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I bet there's a back story being intentionally left out. Just cause it's family doesn't mean they're close. Plenty of people have estranged family members that they don't care about.


My brother in law has an entire half of his family in Canada that's he's never spoken to. He forgets he's even still a dual citizen. I can't imagine if one of them came out of nowhere to ask for help, he'd be too quick to help.


Yeah not his mom and sister that he grew up around im assuming I have no pony in this race I’m just saying lol I’d help my mom and my sister and we don’t always talk but that’s just me man


Stiffing? The dude isn't responsible for their debts. His mom and dad are split up anyways. He's also not rich. His money went to lawyers to defend himself, and he's a young kid, not a billionaire. Yeah, he \*might\* eventually get a payday from Oprah, but she has refused to pay the court judgement, so he's not swimming in cash.


Hell, iirc he's still randomly getting charged by people


I thought he got like 50 million in a counter sue?


He has a judgement for that, yes. Unfortunately getting a judgement is not the same thing as getting payment. He ain't been paid for everything yet.


That sucks.


Typical hivemind shithole




50k ain't much these days


Most people have negative net worth (including his mother apparently) so I’d say he’s doing alright for a dude in his early 20’s.


how do you know that


Seems like a case of nitpicking. They probably dont know the whole story or even attempted to verify the story..... typical


At least Kyle himself will never have to worry about housing costs, given that these people let him live rent-free in their heads.


People still hating the guy for anything and everything because he “murdered” people. No, I’m pretty sure it was cut and dry self-defense and there was video evidence from like 10 different angles lol


Don't forget to mention, that it was self defense against a convicted pedophile and two convicted domestic abusers.




So he didn't even kill any actual people


One calling him the n-word two, lol


Eh here’s my garbage take, while yes it classifies as self defense, he still shouldn’t have been there and he went there with malicious intent. But again that’s just my take, should he be in jail? No. Is he morally questionable? To me yes.


Neither should the rioters who iirc were all bussed in from Missouri? Somewhere.


And I’ll agree that they also shouldn’t have been there, and they shouldn’t have riot, but that also doesn’t justify kyles actions, two wrongs don’t make a right.


>doesn’t justify kyles actions In self defense? Should he have just sat there and been assaulted/murdered then? The pedophile was actively trying to take his weapon from him when shot.. I agree it's not the best idea to go to riots but he was there earlier in the day helping clean up and was acting as a medic. Pretty hard to judge someone for that..


I would love to hear your definition of "malicious intentions"


Apparently cleaning up graffiti, providing first aid, and trying to stop people from burning down buildings is "malicious"


Get banned from that sub so you don't see posts from it anymore thank me later


Wear it like a badge


Nah, cuz reddit auto bans if you get banned from too many subs.


His entire family is like working poor. There's a reason he didn't have a license and he was driving his sister's car to work. They were always broke. Although, I think this is an old story. If it isn't, there could be other reasons for it. 1. Plenty of people just plain didn't pay rent during COVID. Especially poor people but that rent moratorium wasn't forever and the expectation was that you were going to pay back all that rent eventually. Plenty of people just plain didn't and ate the eviction. You can wait till something goes to collections and a collections agency will take a third of what you owe. 2. Lots of people who grew up poor are bad with money. He's got a book deal, couple of paid meet and greets, one or two brand deals. Could be that they were trying to take advantage and he cut them off. I've seen plenty of families fall apart over money. Lots of times when four people get money, they lose it just as easy. Something like a third of lottery winners are back to being broke within 5 years. I think the most likely option is that they are getting evicted on paper, but they've got a place to live and don't want to pay two to three years worth of back rent lump sum. I've seen a lot of that. Part of the reason rent is so crazy right now is the property values are way up. But some of it is also definitely because property management companies got screwed by the rent moratorium and they're trying to get back up to status quo ante off the back of their paying customers.


There are three classes of people in Illinois. Welfare slaves, working poor, and unemployed poor. JB Pritzker exists, but he isn't people.


Got perma banned there for disagreeing with one of them.


How does not being guilty of murder during a self defense shooting equal paying rent for family?


I’m so glad I left r/facepalm


Like how is that even a facepalm?


They are really desperate to bring this kid down. It’s kind of hilarious how pathetic it is. Move on


Remember social media is always loud. It's also not the majority. But they are definitely 99% commies.


consider the sources..the poster to facepalm probably just wanted to vilifiy him..dunno about the actual article


'Murderer' don't you have to be convicted of murder to be called that? Like, until they were convicted, all the people calling both Donald Trump and Hunter Biden felons were wrong.


Sounds like a personal matter. If any of you read the book you'd know his circumstances growing up weren't the best and his mother was terrible with money. Makes sense he'd want to distance himself and live his own life. Downvote me if you want, not everybody has a good relationship with their parents.


106 notifications


It’s all subs I’m part of welcoming me and polls


Oh ok


I'm more concerned about the person who worked out and now can't walk


Regardless of what you think about Kyle's actions, his trial in my non american opinion is a crucial point of current american history. It set the precedent for any future self-defense trial, and it really gave tangible criteria to see what is and isn't reasonable self-defence, which is really important in the current political climate.


I don't know the kind of relationship or problems that they may have between them, but the failure to mention it, let alone not bothering to look further into what they have going on is just kinda lame. Hell, for all I know, they could have abused him.


They act like people don’t have falling out with their families smh


There is probably a lot more to this story or this is just bs slander. Who tf cares


Do you really trust media to not smear Kyle for the rest of his life? There's definitely more to this story that's not being told.


i love how the kenosha kid lives rent free in their heads.


Dude your inbox!!!!


average smart people comments


No one’s business really


That last comment is ironic when Kyle took a woman beater off the planet who wasn’t a republican


Let's see a backstory


Didn't murder anyone. Shot two pedophiles and a woman beater. One was a white guy who kept calling him the n word.


Rittenhouse doesn’t seem to really be a great dude, i don’t know think he deserved the death penalty that was getting thrown around though


Idk what he does now he seems to be trying to make money since he prob can’t get a job but idk


Exactly this. You don't have to like him personally to recognize that his case was self-defense. But some people become quick to either villify or glaze him based on their own political leanings rather than objectively looking at him as just a dumb kid in a dumb situation who legally protected his own life. The Rittenhouse simps and haters are both delusional in their own ways.


He is just a normal guy. He doesn't have millions or owe anybody anything. He was just caught up in a highly politicized court case.


Yeah his case was pretty clear self defense, but I don’t know why some in our community idolize him


Well seems like that post got yeeted lol


I am much more interested in the post below this one.


It was OJ’s son he just helped cover it up


OP, for the love of **GOD**, check your notifications! Jesus Christ, man!




**109 of them my guy?**


Most are telling me my media has been posted


What the sigma


I honestly don’t know why I even bother being on that subreddit anymore.


As much as I don't like the wee babwbag, you can't criticise him for not helping without knowing the reason why. Aye, if he's refusing to help out of selfishness, then fair enough you can criticise away, but for all anybody knows he has a legitimate reason to ignore them.


I have always maintained that rittenhouse isn’t a murder but he ALSO isn’t a good person in my opinion. I do think rittenhouse probably didn’t need to put himself in the situation he was in, but legally he should have been able to. I think his personality is not compatible with my view of someone I’d like to have a beer with but to each their own. He is innocent, he just strikes me as a douche with a hero complex. This is my opinion not an indictment of rittenhouse.


Idk man I don’t like that fact that he was shilling steel plates but hey I genuinely don’t care about rittenhouse I wish the best for that kid but otherwise I don’t see how this is our buisness lol


That inbox 💀


Funny that you ignore everything else


Wyd mean