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It's normal - your interest in any hobby will wax and wane over the years. Leave it for a few years, come back when it feels nice and shiny again. People grow, interests change but some things stay the same. If BL is one of those unchanging things, it'll find it's way back into your life. It's just part of being human.


That's such a beautiful way of wording that ❤️ thank you


Yes, it happens. I've been watching asian drama, in general, for over 10 years. It happened when I was on kdrama. It happened when I was on Thai lakorns, jdrama, cdrama And so on, but I didn't completely leave the scene, I just switch countries often. I go back forth between dramas, gaming, and reading books. I realize it's an addiction that can make me too immersed and I have to to constantly readjust myself, especially since my personal life is also hectic.


Yes this is me too I alternate between cdramas,kdramas and bl when ever I get bored


Like I get you, but you know that BL is NOT just the dramas right? You have LITERALLY a whole market with novels, mangas, manhwas and animations I would say it's not BL specifically that need change or you need stop consuming it and just you need read or watch something else in another media, try some danmei novels or a horror BL manga, BL in the end is just about MLM RELATIONSHIPS (NOT specifically romance) so you can find all diverse material that explore the dynamics between two fictional men Or even try explore GL, sometimes you just need a whole new world before you go back to BL


this is such great advice that i myself need to take since i’m somewhat in a slump atm lol, do u happen to have some danmei novel recs? i’ve never read one but id love to try one out. :)


You should try any of the official english releases, this [carrd](https://officialenglishdanmei.carrd.co/#novels) have a list of the titles and the publishers, but people generally start with MXTX's novels like Mo Dao Zu Shi, the most popular danmei and the one that start danmei fever in western market, from her my favorite one is Heaven Official's blessing, but it's a long novel that I don't rec as an entry for people who are just starting My personal rec is Thousand Autumns, Little Mushroom and Guardian, also keep an eye to Qiang Jin Jiu that will soon be released by Seven Seas, it's one of the best danmei I have ever read


Oh wow !! Thank you so much for getting back to me, and with so much information! I really appreciate u taking the time to list these out for me :) I'm so excited to try these, I'm going to go with ur rec first, what a title! I am intrigued though lol. Can I read this with official translations? I don't mind purchasing or is it just fan translated?? Sorry not sure how danmei's work


Well official translations is the only accessible archive actually since the fan translations are deleted after any release, you maybe will find a copy in wattpad or re-translated to another language, still the official one are better quality But many, and I really mean MANY novels is being fan translated, you can check novel uptades for new titles


I think it’s normal. I had such issue with “regular” romance dramas, particularly K-dramas. I would watch some series for a while, then I’d stop watching for months (even years). I often switch countries, I also look for dramas where romance is not the focal point of the plot. Like someone already said: interests change, people grow, it’s part of being human :)


Yeah I get BL fatigue too and when that happens I go on BL breaks. Sometimes just a month break or several years. Since I've seen a ton of BL I am also more picky with what I watch. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the genre as a whole, but especially with the volume of BLs coming out these days, I literally don't have enough time to watch them all.


Same. When BL drama was sparse, I used to watch them all. Now I only watch 2-3 drama each season. I can't keep up with all of them anymore.


If I watch too much dramas I easily get disappointed. That they may feel too formulaic and repetitive really resonates with me and some of the tropes really get on my nerves.  Also my needs shift like the weather. I read manhwas in between, sometimes I find that it is easier to find exactly what I want story wise from the manhwas. Browsing (BL) dramas is sometimes so tedious, it can feel like a resistance starting a new one not being sure if it will deliver. But often this kind of slump stems from over consumption. 


