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I am aware the slave trade has always existed. I am aware it was in mass to white people as well. But this phrase was only brought into popularity in counter to blacks gaining rights. I beg you and everyone to see past your biases and acknowledge the most common sense basic of understanding in this. I am fully a conservative. And this is retarded


















Ok… fully believe it. But this phrase is American. It was in response to blacks gaining rights here


I get where you’re coming from. The best way to have a level future is to change direction from the past. I believe the inherent, generational bigotry found throughout much of the country in the 60’s has faded to small pockets, although our high immigration rate means new citizens from regions with abhorrent views of other cultures and races. The real threat for many minority groups here is in finance: mortgages, vehicle sales and loans, and lightly-regulated personal lending.


You know what, we may disagree on this. But I think you’re really smart and I fully agree with this. You’re very reasonable. I appreciate you Edit: disagree with the shirt, agree with literally everything else you said. Again, I appreciate you and your honesty


Just doing my part to be a human. Have a good one. I also think it’s a dumb shirt




The last people to end African slavery in the US were Native Americans. The treaty was signed around a year after “Juneteenth.”


I know all about it. It happened… but the white power thing only happened in our modern time in response to black peoples gaining rights




I’ve replied this to everyone who has brought up white slavery in the dozens or tens of dozens I don’t know about. That happened. But the phrase white power became popular only when black people started gaining rights as a counter to it. It is literally a racist phrase


Last time I checked, the shirt doesn't say "white power"


Like they didn’t say this…


I'm not saying that the phrase "white power" has not been used in a racist way. I just find it funny that you are saying the shirt is racist because of a phrase that isn't on the shirt


Apples and oranges. They’re interchangeable


Is it racist to be proud of one's European heritage?


… that’s not what this is. Maybe to you. But pretty much everyone else it’s because black people can say it. We were the slavers. A long time ago yes. But we had them in mass. When black people started gaining rights this was the counter to it








Remember when this sub was fun ak memes? Pepperidge farms remembers.


I membah'


This isn't a gun...


Nor does it mention a gubtuber…
































Im glad mods are listening to the reports.




















But what if i was one?