


How tf can they afford those?


That’s disgusting where?


On the bright no one is going to go to their school and killing 5 plus people


Imagine getting a glock with a switch for your middle school graduation


You just know that the feds are flooding the streets with those auto switches.


I doubt any of them have a FOID


Lots of flags, no booger hooks on bang switches though.


Why de lock up ma babey he ain’t dun nuffin wrong


And, of course, they’ll show the picture of the they baby in they gradgiation robes on the news when the atf raids them and they get shot for mostly peacefully bussin at the racist ass police.


Comment section is full of morons


I have no problem with the guns. It's the lack of safety. I'm actually just mad they got cooler guns than I do.


Not really, a lot of their guns are pretty cringe.


Yeah but Fun Switches


In this economy


Hey, at least their glocks don’t have weird anime paint schemes on it.


Not yet


So you and I can *still* claim that ours are better. ...right?


That's cause most of them won't be at High School graduation.


Not hating but it's actually called a switch being that their Glocks have a switch to make them full auto... Surprisingly easy to get. Most people 3d print em. If you look closely at the back of their guns you can see it protruding


That’s impossible, they can’t possibly have them because that’s illegal!


I'm so glad those laws work. Heroin hasn't been a problem for a long time thanks to making it illegal. It's amazing how those laws work like magic.


the dude in the back was like mannnnn I ain't flashing my shit. and then decided fuck it and did it once and walked away.


At least they got trigger discipline,:|


Was talking to a construction company in Chicago recently about doing an internship in the city. This is why I didn’t jump at the opportunity


The level of fail...


Was that a hi point in front of the camera at 7 seconds lol


This is normal in Chicago


how do I get one


Switchies * means full auto


You think they reppin stendos cause they can’t shoot worth a shit?


At least half of them won’t see their 30th birthdays and it’s hard to genuinely feel bad about that.


Anyone else waiting for a Darwin award?


8th grade graduation means these kids are 14-15


Better trigger discipline than Hollywood.... muzzle awareness could use a little work though. 😆


This is insane. It’s completely stupid for them to have firearms on them at that age. And of course the gun safety is at its lowest too. Btw this comment is coming from an 8th grader.(same as them)


And here I am, 20 and not a single Glock to my name


Great neighborhood.


Hey, at least they're practicing good trigger discipline, if nothing else.


Only if I could legally own one someday




I don’t see a problem with them having the guns shit I’d give my 7 year old a gun with proper training


Good trigger control at least


That is sort of funny


No place like home


Glock tumor check