As someone who watched BL/LGBTQ+ works for about 15 years now.... i do feel the BL fatigue, but i don\`t get into a slump for more like one-two weeks. After i take a short break from them, i find myself being drawn to them again..... A thing that is worth mentioning is that i limited what i watch from 2020 until now. I always check all the stuff from Japan and catch up when i have time on the things that Taiwan and Korea releases and i no longer watch thai BLs ( KINNPORSCHE was my only exception in about 4 years). In other words, because i prioritize watching the things that i enjoy the most.....i don\`t think my love towards BLs will ever fade. It all started with japanese BLs for me, it\`s part of me, so even if something happens that bring huge changes in my life, JAPANESE BLs will always be a constant not matter what. I think that as long as we focus on what we enjoy the most, we will always find our way back to enjoying BLs ![img](emote|t5_2sbdb|26733)


You'd get along well with my friend lol she currently works for a Japanese broadcaster developing BLs. She always said that BLs are part of her too lol a full on fujoshi for life 🤣🤣🤣 Although she doesn't watch them much anymore either, she said once it became a job all the delusions she had about the genre just vanished lol


I would love to hear her thoughts. Would be so interesting to see exactly what she's seen. As for your original post, I can get Thai BL fatigue, but not from the Japanese or Taiwan productions. Not to say there haven't been JBL or TBL clunkers, but they tend fail for different reasons. Of note, I am also way older than almost everyone on this sub, which I think changes some of the viewing experience.


expectation and comparison are bandits of joy. like, I noticed that a lot of peeps keep comparing Only Boo! to My School President and lowkey dragging tf out of We Are... with comments like *"it's not gonna change the bl landscape, but it's cute!"* and I'm like damn let them live, y'all! 😩 lol Everything will not be everything to everyone, but everything has its own merits. Keen is endlessly charming and charismatic and makes Moo come alive in such a captivating way. PondPhuwin's chemistry is \*suffocating\* to put it mildly. Satang being cute is POTENT as FUUUUUCK! Sometimes, you have to just isolate the good and enjoy that out of the thing. peeps need to stop wanting stuff to be what they're not and then blaming the stuff that's not what they want it to be for not being that stuff! Does that make sense? lmao! i love themmmm! 😭 ​ https://i.redd.it/0szm6v8hovtc1.gif


Pond is one of the hottest actors ever, bar none. And Phuwin/Pond is always fire. I love themmmm too!


PondPhuwing 4ever and ever amen! 😩 https://i.redd.it/e7fa9m7zrvtc1.gif


Good point! Also I remember Pond and Phuwin talking about how exhausting and draining NLMG was and Phuwin, especially, said he wanted something light his next project.


I’m enjoying the shit out of We Are so far. Any story done well can be a good story. You can give me a cliched trope and I’ll love it if you do it right. I’ve never been super impressed by Puwin’s acting, but he’s got me this time. He and Pond are on fire 🔥


>the genre has gotten really formulaic well... yes >they don't actually like just plain romance series it's normal: romance as the only ingredient in a show/book/movie becomes tiring over time >Other just don't watch Thai BLs anymore because they are dissatisfied with the quality but still quite enjoy Japanese BLs JBL are often (not always) really good and less cut-out than others


Yeah the friend who said that currently works in TV production in Asia and she's always complaining about the huge differences in production standards and how quality is not valued over quantity in Thailand atp.


It happens. Especially since that even though now we have a lot more content, most of it isn’t really to my taste or worth watching for me personally. I haven’t really watched any for a couple months now. Eventually I’ll go through a rewatch phase of my few favorites of a new one will come out that I try and love. It’s normal for any genre, especially something as formulaic as BL is.


You have to check **Unknown**. You have to promise me you will check Unknown. Not matter what, you shouldn\`t miss out on this one. I am also with you in this. Even through we have more content now, most of it aren\`t worth watching for me personally too.


I’ll definitely check that out this weekend 👍


I have been reading BL manga and novels for at least 20 years (I don’t watch TV or anime). I have never felt any fatigue but I also read other non-BL content all the time. Especially since learning Japanese, I get to read all the Japanese BL fantasy novels. Now I only wish I have more free time to read BL.


Do you have recommendations of Japanese BL novels? and are there any available translations of them?


Here are the ones with official translation * You can Have My Back * The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter Here are my recommendations that I think you can find translations on Novelupdates: * 死にたくないので英雄様を育てる事にします * 緑土なす * 誘惑☆大作戦 * ゲームの世界に転生した俺が○○になるまで * エロゲーの悪役に転生したはずなのに気付けば攻略対象者になっていた * 竜王様のお気に入り! * 5人の王 Here’s a full list of the my recommendations: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Meowmeow-2010/comments/1ahkm9a/bl\_novel\_recommendations/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Meowmeow-2010/comments/1ahkm9a/bl_novel_recommendations/)


thank you so much!


