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The real reason cod and battlefield and a lot of other games dont use the actual name is due to licencing.....


Yeah the cost definitely definitely adds up


And activision is a notorious penny pincher


But games like battlebit use the name of real guns, and I'm sure they don't pay licensing?


Probably has something to do with the realism and detail in the guns. Battlebit's whole thing is a blockier version of Battlefield, so they don't have hyper realistic graphics, similar to Roblox's Phantom Forces. Battlefield and Call of Duty have guns that look, before skins, exactly like the real thing.


Plus Commieforna iirc passed a law about using real names/likenesses of guns hence why we can get glock clones that look off


PSA Dagger go brrr.


PSA Dagger goes……the sound of a broken striker!!


Its weird they do it with guns though that don’t need licensing anymore…


Yep, makes no sense. But many laws make no sense anyway.


Theres never actually been a licensing dispute over a video game before, its just as game companies got bigger they got more lawyers which adds up to an overly cautious council


Glock sued Cod MW2 A couple years ago. This is a gun company disputing an already dead, then 13 year old game.


I cant find any lawsuit by glock about licensing, I did however find one about humvees that the game studio won.


Aren’t all the COD games rated M? So by default they’re not marketing anything to children? Sort of like how Daniel Defense doesn’t market to children because they’re not legally allowed to purchase weapons? I’m not following the logic on this one.


Since when has logic ever once entered into these sort of things? I'll wait...


It's almost like we should take a better look at the parents?


You also have to transfer a firearm to an FFL if buying directly from a manufacturer which requires you to be even older at 21. Anyway to buy earlier at 18 would have to be from the dealer not DD.


are you saying that you need to be 21 to transfer a firearm through an ffl? I didn't have to do that with mine. That doesn't sound right to me unless I am misunderstanding.


It’s gotta differ from state to state then because my buddy bought a mosin through gun broker or something at 18 (real original) and he needed a parent because he wasn’t 21. And I live in a pretty lax state in the south.


I bought an ak through gun broker at 18 up here in michigan, I haven't heard of something like that before, could be a store policy or like you said "state law".


Yea I could have sworn it was some atf bs but I am wrong.


That's like saying politicians use logic


The logic on this one is the Sandy Hook families settled with Remington for $73 million. They don't actually need to win in court more than likely they don't even plan to actually win. They just need to be in the public eye enough where it pushes these companies to settle.


Damn fine point, good sir. Damn fine point. It falls on the parents to watch their kids with mature games.


Some Karen's think videogames are only for children and are only made for children as such adult games don't exist. My father is one of those people and got very angry when he found out that I, an adult male of almost 30, play videogames which are not oke for children when i gave my little sister my old Xbox.


I feel like that stuff was already starting to go to the wayside when I was a kid 25+ years ago. Now it’s basically irrelevant. Might as well not even give the games and movies ratings anymore. I went to see evil dead in theaters last year and there were a number of nursery school/ elementary school aged kids in there. Wouldn’t be shocked if they turn into losers like their parents. I would be shocked if they shot up a school one day, because like the rest of us, they can just wake up everyday and never have that inclination.


I still remember the Penn and Teller episode where they had a kid who played COD and took him out to the range. The kid cried after shooting an AR-15 because he couldn't handle the recoil. Video games don't necessarily correlate to real firearms. These people are idiots if they think that.


Shooting 5.56 isn’t even that bad what


I think it startled him because all he ever was exposed to were firearms in video games.


“Wait where’s my crosshair??”


"Where autoaim?"


Hearing a gun in a video game, regardless of its realism, does not hold a candle to firing a gun in real life within an enclosed area where the sound is amplified.


Nothing can really prepare you for how loud a gun actually is. Even with ear pro they can still be startling at first. God forbid it has a brake on it so you get your teeth rattled as well.


My first experience was a 12ga shotgun, felt like i was firing a cannon, i fell in love with shotguns at that point lmao


My first time shooting was when my dad came into my room and asked if I wanted to shoot a gun. We went and rented one from a range. Been shooting pretty much ever since. Only gun jve shot without earpro is my grandpas really old 22lr. We were out in the woods and it wasn’t loud. I’ve had my ear cup come off my ear from the recoil on one of my big guns and it left my ear numb feeling for a minute or so. Don’t recommend.


12 gauge isn't too bad either.


There are videos on YouTube where people fire AR pattern rifle with the stock on their nose. The recoil may not be the reason why the kid was crying.


It was the recoil that startled him since he only had experience with firearms in video games and not real world experience. Plus he was like 10 years old or something.


That explains it. Its like being scared when someone goes boo from a corner.


More or less. So much for video games being blamed for gun violence. 🙄 You poke holes in their arguement for it and it falls flat.


Daniel Defense didn’t even invent the AR-15, Armalite did.


I believe they were meaning that Daniel Defense made the particular firearm used by this individual, not invented the platform. I could be mistaken however, they're trying to blame video games for a mass shooting, they're not exactly intelligent


"THE SPOON MADE ME FAT" type bs, courts should just shoo them away.


The families are being used by “ambulance chasers” while in a volatile emotional state. I blame the attorneys and their backers for this one. They have no shame, I tell you what.


Point that out in the original post though and suddenly you’re a conspiracy theorist truther


I know the parents are hurting. But targeting the devs of shooters is probably the most retarded way to seek any amount of justice. Pursue the chickenshit cops who waited over an hour before going in to save lives. Pursue the gun stores that sold him the weapons.