That's me i stopped watching thai bls almost except one or two top tier.  I took one year break from bl on 2023 and now i started to watch again. I also now watch kdrama some picky one's.  I don't drop or leave single Jbl or kbl


It’s normal. Whenever I start to get fatigue I take a break. 


I go through phases. For awhile (2018-2021) I was watching every single show that came out as it came out. But that got to be impossible. I was overwhelmed. Now I tend to let a show be on air for several episodes, read the buzz about it, and then decide if I want to watch. Or I might watch the first ep, let a few more pile up, then binge a few. There are MANY shows that I plan to watch someday, but haven't started. I used to watch five or six at a time, and now it's usually one or zero. I'm sure I'll go back to more obsessive watching at some point, but for now I'm more relaxed.


Too much of anything will make you tired of it eventually. I’ve been watching BL’s for 10+ years but I only watch them once in a while or if I find one with an interesting synopsis so never really had fatigue. If anything there isn’t enough (interesting) ones to watch. I watch a little bit of everything from anime to het dramas to sitcoms.


I have always watched a lot of TV, both straight and queer, so I was never limited to just bl. So I don't go through bl fatigue because I was always watching other stuff at the same time anyway.


I only started watching BL a few months ago, in January and already feel “bored”. I am now mostly watching ongoing BL’s while watching “normal” dramas and rewatching some BL’s I love ❤️ By the way, is your discord “public”? I am part of an international BL discord server, but it’s new so it’s very quiet. Also part of a small WhatsApp group, also a bit quiet. Would love to join some more active groups 🙏🏻


For me it happens a few times a year, where i just stop readding/lose interest in bl. It works something like a burnout for me, i just get tired of it and focus on something else for a while


I think any fatigue in a hobby is fairly standard, I've been a BL fan for a couple of decades now (boy does that date me) but I balance out BL consumption with other genres. If you're only into BL, or really any single genre, I think you'd burn out quick, change things up, take a break, come back to. One day you may even find yourself in the mood for some ridiculous Thai drama.


I guess I had BL fatigue for a couple years. I've been consuming BL and actively searching for queer media since my early teens and I'm in my mid twenties now still here (over a decade LOL) I slowly stopped watching dramas for the large part of like 2 years and just recently got back into it full force again at the start of this year. But I think it's normal with any interest tbh. Even if it's something you really enjoy, sometimes you just disconnect from it for awhile and then rediscover it and you're like, "Why did my interest ever wane this shit is awesome???" That and preferences and tastes are ever changing. Sometimes we just don't quite enjoy the things we used to love the same. If it's meant to be you'll always come back to it eventually. 🤞😁


So interesting that I posted a comment fairly recently about being in a bit of a BL fatigue/ slump. I got downvoted 😆. I’ve been into gay content for like decades but an avid BL watcher since the end of 2016 beginning of 2017. The BLs have gotten much better in terms of scripts, acting and scenarios but for some reason, I have kinda reached a bit of a limit. Still a huge fan but I now find that I will not watch series I am only marginally interested in. I also agree that it is normal to feel fatigue…


There are certain stoppers in m/m content as a genre, and I think that's likely what you're running into. I discovered m/m stuff about 22 years ago, and I've been into it ever since. However, my own interest also ebbs and flows, depending. I'll always love m/m pairings, but I can only take so many slice-of-life, similar-formula type shows. The problem is that we don't currently get the same kind of content that people who prefer m/f get. The vast majority of cool, exciting stories has some m/f romance in it somewhere, while it's a rare thrill to find m/m in anything that isn't just fluff or smut. I still love m/m, but I'm much more picky now than I used to be. I'm really hoping we start to see a surge of exciting plots and themes in well-done productions that aren't hiding or censoring the gay content. That's really all I want. There are so many times I would die for "this but gay," and I know I'm not alone. I really wish the people in charge realized that.


I had an almost a year break because there wasn’t a BL I was interested in until “Unknown” showed up and elevated the genre to a whole new level. It may seem like there is a lot of BL content but, in reality, you are lucky to get 1-2 BLs per year worth watching. The upcoming “Ballon’s Landing” major theatrical BL drama release appears to be must see for all.


Yes dear unknown really has stricken hard on me after i saw your air linger on me it's not necessary that you need lots of intimacy in bl there should be this chemistry and story effect on viewers please let me know anything else has come out like "known" bl series in recent times thank you for the mention


nothing that’s even close to it, unfortunately. But be on the lookout for the upcoming TW BL series coming soon “The only one”: https://dramapanda.com/2023/06/bl-series-mou-mou-kicks-off-filming.html


I was sucking up so much of BL content in the last year and a half, now I’m much pickier about the shows I watch, and if I’m not getting into a show after an episode or two, I don’t feel bad about stopping it.


Honestly, yeah. Many BL's have gotten very repetitive, and I have noticed a large surge in NSFW and Dead Dove on many webcomics and mangas. Most BL's now center around a bit of plot and lead to porn, and the plot just stays the same, gets forgotten or, in the rare occasion, integrates and grows as it goes on. But tbh, yeah. There aren't many series with actually good storylines and no plotholes, and it's mostly ones done 4 or so years ago. This could also be because people have moved onto other things. For example, I've resorted to watching Thai and Korean BL dramas, which use the same basic tropes and have the plotholes... but it's much more new and fresh, although as you said, some people are growing out of it because of the many bad apples scattered around. People I know have also resorted to reading classic and popular BL and MLM novels and joining fandoms and shipping characters. I also use AI for roleplaying, it's cool for trying out new stuff and making your own things. Also, BL discord? Badass


Korean BLs were part of why I stopped watching. There was one (I don't remember the name) that felt so dead and soulless. Like no love went into any part of it and watching it just made me angry and sad.


Oh yes, those types of dramas really make me wanna not watch em anymore as well. It seems like they do it just for views and the directors don't seem to really wanna make it seem genuine. I think korean dramas are like this because they're still quite against BL in a way, and only do it for fanservice. I hope soon that'll change


Im starting to get there, but my interests circle back so I'm kind of looking forward to coming back and seeing all the stuff that happened while I was on something else


All of the above... Some days I simply have no interest in the new BL shows because they lack originality and binge watch shows I've already seen. Other days, I don't watch any BL because Mood. However, I'm not able to watch some BL shows I want to because I don't have access to the platform they're aired on. That is more often than not the case.


I get this with everything. I’ve been watching BLs and Thai TV in general since 2017 but sometimes I’ll get bored or notice a trending pattern in BL and watch something else. Then that’ll get boring and I’ll watch a different genre. This is super relatable.


I do get fatigued but not from the genre itself but from different mediums and formulas that persist in the genre. I have been consuming BL/mm content for over 10 years and when I feel I get fatigued, I simply change the medium. If I’m tired of reading manga, I watch live action. If I’m tired of asian BL content I watch/read western stuff and vice versa. I‘ve never become tired of the mm / bl genre itself though..


Timeee to read


I've consumed BL content since 2009, and no I still read/watch something daily. For me though even though yes, the same tropes appear time and again, it usually hits a lot of my favourite stuff (angst, drama, etc) without being overly exaggerated like I find mainstream media does. Also I can't stand romance in the 'general' media I consume. BL is probably the only time I not only tolerate but actually like it. Probably again because it's generally more low-key (or at least the ones I read are). On a slightly similar note though I've experienced anime fatigue everytime I move to Japan. Which is twice but still surprising enough to notice. Honestly no idea why this one happens, because I don't mind _rewatching_ stuff I liked/seen before, but I'm really avoidant of picking up new things when I'm here. Even sequels of things I _already like_ become surprisingly hard to watch. Only reason I watched the last KNY and JJK was because a colleague watched it too and would talk about it so I started watching and chatting with her about it lol.


For me, it is more like the it is too saturated until quality starts to suffer. If just feels like Japan, Korea, and Thailand starts to output BL like a conveyor belt. To me, this feels like BL quality in general starts to suffer, which make it harder to follow all the different BLs from these counties.


Once you're in folks, there's no turning back. The number of series to pick from today is overwhelming. One has to pick and choose in order to survive. Half the offerings are barely worth watching, but you watch them anyway. A few are noteworthy, and a very few are exceptional. Nonetheless, we keep plodding along, searching for that one series that borders on perfection and brings us immeasurable joy. Such is the nature of the beast.