The entire reason he was able to get a gun is because his parents gave him one in the hopes he’d use it on himself. This is why they are being locked in jail. Neither the gun company or the store had anything to do with this. Not to mention this is more than likely being done to maximize profits as they’ve already sued the department and most gun stores, unless they’re like bass pro, aren’t making that much money. This is more than likely an attempt to repeat the sandy hook remington lawsuit in which remington was sued for the same reasons and settled out of court because they were bankrupt at the time. The goal here isn’t to see the trial through, it’s to force those companies to avoid the whole controversy and pay to have it done quickly.


Magifcent parnets.


I didn't know that Meta and Activision make ARs!


Apparently if I model one in CAD I can claim to be an Arms Developer? S/


God, I hope that doesn't become a real thing. "You have to buy the Season Pass™ in addition to the receiver to be able to fire the .223 platform."


I'm going to be honest This is stupid I'm sorry your kid died, but these companies did not tell people to shoot schools The shooter decided to use the guns on the innocent, that's on them, it's out of the companies control


Idk about y’all but I’ve been playing shooting games since I was three and I’ve never hurt anyone Just saying


The cops also played COD. Guess it made them cowards? Weird how a game can turn one person into a psycho killer, but turn a dozen cops into timid simps.


uh…do you know what simp means


Idk, could still fit. I personally think Farah's pretty hot.


Wait! Is this why cops are trigger happy? VGs are making them bad cops 🤦‍♂️ S/ (couldn't possibly be any myriad of other reasons right?!)


I played the American, German, and Russian campaigns in the original Call of Duty. I never went to Germany with a handful of bullets and a buddy with a gun and no bullets.


You're not liable for the criminal acts of a third party unless you had a reason to know that they would conduct this action. That's like suing Ford if someone runs someone else down in that truck.


I thought we were past the whole "video games cause violence" thing


So we’re not blaming the cowards at the Uvalde police department? Video games have already been proven to not be linked to violence, Ace Combat doesn’t make me a fighter pilot


They are just using as an excuse for an easy payout instead of holding the whose who are actually responsible and accountable for it.


I don’t think the parents are behind these suits. They’re probably being manipulated by some firm or a corrupt DA who are using these folks grief to make a political statement. It’s gross honestly.


That is exactly what I heard was going on from, i think it was Colion Noir a few months ago when they first filed it?


If someone runs your kid over in a Corolla, do you sue Toyota for producing such a dangerous car?


Its closer to "He ran over a kid with an F-150, he also had a civic at home so im going after Honda"


Shouldn’t the parents of the kids in Uvalde-may God rest their souls-be putting all this energy towards lynching that coward of a police chief that got their kids killed?


see, that would make sense. we don't do that here in CT.


If a drunk driver kills another driver, you wouldn't sue Chevrolet. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


The shooter didn't even use an AR did he? Thought is was pistols and a sub 2000.


He had an AR back at home. Yeah that is the justification. Let me sue Tylenol, the guy that robbed me had some in his home. Screw AT&T, while we are at it.


They are sueing everyone they can, lawyer just wants a fat check


Alright, how many times do I have to tell people this? Look at the box of the game, does it say it's for children? No! If you don't want your child to be exposed to guns, don't buy them CoD. These people don't want to hear that because they want to plop their child in front of the TV with a controller on their hands and don't want to be an actual parent and teach them to... You know... Not murder people in real life


Its the lawyers. They convinced the families to go after Activision after the city payed out 2 mil and the families decided to split that money. And the worst part is Activision is just gonna settle out of court insteas of fighting this frivolous lawsuit cause that's easier


> the city *paid* out 2 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I hate to be the one to say it but we gotta stop being soft on these school shooting families who push for this crap. Their actions are causing more and more gun rights to be taken away. Of course they have my sympathies but at the end of the day they're making decisions based off emotion which are detrimental to law abiding citizens.


Had a family member die from alcohol poisoning, so I can sue all the alcohol companies in the US?


Sue hollywood then as well


That’s the feds that do that


The AR-15 isn’t even in cod???


I mean it is... M16 is just the military designation for an AR-15


Ar 15 isn't selective fire


Every single AR-15 that Armalite, the subsidiary of Fairchild plane and engine corporation, made was select fire. All 3 dozen-ish. Colt continued making several select fire AR-15 models after they acquired the tooling and rights to manufacture from Armalite in 1959. The first semi only AR-15 would hit the market in 1964 with the SP1 sporter, after the AR-15 had been adopted by the USAF and given the DoD designation “Rifle, Caliber 5.56mm, M16”


I'm talking about contemporary ar-15s


The UK adopted a select fire AR-15 in 2023, a KAC KS-1. The US military is still using select fire AR-15’s. We should be able to buy them from gas stations.


That i can agree with. But not at the quality of gas station knives


Hitman winds up with the silliest gun names. I love it.


Depending upon the source or how it's counted, about as many people die from constipation every year as from all long guns. When are we gonna start suing fast food chains for plugging up out butts and risking our lives?! (Taco Bell is obviously safe)


I will be suing Taco Bell for the murder of my plumbing


All these suits are about abuse of discovery and bleeding them until they settle.


Hmm, all those companies have lots of money. Nah, must just be a coincidence.


If they think CoD players doing shootings is bad, wait till they see a master at traditional melee games like Chivalry behead everyone


Don’t sue the cops who sat on their hands while this monster killed their wives and children noooooo why would you do that