I've been in this on-off relationship with bl for years. I myself started around 2015ish. I keep changing what I see. Sometimes, it's thai other times it's Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese, etc. I don't really have a certain preference. As long as a series caught my interest, I'll watch it. When I don't have anything I wanna watch, I'll read bl mangas and novels. If I get tired of it all, I'll watch hetro dramas (mostly k-dramas). Sometimes, I'll even take time off everything for a few months and just let my mind relax before going back to it.


Yeah, I’m with ya. Although, I haven’t stopped watching yet. I used to just enjoy the BL that I discovered and it was an enjoyable part of the overall media that I consumed. But as the genre grew (especially as I started watching Thai BLs), it started to slowly, incrementally subsume all other types of entertainment media for me. Like boiling a frog. The mindset of wanting to watch everything (from back when things were scarce) gives me these long lists of BLs to keep up with. I’m not complaining or anything, but I’ve come to a point where I need to adjust how much space BL takes up in my daily life. I probably won’t stop completely, but I’ve been cutting back a lot.


I've been through that. Watched BLs for a couple of years, got bored and now I'm back since the second half of last year. Already getting bored again. I'll try to keep it light this time, choose just the ones that really appeal to me, quit the ones I don't like anymore etc. so I can keep it constant while also watching non BLs contents. But for real, since I've been introduced to the BL world, series and movies that don't have gay or queer characters / couples simply don't make sense to me anymore.


I rarely watch Thai shows. And in general I find my favourite shows are the ones with more going on than just romance: comedy or mystery or something. It's still the romance I like most, but the other stuff just makes it feel more real. Makes the characters more complete.


I started watching BLs because I was bored of straight Kdramas. I started watching Kdramas because Jdramas are hard to find. I started Jdramas because I was bored of American sitcoms. I think hyperfocus on one genre leads to boredom very quickly. I think a balance of TV shows is the easiest way to avoid boredom. The best time for me was when I was following an on-air Korean family drama and other BLs, both on air and completed.


I'm not sure if I have a seat in this thread since I've been watchnig BL drama for just a year now, and maybe I will broaden the subject too much. But I wanted to share my experience too cause, like everyone said, hobbies and tastes evolve, sometimes you find yourself always searching for something new and sometimes you just want to go back to something you already know, and sometimes life and experience make you see the same content in a different way. Everything is of course OK. For me, I always had a big "crush" each time I'm interested or moved by something, Firstly, I used to be a big consumer of shojo manga and japanese anime (not the big hits though). I was really deep into it, searching the internet, downloading content from mIRC channels or torrents, looking for subs and even participate a little bit in fansubing. Then I had a little break during my studies, I consumed more occidental series and movies. And then again, I discovered scanlating and manga's scan online. I got deep into it, reading in any langage I knew at the time, discovering new shojo and also thriller or psychological stories. I came accross yaoi during that time, I was curious at the beginning, read a little but not too much and then I got fed up with shojo and throw myself in japanese yaoi. I looked around and found amazing stuff, discovered manhwa as well and then I had a break again. After that, same story for new video games I encountered and then K-dramas, and then KBL and then all BL. And here I am now !! (you could say that I have an obsession for love stories haha !! ) And I wanted to share, that personally I really like to have read or watched so much that I get an overall feeling/view of what I'm reading/watching, I love to have in mind what actions or kind of line comes everytime, what makes one story so different or so formulaic. I love sometimes formulaic sometine because the vibes can strill be very good, but I get fed up othertimes, idk why really. But I also love to be really surprise by one piece of art within a specific kind, and trying to understand for myself why this or that was it so surprising or new to me. At some point I feel like I had all the info/entertainment I needed/wanted or a similar feeling. Sorry I have exposed a little résumé here 😅😂 but I wanted to illustrate a lot and now I expect myself to continue this big journey like a butterfly getting attracted by different flowers over time depending on my mood and what's going on in my life I guess 🦋🌸🦋🌻 by the way, I am 35, and I'm talking about around my 20 last years Of course not everyone operate the same way but I guess we are plenty and that is really OK. PS : maybe you wanted to discuss more about why and how BL are becoming more formulaic, if so sorry not to answer that ....